HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. —Caution LLIE parent 01, safety A word of hope.—Delicate females ex- j randin* into the full bloom of womanhood are frequently condemned by a false polity of soci ety to be the lingering victims of complicated disorders; or prevented by their timid and sen sitive natures, or (he reprehensible neglect of mothers fr*n acknowledging the cause of their ailments. How many girls have been consign ed to the cold and pitiless embrace of death through sheer ignorance, or that want of confi dence which should exist between parent and ( offspring When mothers behold their daugh ters droop-the pallor'of the lily substituted for the bloom of the rose—the dim and lack lustre e .. e the gradual emaciatioi* of the body iet them take" heed—a crisis has arrived which demands their utmost vigilance and solicitude ; Holloway's Pills are an effectual remedy for these manifold complaints. markieo. On the '26 th ult.,at the Meoge! House,by the Rev. H. Ileckerman ; Mi. Samuel Mortimore, to Miss Honor Heavner, both ot VVest Provi dence township. On the evening ofthe 25th ;ult., at the resi dence ot the bride's father, by the Rev. Daniel Williams, Mr. B. fieale, if Gallon, Ohio, to -Miss Margaret Sill, of Bedtoru co. fej-The happv pa ir have our earnest wishes lot their future welfare and prosperity. Long may they live tn enjoy their wedded bliss, and when at fast shall coine the hour," may life's selling sun find them contented and hap py, even as°one "who wraps the drapery of his couch around him aod lies down to pleasant dreams." Bv the Rev. Thomas Heyden, on the 17th of January, at the residence of the bride's father, in Bean's Cove in this county, Mr. Peter Mat lingly, of Will's Creek, to -Miss Sarah E. Don ah oe. Also, bv the same and at the same place and time, Mr. Thomas Mattingly, of Will's Creek, to Miss Ann Theresa Donahoe, daughter of Mr. Thomas Donahoe, of Bean's Cove, in this county. 1) 1 fi 1> On the 9th inst-, in MifHintown, Andrew G. Allison, formerly connected with the Juniata Reeister, in the'3lst year of his age. Mr. A. was a man of fine abilities and was esteemed by all who knew him. SPECIAL NOTICES. = HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. THEY ARE ENTIRELY VEGETABLE, And free from. Alcoholic Stimulant, and all injurious ingredients ; Aire pleasant in taste and smell, mild in thir ope ration, will expel all morbid secretions from the ■ body, give bloom to the pallid cheek, and health and -vigor to the frame. They will cure DYSPEPSIA. They will curt NERVOI SDEBILIFt, They will cure LIVER COMPLAINT. They will cure JAUNDICE. They will cure DISEASE Or THE KIDNEYS. They will cure CON>! IPAUON. They will cure PILF.S. They will cure HEARI BURN. They will cure SWIMMING OF THE HEAD. They Will cure FLUTTERING OF THF- HEART. They are prepared by Dr. C. M. JACKSON, 418 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa., and sold by druggists and storekeepers in every town and village in the United States, Canada®, VVest Indies, and South America, at 75 cents per bottle, may 27,'59-ly. FITS ! VVHY PROMINENT Tor a long time there was ,a paragraph making its regular weekly appearance in our columns with the brief, but emphatic words "Fits! Fits!" al ways at the head, to some an offensive caption, but tiot so to the benevolent and humane, who could sympathize in the sorrows of others. Some persons sre shocked at any indication of disease, and are e ven thrown into nervous excitement on witnessing a hearse or a coffin. Su'ch are to be pitied. vVe should always strive to look disease and even death in the face with calmnes ?, and especially take ev ry opportunity for alle-iating disease. Viewed in this light, the advertisements of S. S. H.inee, of 10S Baltimore street, Baltimor ?, Md., possess a certain interest, and those who know of any one suffering from Epilepsy, Spasms, or Fits of any kind, should feel it a pleasure So cut out his advertisement, or in some other way send word to the afflicted of the great value of his remedies. They can be sent to any part of the country by mail. Price,'s3 per box. Two, $5. Twelve, $24. IT IS A common observation that there are more sufferers from debility among Americans, than can be found among any other civilized nation.— The reason is obvious. VVe take too little exeieise, and forget the wants of the body in the. absorbing pursuits of business. In all such cases, ordinary medicines can do little good. What is required is just such a tonic and invigorator as Dr. J. Hostetter has given to the world, in b.is Celebrated "Bitters." The weak and nervous den izen of the counting house, the exhausted toiler upon the shop-board, and the prostrated student of the midnight lamp, have found a wondertul regenerator in the "Bitters," and prefer it to more pretentious, but less efficacious me dicines. But it should not b°; forgotten that the agent which is so magical in its influence upon a frame which is so debilitated, is equally powerful in assisting nature to expel the most terrible forms of disease. Who will not give it a trial 7 Sold by druggists and dealeri: generally, every where. advertisement. MRS. TAXBKRBII.T, NO. 185 St?FJ OLX ST., SAYS OF DR. M'LANE'S CELEBRATE!> LIVF.R PILLS: unwell, and not kno wing whether it proceeded from derangement of thi • liver, or merely hysterics, 1 was persuaded topurch ase a box of Dr. M'Lane's Celebrated Liver Pills, p repsred by Flem ing Bros., Pittsburg, and before I h ad used them all was entirely relieved. lam now enjoying perfect health, and cheerfully recommend Dr. M'Lane's Celebrated Liver Pills to all similar!}' afflicted. New York, March 25, 1852. Repurchasers will be careful to ask for DR. M'LANE'S CELEBRATED LI VER .PILLS manu factured by FLEMING BROS., of PITI SBITRGH, PA. All other Liver Pills in comparison are worthless. Dr. M'Lane's genuine Liver Pills, eun now be had at all respectable drug stores. Nona genuine without the signature ot Jsn. 20, 1860.-lm. FLEMING BROS- U NITED STATES HOTEL, S. E. Cor. lWiSf JMarkel Sis., PHILADELPHIA. H W. KANAGA, ) D WM. McVEY, ( PROPRIETORS. Ftb. 3, 1860. McCULLEY & ORRICK, SUCCESSORS TO SHRIVF.It &. CO., FORWARDING & COMMISSION MER CHANTS, AT TIIE OLD STAND OF SHRIVER & CO., NEAD. THE jit. R. DEPOT, CUMBERLAND, AID. (Agents for the Adams Express Co.) THF. undersigned successors to the late firm of Shriver k Co., Forwarding and Commis-ion Mer chants, will continue the business under the name and style of McCULLEY at the old stand, near the R. R. Depot , and take occasion to assure the friends and patrons of the old firm, that nothing shall be left undone on their part to merit, what they respectfully ask, a continuance of the patronage that has been for twelve years past ex tended to the late firm of Shriver & Co. They deem it scarcely necessary to add, that their facilities for forwarding goods, cannot be equalled in the city. WM. R. McCULLEY, JAMES C. ORRICK, Cumberland, Md.,Feb. 3, 18G0.-Gw. 0 T~A T E M E N T~~ Ot the Finances of the Bedford and Stoystown turn pike toad Company, for the year ending 2d January ISGO. Balance in the treasury at settlement 3d January 1859, SS24, 58$ Amount of toll money received during the year, 1991,89$ 2.816,48 Expenditures during the year 1359. By amount of counterfeit money defaced and burned, $138,45 By Dividend made of half per cent 7th March 1859, t 737,00 By salary paid four gate keepers, 470.00 By State and County taxes, Printing and other incidentals, G1,63$ By repairs on Road and Bridges, 675,20 By Managers' services and Treasurer's and Secretary's salary, 437,00 Balance in Treasury 2d January 1860, 97,20 $2,81 6,48 PETER SCHF.LL, 1 Schellsburg, Feb. 3, 1860.J Treasurer. I) ISSOLUTJON OF PARTNERSHIP. THE co-partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned HI the tanning and mercantile busi ness, under the name ofS. Shuck k Co., {has this ! day, January 14, ISGO, oeen aissolved All persons indebted to said firm are notified that their notes and accounts are in the hands of Samuel Shuck to whom payment must be made before the lir,t day of March, prox., after that day all claims will be placed in the bands of the propes otlicers for settle ment and collection. GEORGE D. SHUCK, JOSIAH D. SHUCK, SAMUEL SHUCK. WILLIAM W. SHUCK. The undersigned having purchased the interest of George D. and .losiah D. Shuck, in the Tannery and Store, have formed a co-partnership and will carry on the same under the name of S. and V\\ t