he jSanneabtircr QfopitblicanV 'cDnesuocg.. -xCpril J, 1868. KD1CAL. UJ?. WIIJTTLESY. PR. F. WrTITYLEY, rhvslclan for Clironle 1Msowl., hniu p-rmiiielil oltlwlii Wushliivlon, Pennsylvania, whers ho bus ln-en enumied fjr Mo pajitwulveyeareinthe sucxsvisful Uuuluumt of ah : I " DISEASES 01'" A CHRONIC MATURE. Tlio Doctor m'gut present a volume, of certifi cate of caret, complimentary notice. Ac., but tlio inut sntisftv-toiv trstiiiuiiilnl will l given the public In a triiil of hts 'kill. Dr. W. ilvot-s xctusivu nlteiitioii to Chrome Ailments, In which hi piautleii tin been uniformly sucn-ss-f'll, ettectiim cures. In many canes thai have uaillod U other systems ol treatment, P.iralvsts, Rheumatism, llrnnehltli, Oatarrah, 1 illness Inseasisol tlieisi.me.sioiiiaell, II. ml, Liver, IIowqIh, Kidneys, Lungs, rmuto lll.siiases, tiriierul labil ity, av.,&c., . . Ave nil firvimntlv and iicrrmnentlv cured by the Doctor's hy.sltm ot treatment, liiirinn the pad l'.-v yiars, ths lo-tir ha ri-ulstered liundre'ls ot euros to which he will bo pleased to mve those rot'ureiires wlio inny will upon him. He invites nil mulcted wlili any form of Chrome disease and having failed toootuin mum, to - GIVE Hi3 MF.nrciNE3 A TRIAL. It la prlnelml sicnti arc setcete t entirely from tin) 't"!"ti'tllJ Kiin('l'in( ami llieenre s c-mi-l.lTiml iim to i.oniih-tt tin vital lrersot the i,lv OTpl therebv lest'iNJ It to perfect health. The rWt'ir has br.m especially aiieeessiul in the Uoaimeni 01 nil FEMALE DISEASES'. TVumen hv the genre full victims tn maladies pi-. enluir to their sex, miinv ot whom loiiiln be saved from llvesnf v.n t liv!iu ss:vn l prem-mire lraves hv npplvliiw In time to lr. W. The ivro cdles cinplmVd In the pivietice ol Dr. V. me liriniltncttiid exclusively hy him fioul his own M'Ktleal Laboratory iin l are always pure lu quulitv mill sp. elite In el!eet. Iir. W, dhusuosvs dis-nse hv menus ot the I rlne, the only lululli blc test ot rtlsense, nf ver filling to discover lis tuituto, 1'H'rtliiy end curability, thus eiutoliiiK toomploT a ItATIO.NAIi, Sf lKNIIFIC' AND CX"R.TIVK , . XUKAi.MKNT. Of thfl absolute certainty of his tnorto of illasno iifi hi' can w iliHi'y every imtient win nie- linn ft trlnl, from ihe urlntMihine lit? will tell nceorale. ly nil that mn te known of any ilHi'itM'. lo the eXillllin 1 1 f ihlne"rellon. lie elopl'O, eul, eheiitie.il nn't liueroseopieal teis, ii'M-aT heln presrnMl In wlileh one o t'iec tests i not Mtltlelent to an aeeiirute iliau'eH. 'lln ll.ietin iloes not elalin to l" a "enre all,' nor , I "the il'jhtiirni of the Alinluhty tretehe. i.nili to save the woil'l from preinnlimi ili ihitlr.n." hnr ho docs profess from selouinic lie-in renien is nn I n iTAiia of i:xri:niEsc ttnroe.l eTehi.ve!y lo the treatmont of ehron e Ills, v. ilh his liifnllihle tesls.,1 ihsi ; -e, to heahle t- rel eve Mini pi-liuiui':llll,v enre nil ileise ens. whleh arc uotairea'Jy beyonU the r.aeh of ruin ctlien. OFFICE CORMER 0FMAIN& CIIEMTSUT ST., " " OrPlITETIIE Jl.VKSIOXHDVSE : . ; WAsniNOTON, ta. C0XBCT.TATT053 BEE AND CONFIDENTIAL, tijl-tf. F. WIIiTTI.EY. QJFTS FOR THE MILL ION! A HUGE STOCK, couoirr r.xpnr-ist.Y rort the festive , DAYS AHEAD, At 13 A AC HOOTER'S oROCEtiY Atm ciiNnxnosrr.T ! fr.TIonpor would still have his friends an t pat rons bear In mind, Hint hr continues In the l.ro eryand Confoetlonrr- tradeat tilsiismtl ohoti of doing business, und thut hflluiJu.sl rucetrnl A FRESH SLTrLY cf tho best qitnllt- of all articles in his line. TOYS NOTIONS, and o great variety of useful anleloa always ou luiud. REFRESHMENTS. In connection with the above, Mr. Hooper kexpsa ltestaurant, whero fcDELICIOVS OYSTERS! With all tho "et octc ran," arc serve 1 at reason able rules. ... Tho most attractive and mont popular resort In town. tfcUt'ftt-ly. JEAUTIFUL UI8FLAY I DRY GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMER3, &f., EVANS' ESTABLISHMENT. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT EVERYTHING IN THE LINE! Wiahlnn lo close out for the Fall trade, he of. tenth in goods nt astonishing low rates for cash. Tho stock la as law as Uia latest and Uio hast lu market. Mmor'sBulldins, opposite the Greene House. sMMm . , L.K. EVANt. JAZEAR BROTHERS, ..... H - wnoursAut' oaoosits . kd coxvutiox mkr- ' ' - CHAKT. - . . - .2te. 77. ESCHANQE PLACE, BALTIMORE Jas, Tt. Xizcim, 'Wat. L. Usui kis-iy. M. BLACHLT, M. Di ;iBtIC UKAISI CtOI 0 K, JtxBm tthlt walaWmoj, oppoall:tb "WHbt t -Parra m wimiMM i ipmamr. M n EO. 3. JETFERT, .OTAItT rVBUC. ' '." All biJilncw prtiilnln; to the offlee ttndsl U promptlr. Ulnm with P. at A. Teleenpb Co, cast o( the Court Homo. May 10: 'Wr. E. M. SAtEIW, tAIIOK.N tr AMD CUL-XiSLOB T lW. land lltlnn to other bimlnwu will attend to all oeneaih llaiikinpu v that mavbocntrustnl to hit care. 1 utieo, opposlUi Pruu Storu of O. V. Hoh- s HERMAN HOUSE, JC9T OFIMKD T " . THOMAS DRADLET. Potltlvelv thr nvmt eoniph le Hotel In our town. Kvi-rylhlnKeoiiiiii-ieil to furnish thrlHstaccoia 1110 tntlon ovvry-t olt'ere! to tho public. .ueuis nirnuiiisi in mi nonnt, tuiito pruvtacu Willi thr lunl of tlteMUKitn. Travellem ami those .l.-sirom of refresliinrnt will. lo well toeall.'Toiii 'ttiill ret.iins liU ol.l repuiationoi'an lussnnino'lalinuKentii'iiiiiii, nnil liQspilubio landlont, Hoiise, tin: one formerly oOTipiedby the ".Mesaenaer" pttlcn, 6;'J:'tiO-ly. y.M. ViaTLEV, " WATCI1KS ANDIJEWELnY, u iih STr.rtiT, nt rosiTE'cocnt nouin. Kepri on hreNnlwva ncholee nmt neleet as wirtinent of Watehes and Jowniry. Remlring ilonunt Hie lowest nitrs. 4;l:'tr;-ly. j'EWHDAV. DEA!.KIt bOOKl ASD BTATIOMTttr, Wall Taper, Window Paper Ae. Ron. lay Hehool ll.wtksof nil kin.lse.iiistiolllv on hiind, ismiiiiIii .Mrs. Hnsii's I'liildlleT, lorinerly oeeupitst hy Cot telell . Tavlor, W'nynesburK, Pit. .day (i, 'iin-ly. w 7M. T. WEail, JR., SAMUfc ASD IIAHNI99 MARK ft, (INT IEiON S BUILDING, MAIN ST.) saddle, lirldles. Harness kept ifh lininl and m'ide p, lo.ier. 'ork ilone in the liest style, and ut reasonable rates. jiA'liepiiii hit: a sce!nity ou short notice. f anner friends uolooic at his sloi-lc. 4'.-l-ly. J ohn ii. Ik efm an; - MOK'JANTOWN, WEST V1UOINIA. .1 TTORXKY FOR COLLECTING ftsstoss, norMiLs, ahucars or I'AT, AND AAA. MILITARY CLAIMS. Hnvliiir had 17 furs pxiH'rli'Ticp hi irwrcHilnK urh cliilms 1 Imvi; lfTin fittnlliur with the iirltiii4 anl the In run tiummit nf iiM-nnl . iil-ii in in v )'i-vt'-ioi. i-nnlili-H mi' to In vi-ry him 'f-ml in i-iOT 'tithm sii-ipcn-lif flnliiiN, mill In iii:mv Intniu'fH h:iv .rovci siit'rf.vsful when lini'f;uiii;ilil iiitl Ion!; ifiM'ii them up hi ilfspuir. No niiii ivr how itlitlvult tho claim ho il IMiwt, POIIKUI DDUUIIEUTY, 11 CAlIttl.VO t! M AXt.'K VCTL'It l',R, M AVM.gnrRO, FA. ".SjW'.f fully pi vrs ui.tttv that ho hnn IncntHl hi Vn in '.shui'K. I'a., vvlu rn bu iuteutls to ruunn- faOluro C A K n I A G E 8 Of cv'ry tUHcHttlon. f""" oxiorl-l!.(H In IhcbiisiursH ho it'i'h contl.iont ihnthiM worlt, In .styl. run.-, uinl 'luniLllity, wilt uivu 'titiri' Hut li;iclioii. It U hH (lfliTiiiiiuit Ion to imr.'liHH ihr hi':s,t mf ti-riul hi in:irUct, and ftiiifn nono hut fnnii'fit m uorkini'ii. v -Ail work. Wiinun(rdforonoyimr."fc 1) EN I I5THY. I liVV( InmtP.i in Wnvnrsriiirir nnrl am i-wimi. m tii.: I In l:ito rKii!fnt -i f lr. S. H. INittoti. Hnv-talit-n yii-iit juiliix t. Im'i'oiih' thoroughly ao ijimi nt with h.itli Hi.- tlicoi y ntTH juiu-th-i of Pi'iitit ry, ii m I h:ivinif hnd imcxin'rh iit't'fifMt'Vt'ii y.'iH--- tn tut i.rol.--i,,ii, f,..-l wnrnmtiM In Htiy- na im:it i i p;ini'iii stimi ijnvr norntisoiu com plii'ii n liiiV'i i.irtii'.'intloiix. K I mrt hm will I w ivnilmM painlfss.wlii'n ih-tlri'i), hy tint ndinln lirrrtth'ti ot 'Lmiihiini s;w" ttr ot hermit! ht'lh'H, (;iinr.-H iiiu li rait-, ninl all opfinlltn wnrraTitM ll-r ri'lMT'si n'nt. I Will he lit liomt' WITHOt'T I'KH AnvKMi iti; iVom tin- nftteuth tothe thlrth-tli ol'ev. rv iiumMi. JOU, S. JlKllTIO. AI'.liLE WDIIK.-i, SUMMERSGILLt BRO. (ji-.wcLt.'j Dt.n 8iAxt,.fiTtB e.nd or Taws.) The piiblh' are respeifullv informed that Rum-mer-..:ill .v riro. have Just received a large stock of all km of MARBLE WORK! Mueli Gntvt- Sh'iieM, Monument, Mantle oi k, &. are prep:irtsi to mrni!i worn in rensnnnble terms on short not lee. (.'nil ami px timinetxir NttN'k, sly It's, nii'l prlfr, byl'om pur ''Unsnii? flM-whiTt', ft;M-tf. fit V. ROSS, r. rtlYStCIA!! ANP SUnOEOM. OuVe In Jewell ' building, West end of Main Pt. A. HALL, IValer In Dry Go.l", Orooerlnn, Hardware, otc, cto. AT -MCI.t.11 a ULU PTAll, ?;.4.v. ltrevnbnm. Pa. I. O. Of O. F. WAYNKSBimCI LODGE, NO. ICO. Hall in (Tanenr's Puildinc. east Main Plreet, SvuvneMburg, Pa. Time, Tuesday evening, eneh viik. dh. civing 5U;uhincsi. O r PHE WORLD RENOWNED SING E R SEWIXG MAC1IIXE. OUR NEW FA"MiLY MACHINE, Wan rnen over (woyeaii In nreimnitlon. noil wiiii'h Iiimmhii hrtttiuhtt )M'rtetioii n'KriUNw if tlrno, labor or expense, nml if now aiimleut lv presenietl tolhf puhhe hm Ineoniporably tho litM sow um Maehliii' hi exl3i.eme. Tlie Mtu'lriie 111 nllesltitii N ullllplo. OotlllWCt. rlurithleitmt Uemttllul. It iH lot, light mntilnK nii't rapaoie i iwritirminx tiniu; hiiu variety o' vii k neer l-eftire nttenipttrti inmn ft nimrlo MnehiiM uslnu either wills. I'w it.lJnen or t'ot ton Hire-id.ninl thfu with eipiHl ftuHllty the verv lltnt mmI ei.nrest niittrhili, nml anything btltWeeii tlm two extp'rnew, i the htont Itenutiftll ait'l MiMtttnttul iiianiir. IIh HtlaehnioiitH Tor Heinmlntf, Itrnitiinti, (.online, luekiinr. Unlit liitf. FeKIni:, 'I riiiinuiitr. Bin-lint;, etc., an Novel anl rruetie;il,anit inivo oeen nivenuii uuu ou I jnMeil ospi-eially tor this Maehlne. .New i-hIkii'o( the ir.iltuo, useiut and popular foltllm; topH nmlrahhiet t asen peeullnr to the M.K-hiiHM inantilaetnrei by this Compuny Imve been prrparot lor enel'wlnn Ilie Hew Mwliimtt. ThiHr gotten un tn every variety of wood, sneh nn Hhtelt Walnut, MhIiovmiiv, ItnMvwood. and tholttie, nmlUxiin thoplnhtoHt totha mofii oUhornto nittrn nml finish the Muehinep theniMelvenhvinu moru ot let" hlirhly ornnnienU ed, ioitrre!iit with tln Tablet or Cabinet ft I tor wbicU tbry arc intended. A tvu- r.-.i!nri whr WINfiK-R'a lntmt Imnrorv. clfKM'INO MA"HI"Kttre the Ul for ham tiy nut! "iieml I'urjitises. 1st. Vttu enn wff imvthina from the flnwt uln eh tliiekm-i.' nf Hn-le.n or 'nRonk to nrveral thlckiiMs of the henvht Ileurrlnth, ttslnfj any kind ornU' of thrMHd with 4iml fnWIlty, from No. if'' tjottoa up lotbe boayUat patent or Llnan thrrnd. 2d. H ue pliort.,i(triiialifnfdlfallrft, and makes tbo popular Lock rttltelioiike on both ld, A1 4 . . , . renulnw no chnnue f r dlrfervnl iblckutwaea of nuitcrlal or di tlerent ai s of thread, it h n in (tov from all snrlnus. wires and Other mi if nau tvn AVrn npii-iitiiuriiinK irnnion wnicn conipllrnnoua. noun hiiuum uiwkw, 6th. Itdooanovuavawo uuten bpoxc w ou and cloan It. 7th. It una a poriori irru wnereiiy you rn ww the finest materials without havlnatkaopyour work stretehwd to prevent IU "pncSertnK' and j-ou never liave to aauiat the work tUroofb aa In all other machine. -Ml It will hem any wldtli, ww tralgtit ram, ormanc a ieu in iuw ii imi iHwiuri. with leaa akili than la required to aew a tralfht earn on any other maebine. IU attachmonuilrir Braidlnff. Gbrtllnff, Quit inc. Binding, Tucking, c, are novel ana yc tlrnl nri rnnlra but lit t la nklll to OBfl them. Careful lBairucUona given at tna liouavW tht purcnaaer. Money refunded If the machine nttrMtantMl. Every machine wmrranted and kept la repair ' I U a . Affcnt tor Greene Coaal printing. IRINT1KUI 'TflE WAlfNESDVRO EEPUBLICAiP JOB PRINTING ESTABLISH MENT, ?nyeV Building, I-hut of the Public Square, WA Y N ES BUR 0, P A TAMPHLETS, THOORAMMES. BILL HEADS, EUSINES8 CARD3, FOSTERS, BLANKS, LABELS, Ac, Ac, NEATLY EXECUTED. WE HAVE NOW A GltEAT VAIUETY OF MATERIAL! And a more complete stock of PAPER, CARDS, & c, Tbnn any cstahllshment within the limits of our ummetin cirviii, AND WE ARE PKEPARE1) To execut erery descrlpllon of JOB P R I X T I X G! IN A STYLE OF NEATNESS AND BEAUTY!! CANNOT BE SURPASSED ANYWHERE We employ tho mot eompetont 'printers. an propone to MEET EVER Y OltDER! With which wo aro favored, In the SHORTEST TIME POSSIBLE ! A SB INkTlIE MOST SATISFACTORY MAJfEIX ! rartlcular attention given to FINE RULE WORK CERTIFICATES, CHECKS, Ac, TERMS REASONABLE I tM M km ma btn (olnf eLMwhare. tm Vtrntitmi.Th.' uff ; : i 'A iimltlcn yonnj female, wlio writes for the Homt Journal over Ul9 nom de plane of "Ad claWe," and wlio evidently his "mrat one lo love," tints giuhlrmly calls upoo Iter AdolpUiu to "come and co her." "O come, dearest, com?, for love's nectarine wlno Bubbles up frdm my loul to o'crflow into tliir.e And no succulent grape wlilcb '.lis Rhine zephyrs kiss. Imprisons such dulcet elixir as this. "Then fl", and your passionate sjuI shall bo Ui.cd Willi this tlclica'.ujulce'froin my apt it distilled : You tuny drink till the foiiuts of my being ato dry. Till yon reel with delight ! O, then fly to rno fly l" That ghl should be attended to. If slio carries on such an extensive) manufactory of "ueclasiiie wine," "diilc't." elixir "delicate juice,' 'and "sioh" let lliu revenue assessors look after her. Slio "talies on" thusly, when the ohject at hislcuims lo time : "0, diulinjr, why linger? The hour is long past When yntt promised to come, and tho moments fly fust j Hush ! hark ! 'tis his foctstep and nearer, more near, He rushes, he pnsscs I'm blest he is hero I" The young man is entirely excusable for "pressing" under tho circumstances. I.onil-T.iKtlnj Women. Persons destruut to be thought l.vlles some times converse iwininlj in public places apparently for the purpose of attracting atten tion. They succeed, hut the attention thev elicit Is not nf a coinpliuv.'nlnry nature. Their gentler sisters ate sorry ami ash imcd for t'icm, and men nre disgusted at such conduct. There is n mignetlstn In melodious smnds which is almost irresistible, and when they issue Iro n fair lips they are apt to tako the sternest of us captive. On tho other band, harsh, discordant tonus, th:)Uih thsy should come from Ihe loveliest mouth In Christendom, pi iv tho mischief witii sentiment and put tenderness to flight. Remember Ibis, fair ladhs, and modulate your voices judiciously. A rnv days sinco a Hither rough appea ring in in from Ihe rcinolu intetiur walke I into lo the Granite Hull; tn this city, and inquired s "Is this Mr. Johnson, tho cashiur t" "Ills, sir; whit will jou have 1" 'D.) you pay liny nf vour old batik bills now ?" Certain ly." "Well, now, that is good You S"C 1 had sonic of your hills, and tlio ot her day I ollered t' em at the S.indy Hivcf 11 ink, nnd they didn't want them i so hero they tire." Tim cashier counted the bills, about $HlO. I lu Ihcti iinpiiied, "How long have you bad thes.' bills?" 'T.'subrut six yens." "How happen ed you to keep lliem so long ?" "Well, you s-v. 1 bad only one cliiM, a Riil liftejii and a half years oh', and she t'.led j and then I di In': care about the money, and put it nway Into an nlil hrx. and lltero it has been." The lump came to his throat and the touts stream ed down his furrowed and bronzed cheeks as he turned aside.' !n tnc.:no-y of th:: .child, for whom Hi money had h tun saved, Anjusin Me.) Jowrml. . This Washington correspondent of the Cincinnati Jicvwii Ciromch says : A few days ngo, a lady teacher hi the el'y here, who had among her pupils two little daughters of Mrs. Slover, who, il will he remembered, isa daughter of President John son, itipiestcd cacli of her pupils to nscerlnhi a! Iionu whuth r they would continue in her school the next quarter, which commences again within a couple of weeks. Tlio little, Misses Slover returned tlio next day nnd promptly told tho l itly that they were not coming to school any mort. When questioned as to the reason, they, with child like s'nu- pliiily, raid : "(irdn'yia si' ice aro going tn wove btrk to Tcnntxcee in April I " I sr.vr.R see a person proud of his fine dress t.ni T n.;,,t, . "iv. i; i... i,. ir clothes nfier all, he his the Jtckct of tho lamb, and the great coat of the sheep ; from henil to foot he is dressed in what the trees or the iinini ds have used liLfure hhn. His shoes aro made of hides, his stockings of the cotton shrub, his shirt of the flax p'alit, bis banker chief is spun by the caterpillar, and his gloves are tho waisjeoat of fie Angora." KVIItlTI'At. I At TS. Whiskey is the key hv w hich many gain an entrance Into prisons nnd alms houses. Brandy brands the noses of those who can not govern their appetites. Wine causes many to t ike 'a winding way home. Punch is Ihe cnuso of many unfriendly punches. Ale causes ailings, and beer stretches many upon their bier. Champagne is the cause of many real pains, (iin slings have slain more than the slings ofold. A ctiRGTMAN, while sitting in the gallery of the Connccicut legislature when that body was putting throueh divorce cases, wrote Ihe following impromptu : "For mi-tin,; nil ronnac'-inns famed Connecl-i cut Is Ddrly named ; I twain connect in one, but you . Cut those whom I rtmnrct in two, Each legislator seems to s ty, What you eom'ct l ent away." "Mother 1" exclaimed an affected young lady, just homo from boarding school, "mother! here is a grammatical error m the Uible I" "law sakes," replied the old lady, adjusting her spectwics, "kill it ! kill it right off, for it's the pesly thing that's been calin' up all tho bookmarks," Cowfiott or Ideas Tlio other day a man who bad b?gun to dtluk rather early In the morning, presented a check at ono of our banks, and on being asked hy the paying teller "how lie would take .it," replied, "CilJ without enjarl" "How shall I st II my horse t" said a jockey to an acquaintance ; "his tail come ofT in less than six hours after I bought him." "Sell him by irhoktah; for no honorable man wiUre.tuil him," was tho reply. "Poon little fellow aren't you cold?" said a pretty young lady to a newsboy of whom she had just made a purchase. "Yes. ma'am, before yon smiled," was the gallant response. Ex. Hard story. - Wiut's IbtJ different between the tnsnner of the death of a ba'ber and scripture ? One curls up and dyes, and tho other mikes (ace tat . r a oiSiifjn UAIit MctiUHQAN ANNOUNCES HIMSELF A3 A CANDIDATE FOR THE PATRONAGE OF TIIE TEOPLE IN THE BUSINESS OF SELLING DRY GOODS. ItOOM OPPOSITE THE GREENE HOUSE, WAYNESllUHO, PA. Ho has Just received nml Is now ofli rlua for (ale at tho lowest prices, thelinest stuck of FALL AND WINTER GOODS Ever beforo offered In tills mnrket eoiiKistlng lu part, of Full and Winter L'lotlilng FOR MEN AND BOYS! A vary large itock that cannot beexccllul ; also, a vary mtporlor assortment of LADIES GOODS Of all kinds, eonsisttnn tn part, pf New Prewi and Cloak Trilnmlnu, Vehet P.iljlions .'ver wldtli nnd shade; twil us and silks. In lent styles; BUGLE TIUMMINUS AND BUTTONS! Sash, Bonnet, Neek nnd Trimininir Rlliimns; liHeen real point. Apiltie mill VHleliein. lllllulki'relllels Iju'I'. Kmliroldered, Hem. Mlitchmtiiud t'luln. llainliurif work-a llnea. sortment. JET AND UOtJWOOD JEWELUY. A largo assortment of Kid Oloves llrst quality lor Indies nod Hontleinen. STRAW, VELVET AND PI.US'J HATS Hon n i it h nnil linnnet FrnmK; Itonnct nrnn meiitH nnd tloweiM, both Kn-neh ami Aiuerlean; toKether with any and nil artielen in um hy In Uitj.1. A nit ir an thhiK ynu want mid we can mildly you. Al.-iO u tine nsiortm iit of CARPETS AND WALL PAPER of various kinds and pattern, all of which will be sold clieiin as llic. cliiMpest. ll:l'l-tr. UtASK McOUrtOAN. gOMETIIINO NEW! MRS. E. 8. SAYER8 A IIOSKINSON Have Just arrived from the. Kast with a largo ossortineni offorelKU and domestic DRY GOODS, FALL AND WINTER STYLES ! wlij-di they prnpnfv to Rrll nt the lowest jiriiies ! ntirii iia re?w flfiods, Iiren Trim mlim, Im-.v ituit'iiiM, LadUit HIuiwIh, It'Kitfi nndshoeK, Ihitsuiul CnpH ; also, u Kreut vm hly of liieenrtlelt'K, at vtry low prtee fur GKNTLEMEN AXD LAD1K3' WEAR. Vnre nf nil kindw, nnd n rompletq vttrletv of the best liltfM KItMX Allnf which they lirnpfwi! to ell at the. very lowest tlKines, deiiendlinc oil the (pudity nnd elieupneM of their ootls to khIii them ensiom. (live them it :ill before pnrebtelri! elsewhere, nml they will nrovi thut the nlKive Is eorreet. Id mill In Alllson'H hiiildlna, nenrJy oposltc the Oiiirt House, Wnynesliiiiu. I:l,'d7-tf f HEAT PANIC IN THE TWCES OF BOOTS AND SHOES! AT WILLIAM IIF.RRYHU.L'S, EttiAstcs' row, WAVSEsnuno, rusn'A. Tliivlnii lust punhaiedn lienvrRtoelt of IlnoM andMlioesol'tlie Kl.NK! nn. I 1'lKST fjUAMTY to Hti tniiud In tile Knxf. he now hm tlie ltent se lected ami iiifwt ei niplete nwortnient of these DoihIs ever brought lo the Town. Aud he oilers to soil F 0 II CASH Men's best, whole sloek, Hime-ineile rt'iots, 17 lin li IiumiI .im, .v.'.", end ..i : Men's Hue fall at ?7..Vi, with a uniform deduetlon In rati-s, on nil kinds of stoek. .Mr. lierrytiill ImvinK iih ex perience of 15 years ill the rnunohtcliiriiiKof BOOTS AND SHOES ! Is tlmrntnrlily ncfti:iin(ed with the business, and 1ms taken great cure, tu niak this it KVPKKIOU PTOfK Tfi ANY KF.PT IIKHE TOK(HK Kxjer!eneel bnu.lg nrn entint1y employed In iniikltnr to nnb-r nnd we run nfely sny thut nt no ptneeelse in these "diutrlnirs" en the mt nikl and workinniiKblji by surpassed, ALL WORK WARRANTED! tie now nks hl friends and the public to call and examine his stock, as he feels confident that he enn please tli. in. WM. HKKKYHII.L. IJ-.IH-tf .Mechlinlcs' Row, Wavnesblirir, l'a. Q R E A T BARGAINS! COOTS AND SHOES! NEW STOCK I NEW STORE 1 CUSTOM-MADE WORK! CHEATER THAN EVER, AT M. C. & IL. BELL'S, (SVCCISSOtO TOHAUmCD.) S A Y E R S' CORNER WAYNESBCBO, PA. S-Coll and examine, and (are money I , GOTO M . C. A tL. BELL'S FOR BARGAINS Ui4.iy. Clothing. Q.BEAT BARaAlNBf N CLARK & SON Aro now offorlnn their splendid stock ol OVER COATS AT COST, No onu wishing on over eont, should fall to take advuntuge ot tills opiiortunit)'. AImi, anything ' eUe lu tlielr Una ut tlio MEREST TRIFLE AHOVK COST I In order to make room for their SPRING STOCK! All our goods are new and fresh nndof the best styles, and cro bought 111 tlie most ittvornon' iiuio iniua rail. JUST OPPOSITE DAY'S BOOK STORE. rr N. Ii. -9 -ev Ail persons knnwlnu tlicmsiilves Indnhted eith er by book neeoiiut or note, will please call and settle nnd save cost. Iil::ll)-tr. 'JUIE LATEST SISATION ! T E L E G R A P II I C ! The President has not yet been Impeached, but A . J . SO W E R S IJaa pnrchnsed an Immense stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTIIINO: OVERCOATS, PA NTH, VKMTS. J I ATP. CAP. hi'CErc. of the latest stylo and best workmanship. A C-noICA MIOCK 01 NOTIONS! Hosiery, Collars, Handkerchiefs, . Neck Tins, Suspenders, etc.. also on hand, which will be sold at astonish ingly LOW PRICES! Call nnd see him beforo yon buy elsewh're. He liivnriaoiy salisnes an WHO WISH TO PURCHASE ! Room In Allison's building. Weynesbnnr Pa. A. J. HOWElls, ln-.Mm A NDERSON, TENZOLD 4 CAIWON, B.vva RutovED Tngin WEIX KNOWN JIERCIIANT TAILOR. INO ESTABLISHMENT! TO 63 ST. CLAIR STREET, Two doors from their old rooms. 3:l,'"ly. gARKER A HASELTINE! KO. 18 FITTO STaa-TT, PITT8BUROH, P E N N ' A . XAXCfACTCBKBS ASD OBALEBS 19 PICTURE AND PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES OF ALL KINDS. OS E WOOD. GILT WALNUT MOULDINGS, picTtmn, STrasoscoris Ait raws, 9-Olldlngaod Re-gildlng so Order. S;,'ag-ly I. OOTO.F., HOSHIMKA LODGE. NO. SoS, tint in Owaears Balldiog, Rast Main' Street, . T.m. II lli.i I. if mi I ,, ' weak. do. gOMETHINQ NEW IN WATNESBURO, PENS' A. Til OS. BR ADEN (.A.!.""' mom nirnierlr ocennled hy Andrew W ilnon, sr., next dour to liradun i Urag HWrej Resiiecinilly Informs the good people, a Una ui , uuu lory nave upuad a , HA RD WA RT 8 TORE! hV,?Vflu,l,S",mm H"-" n-lends and the pah- i.tyofg.ri. wiuif! a, rsatrVau kinds, limes of nit varletle., AngrOraei. ...... ..-....-.,, Fnw eui and mill taws. hand saws and tisils of all descriptions. AORICTLTURAL IMPLEBIENTS. Mowing Machines, Culling lloxc. Corn Shelter I'lowH .Cultivators, Miovels, lurks, nd everyi thing lu their Hue. SADDLERY HARDWARE. A general iissorlment of saddlery hardware, to viiiich tliey invito tlie attention of imrchnnert, WOODEN WARE OP ALL KINDS. Tubs, lluekets, Rutter Howls and all kinds of Kit, -hen Wooden KlxIn'H. Willow llnskets, HnsMils ltrnshes Cil HiieketH, llrasa Kettlea. Iiiiuvy Whips, shot gnus, Hoys Wuguna anil Sleds. All iiersons ileslrousnf piirchnslng any of tho above articles and many others not mentioned, will consult their Interest by ' CALLINO SOON. They will take pleasure In showing their stoek till 11 limes. Houlve lliem neall n lieu yon eomn o town. Iteniciiihcrliic pluce,opjMMttttihoFlrsi Nntioual Hank. l-'jIJ-tf T. RRADEN. I MPOHTAMT TO BUILDERS and CONTRA CTORSt WAYNEStlUItt STEAM PLANING, MILL, It gives ns pleasure to announce to the public tho completion of this work and Ilia readiness ot tlie proprietors to RECEIVE ORDERS! ANT.J MAKE CONTRACTS! The hest Improved msehlnery Is nsed. Plan ing. PloliKblllg nnd Uronvlug, Hash nnd Iioor Mnklng, ranuelllng, Hipping, moulding o., rnpldlv nnd skilfully executed. Ruling pries paid for i ALL KINDS OF LUMBER I They are also prepared to do all kinds of Carpen ter Work, wilfi tlie utmost promptness, out! In uie iiiiim Hiiiisiiiiii ihi niHiiniir. Ihey respeettully solicit a snare nf pablle inironswe, nd llnlter themselves that they wll n all cases bo ubla to 01 VB ENTIRE SATISFACTION I All orders promptly attended to. UHADEN, WALTON A SAYKRS, S;ll-tf Waynenhtirg, Pa, c OPPKR AND TINWARE ESTAULISIM JIENT IN WAYNE8HUHQ, PA. DOVT TTIRO'v;- MONEY AWAY, RUT USE IT To BUY Cll KA P AN It USEFCLHTOVE8 Or W. IT. II E L I'll EN 8TINE, They have His handsomest and neatest pattern of COOKIN'O, HEATINO, AND PARLOR STOVES I In nse. Call nnd examine thedirTerent patterns Iw-pire vou purcliiise elsewhere. They hava tlio IliiHKIi'AI.Kj for wood or coal, threw stn ; and tlie I'erfeetion, for wood, three sizes. They are tile ts-st Htoves In use. Don't let tho women aoold any longer, but get tliein what they need. They luannfaeturo TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE f of all kinds. Everything In oor lino will h attendeil to promptly; send In your orders soon, for 1 will sell cheap for cash or country produce.. SPOUTINO AND ROOflNQI lone to order on the shortest notice, at the old slnnd, touto of the Sheriff's House, Waynea- burg. Pa. W. II. IIELPHENHTINK. l;Jflin E. A. TtVKEIt II. I- MAPEf. rpiNKER & MAPEL, COiDimiOX MERCIIAXTS FOR THE SALE 0F HOGS, CATTLE AND SHEEP, AT THEIR OWN YARDS, WEST BALTIMORE, MARYLAND! ADJOINING MP. LIVE STOCK SCALES. . t.-onslCTmenl n-ipectfully solicited. All enm. munieutlon promptly anawerao. roat oraew Address Box l.'l. J-ly. OKOROR. C. STfROUrt, Attornay at Low. Jnnn c Waowssi NoUry Pnblie. QTURGISS WAGNER; UNITED STATES CLAIM AND OENERATj COLLECTINO AOENTS. tt-Tnr the adlnstment of CLAIMS, af all kind against the United states, sacn aa PENSIONS. INCRE.SE0FPENlIONB,B0l7I. TV, IIOO kJCTOA BUUNTY, and those of any other class call on or WTltai tft the Military and Naval Agency at STUKSlMS WAONElt, Walnut 6t, 1 door below Hagana ooraar. (Up fstairsA 0i;tl-m . ' MOROiTOWN.ir.yA. I. away. WAYNE3BUKO ENCAJsTMXNT, NO. OT. Hkti fh fJanear IMkHntr; aa Tateki BUiSt, Wf aHB. Pa, mat and aatoast rrtdayjaat aaen ssontn.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers