AccuWeat Friday 1 c 1 Partly sunny, brisk and cold High 42, Low 22 UV 2 The local 7-Day Forecast is for Lancaster County The ultraviolet index is a guide to exposure to the sun The higher the UV Index number the greater the need fo 7-9 high 10 or above very high The Week Ahead Tem •eratures 'recipitation Last Week’s Precipitation 30-Day Temperature Outlook Lancaster December 16 December 17 December 18 December 19 December 20 December 21 December 22 All forecasts and maps provided by AccuWeather, Inc ©2003 Masters Choice 615 A 115 day hybrid- Makes a sweet smelling, nutrient rich silage with high grain content, and excellent digestibility. Plant health is also excellent. Reports of 2002 and 2003 performance have been excellent. Comments made by farmers include; excellent yields, very few broken stalks, even after tropical storm Isabel went through, very high levels of sugar (typically 4 to 6%), and great packing characteristics Note In extreme wind, leaves were shredded, and stalks blown over, but very few stalks were broken MC 615 has a dense, but shorter stalk - usually shorter than most silage hybrids King’s AgriSe Helping the family farm prosper by specializing in high quality forages and grazing since 1993. 96 Paradise Lane, Ronks, PA 17572 717-687-6224 O'® Toll Free: 1-866-687-6224 j CALL FOR A DEALER NEAR YOU s''* er ® 7-Da Saturday ■ \ Sunny to partly cloudy and brisk High 42, Low 24 UV 2 0.00“ 0 63" 0 00” 0 00” 0 00* 0 00” 0 00” recast for Fo Sunday Sunny to partly cloudy High 46, Low 28 UV 2 Above Normal Near Normal Below Normal Above Normal Near Normal Below Normal ncaster a Monday ' s''"*;-''' -‘-.■maw**" Partial sunshine High 48 Low 32 UV 2 Almanac For the week ending Monday Dec 22 Temperature High Low Normal high for week ahead 39 Normal low for week ahead 23 Precipitation Total last week Month to date Normal month to date . Year to date Last year to date Normal year to date Growing Degree Days Month to date .. Season to date Farming Forecast | A few days of dry weather will NmEb&l occur from Friday into early next week Temperatures will ™ be near seasonable levels Friday and Saturday with highs around 40 degrees The wind will make it feel colder gusty at times from the north west The next front is expected to arrive late Tuesday or Tuesday night with some ram Temperatures will rise well above normal ahead of the front Additional Masters Choice Hybrids with Excellent Standability MC 605 Q -114 days A high stress performer with some natural tolerance to corn borer It has moderately soft kernels at silo filling time Widely adapted to different soil types and planting populations Will produce more than one ear if conditions are good Great stand ability If planted below 18,000, it usually produces 2 ears per stalk MC 564 -112 days New for 2004 A high yielding gram variety Excellent plant health and standability Also easy to hand shuck and shell MC 530 - 105 days A high stress performer with high sugars It tassels and pollinates about 5 days earlier than similar maturity hybrids Excellent standability MC 520 Q -102 days. Similar to 615 in digestibility Also has excellent standability and some natural tolerance to corn borer Surroun Tuesday Increasing cloudiness, breezy and mild High 52, Low 36 UV 1 Regional Forecast \ ' Syracuse ) *3> * 35/25 , Ja ?JS3i own ' Elmira > M«2 y ( , , 30/23 & 34/20 36/22 I T< 3fl/22 da «t Wilkes-Barre HartldW i A. 35/22 / i ««k. Trentin c4^®4^2 1 40/26 Nflt / / * L TM3 lV e<i E P%@* y ( / ' r ’ ''TTflu /'/" Cincinnati ?S/ ' "-£4O/30 J Franklin ’ I Charleston ®/44/2S , “"7, V* * 48/30 / ' ' '"fTfeJliV*#' M Huntington , . , ‘llV' W/ **v / « i sr°" >. * w A , /Y don 0 63" 3 37 2 26” 47 85’ 40 92” 42 48 Toledo ox 36/25 0 3103 30-Day Precipitation Outlook Above Normal Near Normal Below Normal Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 27, 2003-A3' Wednesday eye and skin protection 0-2 minimal 3-4 low 5 6 moderate Shown is Friday s weather Temperatures are highs and lows for the day Erie 36/28 ! State College <JI 1 38/28 Akron A 34/24 “ -iin- m. Columbus 40/28 X *Abing The secret to Masters Choice standability and great digestibility is less lignin, but much more digest ible cellulose fiber MC 615 and its short season half sister MC 520 Q have thick, dense stalks that are not only nutritious, but also yield outstanding for a corn of average height. Tiue b 1 >n t . >■> »> •»' ’ >,- s MC 615 Corn Silage - Hagertown, MD C.P. NEL NDFD IVTD Cell Wall Du NSC Areas >j4 lw>i. Mostly cloudy High 44, Low 28 UV 1 106 AccuWeather.coi im Thursday >• Times of clouds and sun High 40 Low 26 UV 2 Canton i 29/20 & * •orgetown 44/28 Above Normal Near Normal Below Normal 70 to 74 48 to 52 79 5 50 to 54 19
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