A2B-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 20, 2003 Shelf , t -■ ; As >i9i an3 magazines of interest to Cancaslor readers ANDY ANDREWS Editor THE PERILS AND PLEA SURES OF DOMESTICAT ING GOAT CHEESE: Por trait of a Hudson Valley Dairy Goat Farm, photos by Julie Cahn and words by Miles Cahn. Catskill Press/ Ruder Finn Press Inc., 2003, 116 pp., $19.95. ISBN 0-9720119-5-1 Perhaps a long time ago, and what certainly seems (to the au thor of this book) far away, the pursuit of happiness included a leather goods factory in New York City by the name of Coach Farm Bureau CAMP HILL (Cumberland Co.) The Pennsylvania Milk Marketing Boards (PMMB) re cent decision to maintain the over-order premium for Class I milk at $1.65 per hundred pounds of milk for the first six months of 2004 will help dairy men get through their struggle with low prices, said the Pennsyl vania Farm Bureau. “The long-term economic via bility of Pennsylvanias dairy farms continues to be challenged by this prolonged period of less The Jan 24 Lancaster Farming Grower & Marketer has scheduled a wealth of mloimation tor the eastein fruit and vegetable and related industries along with a special postei ol (arm markets in southeastern Pennsylvania A pieview ol the Mid-\tlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention Jan 27- 29 m Hershev, will include an exhibitoi map and complete schedule Included m Grower & Marketer will he a component, Lancaster v . Farming’s Aqua Country. Scheduled a feature on a fish hatch j eiv in Lebanon Countv information horn the SpilVjL', i ' Aquaculture Association annual meeting and - other infoimation valuable to the industry. t* , Al*mw AUsaeE»2- £S | | -filim» i "xkwmmmm H y*Uesi££, ■"■' ■■ GENERATORS Sales ★ Service ★ Rentals Complete Generator Systems PTO • Portables • 2-1600 KW “We Service It If You Have It, And Sell It If You Need It” AA 34 W. Mohler Church Rd. ffCy J lARTIN Ephrata, PA 17522 o*fP Alachinery Tcl: 717 - 738 0300 J IAUHiniEHY, Fax; 7X7.738-4329 Bag. Coach Bag worked well for a time but the owners simply thought that something, some how in their lives, went missing. In the fall of 1983, according to the authors, Miles and wife Lil lian decided to purchase an aban doned farm in the Hudson Valley (Columbia County), a couple of hours from downtown New York. Why not make a go of it? Why not be farmers? Why not bring in a “couple of goats and start mak ing goat cheese 1 ? There were successful Coach stores in New York and other cit ies, and even one in Paris. Instead of the freedom and de lights of living and working in Applauds PMMB Decision than adequate milk prices. Penn sylvania Farm Bureau appreci ates the board taking this action to help strengthen the states dairy industry,” said Guy Don aldson, president of the statewide farm organization. PFBs dairy specialist Joel Rotz said the PMMB conclusion was “the right decision for both pro ducers and consumers, who all benefit when our dairy industry is stable.” Rotz had testified that prices received by dairymen were expected to continue to be signifi New York in the apparel/ accessory industry, the authors decided to be “virtual prisoners” on their own farm, held “hostage by more than 1,000 goats.” They sold the leather goods company to Sara Lee Corporation in 1985 to become goat farmers. In the very humorous intro duction, Cahn makes extensive notes on what would drive nor mally sane human beings to actu ally make a living at goat farm ing. Along the way, we are given a sincere, no-holds-barred tour of cantly below their costs of pro duction during the first half of 2004. “Farm Bureau made it clear during its testimony that dairy producers needs are as great as ever,” Rotz com mented. “The Milk Mar keting Board deserves a thank you for recognizing the ongoing challenge our states dairy farmers face in maintaining their long term economic viability.” Since 1988, PMMB has mandated an over-order premium be added to fed eral order prices for Class I (fluid) milk produced, pro cessed and sold within Pennsylvanias borders. Unn CEDAR CREST EQUIPMENT the thinking that went into the creation of Coach Farm Goat’s Milk Cheese and Yogurt, and what the owners had to do to en sure that a large commercial farmstead could be successfully converted to a major goat cheese operation that direct-markets its products. Seems they were successful! The book notes the critical im portance of growing quality hay, which translates to quality milk and cheese; construction of a complex of barns to accommo date the many hundreds of goats; the reproductive and milk generating process as a whole; a photo tour of the facility where the cheese is created; and, even more delightful, suggested serv ing of the best goat cheese. “Perils” is a wonderful coffee table book with great photos and well-written text, a true success story highly recommended for your farm shelf. Order from Ruder Finn Press Inc., 1110 2nd Avenue, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10022, (212) 593-6420. LIFE AND RHYMES OF THE AMISH, by Sharon E. Work man. Sharodan Educational Enterprises, 2003, 144 pp., $12.95. ISBN 0-9717437-1-1 Workman has compiled a real treat of poems that speak of the lives of its many contributors the students, family, and friends Millers Welding & Repair 54 Christiana Pike, Christiana, PA 17509 (610) 593-6112 Dealer Inquiries Invited Parts Store: East Earl - 717-354-0584 A mi •Vt’><«SVrV«ViV of Flat Ridge Elementary School, a public school grades 5-8 located three miles south of Charm, Ohio. What makes “Life and Rhymes” unique is that contribu tors include some of the 80 Amish students who attend. The poems recollect the typical daily chores, experiences, hopes, and dreams of the students and of the personalities who make up the community near Charm. The book has lots of home made art and feels more like a scrapbook of daily experience. You will enjoy it. Order from Sharodan Educa tional Enterprises, 6529 Co. Rd. 201, Millersburg, OH 44654. Dump Wagons Model Hl5OO Haul up to 1500 lbs using garden tractor, ATV, compact tractor Removable sides for bulky loads, 3 ton bottle jack raises dump bed easily to almost vertical Model 750 Single axle, carries up to 750 lbs Manual dump for light loads Removable sides u from « ends at “ r Crest ent for ronage m s year. Z ay your J olidays * e filled £ peace J & joy. 339 King -2 93
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