The Waynesburg Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 1867-18??, April 29, 1868, Image 2

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    J-i- .s m
I- M ' -
ton rnKRinrxT. "' ,
OK li.Llsoi.
Mablect IB the decision . .r ii'incf am1 the Feopte
of the United Utiles.
abject to the decision of the m-publlcan Ka
tloual Convention.
Kin ArntToit opvrmt. ;
Of Montgomirt Count.
' Ton urmrnrrt r.cvrmi,!
Coi. jACnn M. t: MritkLL,
0 Vuihbrifl Cvun'y.
Alflprn township A. .T. tllnermfin, r, TIhsVu.
Cumberland to t'. I.. (-iniiiitlti', Jo-lali G.iyim.
Carnilehnels Ruro. I. ( ruoc it, .1. N. CiaiMi.
Centre township lanes i n!l,.lfihn lt-i'crs lr.
fmikard township (': p '"i-n. Aaron Siae .
ranklintownslup-s. tv. Hint. Lv-iirtnoli im
Oilinoretownshin (. I', y ir 1 ce.J. I., mo son.
Jnekson townshlp-P. M. (Irimes h. i H.iy ir l!
nnvnarnnrn.hln f II lii-r-. M fli.rr tin mi I
' B"'"..t!r?,'',PT"..A'i'.,'',
sTOirrW,,:. kti.wzz
n-Jolm A. nil -n.!y..l. W.
Itlrhmll tnwim'i'n Or. Ili:l! 1 M u n i
HprlnKlitlHnivn-liip F. f iT'i ll , 'I.H. Vv alu 11.
V nRhln!5tmtow!ii.ili T. I. IViri, i. Ki'ikIp'.
Wftvni township M. lirnni, n..t's i."it.
Wbltly lovni;i:i owpti Itn Non, r. r. Mirr .
.1X0. II. VI U.K. Vntrr 'p.
V . . y... . m .
An4 h kLm ii.i t,i i. . I,'.
la p'.vmij tin illmtrlo-H mn'-s
above at the head of our rolii-niis, we
perfect the intention of two year's con
ception and believe we do that which
meets the approbation of all go id cit -
Concerning oar rnndidnte fur Prcsi-
dent, reasons nre not wanting why hi
name should be presented for the high
est national honor. If there is any
thing in the facts of his past record;
an early life consecrated to his conn
try's service ; his toilsome upward ca
reef in the of difficulties innu
merable ; his nnfliiK-hing integrity fir
the right ; his unassuming modesty ; his
political conscientiousness ; all would
point to him as tin; blight particular
Star in tlie coit 'llation of national
heroes. AVc favor his election to the
highest place in tlie nation because he
belongs to tlie People and is emphatic
ally their protege. II.J erne of
worthy though humble ancestors, was
educated ntthc expense of the People
nnd has ever served them faithfully in
all trusts committed to him. His
deeds hnve spoken for him nnd there
remains no doubt in tho minds of
thinking men but wlu.t his course in
politics" lias been and always will be
for "our country's welfare." We f i
vor his election because he proved
himseJfn soldier. Whatever .ealuiii
nics may be heaped upon him by those
whoso hearts nehed t the news o)'
Union victory and rejoice 1 over defeat,
he wis 'the Cotir oe Leon tint cleav
ed tho Canlhitiwey by persistent
blows. Wc llivor his election be
cause, since the war, he has "acted the
wny he shot," No single deed can be
cited, wherein his honor and that of the
country was .at .s.'ako, but- hat the
common goo 1 was". taken into consider
ation. Lastly, we favor his election
because fully two thirds of those who
arrayed themselves on the side of lib
erty in the recent war desire it. With
this Btalement, imperfect as it is, we
once more "fall in" with the grand ar
my enlisting nn ler his bann t, de'er
mincd to 'fight it on that same line,''
and with t'le co ivlcti in up c n ost t a
November next will witness moren
rious results than those achieved by
our leader on tlie memorable Oth of
April, 'C5.
Andrew Gregg Curt in', our next
choice, belongs to the Keystone State.
Her history has been made doubly
brilliant by the wise and successful ad
ministration of ex-Gov. Ciirtin during
the events of. the late war. To him
rightfully belongs the title of "The
Soldier's Friend," for no one Tailored
with greater .zeal for . their welfare.
Attentivo to their wants in the field
and hospital, he earned immortal fame
for his kindness, nnd to-dav the
widows and orphans if the fallen
speak his praise. Familiar as a house
hold word the name of Curtin is spo
ken of in every hamlet in the Stute as
the fittest of all other to bo placed be
side his forapatriot Grant.
Armed by a strong conviction that
we represent tho loyal people of the
countryjn hoisting the names of Grant
and Curtin there is a justice in the
proposition that cannot want a prnjier
end, and tho fight for lieing heartily
pushed will result in a more over
whelming victory I
. Georgia Domocrats aie a very tol
erant people. The S.ivan th Aloerliscr
a Democratic paper, in n double lead
ed leader, and large capitals, advis
es its patrons to drive out of employ
ment, nnd if -jwwildo out of -the city
all men," white 6r colored, who vote
th Jgopablicnn ticket, ' "
Tttt Impeachment trial will he
aacidadi.thi''week. ''.-',
Ye lianvtlmt the -Utiion IMcific
Pailroad is Icing pusher! forward 1 tils
year more rapidly iliun ever. A mucli
larger force wiN'be emfdoyed upon it
iltirinjj 1808 tlmn ever before. Rock
ittinj; liav-hron continued in the
Laramie Mountains (luring (lie entire
winter, mill lliore has been miich less
snow tliere- tli:m--iii- tiic latitude nf
Now York city. Not less. than 8,003
additional laborers will lie in the field
this season, tosideV 2,0(ft ineelrYiios'
bridge builders, iron workerc, &
Tin-re will also ho' 2,000 team, with
the necessary horses and mule fir tlie
plows and scrapers, and not lew than
1,590 wagnn and cork Much or the
lumber Cor bridops, tic?; Ac, r nlroady
cut, and saw-milTs mid'hli'i'ips' nre busy
in turning nut the mechanical appliances
for thejrrent work. Iron snllicient to
, I.iv 0 )1) miles nf nildniniiil Inicti li-is
I ..WW been delivered ,.. , I.
. . . . - .
- a
ivci'.v ppift tout not less
I " " '-
ished ilurieg tlie pn'setit year.
We learn that 33 mill's west from
CV.vihn arc ivnv com; lete I, an I tliat
the locoinntive, fl!mvo1 by its long
tta'ni f caw, is nduill; running orer
ih i.:,.).! ail Tyi. ir.'..,i,.:.,.
II linilll.'! li'IHI VI 1(11 J I III f. ( iUUHf (HH
' vill Ac trannrd Iw thr liar. This
aehievciiien't'-is .VMitetiiing to be proud
of, an 1 gives good p:iai!su tint eight
fn niiut litlnilrfid mlloc nP llm ncf.ii...
,n.l of the line will be in running order
during tlus vear. ' The wmtern end,
J beginning at Sacramento; California, is
j being pushed lorward with similar
vigor, and we learn that 400 miles of
j it is expected to be finished this season.
The distance from Omaha to Sacramen
to is 1721 miles, and it is now believ
el that i t least 1200 miles of tho
tidiole line will be finished before 1SGD.
This will leae onlv between 500 and
,. , ., , ,
miles to la roniiilclcd Iiere.iltcr,
. 1 -
and it would not bo surprising if the
irrand celebration of the completion of
the Pacific Ilaih ead would lake place
a twelve month curlier than the ( om
panics now promise; , Genius, Pine';,
and Money will then have ncenmplsli
ed one of ihe greatest anil most useful
works in the world.- It was indis
pensable to the political as well as phy
sical welfare of tho country. It will
bind the great extremes of the nation
together, stop our Indian wars, develop i
our mineral resources, and add greatly
to the wealth nnd prosperity of the na
tion. It can hardly be doubted that this
the only tailmid between the Atlan
tic nnd Pacific .States will bo n very
profitable ns veil as a Very valuable
work. TliO 'grent tide of travel be
tween the two deems imiM flci'.v liver
i , a.'.d the merely l&at'tmstitc'ss which
s; -rings up a!on 'the line, aV it is open
ed, an I wi'ii the' n Ijaem'it mines, not
only pays the interest on till the li ia led
debt of the Company, hut a Inn l-o:n
profit besides. Tlie'n'et ei'ruiu gs of the
L'nion Pacific on "81) miles' of roil
from May to J:imnflitet,-'tir.' olli iil !y
reported nt over a iiiillio:i dollars, an I
Congress nlrfttdy threatens to interfciv
to reduce rates and compel tho Com-
pany to stop 'makin; so tnuch profit.
As tiie Government advances about
one-thiid of the cost of the road, and
appoints live of the directors, it will
nave an a'tive in tlie matter
whenever it is necessary to exeivise it.
The Company's First Mortgage
lion Is, b.ting six , per cent, gold
i .tei'st, have made a ready sale, and
a limited amount nre. now, oll'ered nt
oar. We can see no reason why they
aro not a perfectly sale as well as a
very profitable security, bultserip
lions are lcccived by various Ban! s
and Hankers advertised as agents, who
have a valuable pamphlet for gratui
tous d'striliution to parties interested,
which will furnish ti.ll information.
Tin-: Republican County Conven
tion for nominating- a ticket for the
ensuing election ' in Lawrence county
does not meet till Juno 1st, prox.
IScavcr and ashiiigton have uct yet
named n time for ,, Jiiiel action. This,
with the fact that the. meeting of con
ferees will bo yet. later, will give our
friends in this county plenty of time
to have a call issue 1 for a nominating
l.onventio:i 1:1 a manner that will !
..: : 1 r.-; 11 1 ..
. . . - ,.
1111 llS.ll INIUSlilClllUl. I II ITI ID
existing ctrcumstaiices wc would tir-rc
upon tho Chairman of our County
Committee, the importance of this, he
having repeatedly stated that "Hie call
for ihe Convention lield wan tcorded with
the cxpre& view that no move would be
made toward noiiunalinj a iic'xt!"
W hat we aim at is u 11.111 i 111 it v. If this
is obtained .wo arc satisfied. ' Why
should tiicro lie anything lost by a
fair understanding with the people?
Without it there certainly will bo a
loss, ust think upon it.
Colo.nei. Jauw Heron Foster,
the senior editor and one of. the. pro?
prietors and founders of the Pittsburgh'
Daily Dinpatcli, died on the .22, inst.
iu uiai city, ne was a scii-maueman
a good tbiokerst(t'-. man
won tho Min'..1im:tiai.
foes.. L'?''-.'rr?-,'t-
Iii nil tha forms know to law,--lv
the proclamation of the Secretary of the
1 reasury, ly tlie advertisements of the
authorized agents of the Government,
by tho genera! consent of the people
themselves, and most emphatically by
tho representatio ,s niado in foreign
markets, it was agreed that the bonds
were to be paid in gold, or its equiva
lent. They wero issued in time, of
war, nt depreciated rates, because the
nation's life was trembling in the scale,
ami the highest inducements were
essential todrawont the money nf patri
ot io citizens mid friendlv aliens. All
moralists are agreed to the' principle
that "a protn'se is to 1m interpreted as
the promisor believes that the promi
see understoo 1 it." Xo sane man pre
tends" that Congress was practising a
trick on tho people in passing the
national loan lulls. No' sane man
I V that the ikhuiIu who lent their
. .!.. .. . I M i..
I inmiof wnrn nvi,p.tin
: :
o I :i i I in
contract was
!,i., .p. l . i. (1.. f . 1
the lender) of the nmnev, , both
I understanding it in tiie same way, and
jin t lint way itimiit bs execute. I, or the
I nation's credit and honor aro ruined,
(and its name becomes justly tho scull'
and uiM'i.sioii of all honest men on earth
who caii read'br hear tho' story 'of 'its"
Pettifoggers and popularity hunters
i i;' tho '"'''orn thieving generation ;
I ',;,,'lu', ,v"""- b"-v ,,ntC3 b.v nl'l,K"'
to the avarice of men, or evade their
Inmost debts,m.iy make it appear to the
mob that it i i cheaper to defrati I a
creditor than to pay him his debt, but
in the long run it is poor policy to be
a seo'.uvlrul, an I national ivp:i liation
is but tlie aggregate souadrelis n of
a majority oi'a people.
T . A 4T eint.. ill til I hi i.i!iiti r tti.i ii i tin. I.. ...
...ID. " Mil III lillifll.'lllll mi. iimnin
c ,i n w .
of the lioiiiibncan Convention we
printed them as they were written bv
the Secretary. Perhaps, in justice to
tlie gentlemen, it would be proper to
sta'c that two or mo.-c delegates with
drew without voting on the noailna
tlons made, and also that tlie uaaies ol
at least two mentioned in connection
with theCongrifsloiial nomination were
used with out their consent, they hav
ing i:o thought that the question of
chortsing nominees Would come up in
that Convention and, ot course, made
no e.Turt to the end of sccai'jng an elc
Wind Rintii:, GnF.F.xn ro.,
April Z, 18U8
Mrt. EditoH: I desire to commu
nicate through the columns of -your
paper a brief ..Sjketoli. coU'S'i'Jiing .the
ctosing exercises of a public school
taught during the winter by Prof.
New ton I trad dock.
The .school clo-ed 0:1 the 2 lt!l dav
of March. The day being pleasant,
at an early hour tho school convened.
Tiie house was nllolwiih spectators.
I'lie examin ition was thorough and
very satislactory to all present. The
pcrli inn mees were interspersed wilh
enlivening instrumental music by the
"Nebo string band," under the super
vision of Prcill UoWt ISuriis. To
the honor of the' ladies and citizens
wiio so generously entertained us with
the delicacies and good things which
they ha I provided, and wi'li-which we
so readily satisfied our appetites, wc
extend our sincere thanks. The en
tire exercises evinied faithful labor
on the part of the teacher, and dili
gence, application and marked pro
gress on tlie part of the scholars.
Mr. lira block's nictlio I of teaching
is certain to sA-uro success, nn I is
worthy of imitation. He is a model
Cirficator. He has acquired for him
self justly a reputation as a successful
teacher. ISut while wc arc willing to
give the teacher dm: credit for his
ability, efficiency and success in devel
oping the intellectual faculties of those
committed to his care, it is not for the
most finished workman to present us
wiilt the perfect specimen )t Inscralt
and skill, unless ho have the material
that is lilted to receive the finished
touches he would impart, and hein-e
we would be entirely too inrtiaLiu. our
commendation, did we not also' extend
a share ot it to thine whosj talents have
rendered them capable of such i:n
provemriit, even under, the i.i.smi, t'on
of an adept. .
At the close ol the examination the
citizens and parents present were call-
I eo 011 10 express their sentiment in
-iicgarn to ineir satistaittton. lucre
. .1 . 1. ...1
was but one sentiment cxiiressed, and
that was entire satisfaction. 1 he Uev.
cilevensun being present during the
greater part of the exercises, was called
on and replied in some brief but ap
propriate remarks. So did nlsolSuni
feagnrdon, Crow and Phillips teach
crs who were present. Mr. Phillips
delivered aa able address 0:1 the "im
portance of education." Spectatoi!.
Twenty-Tiirke States have held
their State or District llepublican Con
ventions and appointed delegates to the
Chicago Convention, and all without
a break in the line, have pronounced
for General Grant, as tjieir candidate
for the Presidency.' "
I - j ii-rau.Tjrlnl.
Tlie tnaToTTofiit II. Snrratt has been
fixed for tho 12th of May" in iha
Criminal Court of tha liintriiit nf
Uol umbra" aodg;EfCttr1pfc8i-
Mn. EniToIt 5 I sec from an ed
itorial TiT j our .last jssne thgtyoU churge
the Conferee elected mi the'Uth iust.
with being pledgethto another man,
than the one nominated in the Con
vention. Allow me. through the col
11:11ns of jour paper to positively deny
anythiug of the ki. d. As for niy iiw'n
part I w ill vote for nn other man than
tiic one nominate I by the Cbniviifi'on.
I have never dreamed ofdoing other
wise, and I kiiow, politicly, knuic, that
the other two conferees .are of the same
mind. Allow ine to say also that
your editorial was' very ill-timed, and
I am confident yon will find it so,
if you do ii-1 retract somethings con
tained therein. There has nvcr been
II larger and more intelligent conven
tion in the couiity,-ftiid 1 think that
all its actions must stand, the majority
must rule, and the minority must sub
mit, if not we are not iK'm 'ocralic. As
to ,!. JJ. toiiley being in league with an
other man, I leave for him to say fir
himself. Vsav, did I think him capn-
bleof'Mieh meanness, J would not feel
myself much honored in k'ing ono of
tlie conleroes and could not give linn
that hearty support that I will, or
that I would give any other yuoil,
Greene Cunntymnn.
I think that had tilings transpired
dillcrentlv Iron what they did in
choltf of a man there would have been
no coutciition. I might sav mora Imt
will not unless livel to by future de
velopments.' I don't want to say
anything that will he detrimental to
the parly. I want harmony, an I we
need it if we ever did in the coaling
campaign. Hoping we may all work
harmoniously tog t her for tha go i I of
our common Coiilry I su'neribe
Your', ct-e.,
F. II. Ciucm.
Carniiclwls April 23, '01
Wo ililfer witii Mr. CiMgn, in that
we have any thing toivtiH. Did we
say anything that was untrue ?
Tiie Tribune remarks that siirothe
safe ol'S.-rgeant IS.1tc.1nt Wash
ington n Her his arduous travel among
;! Ka Klnx ol the South, tin1 public
beg'n to in niire into the file oi'anoth-
ei- illiistnom traveler whose peregrin
ations begin about the s pile time, an I
evidently in im t ition of ihr Wi.seo isiu
rois;er. We in -a 1 the h n, o
1 1 1 . 1 11.11 1
oca, a real lo.uuerc.i oi l iv, who was
staitel so. ne two months ago by the
iio.s of one of ihe Kistern Jv press
o.liees, and who has been g nng ever
since this si le up with care, well Ii-1
ami everywhere hailed with as much
satisfaction as was maui'isted in am-
place for lialcsand tlie flag. The hen
cackled less, perhaps, nnd wc nre not
aware that any public meeting was call
ed 111 her honor; but she has had quite
a good lime of it, and started with
quite ns sensible object in view, and
her htill liiioonchitL'd travels have
quite a; much polititat signifi -anee ns
those of Mr. Untcs. Withi'yiiWuiM
Unum in her bill and ihe Am -iicau
Hag painted on her oil wing,s'iu woanl
have been a -better nnd honcstcr sytn
bilof'tlic eagle of our country than
h as the foot-sore and dre.t Ifully bored
oould soger boy whnsj exploits have
been so minutely recorded. 1 1 is work
is done, ami now the hen takes
up tlie wondrous tale. Pa -salong that
Till: WlllTF. mavm I'Aiiry.
We beg our "Democratic" friends
hereabouts, who are so much afraid of
negro equality and are so jubilant over
the defeat of negr.i snlli-age in Michi
gan, 10 provide themselves with chlo
ride of or some other po.veriui
disenfectaiit, belbre they peruse the
fidlo vin r, one o1 the resolutions passed
by I ho" Domicilii io State Convention"
Held at Columbia South Carolina on
ihe 31 of this 111 nith :
"JirtoU'iit, That under the action of
the Statu of South Carolina, heretofore
taken, we ivco;ni.e the colore I popu
laliou nf the State as nn integral
Oicmciit 01 the iioiiy pontic, and sis
s:i.)'i, in peri :i a i I property, e atitlo I
ton full and equal protection under tlie
State Constitution aa I laws ; an I tii 1!
us citizeni of South Carol ina we declare
our willingness, when we hare the
power, to i;raut them, lpnler proper
qii tlilieations as to prop-Tty a id
iululligcnc.', the right of sulfa ;e."
Kt-Vllrliuji (?)
It would appear from a resolution
o.Tered in the House m M m lay that
a-non; th; 111 iteri.d aid eontribnied by
th- Adniiiiistratfo.i to carry the 'Con
necticut election' fiir tho Democracy
was the United States" sloo i-of-w.i"r
rjibine, whiiHi it isclwrge I, was detain
ed several d lys in the h.irboi-of New
Io nloii a.'ter it ha I been ordered out
of com nlssloii, s 1 that the crew might
be m.uv.ied t, thr polls for Gov. Mug.
lish. This a riiijeinent cist the
United Slates .520,0.10. The Secretary
of the Navy was appealed to fiir in.'or
iiiatio.i but a Democratic member, of
course, nbjivtc.l, and so the resolution
yet iiaugs fire. .We appeal to the
llitisj tofo-co it throigh. Ijt us
have tills chargethoroughly investigat
ed. Tribune.
A race for the Ch impious up of
.vuieiicii 11.111 a pursiMit. Sg.tJUii, lias
been arranged between Jim ny H.ruill
and Henry Coulter. The rowing is
to come oil' on the Ss liuvlkill river at
Philadelphia on the 18th dav of June.
It wssniniiially Bgrectl In-twi-en Ham
ill and Coulter, that no matter iu whose
fay or the r.ieenlfnnld bi- decided, neither
party would recognize. Walter ISrown
us an oarsman in aiiy ract', or ixvtt or
rcpiyio any ctiailenge comin-; from
him. HarriiH resides in Pittshurtr and
Oottltcr . in' MiWflIlterR ".' AUeghcuy
inPKiciinK.vr 'rni.iL.'
" - t
A special dispatch to tho Commer
cial of April 21, says: Gov. li uitwell
finished liisnrgiimeut nt one o'clock to
day, and after a recess, Mr. Nelson, of
tho President's counsel, began w hat
proved to be one of the most ludicrous
speeches ever delivered in the Semite.
In the manner of the speaker, in some
of the matter, in gestures, in earnest
ness and in cll'eet upon tho Senate it
was fully cqu iltoa Hard Shell ser
mon, It more than overbalance ! the
worst that has ever been charged upon
the manner or bearing of any of the
managers. Judge Curtis i:ml Evnrts
could not by nny effort conceal their
disgust, and Curtis withdrew at an
early hour, but Kvnrts nnd Groisbeek
sat it through. P.y turns Senators
were disgusted nnil amused, nnd these
lootings wero display without regard to
Mr. Nelsoa began by givin a brief
outline of his own pr.i.'e-slon il career,
from which it imn.'.iiv.l that he hi I
been a lawyer lb. liiinv ve.irsand had
tried I'.n.s involving life, liberty mil
character. The following is a fair
specimen of the first portion of his
speech : " I'hech argo, h id b w:i m 1 Ij
that the President was an unworthy
successor of those w ho had filled his
high olliee ; tint he was ribald and a
wanlo.i ; that ho bandied tests nnd
oaths with the crowd. Tlie
'su etrirgcs
hid been made and reiterated, and un
til now1 no reply had been made tolhem
and he proposed now before entering
011 a review ol'thearticlesof Impeach
ment, to answer them. If the P-esi-ileut
was such a man as had been naint-
e,i men no 1 Mr. would say he was
1 .1 1 1 1 i 1
miiee.i "a monster ot snc.i Iriglitlnl
mien.tliat to he hatel l.nt lolii-s.vnj'.H 1,S.:;02. and thai of teachers and
t.ut".i whip a'lould 1)3 place I in iie
hands of every man to lash him naked
through the 'world " that his name
should he used to frighten children
with; that the memory ol his crimes
would '-ciiisj every hair to
stand on end like qulils upon a lietlul
He front Wort a pira
grajilt for tlie benefit of the managers
and went 0:1 with what app.-aivl to be
a parolv 0:1 tlu s.-'ia il svea, b';i;i
in; "'!i was P!e iu?'" re-
pe.iluig f -e iti -ntlv insret I of t!ia above
il Ii 1 was An Irew .loans 1:1 '.
riien he traced him Irom the time he
w is a sun!! bnv in (Irecnville, wh -r.'
ne soon
1 lie r,va ids iu whit Mr. Nil-
son termed aa Im-nble iip.vIi piiea! pur-
sii.t, up tnrougu his Wiiuie career
up t.iiM-ig.t Ins Wii ile career,
o . lilting, however. Ills service ol'AI
lerniin, to the I'resi !e:icy. Tliis. ami
his service in the Srn a e as a Union
nun, was Mr. .lolin-ion's u-uil speech
on that subject alums', word Ibr word,
b ad gra nm ar iin l all. In explaining
who Andrew .Johnson was, iU declar
ed lie was an old, had so u:i
nouiieiil himself in his letter accept
ing the Republican nomination, nnd
had been true to his early views. He
had followed Lin oln's policy, nnd,
according lo Mr. Nelson, had retained
Mr. Lincoln's Cabinet, wh'ch was
thought to be quite an admission by
ihe managers, lie next defended iii
leu tli 11:1 1 with great wirmtli, the
right and duty of the Chief . Justice
In assume and exercise Judicial pow
ers, and tiie;tn -sa wilh which he
Ionian led thatlii;' Chief .In tice should
a-sert lis right in these respects wa
regarded by all ::s utterly out of placr.
lie, however announced -.hit lie did
1 1
not Know ns no was expressing
too views ot any other gentle
man of counsel. The whole speech
bore evident marks of having be mi di
rectly inspired by the President, an I
is the universal subject of laughter by
both parties to-night. Mr. Ni ls in did
not finish, but will, unless the counsel
siiivce.l in restraining him, o;cupy
half the session to-tn rro.v. Mr.
(irorsbeck will folio ,v him ; then
Williams and Stevens on the part of
1I10 managers, if they hive the
siieiigth, then Evnrts and lastly ISlng
1 1 ti 111 .
One of the Cabinet ministers yes
tor lav expressed a decided opinion th it
his o.ljcial duties would end within ten
On Friday Mr. Nelson ehurd his
.irgiiin -nt in deleuso of the President
at twenty minute after four, mura to
tlie relict of the ( ourt, and especially
of the rest of the cuun-cl. Judge Cur
tis sat at the table about eighteen min
utes, an 1 Mr. Mvarts about the sa ne
tini.', while Nelson was siieak
a I ihe 1c.1t of the ti ne tlu tib'o was
vacate I. ISothoftlicsee-ciitlcine. have
lieeni umctmribly worri dliyt'icelf r
of yesterday and to-day. Judge Curtis
no.v intends to speak in place of .In Ige
Slauberry. Mr. Crocsbeck will ad
dress the court to-morrow. As a
specimen of Nelson's digressiondnring
his speech, ho went into a full hNtoiy
of tiic Alia Vela truaiio case frotn tlie
President's stau I point, a a reas n
fiir J11 Ige 15 aek not appearing as
one of thr conn.'!. I L' also said a
'no nf the P.-esident's counsel, the
House ii.' Kejireso.itatives, with ten
States exciu led, ha I uori-vit to present
arlicl.-.sof'iin ieaeh.ii 'ntjaii I th '.Senate,
w. til twenty o.npty s.Mts, hid no con
stitutional right 10 trythciu.
A letter from Hon. L. D. Campbell ,
of Ohio, to President Johns in, duel
May Oth, 13!i0, is pnblisha I to-day fiir
the first time. One object of the letter
was to urge a change in the Cab: net
and tho matter is thus summed up :
" The naked question prescntrd is
whether the Administration is to be
marked in American history as yours,
or as a mere continuation of Mr. Lin
coln's ; whether yo:i arc to open hooks
fiir business nn your own account or
merely to net as an "administrator
with will Annexed, of your predecessor,
your fiicnds will expect you to carry
0:1 business on your own account."
OXE gambling shop in Cheyenne
contains sixteen fnroand roulctte'banks
and ono keno bank.1 There aro in tho
house, besides, sis billiard tables.
Tho N. Y. Eramincr, in nn interes
ting article, io!lutcssiiiiiestrikii!(j facts
and figures nbniit the liquor linllic in
the United States. 'J'bo Itevcmie re
port to thu Treasurer, January 18118
says : "The present production' oi'fi
tilletl spirits in the United States, the
orctieally available f(r assessment
and revenue, is imdouhtidly nbniit
fifty milllona of rrwf gallons pn-annum."
The total number of licensed estab
lishments for the sale of liquor in the
United States, is 130,000, that is one
establishment fiir every 2(lli persons,
or for every lil'ty-lhree families. This
statement cannot be nil exaggeration,
lor the more carefully prepared statis
tics of New York State give one grog
shop to every 1 8:1 of the inhabitants.
These PJO.OOO licensed liquor estab
lishments occupy more buildings than
there nre in the city nnd county of
I'hdadeijiina. according to the returns
of.lauuiry ISM.
If a frontage of twenty feet were al
lowed cadi liquor establishment, they
would form a solid row of buildings
more than four hundred and ninety
two mile lony longer than the rail
road route from lliston, bv wav ol
New York nnd Philadelphia,' to
Washington Citv. The number of
j persons required to carry on this iu-
1. .:. ....n: :...! .1 t
iiMiniMin 11,11111, iis-iriuo mree 10 caeu
place, (in New Vorl city the average
of five each), is ;59!),)00, more than
tho population of I'altiniore or Hus
ton. In the State of New York, the
ntmiher of licensed grog-shops is 21
; 12, ami of employees in them, (iT'li.
j Tiie number of schools mid churches
ministers, ,..,2II.
Tho sum of motley expended for
liquor throughout the country, is still
more startling. 'Tlie total value ol re-
tail liquor sales (orotic year, in the
dillercnt Mates ami I cmioncs, wSI,
-l.8:l,-l!ll,S0.i. The total valueofriil
roads and their cqu pnietits is little
more than this, viz: $ ,(i.) lloOJlKI.
This enormous n iiiiiint spent for in
toxieating drink, is equivalent to $:
forcvciy 111:111 woman aid ihild iu
the country. It is more "the entire
pi-olu t of the precious metals,"' fro 11
all the Slates and 1 1 rritoriis west of
thelto ky Mountains ibr lnnry y ::ir.i,
ironilfjltj to Jannarv 181)8, wb:cl
Mr. .1. IIo;s l!,iv.e. U i.,.-.,..if
j port tt Ihe Secretary of th- Treasury
: estimates at Sl.Ki.VOOO.tKKI. It is
more than tt:n times the
total value oi
in the United
all (lie
l llll'i' I ir-ii-ici'.'i.
Stales, en-en bv the ceiious of I.StJt) 11
r 1 -r
jJI7l,.'j!J8,itj-J. It is more than one
half our entire national debt, (not do-du-ting
the cah iu the treasury),
which was 2,020,0:,8 13 on Novem
ber 1, 18(17.
One of the most important law s ev
er placed 011 Ihe Maine hooks of the
Stale is that which relieves nil mort--gi-s,
judgeni"iits and r:eoj;iiiance.
owing 1111 articles nf agreement on the
sale of real estate from taxation. We
print the act as it now appears on the
file of tlie Secretary of the Common
wealth :
. 11. .. . 1 ti. . ..
jto u ennc:ca, tve., 1 liar all mortsa
1 1
ges, judgments and recognizances ow
ing uji'ii rriichs nf tigiecmeiit for
the side of real (slate made am! exc
( ulcd alter the passage of this net, shall
be exempted from nil taxation, nnd
that from mid after tho first day of
D. eeniber next, no taxes of any de
scription shall be assessed or collected
01 or from mortgages, judgments, rea
ognianees or moneys owing upon ar
ticles of agreement for the sale of real
iwtnle, whether ma le and executed be
lbre or iil'tcr the passaged!' this act:
I'mviiled, That nothing in this shall
be construed to apply to inortga-'-cs,
ju.lg nents or articles of agreement giv
en oy corporations.
llmvjr Ronil Uniilipr.
Nir.v Vortic, April 23. A myste
rious lobbcry occurred at the hanking
ollire of, Tanner & Co., No. SO Wall
street, somctimediiring Tuesday night
or early yesterday iiiornnig. A tin
box, containing i.5.,fl!)f), in lcn-(irtv
bon Is, which ha I been deposited iu
the s lib iu the inner ollicc Wednesday
ifternooti cro f uu I to bo missing
yesterday forenoon, when, a clerk went
in to jret them. A detective was de
tailed to look after tlie case. Up to
1 late hour last night no traces of tlie
thief had beo:i diseovcre I. The stolen
boa Is were thirty-nine in 1 1 11 i.ber.
twent-srven being lor $1 ,():)() each,
aild twelve for 0'Jjcaeh. A re.var l
of 0)3 Ins been ollerel for the
recovery of the lost prop M-fy. It is
staled thifuttli' ti iu springers Ii id
not been allowed inside thcolliec where
the bouil.s were ket, and how they
disappeared is a ipicsliou to lie solved.
Tit;: conviction in Wall street tba!
tlie I'll sidi lit will lie disposed of is ail
but general, and strong parties are
backing ii) llie pre.iii tion witli heavy
liets. The influential Weed and 'eiv
art interest is hin. worked against
eoiivictii.n not tliat it cares lor Mr.
Johnson so much as it docs for tho re
tention of the lucrative initroaa'o it
still eonirols one wav and another in
t'ie Custom Hoase, the Postollice, and
the Iiiteriial.Ucvenue Department. I!
IJeii WaileoiK-c gets in, it is no secret
that ho will make short work of these
in order that the more men of
tho party may have a turn at the pub
lic erili. The Eocniny J'unt, which
represents tho ins, has a strong article
a '.mist conviction.
The Gazelle of Pittsburgh siys
a Southern mariner is said to have
been so bitterly partizan as to refu-e
to bo guideil by tho North Star, and
tho co-nsetjaeneo was bis vessel was
shattered. '
tcuv Mwtterittfnt&
W11. tllvnimi. Jit., "11 Strfrt. PUtt-
tnr'ih. it fAj nuthorizt ii njmtjbr tht lill UUHCAS,
nnsT jtonTa.vQR bonds
The ftroa' Purine nollronil Uno, extending
IWI nilln ffoin Omnlm, on tho .Mlmourl river, fo
llio tlile-wntrm of tho fnclllo Occnn, Is Ix-lng
linlll l.ytwo iKiworftil I'oiiipnnlni-Tlir Ullo
I'Aeii-ie,brKtniinw t Omiilin, IiuIIiIIiik Wet,
nml tlie Criilrnl I'm liioof Citlirurnln, l)(iliinln
nt HncrnniQiito, bunutng fcaM, until tlie iwo
rnuils shnll nicet.
Ilolti rompnnli'K Irnvci prosecuted tlie work
Willi iirint vigor, u10 vnlon Puclilo havluj si
ready oxpl-iuIlhI over
Tininy mu.uon douars,
nnil ttic Centnil ovrr Twenty Millions, npoti
tlu lr rospepilro pirtsof tho iimlcrtuklim. The
t'nlnn Pii-ltlc hnve rmnplctoil SVI inlles liv
imn iivl oilier nintorinls for two hunUred mile
more upon the mound, unit one hundred mldl nillCKnie ready fpi- the Irm-k. Tlieywlll
linvo n iniieli Inrmr force finplnynd this year
tlmuever befort,ndlt Ise.ipocleil that between
Bix AND Ofln MILES '
will be In npcr:illuii durlni; lSiW. Theroaermito
ho no iTflK.iinble doubt Unit llio dlmnnce be
tween Om-ilm nnd Snrmineritowll! bo trovened
In- rail In ISTrt.
TIIK ll(iVKltNMENTOn.NTH 1,SU0 nerenof
land, nnd Its Uondu to tho nveraso iimimnt of
K','fl per mile, to aid In tliiieotiHlrui'tlon of thn
line, nnd aiilhorlsiK the lMtoof tho tint mort
suae llondsnnw ninred ror fate, to tho nmn
ninuiiiit nnd no more. Tho flovernmi nt tnlteii
a sxeoNn lien, nud iilves to tho Flwt MarlgiiKn
lliiil-iiiitderaii prior lieu for tlinlr aeeurity, to
wlileh n lnrsn pild-u;i rnpltnl la n-1 led. Tho
Hon. Is c-nniiol 1m Insurd exeept ni eaeb section
nf twenty milts 18 neeeiile.l by floverninent
eoniiiilsslon, o Hint they nlwayx represent a
real prnperty.
Il 1h tmlviTiil!y ndmlttii.1 that on tlie com
plellonoftliel'nliiii PneineUallr.iad,lt-ilhroiii;h
liiislueNH will make it one of the most proaiftlilt)
In tlie world Imt Us way or local buaine-si is
.itr. aily nevi ral times the Interest on Itn bonds;
so t'ni.lf not iinolher inllu wero built, they
wiuld lienseeure invesiiuenf, ,.
J"II :: SKI' I' AItNIMH fur t.gUl inonlhs of
last year on nn nvi r.ieof :1 Ii mites areottk-lsiUjt
repined at sl.'lii.l u, wlillo tho Interest ah all
the lion Isil e 1 ll I Us 10 01 that leiilli of' rond
for llial tlui', rediued lo curnuey, wasonly
l iieumount mi l by the (lovemment for t lh
tr.msp irliilion of Irm pi, miinlllons, stores and "'
111 . lis lias been, nu t douhiliRs will uoiitiuue lo
bnm.h iiijie tlinn tliL- interest on llio I'll licit
st lies second MoriKiino Ponds. If It Is not, tho
vhiirler piovidis Uiai aller llio road Is com pie
led, tiiul unlit haid 1 otitis mid inleretit lire paid,
at lea! live p-r i:ent. of tlie net cimilngs of tho
road shall he applied losueh paytiietit.
Too I'nli.ii I'aeillu lloinls urn for II, DM
enc:i mi l have coupons attached, Tliey liavo
thirty years lo 11111, and bear ininual Inter
est, payable nn ttie lirst days of January mil
July at tlie Company's (iltlec In the city of New
York, nl Ihe r.neof six per cent. In gold. Tho
I'lliii Is p lyabto In k"I'1 nt maturity. At
the present rate of uo'.d, the.-.o bunds pay on an
nual Ineotiinnli Ibclrcost of
The Ciiiiiiiny have but a very limited supply
of llieir liuiids rcmainliiij n:i band, butany sub
s'Tliiitiiis aet-e led to n Kreuler amount than
can be fitli'd rr: tin ttimds now in the (.'ompany's
po.se5!on, will be supplied from llio New
iluiils to lie Uiu. il on iliat pot tion of tho road
'oinpli tiil in tin- Sjir.Htt, In tho order In which
ti. ey are received.
'J Ik I'limp my nuervo ttie rlubt lo advaneo
ibei,'iee of tiie.r bunas to n rate above parat
any Mice, an I will not nil any orders or receive
any siiliscrlptlons en which, tho luoiiry lins not
iiein actually pildat iho company's olllce be
fnre tint time ol' such o lvair;o. -
l'ariies siili.eiiliiii will reir lithe rar vnlnoof
Ihe bonds an 1 t!iJa:.-;riH-.t interest In currency
at Hie rale of sl.x p: r eeni. per annum, from tho
date on which the last coupon was paid. Hut-
dipt Ii. ni will .e received In Weyncshuriz, Pa.,
n New York
and I y
JOHN J.fl.'-fO A RON, Ilnnlir rs, f,0 Wall Ht.
;itid by the Advertislni' Asonts
liiroutttiout the I'nlted stales.
r.etnlttenees slmuld he had In drnfis or other
funds par iu New York, and Ihe Ilotuls will bo
tent lice of chnri;e by return express, Pnrtleti
stiliMfribln'r thrutiii local ngeiils, will look to
Ihem fur Ihelrsnlmlellveiy.
A I'AMrill.I-.T AND .MAT for VC1 liaa Just
bei n j itlillslii d by'llie ( rarpnny, iivinK lutler
Information than Is poislblo In an advortlse
ineiit.ropeitli gtho j rogrrn of the work, tho
rt sources of theceuntry traversed tiy the Itoad,
the means fur construction, nnd Ihe value of tho
bonds, wlileh will be si lit free on nppllruliorj at
at lla Company' iflli est r loiiny or tl.o adver
tised agents. . ,
.1011 N" J. CISCO, Treasurer, New York.
r.s causes, c-iiauactek, conduct an
This creat Work presents tlte only eoinpleto
and iiiipaiiuil iiiiinysis 01 tho Causes of tbo war
yel iMiii.islied, and K'Ves tiioi.0 Ulterior llliul
ana Siiiidnws of tiicKtcat eoullict only Known to
louse (ntlll nliicels U llo Walclll'd tllll tlisil-tldll
it rcv.t.iitiuu noiii us t-pritiii. and
w.m:. i we;e so uecchsiblc lo lr. Stephens froru
iiis 10- Ha n as second i (ileeroi thei ouleileiacy.
Ion pntille tbul has been aiii-ieilcd wltu Ar
I'Alte... l l.Y Isi.WII.AIl I'lil illbl-I IOMS, we
pi'utiiihe ii clinno oi i.ire, iHitli av tiuble and
.-i.iiiinry, an i an .nteilclu il ireal oi the highest
oi-uer. ' i In. ( Aloer. enii War has A.I' l.Art'1'
iiuiiiin tusioriiiu woi '.byorijsiniporiiiiiee, nnd
.it u'liosu liauds il will receive Unit. Iilisltirate,
can l.d and Impartial iieiiiuieiit wlilcli truth
.lll l .ills! leu so It. uently di'lilillnl.
i'lie tit i.-iir-e iti every win le nmnll'cstcd to
obia.ii mis win u, lis otiieial eiiiirneter and ren-d.i-
s lie, combined Willi nn ilii-lcascd inillllnls--iiiii,
iiinkc il Hie bi'sl iiiibHiTipl.oii bistk evur
(hie neiit 111 Kastoii, l'.i., reports 72 subscrib
ers ill t.irce iln.vs.
nun in Huston, Mass. I ii sulcrlbers In four
one In Memphis, Tenn. 100 suhserllwr In flvo
wen. I forf'lreiilnrs nnd see our ttrnis, and a
ful ileseripiii o hi 0,e Work, Willi Prci uollcca
ol II'IV III. cslieels, ,Vc,
A Id . i ss N A I'll i A I, I'U II Ms HI N n CO.
SouiU sieviaiih Ht. I'liilndclphia.
li:i.i:MAN, 31KVRAN&SE1DLB, .
No 12 Fiftli SI reet, one door from Wood, .'
I'irrsiiuiioll, 1'a.,
F' ne Jewelry, yVntclies,
Dlamoiiiis, 1'iin; nllver Wnre,
l'luied Wun-oi every tUwcriptlnn,
French Clocks, i'eu Neis, HjKions,
Forks, utub mulicrs tools, 4c,
And agency of tho
We nlso keep tho latest nnd most varied as.
soroiieni oi i ue very nest American Made
CliRks, to I si riiuini in uny city east or
wish. Persons hi want of imr article In our
line.r.lhcrnt wliolesalcor for thelrown
use, will iuw.iy fliul our prices lower
and our assortment lurner tlmn nny tu
be found west ol New York city.
WATCH ItF.PAimxri-To this brfineu of our
iniiaioii-iiii oorseives pnierienl watctl-mak-
er,iw pay very snecliil intention. We em.
ployn torce of the very Itest Artists in the
country. Rnd any and all line delicate
and didlctilt work euirusicl in our
care, ftir llie trade or Individuals,
way rely on getting sathutKi.on?
work miy pe sent mr express rrr ntherwli .
wbolcsule A retail Tewelleni HllrenimltDi
finn -leweners nnrertimluia.
ii FUtn Street, ritUbargh, fts.