WI0.1 BElTBnaX IIIKET- NATIONAL. FOR VltKSIDENT, GEN. ULYSSES B. GEANT, OF JI.MNOW, FOH VICE lHKHltENT, HON. SCHUYLER COLFAX, W INDIANA. AT ATE. ron Arnrrmt nrxFnAi. : Ok. JOHN F. 11AIMHANFT, 0 Afontffomeri CWir.y. ro Hi'nvrvon nKxrnAi. : Col. JACOIl M. CAMPlItXL, Of Cambria Copniy. DISTRICT. vob coMinrsH, CAIT. J 11KNTON DONLEY, Of (lrtrn tonn'v, Bahjfrt to the kutlon nf the lilili District Con firi'iicc. COl'XTY. ron AiFni.v, GEOUOK U. MILLEil. ES(J., OfDmimd Tawmhi,,. rnR I'OMMIHSinVKR, THOMAS J. I'KNN, KSCJ , Of Wasltxivjton Township. Fort VOOR HOIWK lUUF'Tolt THOMAS mm, 1S(J., 0 Murgmi Townsfiyt. rnR At'MTllR, 1IENKY W.TAYLOIl, ESQ. ty Jark.ion Township, REPl'RLli'AM COtSTV COMMITTEE. Aloprto township A. .1. Illnr-riimn, C. Hindu. Cuinlicrtnnil to T. I.. iiiiiinl iih, .lo-hih IIhwiii. Cnriniclmolii lioro.-.l. ;. Iliirnott. J. N. limjo. Coiilm tmvnxhli .lumen nil, .l.ylui ItoKcrKg-lr. Dunkiiril township-iiint. cimhi, Aurnn Kln-Hiv. Fmnkllntiviihli-H. W. Hint I, l.vi-urKWiiirliii fillmnrolournalilp J. II. l'ordveivl. I,. Huni-nn. OreolM towilNhlp J. II. Morris, H. Ilirrliiuton. Jiu'kmn towimhln I'. M. (irhii.-i. H. I. Iliiviinl. Jofromon towiihlp-(1ms. IIiikIich, .Inn. cotti-rol Ji'll'fnuin Ilormmh Win. Mm tin, II. Jl. Kiuitli. Miirton towintlilp 1, AiIuiiih Mnnonirillo'lll tp. 1. It. Jones, I'. I Kriiiiit, Morgan tp. J. c. llucltlimlmh), John n nU c. MoitIh lownshlp Jinnrs Dunn, M.C. Uuhtiior. IVrrytownnlilp John A. Illlllnnsly, J. W. l,on. Klohhlll township Dr. Hull. J. Jl. Wnltoli. Xprlnirnlll towimhlii-K. HVrn-ll , T. II. MHkIhii. WiiHhlnuton township T. J, IVnn.Ufn. KrlKhy. wnynn township M. Ilrimt, Joscphns Kent. Whlti'ly towushlp Owon HuMsoii, ('. IV Morris. J.N'O. 11. l-.Ll Ji, .Marlon tp. I'tmlrioau. democracy vcitsi s mi: hm e. If there Iio nny soliliors in Gre?no County vlio.o iniuds hitherto have been so biased that they could not see that tlio Democratic party was inimi cal to their claims, we aslc their candid attention whilst we analyze the vote of that party on Saturday lust: For the ollice of Assemblyman, there were five candidates. Two of them never performed any military service, and during the late war of the rebellion, opposed almost every measure and every net winch the friends of the Union army proposed, cither for its encouragement, its com fort or its success. True, these two have been loyal to their party, but to their party only, and abjectly thus. Tho other three had worn the Blue and had done'actual service, in person, for their country and their country's cause, on the ensanguined fields of bat tle". One did distinguished service as an army Surgeon, and, doubtless, many a living brave, this tlaj owes his life to his skill and attention. One, by his exalted patriotism and heroism, won for himself the proud position of Captain of his company, shedding his blood profusely and receiving wound j that have seriously crippled him for life. The other was a Lieutenant and was taken a prisoner. This, in brief, is thc status of the five candidates in relation to the late war for the Union, . and be belie vo fairly stated. No one, wo presume, will have the unblushing hardihood, to assert any superiority of qualification of the two citizens over the three soldiers, cither in respect to integrity, respectability, or intellectual sagacity. Now, in what estimation are these men held by tho Democratic party that falsely and perfidiously styles itself the soldiers' friend? Let the vote of last Saturday give tho emphat ic answer. So far as there seemed to be any actual contest, it lay between the two anti-war men, both of whom more than distanced cither of the "Boys in Blue." Disguise it as you may, it was this military feature that made up tho exclusive issue in the race. It has been Cvcr thus in Dem . ocratic Greene siuco the war Wgan. The Court House Clique, the Knights of tho Golden Circle, tho White Boys and the Ku Klux Klan, nil preferring the Rebel Gray to the Union Blue and taking their cue from tho teachings of . the La Omsc Democrat havo said in their nightly conclaves, "let it -bo so," and behold, it is so! Look at it! We ask every soldier in Greene County to view it mith an impartial eye. Scan ! it closely; fathom it ! -'i- In Greene county, where a nomina " tlon ia equivalent to an election no volunteer soldier stands a shadow of a chance for office.' "They havo set the ban upon the Blue and sealed it I- there. . They pyant only tho poor pre r rogative of belonging to tho party and Voting with it, and ask of you to cou- Bidcr this as a privilege rather than a - right; and require of you a hearty , oondemnation of . your own gallant deeds and a humiliating apology for having performedhem. Your military . glory is their shame. " (.', TJio three soldier candidates on Sat urday last received very few votes, save from personal friends and reln C tivca, beyond what were polled by their 1 comrades in arms. One of them has nul undo two honest but unsuccessful ellbrts to obtain n recognition of his just claims, and we trust that ho nn I the other gallant soldiers who expect to act with tho Democratio party will he content with unohtrusivo privacy, for ho who docs not perceive nfld recognize tho glaring truth, that having been a Union soldier, is an impediment to Democratio prefer ment, is either blind or determined uot to look ! piiouiiKss of tiii: rxiox pacific Il.UI.UOAI. Telegraphic dispatches report the completion of GOO miles of the Union Pacific Itailroad. Tho rapidity with which this railroad has been construct ed is without precedent in all tho his tory of railroad enterprises. Two years ago, only 40 miles had been built, nnd yet, nt tho close of the working season of 1G7, 510 miles were inactivcoperation. Through the winter months an accumulation of ma terial for extending tho road gave promise of renewed vigor this year, and tho fact that (JO miles have been built and. equipped since the frost was so Jin out of the ground as to admit of track laying, shows that that prom ise will he fulfilled. An immense force of laborers about ten thousand men is at work under skillful leader ship, and before tho end of tho season, at least 3T0 more miles will be added to the completed distance," There will then be finished more than 900 miles west from Omaha, or moro than one half the distance to Sacramento. The summit of the iJocky Mountains, tho liighest point upon the entire line, has been surmounted and left in tho rear by tho builders, and tho industrial inny is now on the western slope toward the Great Salt Lake. Tho Union Pacific Itailroad Com pany, which are doing this great work, are ollcring for sale their First Mort gage Bonds at par nnd accrued interest from January 1st, in currency. They are for $1,000 each, have thirty years to run, pay six per cent, gold interest, nnd principal as well a3 interest is bio in gold. Thcso Bonds nrc issued only as the road progresses. The government loans, to aid in build ing the road, United States Bonds to thi! following amounts: $?lo,ljO0 per mile from the Missouri to the Itocky Mountains, a distance of about 520 miles: $48,000 per mile for tho 150 miles through tho mountains, nnd 52,000 per milo thereafter. ThcCom Daiiv are then authorized to issue their own Bonds to an equal amount, and no more. JJurnisc last vcar, about twelve million dollars of thcso Bonds. were sold, based upon tho number of miles completed. 1 ho entire line to the Pacific will be completed in 1870, when tho trafiic and profit of tho road must be immense. Tho Company's Bonds have unusual provisions for security. The charter granted by Congress makes them a I'ini Mort'aie upon tho entire lino, taking precedence even of the govern ment's claim, tho latter holding a second lien as security for its advance. The receipts from way business already show a remarkably successful operation ol the lino. During the eight months ending December 151, 1 807, the net earnings were more than three times the interest upon the Company's Bonds, and tho trafiic must be greatly increased as the road progresses. aiijoirm:u mm: imi:. On Tuesday the 22d inst., the Court of Impeachment met and voted on the 2d aud 3d articles with tho game re sult as tho vote on the 11th article, andadjourncdai'ne dir. In a legal sense, Andrew Johnson is therefore virtually acquitted of tho charges preferred against him. But it is noticeable, and the people will mark it, that while 1!) Senators voted his acquittal, tiiiiitv- I'lVE SkSATOIW VOTKD FOIl HIS COX. viction". The people will also note the fact that it required just 10 votes to acquit and the cruci number, and no more, were found; and the people will require Messrs. Trumbull, Fow ler, Henderson, Van Winkle and Ross to reconcile their votes on tho final issue, with tho untiring influence they previously exerted to have articles of impeachment preferred. The people arc a tribunal to which this question is now appealed, and of which it does not require a two-third vote to secure a righteous verdict. I.--'- I I IXCOItUEl'T. . A "Friend of Tiuth" in his late cor respondeneo in tho Messenger intimates (hat Dr. Miller was tho anthor of the article in tho Republican two weeks ago signed "Veritas." In justice to Dr. Miller, we are constraiucd to say tftat he did not write that article, and we are assured that ho knew nothing about its publication. : - Mr. G. W. K. Mixon has with drawn from the contest for the Repub lican nomination for Congress in the 21st district. AVo believe this gives Mr. Covode a clear field. The MoCool-Coburn prizo light did not come off, as both parties were arrested Ind sent to jail tor forty dayB I mm. ... tho best possible result. Uc ISSriyncobicror l:DlTt:l!I.tl. t'OllKKSPOXDEXt'E. . Cincinnati, O. May, 27th, 13G7. Dn.vn RnrrnucAX: In my last I promised to write of tho two Con ventions held in Chicago lost week. I feel now that all I could say Mipou the subject would bo superfluous. The .laily panel's have already enlightened yon, in full and elaborate reports, of their harmonious workings nnd the enthusiasm which characterized them. Corroboration by an eye witness will uanllv intensity. On tho niirht of tho 21st I "scatter ed" and by dint of rough riding, the next evening reached Lincinnati eight hours behind time, having narrowly escaped running into a wrecked train forty miles out from Chicago, llus was delay No. 2, but for fear of losing count I, perhaps, had best make no note of it. Down through Indiana the Convention Was much talked of and seemed to give universal satisfaction, uot only among J ndiaiuuus but numer ous expressions from men representa tives ol all parts of tho Union. At some points shouts for Grant . and Colfax greeted tho arrival of tho train, guns were fired nnd various demon strations of joy made. The unanimity with which Grant was chosen has but one precedent in the history of our country ami tho settled stale of politics since bis nomination makes his elec tion almost n foregone conclusion. Schuyler Colfax his worthy associate is said to be, by those who know him, emphatically the right man in the place Of Rads radical, wit fanatical, linn yet mild mannered. His record is irreproachable. It is not strange, then, the great West will roll up formidable majorities for their champi ons and that Copperhead faces have begun to assume the elongated shapes of 'G5. There remains no cause now, why they should not open a fire in Jhc rear. "Tho illustrious-conscrvative- soldier" phraso will be apt to bo dis carded by conservative iournals ' in referring to Grant in the future and I think they should bo well satisfied by this time that "tho radicals will touch him with a forty-foot polo." Hot shot and shell is nothing compared with the political bombardment tho Demo cratio party will receive this summer nut it the gnus of (Iio Union are not effective, it is not because there nrc not elliccient crews to work them, for I can assure you tho old soldiers will man the pieces and all that will bo required is tho hearty support of those citizens of the North who gave them eomtortand aid (lurmr tho rebellion. Let us hope that all who considered tho crisis vital in 'Gl will again rally to a common standard to battle for a similar end the saving of tho nation from traitor hands. But, politicstisidc for a short time. If I spoke disparagingly before of the middle nnd upper part of the State ol Indiana, I can perhaps make amend:! by paying humble tribute to tho south ern end which 1 passed tlirouoii. i no branch of tho road which leaves the Chicago and Great Eastern at Hagcrs town and winds down the valleys of tho White nnd Miami rivers to the ( linn within iliiflnon miloq nf Pinom. nati, passes through a country well .settled and developed, nnd possessed ill appearance and quality of every 1 ' clement conducive to husbandry and nccccssarily of wealth, lamia arc clean looking, generally speaking the farm houses nnd out-buildings good. Many broad acres aro turned up by the plow. Wheat stands thick nnd rank, outs well up and tho corn has pushed itself out of ground. To my inquiries concerning the fruit I receiv ed cheering nnswers. The valley seemed very Elysian for the husband man. I made no note of any mineral resources, but for excellent timber there seemed to bo a good demand nnd no end to tho supply. Nearinsr tho ity of Cincinnati from tho South, skirting the shores of the Ohio, my attention was attracted by the vine yards' for which this country has a notoriety. I hey have a flourishing appearance and from tho number of lino resiliences attached to them I imagine the owners arc well-to-do in the business. The southern slopes of the Ohio valley arc well adapted to tlio cultivation of tlio crape. In the city there arc not many lions to "do." I visited the water-works, crossed the great suspensions bridge I believe tho largest span in the United States, went to the Art Gallery, visited the races, now in full blast, looked into their rolling oiills and founderics, etc., but found nothing that would especi ally interest your readers. The boating interest at present is dead, and but fbr tho prizo fight between Coburn and McCoole, which comes off to-day, there would bo no ripple on tho sur face of every-day affairs. This last has attracted to the city an immense concourse of roughs and bullies from all sections of tho nation much to the chagrin of peaceable citizens and the shame of the law. Local politics have cooled down since the Convention is over and Impeachment subsided, and on Change, appearances are for the better. Of the city itself my impres sions are good. Though shorn of its prestige by the collapse of tho cotton trade it still manages to keep above water and with its suburban villages presents one of tho most picturesque and attractive localities I ever saw. Of tho manners' and customs of its residents there aro no poculiartics to be pointed out from those of other great oitics, yet I imagine tho free and easy Germans, if transported suddenly into our quiet rural retreats in Pennsylva nia, would make a commotion among Good Templars and religious denomi nations who nro zealous in their ob servance of the Sabbath day. It is not imfrcquent to hear full bands of brass musio at the head of corcrcously decorated wagons in processions, filled witn gaily attired men, women, boys "SiicpicbHcau, 1l2c&ueoban, 3unc 3, ISOS. and girls, mingling their notes with tho chimes of tlio church bells as they parade tho streets preparatory to spending a Sabbath in tho country. They choose that day especially for pic-nie'oxeur.sioas, riding, driving and the indulgmco of a gala tiiiw. In the evening their he?rgard nt roio.ui I with many strains of music, thu clinl? of glasses, sour nnJIau'h, mm and women, b.iya aul m iidons, mingling indiscrimin Ucly. All, h iwevor, with out disturb noes or ni jyli intoxication. I nm almrvit inelinsd. to think with Bayard Taylor lhat true happiness is only felt by our rubicund Teuton cit izens, who, as a class aro tho flower of foreigners trus lover.i of "life, liber ty aud tho pursuit of happiness." Yours, J. E. fi. i';i'i.uiu. When one commits a palpable wrong, nothing can relievo him of the odium till he goes on the stool of repentance and makes a clean breast of it in honest confession. To attempt to explain it away, is only adding in sult to injury and damaging the cause. Senator Ross occupied an hour of tlio Sciiafo on Wednesday in a fruitless en deavor to explain his vote on im peachment. I lis excuses were so tri vial, his professions so vaguo and his pralo 'of conscience so empty, that it all only serves to confirm and deep en tho public conviction, H3 own admission self-condemns him, ami he has, doubtless, already realized that a rogue's profbundest wisdom consists in maintaining silenco; for ho who takes a bribe will falsely swear. WlLl, tho Messenger men please cease calliuj' us "better lookinc." AVe really do not feel rthy of wearing the mantle of tho editor in this respect When applied to "Jim," the appella tion has no point but simple fact, but when applied to us tho sarcasm is too keen to bo comfortable. It would re lievo us very much indeed if the Mes senger could husband its compliments till "Jim" returns. Sen. UEVKHIL Ultll"M ItEl'LV. When G'jv. llawley and his asso ciates on tho Coiivnittoj form illy no tilled Gen. Gr.vit of h'n nomination by tin Chicago Convention, ho replied as follows: " Mr. President an I Goiitlaitau of the National Union Convention: I will cmlo.ivor in a very short ti:ii3 to write you a letter accepting tli3 trust you have imposed upon me. (Ap plause.) Expressing my gratitude for the confidence you have placed in me. I will now say but little orally, and that is to thank you for the unanimi ty with which you havo selected nioas a candidate for the Presidential ollice. I in say, in addition, I looked on during the proceedings ut Chicago with n great ileal of interest, and am gratified with the harmony and iinan f'!"'. w1''':11 soemwl to huvo governcrl V'? l'l''wtioii8 ol t io Convention. I I , I . I I 41... i- It chosen to nil the limit oliico lor which you have selected me, I will give to its duties the sumo energy,' the same spirit, and the same will that I have given to tho performance of nil duties which have devolve I on me heretofore. Whether I shall be able to perform these duties to your entire satisfaction, tiino will determine. You havo truly said in tho course of your address that I shall havo no 'policy of my own to interfere against tho will of tho people. As the Genital concluded his speech there was long and continued applause. Urn. Nrullplr Nnmlimtlnii to tlio Wnr Olllcv Coiiiiriiiftl, Wasiiixotox, May 29. The Sen ate in Executive session to-day re sumed the consideration of the nomi nation of General Scoffield to be Sec retary of War. The debate was con lined to the preamble and resolution introduced yestenhly, as follows: Wiieueas, The order of the Presi dent removing Secretary Stanton from oliico was unconstitutional and illegal, but on account of Mr. Stanton having on Tuesday relinquished said office, therefore Resolved, That the Senate do nd visc and consent to the nppointment of Gen. Scoi'licld. There was not a full Senate, but the parties separated on the preamble as they did on the impeachment articles, while the vote on tho resolution itself was without such distinction. . Both the preamble and resolution were adop ted, and therefore Gan. Seolliold is confirmed ns Secretary of War. The terms of the seven Republican Senators voting "not guilty" on the eleventh article of impeachment expire as follows: Fesscndcn, of Maine, 1871: Fowler of Tennessee, 1871 ;Grimcs, of Iowa, 2871 ; Henderson, of Missouri, 18G9 j Ross, of Kansas, 1871 ; Trum bull, of Illinois, 1872 ; Van Winkle, of West Virginia, 1860. A Dispatch from Iiako City, Fla, says that a few days ago nearly two acres of ground, on a farm in Hamil ton county, suddenly sank to a depth of fifty feet from tho surface of the surrounding land, filling with water and submerging the tallest trees. It is still sinking, and the area now covers four acres. Ex-Governor Hawley, of Connec ticut, Chairman.of-thc late Chicago Convention, formally notified Gen. Grant and Mr. Colfax of the action of that body in nominating them for the Presidency and vice Presidency. They both promised to writo letters ami formally ncccpt the honor conferred. THE MIV1IJS. AiMrcn I'rnin Ittt-NInK- Oulrnl Commit. lee An Apjiiul In AIIUuu.l t llUvsi. Philadelphia, May 27, 18G3. To the Votersof l'ennxylcunla: The National Convention of the Republican party, with a unanimity and enthusiasm unprecedented, has nominated candidates for President and Vieo President and announced the principles upon which they appeal to too people lor support. As to tho individuals selected no word of com mendation is necessary. Their deeds form a part of tho history of tho coun try. No matter who tho candidates jn opposition in ay be, they must represent on organization that was unfaithful to4 alio country in tho hour of its direst t peril ami false to liberty and tlio rights of man. For four years tho Rpublio slrwk with tho tread of armed men in n struggle to dctcrmino whether tho will of tho majority constitutionally ex pressed should bo the law of tho land till changed in the mode prescribed by tho organized law. In that struggle threo thousand millions of treasure were wasted three hundred thousand hero-martyrs found in our ransomed soil their graves, and sorrow sits to day at almost every fireside, mourning the iinretiirning brave. This waste of treasure and legacy of woo was cause I by tho minority, in a fair election, refusing to submit to tho will of the majority constitutionally expressed. Suspended on tho issue bung the life of the republic and the hopes of mankind. The only political organization to give aid, sympathy, and encourage ment to that minority in its attempt to dismember the Republic and thus destroy our liberties, was the party calling itself Democratic. At its last National Convention, while half a million of men were in arms for the overthrow of tho Government, it de clared tho war for tho Union a failure, and demanded nn immediate cessation of hostilities. "Wo wTiiHkrl toHplUoonrnnnHwhrn tht'fon WHS III liilV. Anil Mm rv;i ol hit lihiclt hammr wuro dropping nwiiy, To take down tho protid niitno ottr tmllon hud won. And Hti-lknlnr hruvajlrd from III homo In the Mill," " Had tho policy of the Democratic party been successful, tho genius ol impartial history would havo written on the tombstone ol tho present gener ntiou an epitaph of indelible, unlading and endless disgrace that it preferred tho Republic should die rather than cndiiro tho sacrifices necessary for it to live. The men and tho party that saved the Government in war can preserve and protect it in peace. Tho great captain of tho ago will lead the loyal hosts of the Republic to victory in November next, ns be led its armies at D.melsnn, V leksburg and Appomat tox Court House. Republicans of tho Keystone State, efficient organization secures certain victory. Your party in its infancy saved the territories of the Union from the blight and curseof liinnau bondage, and consecrated them forever to free homes and freo men. In its early man hood it has grappled and crushed the most gigantic conspiracy ever formed for tho destruction of liberty and free government. Treachery of public ser vants or apostasy of trusted leaders cannot stay its onward inarch. With truth and justice for weapons and tho hearts of the people for n bulwark, iflruo to yourselves, a certain victory awaits you, "The price of liberty is eternal vig ilance." Gam'siia A.Gimiw, Chairman State Cen. Rep. Com. The change by the Washington Republican, which liasliecn a moderate supporter of Andrew Johnson, to Grant and Colfax, is one among a hundred other indications of the drift of popular sentiment. John C. Bri:ckixi:iikjk is coming back to America. Ifo would bo a good Democratic candidate for Vice President with Pendleton. Bcti.ei! beats Barnum out and nut as a sensationalist. The "Woolly I Toss" afiiiir is no where beside the Woolley-Ross affair. Wc think the President's plea should bo that of the criminal, who, when asked the- question, "Guilty, or not Guilty," answered, ,guilty, but drunk." Tom Feokexce, of more notoriety than rcnow.i, is to run for the place ot Congress iaii Randall of l luladcl pliia. Mr. Johnson did not pay Mr. Ev arts and fee, rightly Judging that his argument had nothing to do with his acquittal. The Sultan of Morocco is likely to be deposed, as ho is too lazy to sit on ins inroiio. The wheat crop3 of Virginia and v ti. n it i xwitu vuiuuiiii uio very promising. Chicago has sixteen elevators, with . '.t . r i i i i i a utjiucuy vi nine minion dusiicis. JonN Burns, of Gettysburg fame, has been struck with paralysis Davenport, tho actor, has arrived in San Fransisco. A Syracusan is raising mushrooms scientifically, " r Speaker Colfax is a short man forty-two years old. Prince Napoleon; is about to visit Constantinople. Prince Alfred, of England has composetl a waltz. It is known that the President Imw been nil vised both by his counsel nnd bv prominent Democratic noli I iplnna sinco acquittal, to act during the tuin- 1 IMI .. -ll. L , mer mm i.iu wiiii irrcut million, ami it is not believed ho will nt tii-csenl indulge in nny very violent executive vagaries. Bo says a asiiiugtou ppe- ial. Cleveland, ()., May 29. The Supremo Court this evening decided tlio visiblo admixture lull passou by tho Legislature unconstitutional. Wm. liisoifui, Jn., 70 Fifth Street, Pitta. hutyh. h the authorized agent for the ItiU'UlJUCAS, ii thntvtfy. GOO JI OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Am now tliilHlifdnnd In oiH-nillon. Klxty inllr nt tin tnu'lc havo Ikm'H hild IIiIn Kprln, nnd tilt1 work iilonit tin whole llni' hrtwi'cn tho Atlatiltr ntul PurlUc Htiito U hrlng piodicd forward moro rapidly thim over lirforo. Moro than twenty thoninnd nun nro employed, and It 1m not lm powllilo that tho entlrn I no-It, from tmtiihn to Hai'rnmiMito, will he llnlshed In IMI Instead of 197U. The meniiH provided ifo ample, mid alt that eneriiy, men mi l nouey can tin to Hiwiiro tlioeuniiletloii of thin OK EAT NATIONAL WOltK, at tho earliest po-islhlo day, will l" done. Tho UNION PACIFIC It.Vtl.ltOAD COMPANY receive: I.-AtiOVLr.NMr.NTdlt ANT of tho rliihtuf way, und all niss-ssary tlnihor anil other mate rials found alon the lino of Its operations. II. A (IOVKKN.UKNT UltAN T of U,IHI0 aero of land totho mile, taken In alternato Koetlotm on e ieh side of llsroad. Thlslsan nhsoliitodo- imtlnn, and will hoiis.nireo of lurne revenue In the future. HI.-A OOVERNMKNT (UtANT of United States Thirty-year II Is, nmoniitlnu to from ?IH,IJOO to !)is,i.lper mile, uiTonliiiK to tho illlll- rtiltles tohennniinniited on the various Heetloim to ho hllllt. Tlio Ooveniiilent takes ll Hoenlid morl:ie as security, and It Is expected that not only thu Interest, hut the principal amount may Ih paid In services rendered hy I Iio Company In transporting troops, malls, &c. Tho Interest Is no moro than paid In this way, hesldes ncotir- luir a (treat saving lu tlni'j and money to the Oovernmcnt. IV. AOilVEIlNMKNroilANr of tho rliihl tolssue lis own Plltsr MOUTOAUE HON US, to aid lu hiiildlint Hi" road, to tliesamii amount ns the IT. S.llou'ls, issued for Ihesame purpose, am nomoick.' THKOovKiiSMKsrl'KitMirs tho Trus tees for the First MorlKHi!' Ilouilliolders to deliv er tlio llnud to the CMminiiiy only ill tlio road Incompleted, mid after It has been examined hy United stntes Commissioners und pronounced to he In all respects n llrst-elass Hallrond, laid with a heavy Trail, and completely supplied with dep its, stutioiis, turnouts, ear-shops, loco moll ves, ears, Ac, V. -A I ' A I '1 1' A I. KTi II K SI ! I Wf ' 1 1 1 PT l l N I rot 1 1 the stock holders, of wlilehovi:u Kn j ur .Million Dom.aks Uavo he.m paid lu iisin tho wink al reirly dune, mi l whleli will lie Increased as the wauls of tin' Comiiany require, VI. NEI'CAHIl HAIt.NlNilSon IU Way llus Iness, th.Unlruudy amount to mouk than thk i.vrKiti'.srou thu First .Morla iK i II in Is. These earnings nr.; no Indication of tin; vast through trallle tlmt must follow tho opening of the Hue tu tho I'acllle, hut tin y c rtalnly prove tlio FIRST MORTGAGE ISOXD.3 upon Mich properly, rosUiitf Hourly throo t linen tlieimmmtiit, , AUKHKC'UUKItKVONl) ANYCONTINtiKNCV. Tht; (.'oinpfiiiy Imvu fitmntttuil! means in their treasury, uitl nmke no nj'penl to tlio public to purclinsi their HuiiIm, us the dally milscripttoiiH nro entirely NatlMfuetury hut they unbuilt that, for entire Heeurlty an.t liberal returns, there Im certainly no better Investment in tho market. Tho Union i'uelMo JIoikIh aro for il.OXf oH':h anl huvo coupons nttadie.l. They havo thirty years to run, nn l h ar itrmuul inter est, pnyablo on tho ft r.st day of January nnl July at tho f jinpany s Olllca In tho City of New York, ut th j rutoof nIx p -r cent, in K'iM. Tho J'rlnelpiil Is p iyahlo in jr-ihl at rn iturity. At the pn Kent rate of goM, these hnnbtpuy an an nual lne Kiiu on their cost of NKAULY NINE I'EU CENT, AND IT H HIXrrcVKD THAT TlfEV WILL iili AT A i'ltKMIuM. Tho Company reserve tho rllit to a-lvanen tho price of tlioir bonus to n rto above pur at any lime, ami will not fill nny orders or receive anysubsorlptloiiH on which the money has not been aetu.'illy pild at tho Company's ofllco bo fore tho llmo of such advance. rartteHMuherlhtut will remit tho par value of tho bonds and the accrued Interest In currency at tho rate of nix per cent, per annum, from the dato on whleli the last coupon was paid. Kub- criptioiiH will IteroeeJved in WaynciburK, I'a.t ItVTflKFIIWT NATIONAL HANK, f n Ncm York AXTHK COMPANY'S OfTICK, 20 Nassau 8t. nnd by JOHN J.CIHCO A HON, Hankers, -V) Wall Ht. And by the Company's Advertising Agents throughout tlio United State. Hemlttences should be mnde in drafts or ftther funds pur in New York, and tlio Honda will be sent free of charge by return express. Turtles suhsrTlhliKC through local agents, will look to Ihom for their safe delivery. A PAMi'HLKr AND MAP for im Utvt Just Imwii published by the Corn piny, giving fuller Information than Is possible In an advertise ment, respiting the progress of the work, the resources of the country traversed hy the itood, tlio menus for construction, nnd tho voluo of the hinds, which will be sent free'on application nt the Company's otUces or to any of the adver tised agents. JOHN J. CI.SCO, Treasurer, New York. JuneX VMf. OOL CARDING ON TEN MILE CREEK! J. II. DEBOLT Would respectfully Inform the public that lie In uuw prepare! to CARD WOOL on the shortest notice nnd In the beat style, at tho TEN MILE MILLS, Two Mile below Rosrenvlllc. He ilefle com petition, and feels confident nf satisfying and accomnuslatlnif alt who may favor him with their pntronnire. lrlee ". ents imt pound. Hols ulso prepared to grind all kinds of tlrnln on short not lee and In the best manner lis iwtn sUsim anil water. JNt. II. KEll'W.T June a, 'M-lin. JgXECUTOR'3 NOTICE. Letter testamentary hnvlnt heep Kmnted jo the undemlicnnl on tho while nf mo -nnr"' lute of Morion townnhlp, lireene """T'.S'.-i nolle In hereby irlven to nil persona ln,,Kw' 'i aald cutatn to m.iko Immediate W'" "'""'! th. hivlncliilinaamlntliaioe topreacnt them duly authenticated for "'i' pj, y, JanV6-t. ' EKwcutur. M ilunehy snor. .uiw. v- i . . . , an bo found t her old tnnd went end of town, ailll carrvliiKon the iMIUIncry bulnew. All kindaor K'U mUil Uiioeuii he pun-mta here JunoVii-tf. ' 4 THE MAMMOTH CIRCUS " A NO MENAOKniE OP TKAINED ANIMALS Will Kxlilhtt In WAYN'KSIIL'K()forondnj,on SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 18G8. HEMMIXGflk COOl'EIl AND WHITBY'S ,5k. E Great Aini'iiftin Imposition Circu nml T ruined Aiiimnls. OI'ESINU OP THE OltEAT CAMPAIGN. The (Irandeat Hieeln leof Ainerlritn Entorprlno river Presented! Institution Two fhillro VenrK 1'crfeetlug It ( iririiiiixntlou I IteKourecu of both Hemisphere hronizht Into Itl'lllllsllloll I Trained Anlmida from every tiunrter of tho (llohol Ivpienlrlnn, tlymnti-itln, Aeroha tin Tulenl Selec ted loin Iho illKhod HrlloolH ul Art I ExhlhllliiK all Iho Heiinementa of Alhletle fu. tllle, under the lllreetlou of the MonI Au. eolupllslied MaMern of tho A)to , ThoOrriit Anierleiiii Kxpodtlon FlonN Kvery wiiere upon tho thilo ol popular Knvor. It litis no Rival on Either Continent t In the Mvlni? Trtblcntl which leads the ffrnnd ProceKiion in i own fill I he day of Kxdlbltlon. a full (lesiTlptlon or whleli wlfl Ihi luithd In tm bills. Is a yoiiiur tunl I M-iiut j fully formed full sl ( AI' IIH'AN l.ln.V. tmeiofed, and Hurround id by Hie uroiipi' of l.iuiles fun aim the Tnhleiiu, (urfh-r the peiii-ft control of MadKmo f)n Nord, (lie Itlofi (Mieen, T 1 1 K I ' I ( A f X K O A X I M A X, H'Vi H ' K I t'niisplctioiiH tnooim 1 1 n Mtinu Uoiih otleretl In the 'I'm i ned Anlinul Ik pariiuent., In the lJliuln Utive iiii'l lMtcli-ffu:l I AlllV KhKPir.VXT TfTAXf A I The Mmnllfst, llnii'lsoriM-Kt and most DiK-lleof h'T HpecleH. The ItttleHrphnnt will he eienis ed In a vaih-tyol ein ionn mii-Nii'iu'I-ih fvnln, by h irjuvo!it!(;lintru :l:u MjH.Sl'.ilK WH1TUY. Trrui-:i3 RMAirnprr Ariirt'AX MONHfi Taken in.ni tlnlr naifve wilds while nulto yon t ik, and thoroni'hly t ml tied In nil thoiiu terri- He Iml.-t lilii e'.-n i.irx, by the It liowllCtl I,u(il'i;i,N, (.bA.IK Id NiUtD! ' Till hidy will enter tlio den of tlieso inajrstle an I fiii iiiidiible freattii'es, where, with n filnni'H ol her cnuraaeons eye, or a motion of hand, sun hold ) them In pt-rUft Miibjeetion, charmed and Np-ll-hotitid; eitu-in ihein to H-iform a variety ot'tippalliim uvtritntHiirs with Ihe irtnuwteon-l)dt-ui und he' iiritv. 1'heHO Mpiendhl f.loim were reeohtly pui'ehased at the Jnnliues den Plants, I'iriM, nt au enormous cost, and form one of I In nemt hitT'"diii'4 fe-iIiireH contutiied lu this Trained Animal Inhibition. Till: MAN'KOK IIOINJN ( ri:KKtrtMfXfi rtixrKsi Mrs. IfKMMPIfJSnnd Mr. U. WIIITitY, aret I !j ii :.i I of I his interrsf lni depart inent. Anioine the livaMire of lint Atniii-ue is the ctdehrated trcttitiu luirfi II VWKKVK MTATK, tauht hy 11, U'hlthy and tho ndmlruhly lu-druc ted trletc iiony lU'TTKKI I,V ; Mrs. Ileuiuihius' siiiMTb IIHV, CI.KOI'ATHA: the Kieiit htei pIO CluuuT t'HA MI'P S, Ilesliles il hemitlfnt stuck minrde- iiicntary to the tori-izotiur, nil imiiu'd to parlor in those bnintltul and dUtleitlt exercises In wnltx init. dnii'-iiuc. murehinu. forminu nttlludes.nmt otlicr wonderful feats of snJif ity and hlb train ing. Most of these Imrses und ponies have iieen sel- eted from Ihe llrst )iniliei;es o KuroiKVsoiiiit even eluimluif their uiurvii from tb Uovul mews of Knlainl, arid the imperial HtivbleofMt r:tL'rburh. twk tjia rxr:i Hvnitirs ! Tlteeurlott-ilv tmiifht nmles Itojltnd FSTXS!iY- will 1t putlbroim:i n eourxe ot tint leu by tho Clown. Am'iNir ihe col lert ion ol hybrids hern Xliiblted nretwo of Iho ltmllet f nerdmen of the mule Mtieetes ever seen. Tliev have rerentiv arrived here from ( hill and Pern. Another eu rioMlfy rt the mule kind is the Jumping hybrid. HAM rAT :i I, wtio vaults over a whole troop of other mules and pontes without the smallest eilort. ' t TirKfiirrrrr.Axn poxrF.?t AXiTHKm mox- KKYKIIK1W. A remilnr mlmle Ktecple-ehtiHe will he Introdnn ed, eoMt limed and iiiinarelled hi full loeky stylo In whleli (lie exeit in snorts of hurdle-himptnir. and live bar h npiiia will lie performed by tlio troopof I'oiiie.-f, mounted by their Monkey ri der in full cry. MATCH FOIi THE CUP I TOM TUTWflt.the. smnllevt cHiuestrlan llvlmr, and Miss Ml'slK WKITHV. will eorniMte on their Uw.irf I', ml en for the Prlxe. Cup, In aLUU , pniiau xuiee. .VNo nnltnnl nttneheil tn tho"ArnorUnn Kxrfo sltlfn"will be placed upon exldblbltion, tiMtt Imim not heetiTlioroughly trained to tk Komn p-irt. In tlie exerciiet there It nouneletw Ntork carried about to encumber the exhibition, or annoy tlie HM'ctaUrn, . THE GYMNASTIC CORPS ! Headed by Messrs. Mllltr. Theodore and Whit toiwy, tlie TROUPE Of CLOWNS ! hy Jolm Fiwlnr, Whlttoney and King. The following UM coniprlnntthoprliiolplil pr forniera lelon.;iiii( to tliUf'ninpnny . OV.MXASTIC EXPIIT4 . By Miller. Theodore and Wliittoncy. ' SCHOOL OfTaDY P.IDINO, By 3Ire. It Ilemminga. TOE FOSTFB bISTERS f Yuunjest E(iicstriciinc8 in tho Profcsslorx : MISS SfSIB WniTBY t " ' 1 ' Leading Jureniio Eriuesuicnne of America, JAMES HEXMIXQ, '. Tho Aacentioniat. .' Jilt KICIIAUDilEMMING3, ,, ., First Sommerauull Iiiiler, Tight-Itope pcr fonncr, liurdlo Ridor, &c .i. TIIETnREECIX)WN3r ! '';' Foster, WUittooey and King. .. . .. CHA3. KIXG'3 FOUR-ttOnSE ACT?" rfTlll mlnenso Woe. -union will .nlp bwn nt ten o'eloek In the niorulnir, on .tlia day of. Exhihltlon, T I.HJ IV--. 1 1 1 r, .T (111 A.il'T r. 3T. ' AdmlMlun M Cut. Children L nclor H Voufl 35 CU WILL EXHIBIT AT . , , Wayncsburg, Saturday June 13, 1868. v . CARMICU.VKLS, T Friday, Juno .42, 1808. i: , W.VHHINOTO.V,' , :, .., Monday, June ,13 18G8. F,,IfWt.fnCl Jimfl-it ' B luliwiw nl. AMKUICAN CIRCUS. SSI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers