The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, February 03, 1860, Image 3

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    HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. —Caution LLIE parent 01,
safety A word of hope.—Delicate females ex- j
randin* into the full bloom of womanhood are
frequently condemned by a false polity of soci
ety to be the lingering victims of complicated
disorders; or prevented by their timid and sen
sitive natures, or (he reprehensible neglect of
mothers fr*n acknowledging the cause of their
ailments. How many girls have been consign
ed to the cold and pitiless embrace of death
through sheer ignorance, or that want of confi
dence which should exist between parent and (
offspring When mothers behold their daugh
ters droop-the pallor'of the lily substituted for
the bloom of the rose—the dim and lack lustre
e .. e the gradual emaciatioi* of the body iet
them take" heed—a crisis has arrived which
demands their utmost vigilance and solicitude ;
Holloway's Pills are an effectual remedy for
these manifold complaints.
On the '26 th ult.,at the Meoge! House,by the
Rev. H. Ileckerman ; Mi. Samuel Mortimore,
to Miss Honor Heavner, both ot VVest Provi
dence township.
On the evening ofthe 25th ;ult., at the resi
dence ot the bride's father, by the Rev. Daniel
Williams, Mr. B. fieale, if Gallon, Ohio, to -Miss
Margaret Sill, of Bedtoru co.
fej-The happv pa ir have our earnest wishes
lot their future welfare and prosperity. Long may
they live tn enjoy their wedded bliss, and when
at fast shall coine the hour," may
life's selling sun find them contented and hap
py, even as°one "who wraps the drapery of his
couch around him aod lies down to pleasant
Bv the Rev. Thomas Heyden, on the 17th of
January, at the residence of the bride's father,
in Bean's Cove in this county, Mr. Peter Mat
lingly, of Will's Creek, to -Miss Sarah E. Don
ah oe.
Also, bv the same and at the same place and
time, Mr. Thomas Mattingly, of Will's Creek,
to Miss Ann Theresa Donahoe, daughter of Mr.
Thomas Donahoe, of Bean's Cove, in this
1) 1 fi 1>
On the 9th inst-, in MifHintown, Andrew G.
Allison, formerly connected with the Juniata
Reeister, in the'3lst year of his age. Mr. A.
was a man of fine abilities and was esteemed
by all who knew him.
And free from. Alcoholic Stimulant, and all injurious
ingredients ;
Aire pleasant in taste and smell, mild in thir ope
ration, will expel all morbid secretions from the
■ body, give bloom to the pallid cheek, and health and
-vigor to the frame.
They will cure DYSPEPSIA.
They will curt NERVOI SDEBILIFt,
They will cure LIVER COMPLAINT.
They will cure JAUNDICE.
They will cure DISEASE Or THE KIDNEYS.
They will cure CON>! IPAUON.
They will cure PILF.S.
They will cure HEARI BURN.
They will cure SWIMMING OF THE HEAD.
They are prepared by Dr. C. M. JACKSON, 418
Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa., and sold by druggists
and storekeepers in every town and village in the
United States, Canada®, VVest Indies, and South
America, at 75 cents per bottle,
may 27,'59-ly.
Tor a long time there was ,a paragraph making
its regular weekly appearance in our columns with
the brief, but emphatic words "Fits! Fits!" al
ways at the head, to some an offensive caption, but
tiot so to the benevolent and humane, who could
sympathize in the sorrows of others. Some persons
sre shocked at any indication of disease, and are e
ven thrown into nervous excitement on witnessing
a hearse or a coffin. Su'ch are to be pitied. vVe
should always strive to look disease and even death
in the face with calmnes ?, and especially take ev ry
opportunity for alle-iating disease. Viewed in this
light, the advertisements of S. S. H.inee, of 10S
Baltimore street, Baltimor ?, Md., possess a certain
interest, and those who know of any one suffering
from Epilepsy, Spasms, or Fits of any kind, should
feel it a pleasure So cut out his advertisement, or in
some other way send word to the afflicted of the
great value of his remedies. They can be sent to
any part of the country by mail. Price,'s3 per box.
Two, $5. Twelve, $24.
IT IS A common observation that there are
more sufferers from debility among Americans, than
can be found among any other civilized nation.—
The reason is obvious. VVe take too little exeieise,
and forget the wants of the body in the. absorbing
pursuits of business. In all such cases, ordinary
medicines can do little good. What is required is
just such a tonic and invigorator as Dr. J. Hostetter
has given to the world, in Celebrated "Bitters."
The weak and nervous den izen of the counting
house, the exhausted toiler upon the shop-board, and
the prostrated student of the midnight lamp, have
found a wondertul regenerator in the "Bitters," and
prefer it to more pretentious, but less efficacious me
dicines. But it should not b°; forgotten that the
agent which is so magical in its influence upon a
frame which is so debilitated, is equally powerful
in assisting nature to expel the most terrible forms
of disease. Who will not give it a trial 7
Sold by druggists and dealeri: generally, every
unwell, and not kno wing whether it
proceeded from derangement of thi • liver, or merely
hysterics, 1 was persuaded topurch ase a box of Dr.
M'Lane's Celebrated Liver Pills, p repsred by Flem
ing Bros., Pittsburg, and before I h ad used them all
was entirely relieved. lam now enjoying perfect
health, and cheerfully recommend Dr. M'Lane's
Celebrated Liver Pills to all similar!}' afflicted.
New York, March 25, 1852.
Repurchasers will be careful to ask for DR.
All other Liver Pills in comparison are worthless.
Dr. M'Lane's genuine Liver Pills, eun now be
had at all respectable drug stores. Nona genuine
without the signature ot
Jsn. 20, 1860.-lm. FLEMING BROS-
S. E. Cor. lWiSf JMarkel Sis.,
Ftb. 3, 1860.
(Agents for the Adams Express Co.)
THF. undersigned successors to the late firm of
Shriver k Co., Forwarding and Commis-ion Mer
chants, will continue the business under the name
and style of McCULLEY at the old
stand, near the R. R. Depot , and take occasion to
assure the friends and patrons of the old firm, that
nothing shall be left undone on their part to merit,
what they respectfully ask, a continuance of the
patronage that has been for twelve years past ex
tended to the late firm of Shriver & Co. They deem
it scarcely necessary to add, that their facilities for
forwarding goods, cannot be equalled in the city.
Cumberland, Md.,Feb. 3, 18G0.-Gw.
0 T~A T E M E N T~~
Ot the Finances of the Bedford and Stoystown turn
pike toad Company, for the year ending 2d January
Balance in the treasury at settlement
3d January 1859, SS24, 58$
Amount of toll money received during
the year, 1991,89$
Expenditures during the year 1359.
By amount of counterfeit money defaced
and burned, $138,45
By Dividend made of half per cent 7th
March 1859, t 737,00
By salary paid four gate keepers, 470.00
By State and County taxes, Printing
and other incidentals, G1,63$
By repairs on Road and Bridges, 675,20
By Managers' services and Treasurer's
and Secretary's salary, 437,00
Balance in Treasury 2d January 1860, 97,20
$2,81 6,48
1 Schellsburg, Feb. 3, 1860.J Treasurer.
THE co-partnership heretofore existing between
the undersigned HI the tanning and mercantile busi
ness, under the name ofS. Shuck k Co., {has this
! day, January 14, ISGO, oeen aissolved All persons
indebted to said firm are notified that their notes
and accounts are in the hands of Samuel Shuck to
whom payment must be made before the lir,t day
of March, prox., after that day all claims will be
placed in the bands of the propes otlicers for settle
ment and collection.
The undersigned having purchased the interest of
George D. and .losiah D. Shuck, in the Tannery and
Store, have formed a co-partnership and will carry
on the same under the name of S. and V\\ <V. Shuck
The friends and customers of the old firm are invi
ted to give them a call as they are to
keep a firstrate and well assorted stock of goods
and leather, which they will sell at the lowe-t
prices. Produce and tan-bark taken in exchange
lor goods or leather.
The business of making and repairing coaches !
4-c., will be carried on as heretofore by the subscri- I
bers at their old stand, undea ther.atne of Geor gs i
D. Shuck & Co.
Feb. 3, ISSO.
The notes Jand accounts of the late firm of Taylor
an d Mrwoy, are in the hindsof John P. Reed, Esq.,
tor collection. This last uotice is given to save par
ties interested, costs, in case of neglect to make
settlement and payment, before the first day of
April, next, suits will be instituted without regard
to persons. It is muceh desired to save parties
costs, but this notice must bt complied with.
Feb. 3d, !BGO.
having neen granted to the subscribers, on the es
tate of George Geller, late of Londonderry township
deceased, all persons indebted to said estate, are
notified to make immediate payment, and those
having claims against the sama, will presei.t them
properly authenticated for settlement.
of Juniata township,
of Londonderry "
F eb 3d Executors
istruion having been granted to tiie subscriber,
residing in Southampton township, Bedford county,
upon estate of Robert Bennett, late of said
township, deceased, all persons indebted to raid es
tate are notified to make payment immediately,
and ail persons having claims against the same, are
requested to present the same properly authentica
ted for settlement.
Jan. 27, iSGO. Administrator.
;A Boy lYaiilc<J,
In a clergyman's family, about lourteen years
old, to remain two or three years, who will be
schooled and provided for as a son—one who is accus
tomed to horses. A good honest boy will find a
good situation. No other need apply. For further
information, apply at this office.
Jan. 27, 1860. •
SAMUEL OSTER, adm'r. of the Estate of John
C. Forney, late of South Woodberrv Jp., dec'd, hav
ing filed his account which was confirmed by the
Orphans' Court of Bedford county, will make ap
plication for his discharge on the 13th day of Feb
ruary next.
Jan 27, 1860
52 E IE O v A Ij .
E. G. McMULLEN has removed his Shoemaker
shop to the building immediately East of the Union
Hotel,'feign of the "big boot," where he, will be bappy
to acc mmodate all who desire anything in his
To hunters & trappers
THE undersigned would respectfully announce
that he will be in Bedford, on Monday and Tuesday
of February Court, at the Bedford Hotel, when and
where he will pay the highest cash price for ail
kindsof furs. SI.OO will be paid for full size prime
Mink, and the highest price for deer-skins. If you
have furs, be sure and send them if you can't bring
them. H. A. HARTZELL.
Jan 27, ISCO
American fife JJusurante & (Ernst d : o.
CAPITAL Stock, $500,000.
LIFE insurance at the usual mutual rates, at about
20 per cent less, or at total abstinence rates, at the
lowest in the world.
Secretarv. President.
Jen. 27, 1860. Bedford, Pa.
A first-rate farm of limestone land, in Morrison's
Cove, containing about 131 acres, 100 of which are
cleared and balance well timbered. The farm is
well watered. The improvements are a good two
story Frame House, Log House, Barn, ke. There
is a good orchard upon the premises. The'farm ad
joins Bioomtielii Furnace, lies half a mile from the
Hollidaysburg Turnpike, and four miles from Mar
tinsburg. There is a ready market at the door for
all kinds of prodnce, and the land is in a high state
of cultivation. For particulars, inquire of David
Daniel, in possession, or George Cleugh. at Spang's
a Farm of IG6 acres, about 100 cleared,jvVith Double
Log House, New Bank Barn, and t'.vogood orchards
ttiereoh, lying on the Juniata River, two miles
from Stonerstown, and half a mile from the rail
road. This farm is composed of a good quality of
river bottom land, 30 or 40 acres of which can be
put into good meadow. The whole is now in a good
state of cultivation.
A Brick House (two story) and two Jots of ground
in Bedford.
A new two-story Rough-cast House and two lots of
ground in Broudtop city.
-160 acres of the best quality of land in Harrison
county, lowa_ near the Missouri, and close to the
countv seat.
A I.ot of ground in Omaha city, Nebraska.
-100 acres of land, in Southampton Township, Bed
ford county, lalely owned by Wm.Lasfilev.
A Lot ot ground fronting on Main slreet, in the
Borough of Bedford.
TERMS to suit buyers.
Jan 27, ISGO Bedford, Pa.
Lemraos Iron Works.
THE UNDERSIGNED will dispose of, at Public i
Sale, at the house of James Beckwith, in the town i
of Hopewell, Bedford county, Pa., on Tuesday the •
21st day of February, next, the valuable Iron Prop- j
erty, knowi: as Bedford Forge ami Letnnos Iron
Works, situato in Hopewell Township, and within
a short distance of ti.e Huntingdon and Broad 'lop
Rail Road.
The improvements at Bed'oid Forge, consist of a
new Forge, (now in operation.) with sheet iron '
roof. Coal House, Saw Mill, a Urge number of llou- :
ses for hands, a fine Mansion House, a good Ham j
and Stables. The tract of land on which these jm- j
provements are erected contains about 237 acres, I
and is good arable land, having a considerable ;
quantity of land cleared, and in a good state of eul- '
tivaticn. There is also, on this tract, a very ex- [
tensive and valuable veir. of fossil irtn ore, and one |
bank opened. Attached tothis property there is j
another Farm of valuable land, containing about I
200 acres. Also, a large body of unsurpassed Tiro- (
ber Lands, containing about 7,000 acres, and veins j
of iron ore running through the whole of it.
The improvements at Leinnos, consist of a Char- '
roil Furnace, (now m blast.; Forge, Mansion Hons-,
Store House, Houses for hands. Stables, etc., etc.—. j
The ore banks, one vem of hematite, and the other
of fossil, belonging to this property, contain iron of
the best quality, and of vast extent. The timber
lands attached to this property, contain about 4,500
acres, of which 1,000 acres are good arable land,
and can be converted into excellent farms.
The above lands will be sold together, or in par
cels to suit purchasers.
diagrams,and full description of the
lands, will be furnished and exhibited to bidders on ,
day of saie.
At the same time there will be sold all the per- 1
sonal property belonging to Lernnos Iron Works, i
consisting of a large quantity of Pig Metal, Mule J
teams, Horse teams, Wagons, Harness, Forge and !
Furnace tools, Store Goods, Household Furniture, ,
kc., kc., Acc.
C3The sale peremptory, and will commence at :
1 o'clock, P. M., and will be continued from day to '
day till all is -old.
TERMS—.-To suit purchasers, and will be made ;
kuovvn on day of sale. A libera! credit will be al
Jan. 27, 1860.
Register's Notice,
ALL PERSONS interested, are hereby notified, !
that the following named accountants have hied i
their accounts in the Register's office of Bedford |
county; and that the same will be presented to the j
Orphan s ( ouit in and for said County, for confir- J
mat ion, on Tuesday, the 11th day of February, next, i
at the Court House, in Bedfoid :
Ihe Guardianship Account of Joseph Pitman, i
Guardian ol John Miller, and of tiie minor coildren •
of, Mary Miller, dec'd.
The Account of Alexander Shoemaker and Philip ;
Harclerode, Executors of the last will, Acc., of Geo. i
Shoemaker, late of Colerain Township, dec'd.
The account of John H. Rush, adm'r. C. T. A. of
the Estate ol John Gster, late of Cumberland Val
iey tp., dec'd.
The account ol Frederick F'iffler, acting executor
of the last will, Acc. ot Abraham Burket, late of
Union tp., dec'd.
The account of William Adams, Esq., Executor
ofthe last will, \c , of Catherine Seigle, late ol
Southampton tp., dec'd.
The accountcf Lewis Ander-onand Lemuel Ev
ans, adm'rs. of the Estate of William Anderson,
late of Broad Top tp., dec'd.
The account of Thomas McCoy, adm'r. ofthe Es
tate of Ann l'eighter, late of St. Clair township,
The account of Dr.niel Stoler, Executor of the last
will, Acc., of David Stoler, late of Liberty township,
The account of Henry P. Diehl and Samuel Diehl,
adm'rs. of the Estate o" Samuel Diehl, late of Cole
rain tp., dec'tl.
The account of Enos Davis, adm'r. of the Estate
of Azariah Davis, late of Napier township, de
The account ef Danie' Fletcher, Guardian of the
minor children of Bernard .Means, late of Alonroe tp.,
dec'd. v
The account of Benj. H. Walker, adm'r. of tne
Estate of Catherine Oldham, late of St. Clair tp.,
The account of Mahlon Smith, adm'r. of the Es
tate of James Smith, late of St. Clair township, de
The account of Samuel Bossier and David Boyer.
Executors of the last will, Acc., of Ecnanuel Bossier,
late of Middle Woodterry tp., dec'u.
Register's Office, Bed- I S. H. TATE,
ford, January 20, 1860. I Register.
N O T I C E~
THE following named persons have filed their pe
titions in the Court of Quarter Sessions of Bedford
county, for License to keep Public Inns or Taverns,
and the same will be presented to said court on
Monday, the 13th day of February next:
William Dibert, West Providence Township.
Philip G. Morgart,
J.B. Castner, Broad Top
Fred. Berkheimer St. Clair "
J. A. Snively, Schellsburg.
Clerk's Office, Bed- 1 S. II- TATE,
lord, January 27, IS6O. ] Clerk.
IDM INS IRAI OR'S NOTICE.— Letters of ad
jj ministration having been granted to the subscri
ber, in Napier tp., upon the Estate of Eliza
beth fiackburn, late of said townsbip v dec'd, all
persons having claims against said Estate will pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlement and all
indebted to said Estate will make payment without
Jan- 13, 1860.
Just for Sale, cheap, at Shoemaker's
Dee. 23d, 1859.
■To the Coroner, the. Justices of the Peace,
■ and Constables in the different Towmhipl
in the Countij of Bedford, Greeting.
j KNOW YE that in pursuance of a precept to
me directed, under the hand and seal of the
Hon. FRANCIS A!. KI.tIAIFLL, President of the
| several Courts of Common Pleas in the Sixteenth
' District, consisting ol the counties ol Franklin
Bedford, Somerset and Fulton, and by virtue
ot his office of the Court of Oyer and Terminer
and General jail delivery for the trial ot capi
tal and other offenders therein and in the Gene
ral Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace;
and A. J. Snively & Johw Taylor, Esqs.,
Judges of the same Court, in the same County
of Bedford, You and each of you are hereby re
quired to be and appear in your proper persons
with your Records, Recognizances, Examina
tions, and other remembrances before the Judges
aforesaid, at Bedford, at a Court of Oyer and
Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Gene
| ral Quarter Sessions of the Peace therein to he
holden for the county of Bedford, aforesaid,
on the 2d Monday of F.-b. (being the 13th
riay,)at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that dav
there and then to do those things to which youi
several offices appertain.
GIVEN under my hand at Bedford, on the
20 day of January, : n the year of our Lord
BY virtue of sundry writs of Fi. Fa., Vend. Ex
ponas 4- Levari Facias, to me there will
tie sold at the Court Bouse, in the borough of Bed
lord, on Saturday, the 11th day of February, 1860,
at o'clock, A. M., the following described Real
j Estate, to wit :
j One tract of land containing 313 acres, more or
| less, about 115 acres c leared and under lence, with
j a two story log dwelling house and double log barn
thereon erected ; also an apple orchard thereon ;
' adjoining lands of William O'Neal, John Snider, and
others, situate in Monro" tp., Bedford county, and I
i taken ill execution as the property of Jeremiah j
j .Morris. i
All Deft., William Nelson's, right, title and in
j terest in and to one tract of land containing 440 a
, cres, more or less, about—o acres cleared and under j
j fence, with a story and a half log house and tog j
stable thereon erected, adjoining lands of John Cess- |
I na, Esq.. John Schafler and others, situate in Cole- j
I rain tp., Bedloid eo., and taken in execution as ihp i
I property of William Nelson.
All the Defendant's interest in the following ;
pioperty, to wit • the whole of the road leading from j
Hopewell to Bioouy Run and thejappurtenance there- !
unto belonging, and taken in execution a= the prop- i
erty of The Hopewell and Bloody Run Plank and ;
Turnpike Road.
All the Defendant's interest in and to a certain j
two story brick building, situate in or near the vil- J
lage of Rainsburg, Coierain tp., Bedford connty, j
known as the Allegheny Male and Female Seminary i
containing forty feet in front and sixty feet back, •
and the lot or piece of ground and curtilage appur- j
tenant to said building, containing six acres, more I
or less, and taken in execution as the pioperty of the '
Allegheny Male & Female Seminary.
One lot of ground in the town of Stonerstown j
fronting 27jfeeton Main street and extending back I
about 220 feet to an aliey, with a one story frame j
house and frame stable thereon erected, adjoining ;
lots of Joseph Crissman and widow McCaffrey's ;
heirs, situate in Liberty township, Bedford countv, :
and taken in execution as the property of Francis \
All Defendant's interest in and to a ceitain piece !
or parcel, of land situate in St. Clair township, Bed- \
ford County, on the watejs of Bobb's creek, con
taining one hundred acres and allowance, &c., being \
part of aHarger tract of land, surveyed on a warrant
dated 7th July, 1762, granted to Col. Henry Boquet
and conveyed by William and George Haldimand to
George Mock, Deft.
One tract of land containing 100 acres, more or '
about 100 acres cleared and undei fence, with :
a two story log dwelling house and?donb!e log barn j
thereon erected, adjoining lands of Benjamin Mills, !
Joseph Mills and others, situate in Monroe Town- !
j ship, Bedford county, and taken in execution as the •
property of John Weimer.
One lot of ground in the town of Scbellsburg, fron
-1 ting 66 feet on Vine Street and extending back about
i 160 feet to an alley, with a two story rough cast '
\ dwelling house, log wagon maker shop and two log !
; stables thereon erected, adjoining lots of John Ott, |
on the Fast, and lot of David Miller on the West, j
j situate in Napier township, Bedford county, and ta- ,
i ken in execution as the property of Jacob Dull, !
One lot of ground in the town of Scbellsburg,
fronting 60 feet on Vine street, and extending back
about 160 feet to an alley, with a two storv rouh
cast and weather boarded house and log and frame
stable thereon erected, adjoining lot of John Culp,
on the East, ana Market street on the West, situate
in Napier Township, Bedford county, and taken in
execution as the property of George Fisher.
One tract ol land containing 160 acres, more or
less, about 100 acres cleared and under fence, with
a two story log dwelling bouse, and double log barn
thereon erected, also an apple orchard thereon, ad
joining lands of Jeremiah Devore's heirs, Frederick
Clitz and others, situate in Londonderry Township,
Bedlord'connty, and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Charles Johnson.
One lot of ground in the town of Stonerstown,
fronting CO feet on Main Street and extending back
about 020 feet to an alley , with a two story log
dwelling house with back building attached and u
ther out buildings thereon erected, adjoining Iront
street on the North, and lot of Amos Evans on the
South,situate in Liberty lownsbip, Bedford connty,
and taken in execution as the property of Isaac
Sheriffs Office, Bed- f WM. S. FLUKE,
ford, Jan. 20tb, iB6O, j Sheriff.
[IST OF CAUSES, put down for trial at Feb
i ruary Term, 13th day, 1860.
O E Shannon vs John S Fletcher
Jatnes Patton " David Stoner et al
Thomas J Horton " A W Evans
James Patton " Jacob Longenecker
James Entiekin D Washabaugh et al
Robert M Lernmno's use" C VV Ricketson
Jacob Reighart Jr " John Burns et al
H IV Smith " J M Vanhorn et al
Jacob Schnebly • David Stuckey et al
Ignatius Brand " David Stuckey et al
Richard Harwood et al " Henry Clapper
Samuel Barnhait " The Cham \ Bed TR co
Mary Barley's use " Simon Brumbaugh
Win Manspeaker " Oster & Cam "
Daniel Fore " J S Robison et a!
George G Walker " Jacob Witt
Geo A Levitt &co's use " George Megraw
Prothy's Office, Bed- S. H. TATE,
ford, Jan. 20, 1860. J Proth'y.
Is hereby given, that the second and final account
of Joseph B. Noble, F.sq., Sequestrator of the Pat
tonsville A Woodberry Turnpike Road Company,
has been tiled in the Prothonotary's Office, of Bed
ford county, and that the same will be presented to
the court of Common Pleas in aod for said county,
for confirmation, at the Court House, in Bedford, on
Tuesday, the 1-Vth day of Fib'v, next.
Prothy's Office, Bed- I S. H. TATE,
ford, January 20, 1860. $ Proth'y.
IT is a fact ihnt, at some period, every mem
ber of (lie human famjiy is subject to disease
or disturbance of the bodily functions; but,
! with the aid of a good tonic and the exercise
| of plain common sense, they may be able so tu
regulate the system as to secure permanent
I'ei.ih. In order to accomplish this desired
j object, tlie true course to pursue is certainly
I that which will produce a natural state of
things at the least hazard of vital strength and
life. For this purpose. Dr. Hostetter has in
troduced to this country a propaxat ion bearing
Ins name, which is not a new medicine, but ono
that been tried for years, giving satisfac
tion to all who have used it. The Bitters
operate powerfully upon the stomach, bowels
and liver, restoring them to a healthy and
vigorous action, and thus, bv the simple pro
cess of strengthening nature, enable the sys- *
tem to trmmph over disease.
Forthc cure of Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Nau
se.t, flatulency, Loss ot Appetite, or any Bilious
Complaints, arising front a morbid inaction
of the Stomach or Bowels, producing Cramr,*
Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, i.c., theso
Bitters have no equal.
Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, so generally con
tracted by new settlers, and tensed principally
by the change of water and diet. trill be speedily
regulated by a brief use of tidn preparation.
Dyspepsia, a disease which is probably more
prevalent, in all its various forms, than any
other, and the cause of which way always
be attributed to derangements of the digestive
organs, ran be cured without fail hy~ using
directions ou the bottle. For this disease every
physician will recommend Bitters of some kind;
j then why not use an article known to be infal
lible ? All nations have their Bitters, as a pre-
I ventive of disease and strengthener of the tys
i tem in general; and among them all there is
| not to be found a more healthy people than
the Germans, from whom this preparation ema
nated, based upon scientific experiments which
have tended to prove, the value of this great
preparation in the scale of medical seienee.
1-uveb avd Ague. —This trying and provok
ing disease, wnicit fixes its relentless grasp on
the body of man, reducing birn to a mere sha
dow in a short lime, and rendering law phy
; sically and mentally useless, can be driven
from the body by tbo use of HOSTETTER'S
RENOWNED BITTERS. Further, none of tho
above-stated diseases can be contracted, even
in exposed situations, if the Bitters are used
as per directions. And as they neither create
nausea nor offend the palate, and render un
necessary any change of diet or interruption
of ordinary pursuits, hut promote sound sleep
and healthy digestion, the complaint is re
moved as speedily as is consistent with the pro
duction of a thorough and permanent cure.
For Persons in Advanced Fears, who are
suffering from an enfeebled constitution and
infirm body, these Bitters are invaluable as a
restorative of strength and vigor, and need
only he tried to bo appreciated. And to a
mother while nursing these are indis
pensable. especially where the mother's nour
ishment is inadequate to the demands of tho
child, consequently her strength must yield,
and here it is where a good tonic, such as
Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, is needed to impart
temporary strength and vigor to the system.
Laaic-s should by all means try this remedy
for all cases of debility, and, before so doing,
should ask their physician, who, if he is
acquainted with the virtue of the Bitters, will
recommend their use in all cases of weakness.
CAUTION.—We caution the public against using
any of the many imitations or counterfeits, but ask
for lIosT-TTEa's Ct:LE3RATr.D Stomach Bitters,
and see that each bottle has the words "Dr. J.
IlostcUcr's Stomach Bitters'' blown ou tbo sido
of tho bottle, and stamped on tho metallic cap
covering tho cork, and observe that our autograph
signature is on tho label.
m* Prepared ancl sold by HOSTETTER &
SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all
druggists, grocers? and dealers generally
throughout the United States, Canada, South
America- and Germany.
Agents for Bedford County : B. F. H xrry, F. C.
Reamer, Bedford ; John F. Low ry,Hope well E. B.
Ramsy. Bloody Run ; John Nycutn, Fatrview.
Oct. 14, 1559.
ill A A H 0 00<
Just Published, in. a sealed Envelope,
On the Nature, Treatirmnr and Radical Cure of
Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, S"xnal De
bility, Nervousness ar.d Involun'.irv Emissions, Im
potency and Mental and Physical Incapacity.
Author of "The Green Book," Kc.
The world-renowned author, in this admirable
Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience
that the awful consequences ot sell-abuse may be
effectually removed without Medicine and without
dangerous Surgical operations, bougies, instruments,
rings or cordials ; pointing out a mode of cure at
once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer,
no matter what his condition may be, may cure him
self cheaply, privately and radically. This Lecture
will prove a boon to thousands and thousands.
Sent under seal to any address, post paid, on the
receipt of two postage -tamps, bv addressing Dr.
CH. J. C. KLINE, M. D., 4SO first Avenue, New
Yorkt'ost Bo*4-586.
Jan. 20, iB6O.
Hardware, Farm Siii;!ceiiccil,
EST* CARE AND sufficiently large to
meet the wants of the people of Bedford co. Every
exertion made to please, both in goods and pri
FOR CASH, ail goods in my line sold as low as
they ran be got in Cumberland or Hollidaysburg,
and many things cheaper. CASH buyers favored
particularly. Six month buyets not quite so well 1
liked, but if prompt in payment, will find their bibs
O. K., to their entire satisfaction. As my priced
are fixed for the two classes of customers names
above, I have no prices to suit that class, whether
rich or poor, who contract debts for tbeir executes
to pay, or the limitation to liquidate. So that those
whose credit is not very good and who are slow in
paying debts, or get mild when dunned, will please
buy for CASH, or produce, or not at all—as 1 have
lost enough and am tired dunning such customers.
Bedford. Pa.. Oct. 21, 1859.
CSV"// /'/ //) //
Pays for Tuition in Single and Double Entry Book
Keeping, Commercial Arithmetic andj Lectures.
Usual time from 6to 10 weeks. Every Student,
upon graduating, is guaranteed competent to man
age the books of any business, and qualified to earn
a salary of from
8500 to 81000
Students enter at any time—No Vacation— Re
view at pleasure.
First Premiums for Best Business Writing for
1856, received at Pittsburg, Philadelphia and Ohio
State Fairs. Also, at the principal Fairs of the
Union tor the past four years.
D^Mmisters' Sons received at half price.
For Circulars, Specimens end F.mbeliished Views
of the College, inclose five letter stamps to
F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburg, Pa.
Jan 13, IS6O.
Hoilou'jn OinfnseuL
. >t<y .
j Bui Legs, fia-l Breasts, Sores nn<l Viet,*.
All description of sores are remediable by the
proper and diligent iin- 0 tine inestimable prepara
jl.or To attempt to rure bad legs by plastering
j The edges of the wound together is a lolly j for should
: the skin mute, a boggy diseased condition remains
underneath to break out with tenfold fury i„ a few
j day ~ Ibe only rational and successful treatment,
[as indicated by nature, is to reduce the iftliamma
j tiou in and about the wound, and to sCothe the
| neighboring parts by nibbing in plenty of the Oint
| meat, a* bait is forced nifty rrie*t<
! Diptheria, Ulcerated Sore Throat, and Scarlet
and olfieri Fevers.
Any of the above diseases may be curpd by wel*
rubbing the Ointment three times a day into the"
chest, throat and neck of the patient; it will soon
penetrate, and give immediate relief. Medicine ta
, keni by the mouth must operate upon the wholo
j system ere if? cat. be fe| t i„ any local part
, whereas the Ointment will do its work at once—
(Vthoever tries the angeont in the above manner/for
he diseases named, or any sim.lar disorders affec
] ting the chest and throat, will &,,d themselves r .
: heved as by a charm.
Piles, / istulns, S/riclures.
I h J I he n, b .°7 C ' a " S ° f will be removed
by nightly tomenting the parts with warm wat.r
and then most effectually rubbing in the O ln ,
Persons suffering trom these direful complaint
lose no a moment in their progress. It
snouid be u-.derstood that it is not suflicirnt mere
ly to smear the Ointment on the affected parts but
it must be well rubbed in f or some considerable
time two or three times a day, that it may be ta
ken into the system, whence it will remove any
hidden gore or wound as effectually as though paf
j paMe to the eye. There (agam bread and" water
, poultices, aftei the rtibbtng in oi the Ointment, will
Ido great service. This is the only sure treatment
i tor, rases of cancer in the stomach, or where
there may be a genera! bearing down.
Indiscretions of Youth Sores and Ulcers.
Blotches, as also swelling , can, with certainty
be radically cured if the Ointment be used freely,
and the Pills be taken night and morning as tecom
iner.ded in the printed instructions. VV&en treated
in any other way they only dry up in one place to
! break out in mother; whereas this Ointment will
, remove the humour from the system, ai.o leave the
! patient a vigorous and healthy" being. It will re
| quire tune with the use of the Pills to ensure a lag
j ting cure.
| Dropsical STellings, Paralysis and Stiff
Although the above complaints differ widely in
j their origin and nature, yet tbey all require local
treatment. ,">lany of the worst cases, of such dis
eases, will yield in comparatively short space of
time, when this Ointment is diligently rubbed into
the parts atFected, even after every other means
have tailed. In all senojs maladies the Pills should
be taken according to the printed directions accom
panying each box.
Both the Ointments and Pills should be used in
the following cases :
Bad Legs, Fistulas,
Bad Breasts, Gout,
Burns. Glandular Swellings,
Bunions, Lumbago.
Bites ot Moschetoeg and Rheumatism,
Sand-Flies, Scalds,
Coco-bay, Sore Nipples,
Chiego-tooT, Sore-throats,
Chilblains, ' Skin Diseases,
t'happed Hands, Scurvy,
Corns (Soft) Sore-heada
Cancers, Tumors,
Contracted and Stiff i Ulcers,
Joints, j Wounds,
Elephantiasis, Yaws.
the words "HOLLOW AY, NEW YORK and LONDON,"
are discernible as a Water-mark in every leaf ol the
book of directions around each pot or box ; the same
may be plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light.
A handsome reward will be given to any one ren
dering such information as may lead to the detec
tion of any party or parties counterfeiting the med
icines or vending the same, knowing them to be
at the Manufactory of Professor HOLLO-
W-AY, SO Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respec
table Druggists and Dealers in Medicine, through
out the civilized world, in boxes at 25 cents, 62 cte
and $1 each.
is considerable saving by taking the
larger sizes.
>;. B. for the guidance of patients in
every disorder are affixed fo each box.
Nov. IS, 1359.
1 mTmw~
The great standard medicines of the present
age, have acquired their great popularity only
through years of trial, Unbounded satisfac
tion is rendered by them in all cases; and the
people have pronounced them worthy.
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice,
Debility of the Nervous System,
Diseases of the Kidneys,
and all diseases arising from a disordered
liver or weakness of the stomach and digestive
organs, arc speedily and permanently cured by
The Baisatric Cordial has acquired a
reputation surpassing that of any similar pre
paration eztant. It will aire, WITHOCI FAIL,
the most severe and long-standing
Cough, Cold, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis, In
fluenza, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient
end has performed (he most astonishing cures
ever known of
CcnSrwed Consumption.
A fexc doses will also at once check and
cure the most severe Diarrhoea proceeding
These medicines arc prepared by Dr. C. M.
•TACK SON & Co., „Yo. 413 Arch Street, Phila
delphia, Pa., and arc sold by druggists and
dealers in medicines everywhere, at 75 cents
per bottle. The signature of C. M. JACKSOW
will be on the outside wrapper of each bottle.
Ta the Almanac published annually by the
proprietors, called EVEKTBODY's Ai.MA_.NAO.
you will find testimony and commsndotoryt
notices from all parts cf the country. The**
Almanacs are given away by all our agents.
I For sale at the Drug Stores of D rs. Reamer £ H a
! ry, BedforJ. and all other Drngg uti in the county
I May 20,1839