The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, August 31, 1860, Image 1

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    -> A,- /' s ■*
BY 65. f\ MEYERS,
At the following terms, to wit:
AT 50 ner annum, CASH, in advance.
$2.00 " " if paid within the year.
e.Vr.o " " if not paid within the year.
subscription taken for less than si* months.
irrXo paper discontinued until all arrearages are
•N unless at the option of the publisher, it hae
,■ .ruled by the United States Courts that tbs
. .pajeof a newspaper without tne payment ot ar
*earaaes, is prima facie evidence ol fraud and is a
criminal olfence.
i'ne courts have decided that persons are ac
'Stable for the Subscription price of newspapers,
. \tatf'i them from the post office,whether 'hey
subscribe for them, or not. j
folio win?, which we clip from the
Chicago Times, will no doubt b** copied by all
the BLACK REPUBLICAN papers in the country.
For lear, however, that some ol these papers
may not see it, we will "keep it jog?mg a *
An ' 4lSl Abe" Song.
There wasan old sucker, and his name was f nCi n
Spiittin' rails long ago, long ago,
He wore an old tiie seven foot 'bove de grade,
Cbc oe hole whar de corn-juice go.
Lay down de beetle and de crow,
Fill up de gourd wid whisky O,
Too much gum tree lor poor old Abe,
He's up for a Salt River go.
His legs am so long as de pole c!> de bean,
And his heels am not werry short,
He dancd all r.ight floatin' down stream,
And he drink ob de corn juice a quart.
Tie up de flat-boat to de shore,
Dance and go homo wid tie gals no more,
JUICE hard to find up dnr, Uncie Ab,
Tor no co:n grow on Salt River shore.
When OH Abe won, Seward take "em werry bad,
Aril his tears ton down like de rain,
Massa Greeiy—DlDN F IOOIC very sad,
He play de debil SOME ega.n.
Lay down de KIGGER and de RAIL,
Hangup lie COOXF.Y by de tail,
Guv up de gourd to poor Old Abe,
I;e is going up Salt River to sail.
TEte Eiea<i to Baltimore.
Written on the cars by "Sioux," ol the Mil
waukee .Yeirs, and suin', t>y the Western
Delegates on their way to the Balti
more Convention.
Here comes the Western Delegates,
Who've taken a little re-t
Since voting every time
For ihe "Giant ol the West."
For the Giant of the West,
The Giant of the West,
Since voting every time
For the Giant of tne vVest:
We have left our fields and labors,
And are going down again
To te ich the politicians
That he never can be slain.
Our Grant I s the people's choice,
They r ame him hut to prais-,
He's set cur praries a.I on fire.
And soon jou'll see the blaze.
We love the "Little Giant,"
So a';! the people say,
And we'll vote for no one else,
'Till after election day.
We're going down to Baltimore
To make him President,
And then you'll smell the powder bum
Where e'er the ball is sent.
Now when yon hear our cannons,
Don't say its all a sham,
For soon you'll learn with sorrow,
"Pis the end of ABRAHAM.
The lightning will convey the news
Ahead of Old Buck's mails,
'Twill strike in every Western State,
And burn old Lincoln's railr.
Here's a health to Stephen Touglas,
God bles c the young hero,
H" s an honor to his country,
And a tenor to its foe.
W ho is this, so gaunt and thin 1
' 1 is Old Abe Lincoln, Old Abe Lincoln.
He's r.ot go"d looking, and he can't come in—
Poor Abe Lincoln, Poor Abe Lincoln.
He may be good at splitting rails,
This Abe Lincoln, this Abe Lincoln ;
He'll be sweetly mauled by Democratic flails,
Poor Abe Lincoln, poor Abe Lincoln.
Sound the loud luzzy-guzzy,
Let the hegaw ring,
Beat up the tuzzy muzzy,
Chingalorum bungo vim !
Elevate the rail in the air,
Swing the blazing torch on high,
Sambo is much better than Sam,
And we'll fight for him till we die !
From the Decatur (111.) Magnet.
the last weeks issue of the Chronicle, I noticed
a letter signed "John Hanks," which is so ex- |
traordinaiy in many o! its features that I teel j
called upon to give it a brief notice.
J ihn Hanks is mv voun-'er brother, and Abe
Lincoln ismv cousin. I have known both John
and Abe from their earliest childhood. Since j
brother John has committed himself to the De- j
t atur politician, who is using him as a tool to
speculate in certain rails (that I know Cousin j
Abe never made,) I have great fears that broih
er John, like cousin Abe, has fallen into had j
hands, and that a man by nature made for a j
goodjmari, but who always needed protecting
| counselors, may be bv his bad associations en- 1
tirely ruined. I have known the entire history j
of both brother John and cousin Abe, and ali ;
: t hat in the letter published in the Chronicle is j
1 stuff, miserable stuff, and although ;• tor brother
I J dins name is signed to it. I kn >w that be even
y. t does not know ••••;.|,- in it ; much less did
i lie ever write it. It !< th* wotk of men un- i
s Tupu: ir then, acs that they may use in
gulling honest p-ople.
In John's letter T find a long and pathetic al
lusion to cousin Ab- 's early and hard life. That
rr.-av poetical, hit there is but little of it tiue.
In Abe's younge- davs he was simply a wild
harvn sarum bov. an i jumping and wrestling
iv-re F.ts only accomplishments. llis jlaziness
, was the cause ■ f many mortifications% me;
j for as 1 was an older boy than either Abe or
John, I often had to do Abe's work at uncle's
i when the farnilv u re all -ick with the a<rue
; from eating water melons, and Abe would be I
• rollicking around the country neglecting them. :
in those early cays we all saw hard times : yet
;a y> ung man who wa energetic ami induslri
■>n-, cn d dress himself comtortabiv, and have
i lenty <.!' plain good food lo~eat. I have often
feit ashamed of cousin Abe in seeing him a foil
grown man gadding about the country barefoot;
with his t vs outrageously spraddled out by the
mud : and instead of reading his bocks as broth
er John, through the Decatur politician poeti
cally tells us, lie would be rowdying around
! with a pack of wild young men. I well re
member when he went courting one of Mai >r
Vvarnick's daughters in this count v. his boots
were so miserably bad that his feet were frost
i bitten an.i i e had to lay up at Maj. Warnick*-
j tor two Me ks, and have trie old lady nurse and
i doctor his feet.
j Jam fully persuaded that brother John is ta
king the strange c mrse he is now pursuing for
j the purpose cf making money out of a rail .spec
ulation, and if I could for one moment think
that tiie Decafnr sharpers, in whose hands he
i is, would not cheat him out of every cent of
the iTionei', I would not spoil the speculation bv
j telling the facts.
The facts in regard to those rails are these :
The little farm that John and Abe made the
rails to fence contained 10 acres. About five
years after this little farm was fenced, the en
tire fine was burned up, to mv certain knowl
edge, for I hauled the rails to fence it the sec
; ond time. Lewis H. Ward who now resides in
j tins county, witnessed the fire that burnt the
• rails, and he is willing to make affidavit of this
I lived within two miles and a half of this
Lincoia farm from tiie time it was first settled
i up to 18fT, and during these early times our
. farmers were subject to be visited by devasta
ting fires, audi know that the fence around the
Lincoln farm was consumed at least three times.
And I know that the Lincoln family had left
'■ liter farm, that the fence was again burned and
. that Sfielt. Whitley and Dan McDaniels made
the rails and re-fenced it.
j I think, and lam almost certain, that the
rails that are now being worshipped all over
i the north as Lincoln rails, were made bv poor
Hill Strickland, who is now poor, blind, helpless
and in the Macon County Poor House. And
if these philanthropic Republicans would allow
1 me to make them one suggestion, it would be to
! ...
j help poor Bill Strickland who really did make
' the rails, and who is as honest as Abe, or anv
body else that ever mauled a rail, instead of
' spending their money over bis rails.
As to cousin Abe being the "Honest Abe
politician," that : -ai x title fir him. VVheu
jhe first came to Illinois, I know that he was a
, strong Democrat. J always thought he had
j turned Whig afterwards because h<* had settled
iin a Whig District. And when I heard him in
1557 in the court house at Decatur, make a
! speech, in which he asserted that he would con
tinue to "agitate the subject of negro slavery so
j long as was heard the crack of the lash upon
the yellow girl't back," I did not feel like he
was either very honest or very patriotic, for I
suppose that he said that (or tiie purpose of
i catcniog Abolition votes.
I know that cousin Abe cared nothing about
cutting the Miroat of the old Whig partv, the
' very moment that he supposed he could make I
i anything by building up a new party. And I
i never supposed that he cared one cent as lo
' what the principles of the new party should b°,
: only so it was fix-d that h-' coul I get office.
Now, as to cousin Abe running flat-boats,
l that amounts to just this : Some voting fellows '
J n:Ki cut a rah to run d >\vn from Jimtown, and
. Ai" t>r the tun of the thing, went along in
stead of stay ing at home and attending to his
'■ own work, that was needing him v. ry much.—
j That is the extent of his flat boa'ing.
I! cousin Abe can honestly get a good office, '
f want to see him do so : but these abominable
j lies that are being told on him bv politicians
who pretend to be his friends I repel as a fami
: iiy insult.
In my own homely way I have told the a
boveas it occurred, for iae benefit of mv honest
, neighbors and acquaintances, and I wish \ou to
i publish it just as it is. I may trouble you a
We copy fr >:n the Kankakee (Illinois) bem
's ocrnl the following sermon of Mi. S. P. Smith,
I a wag and a wit of that-place. It. wilt serve to
| reli"ve the Republican dullness of this r- gion :
j '1 rxT —"A man wa- famous according r>c he hail
I lifted up axes upon the thick trees.' —Psalms
' 74 : 5.
J\ly dear Republican brethren: —fame is a
; something which has been sought lor from the
eifitest generations down to tiie present tim- :
; and as Abraham, our leader, in this dav is fa
| mous for bis great ''rail-splitting" exploits, so
! in ancient times, "a man was famous according
. as he had lilted tip axes upon tire thick trees."
Many and clivers are the ways which some
' seek to become famous without any particular
effort to become so. Some men become famous
• lor tiieir heroic deeds upon lb- 1 batiie fielu ;
some are famous lor not . img the mysteries of
the heavens, and brmging to view new Jan
ets among the starry hosts; some are famous
fos tiit ir great beauty, others for iht-ir strength ;
some arc famous as writers of book.-, others as
j writers of song : som are famous for their g-eat
I wisdom, others lor their great f.iiv : some are
: '"amous according as they have lifted up their
I voices in tiie c uinci'.s of the nation ; but Abra
ham, our leader, is famous according as he has
i lilt'-d up his axes upon the big tires, and split
i thnn into rails ; even as the psalmist hath said,
,"a roan was famous according as .he had lilted
| up axes upon the thick trees."
Therefore, my brethren, I exhort you be not
faint-hearted, for, according to the Scriptures,
Abraham,our leader, is a famous man. Though
he is not famous for his great i: ejs nl rlarir.g
! and bravery up..n the field ol battle : though he
be not famous as being greatly learned in the
arts and sciences: though lie mav not have
sought out many gr eat and useful inventions; he
is famous as a great splitter of rails : then, in
I the language ot my text, we can exclaim, "a
\ man was famous according a= he had lifted up
j axes upon the thick tr-es."
( My brethren, he ye not cast down, but hold
I up your heads and receive consolation, fir ver
ily I say unto you, Abraham, our leader is a
I famous man. Though he may not he famous as
j a great builder of ships, is he not famous lor his
great skill in flat-Boating on a raft? though he
• may not be famous for his great beautv, is lie
not famous for his great uncomeliness of physi
ognomy ? though he may not be famous for any
; new discoveiies among the starry hosts, is he
j not famous for his great researches for that
| "particular spot'' on which he founded his fa
' mous spot resolutions, and r>y which he receiv
! ert the famous cognomen of " spot Lincoln ?"
A'ea, verilv, "a man was famous xccordintf a? he
i ' C
i lifted ur> his axes upon the thick trees."
My brethren, I repeat if, in the language of
scripture, Abraham, our leader, is famous : ai
' though not famous for killing "Little Giants,"'
' is he not famous for felling the mighty giants
' of the forests ? though not famous as a patriot
' and sol tier, is he not famous for voting to with
| hold supplies from our soldiers on the plains ol
- Mexico; and, though not famous as the author
, of many books, is he not famous as the author
> of the great "irrepressible conflict," resulting
■ in the famous "John Brown raid ?" and though
f not famous for lifting up his voice in any great
speech in the iiails of Congress, he is famous for
> lifting up (lis axes an the wilderness, rtiere
, fore, in the language of scripture, we can say
, "a man was famous according as he had lifted
| up axes upon the thick trees."
i Ye, my poor deluded brethren, let us un
j | chain tiie whangdoodle, and let him howi! blow
i aloud upon the trot horn! sound the hew-gag
. • and the tuzzy-muzzy ! and beat upon the tomjon
> until we arouse the voters of this great republic
i j to the great fact that the Abraham is a famous
? rail splitter and, therefore, should be chief-ru-
Frecdora of Tliougtt and Opinion.
ter of this nation, according to scripture: for
verily, the psalmist hath said, "a man was fa
mous according as he hac lifted up axes upon
the thick trees."'
And now in conclusion, let me say, though
Abraham has a poor show while there i 3 a Gi
ant in the land, yet should we not stick te him
like molasses in a bushy brar'd of hair, and con
sole ourselves with this great fact, that Abra
ham, our leader, was famous according 3S he
had been a great rai!-plitter. And now, in
' the kriguase of the poet. I will exclaim—
• Come on my partners in distress,"
Let's iiqnor ;
for, in the lanenageof my te.x!, "a man was fa
mous according as he he had lifted up ax-s up
on the thick trees."
My : Asa general thing I'm
fernensl political preachin', but as Henry Ward
Beec her and numerous others too fejious to ,
mention, have sot the 'xzample, I don'*, know
but as how Tv., as good a to preach a f w
politics as enny of'em. I'm not a eddicated j
man, my Breihering, but I know what Liberty
is. So- is a nice o d gal, that's what Liberty is,
and my IV-therm.:, ] take htr to my errs, and
1 say , old gal you suit me ! Now J shan't tell
you. whar my te.x is, but perhaps you kin find it
I! you sard; ! IT enough, and when YOU do
find it shall rea ', '•//-■ split seme tails in llli
noy an'! bnsfjn roarin' Flat-boat
I'hem's his only qualifications, aside fiom hi
personal beauty, lor President of the United
Now tfr is is a land of Liberty, and she shan't
be busted up ef I kin help it. I know thar's a
effort beia' mad" to bust her. Thar's fernatic?
and traitors and cJd wimram in small dog's
clothing a hold of Mason & Dixon's line, a jer
kin and a haulm' ami a trvin' to sever that bully •
old cord, but, my Brethering it can't be did. '
though Abraham Lincun is cheenn' on the jer- ;
ke:s and haulers as loud as h- kin, and though !
tie f'i vy 'it some rails in lJ'inoy an I boss'J a I
| rcati->' Fi'tt-hoal !
Thar's a conspickus**! named DOUG- ' chock full of intellect and pluck, who has j
amVart iike * ox, and carries i iu Ins hand for
hi- c ejritry a benefit, who will lak- keerotthat
ar ! e and see that it ain't cut, or damag-d, ot
allowed to rot off like a pollygog's tail as it
, would if Lincun was placed in the White Hous *
—Lincun wht split some ruts in Ilhnoy and
. bos f<l a roarin' Fiat-boat
Tiie crew who oppose us, teii us to
come lo Abraham's buzzum, when the fact is he
hain't got no more buzzem, than a chist o!
jiner's tools has. And I kin tell the Republi
can infants who nestle in that ar buzzum, that,
they'll find mighty poor nussin ! And he split j
some rail's in lihnoy, and boss'd a roarin'' Flat- ;
boat !
Make Lincun Canting of the Ship of Slat •
and in less than a veir she'll be vri.hout rudder,
compass, or anchor. Who wants to see the
Ship of State degenerate into a ricketv old fiat
boat ? . ind he split some rails in Illinoy, ami
boss'd a ro irin' Flat-boat !
My Brethering, the man to be skipper of the
Ship ol S ate is Steve Douglas of Illinoy.—
Steve knows every rope in the ship. He has
been in all sorts of gab's, but aliers come out
all right. Thar's been ir.ootiny aboard when
he was before the mast, but he put it down.—
Thar's been desertion aboard fthe ship, but he
told the desarters to go to thunder whar thev
brlonged, and the ship got along better for their
My Brethering, I must close. Put the Lit
tle Giar.t lair and square in the White House
and ail will be well. Put him thar, with his
beautiful wife. Pot him thar because he be
longs 'har. Mrs. Douglas will revive thp droop
in' flowers, shake the dust out of the carpets,
have the segar tubs all carted away, clean the
old house from cellar to garret, and fill it with
' sunshine and joy. And when you get thar it
won't seem like going into the cage of an old
' he bear, who, il you don't fail down and lick
his paws, will bite your bead off.
My Brethering, S. A. Douglas is mv candi
date and Misses S. A. Douglas my Candida- ,
Let us ali sing, "Git ye out ol the Wilderness' i
—short metre. *
fFrom the Carroilion (Illinois) Gazette.]
Rev. Peter Cartwright, the Backwoods M-th- j
odist preacher, being called upon at the Demo- j
ciatic mass meeting held at Carroilton, August '
2, 1 Stilt, came forward in the presence of 20,- I
000 people, and in the course of a few remarks, j
used the following language :
I am an oid man, and it would be impossible
for me lo make my voice heard by this vast as- ■
sernbly. I do not desire to make a poli'ica! j
speech, for it is my sphere to talk upon anoth- ,
subject. Besides, there are others, here better
able to address you than myself. I only wish
to explain a few facts that have been circulated
in the papers in regard to a conversation which
took place between myself and certain others I
; on the cars, the substance of which was as fol- j
lows: 1
While on a (rip lo Ihp East, I found mysp|f j
m the company of some Northern Abolitionists j
and Republicans, and in the course of our re
marks some one asked what State I was from,'
and 1 replied, ftom Illinois. "Then," said he,
"you must he acquainted with.Mr. Lincoln, cor i
candidate for President. I told him, "I ought |
to b, for ] had lived in the same count v with !
him for many years." He then ask-d, "What :
kind of a man is he?" ' ;
Smelling a rat, as the old raying is and wish
ing to avoid a political discussion, I thought J !
would divert the attention of th- company from
this su j-c', and said I ; "He :s about sis feet
four, and if a line were let fall perpendicularly
from the crown of his head to the sole of his
foot, it would cut him in two about three
I also'old them I ha 1 b°en twice elected to
the Legislature, and was once a candidate a
gaim-t Old Abe, and beat htm, and thought he
not only suflrr- ! defeat, but was the liindmost
man of the three candidates then in the field.
I 1 also remarked that I entered the political arena i
L'CiUb;f 11 fie was an attempt fnadt* by soirit' cor- |
■ rupt politicians to change the State Cmstitu- ■
lion?) as to admit slavery; that 1 left Ken-|
lucky because 1 did not !i!,e to live with the in- !
st i tut ton of slavery, and i naturally (it-sired 111-
inois, my adopted State, to remain Iree: h-nce ;
j upon tins issue I became a candidate and was ;
elected, a majority of the people preferring a
j free and a smaif minority a Have State, Abe
consequently became a Whig when there came !
to be a majority of that party in his county. I
have ah\ .ys b to a Democrat, and i! it were
not f--r what little religion I have g-.t, I would
5...p the jaws of s";mer>f Republicans who
accuse Democrats of being pnslavery. The
papers say old Abe beat me for Congress, which
is irue, but I wish to explain how it was. The '
T. ing majority in t :<t (.-strict was thirty-five j
■ hundred. 1 was nommat-J by the Democrats,
but told my friends I could r.ot and would not
canvass the district. T, however, canvassed one
county, and in that beat Abe thirteen votes :
and [ believe if I had canvassed the whole dis
trict 1 should have heen elected to Congress.
; Abe was elected however bv fifteen hundred i
; majority, I having -educed his party's majority j
; two thousand votes, and if this is get'ing beat
•I am willing to be hea' nnv time. If*any do
i not believe these facts let them go to the records
| and see for themselves. J had iotend-d if
Do< glas, whom i assisted in getting his first
• ofiice in this Slate, and who T hope wui be elec
; ted, was not nominated at Raltim ire, to declaie
myself an independent candidate against Abe
Lincoln, for J \m con;: lent I could heat him,
and i know I would make a better President
than Old BUCK or Abe either. Some sav that
Abe was only thirteen years old when I was
elected to the legislature, and if so, I have only
to say 1 b-'at a .big Baby. In inv Biography
theie are many facts hastily thrown together,
the time of their occurrence not being reccol-
Jected or not definitely specified. In tnv re
marks I mean nothing disrespectful to Mr* Lin
coln ; I have nothing to say against iiis private
chaiacter, but J think he has some "spots" as
Well as the rest of us.
It is needle-s to say the audience gave the
most strict attention, and that the venerable
j Eider resumed his seat amid deafening shouts cf
From the Selinsgrove Times.
IT'it. CURTIN. —As you are now a prominent
candidate before the people cf this Common
wealth for the highest ofiice the people of a sov
erugn State alone can confer, and as you doubt
less des ; re every man in the State to vote for
you lor Governor, I take this seasonable occa
sion to give \ u, as well as the public, mv rea
sons whv I cannot and will not cot" lor you
When you was Secretary of this Commonwealth
a circumstance occurred in Bellefonte, the place
where you reside, showing satisfactorily to my
mind that you possess too malicious a spirit to
fill, with any creditable degree of dignity, the j
honorable position of Governor over a free,
CIVI ized and enlightened people. The circum
stance was one of too serious a nature to be lost:
and as I told you then, that I would on some
future occasion remind you of it, I shall now
proceed to do so without the fear of your revol
ver in my mind.
I will here first state that I am only a poor
man, and by prof-ssion am a huckster. At the
time above referred to, I came to Bellefonte on
| business. I had an excellent dog with me to
1 ' guard my wagon. A number of boys began
j teasing the dog by running at him : and some
j went so far as to throw f tones a? tiiin. So soon
| as the dog would defend himself against these
< unjust a'tacks. the ungodly boys ran into the
houses : but no sooner had the dog again return
ed to his wagon, than the boy 3 would also re
turn and repeat the insult. Among these boys
was tiie son of A. G. Curtin, who being a littie
tardy in reaching the house, was caught by the
dog at t fie leg of his pantaloons. The dog vva
at once recalled and tied in the s'abie b-long- j
mg to the hotel, so as to prevent tile boys from !
teasing him. Soon alter that you came to me j
and asked me whether it was my dog that had '
caught your boy. 1 told you that you should •
keep a "little cool,*' and I would explain the '
matter; but you would not h"ar my and walk- ;
ed off greatly excited, and i turned with a re- !
rolver in your hand and a crowd following |
! you. You walked up to me and drew your i
j revolver and said : You (In inn, Dutch son-of-a 1
' b —A, if you say one word, I'll shoot your G—d |
D—d Dutch Son-of-a-b —h's brains out
That, Mr. Curtin, was my introduction to our
j Secretary of State! It was a loud iand strong
1 introduction : and I must sav that I never had
an introduction to any official gentleman (?)I so
| well remember.
You then turned to the poor dog and shot
I him three times, and said you had ANOTHER
i The subscriber is rpady at anv time,! when
1 called upon, to verify these statements by good
WHOLE ftU.UCER, 2957.
land reputsUe citizens who were present and
These, then, Mr. Curtin, are some of mv rea
son. why I r~a!lv and honestly think jou are
unfit to be at the head of a fee, Dutch ana sov
ereign people like that of Pennsylvania. y ou
; -em to have a very contemptible opinion of
Dutchmen : but allow me, Sir, to tell v u tha
.he Dutchmen of Pennsylvania will show V ou
' by next October that they have an equally con
temptible opinion of you. They will shoot vou
not with revolvers, hut with' omethin<r more
effectual, and honorable, paper balls. "
...... K- PICKABD.
Miridleburg, Pa , Aug. 9, 1869.
A gentleman who lives in Montgomery, Ala
rms, an ,\\ ;io is a c!lent of Air. A ancey, states
■ iat Alabama will give 10,000 niajority for
A correspondent cf the Ohio Statesman revs
that a vote was takt n on the Centra! Ohio
iiaiiroad on the 9th i,.st.. with the following
result: Douglas 51, Lincoln 1, Breckinridge
I tione, Be|| none. There were on board Hon.
: W in. Lawrence of Guernsey county, and Dr.
Siout of Za lesville.
j Tiie Jeffersonicn, the organ of the Democra
| cy in Bienville parisli, Louisiana, las hoisted
the flag of D and Johnson.
J >hn G. .Marshall, of Clermont, Ohio, a lead
ing Republican heretofore, is on the stump for
Dougias and popular sovereign!v.
J, in. J-ihn A. Rockwell, a prominent repub
lican ol Connecticut, announces h:s intention
to support Befl.
1 ; : cs of Georgia— •Miltedzevillc, August
: "" Convention met and appoin
i ted A. H. Stephens and Augustus R. IVrwht
electors for the State at large. A resolution
was adopted unanimously inviting Senator
Douglas to visit Georgia.
:In Arkansas, the Pocahortas.tfrfrer/Ler, Mad
ison Journal, and Pin? Biuff Independent, have
Mooted the Douglas hag.
A private letrr ;r om Muscatine county, lowa,
to the Dubuque Herald, states that almost the en
tire German vote of that county, hitherto Black
Republican, will be given for Douglas.
Morris S. Evans, Esq., of Eransvilie, form
erly a prominent member of the Whig party
lias come out for D mglas and Johnson. The
Evansville Journal appears rather sore on the
Co!. A. M. Gibson, tlie alternate Elector of
the Sixth District, Alabama, on the Ereckin
i ; ridge and Lane ticket, made a speech the other
day in Blountsville, declaring for Douglas and
Daniel Gordon, of Belmont countv, Ohio,
late a ulack R-'P" 1 lican, i> now slumping that
county for Douglas, and advocating the princi
ples of popular sovereignty.
Benjamin Knapp, Esq., a well known and
much respected citizen of the Black Republi
can party, lias enrolled himself iri the Douglas
army. 3
'I A correspondent who writes from Pine
! Woeds, Madison county, New York, to the Al
i bany Jlrgus, informs hat paper that "Ash
I time ago there were but fifteen Democrat® in
t tins town, but we now have increased the num
, H to fifty, and shall go on adding to the Doug
j las list until the dav oj ejection."
Sharp Practice. — The Winona (Minn.) Dcrr.-
i octal deserves a premium on sharp practice. It
i had the printing cf the United States law?, in
I consideration ct which it supported Breckin
;ri ige and Lane with well-affected zeal. The
i t b being completed, down came the Breckin
j ridge and up went the Douglas flag, in the
! twinkling of an eye.
; Helper's Crisis, a book endorsed by sixty
, eight Republican members of Congress, says :
f ' Vou may frown and fret, but we w'ill abo'l
| ish slavery so help us God, though it bring on
civil war, though it may dissolve the Union ;
nav, annihilate the so.'ar system, vet our deter-
I mutation is as fixed as the eternal pillars of
; heaven."
A letter from Warrentown, Ala., soys
"Tins (Marshal) is a Union-loving, DouHa?
- county, so are ail the adjoining counties, and
: in fact, the some may be said of north Alabama.
Marshall votes some 1150, and I think I am
safe in saying that, if the vote were taken to
| cay Douglas would get 1000."
I At a recent Democratic meeting in Mt. Ver
non, Ohio, Joseph l\ atson, Esq., heretofore
: one of the most prominent Black ftepnlicans in
I Knox countv, stepped forward and announced
that he ami thirty-six other Republicans of hi?
township would support Stephen A. Douglas.
Co!. Henry Calhoun, a lifetime Democrat,
has taken the stump in Jasper countv, Missis
sippi. for Douglas and Johnson, and" it is said
j his speeches have ar >used the people of that
: region of Mississippi to the true condidition of
! tile conntrv.
L.\-Governor Drew of Arkansas, has taken
; th stump m that Stale for Douglas and John
j son. He addressed the people at Van Buret)
on the 3d inst., a! which a large Douglas Club
was formed.
Hon. Amos Kendall refused to prpside at a
Breckinridge meeting, and it is said he warmly
espouses the cause of Douglas.
Ml for Douglas. —ln Moon township, Al
legheny county, the Democracy, with two sm
| gie exceptions, are all for Douglas.
The German democracy of Laporte, Indiana
have established a paper" called the Minerva.
It presents a neat appearance, and is edited
with spirit and ability. It hoists the banner of
Douglas and Johnson and the democratic State
and county tickets. Long may it wave in Jhe
support of sound democratic principles, policy
and men!
v OL. 4. NO. 5.