Dl2-Lancaster Farmmo norpmhpr B SILOS UNLOADERS T Quality new silos at a competitive price Rebuild your used silo Sho'crete, repairs, parts on hand Renno Silo RR2, Box 942, Mifflmtown, PA 17059 Rebuilt Patz 988 silo unloaders, 12-30 ft. Used dropped and worn out ones taken m trade Will install and/or Deliver Anywhere Call 716/532-2919 If no answer, leave a message BUILDINGS AND SUPPLIES TG-I Joists up to 33 ft , 2x8x26 mic-Lam beams (610)593 1140 Wanted Used cast iron tube type hot water radi ators for residential heat mg (410)557-7430 WANTED TO BUY - Old Log houses for removal wide attic flooring wide barn siding, barn gram ery boards, house hand hewn joists, very large barn beams at least 10'xl2'x16' in white oak, yellow heart pine, white pine & chestnut - hand hewn barn beams at least 6"x8"x18', 3" wide planks Chester Co, PA Call 7 15 am to 8 45 am or 8 00 pm to 10 30 pm (610)857-1002 TOP $ PAID FREE 50X200 STEEL TRUSS BLDGS must dis mantle Call Tom 609-723- 6324 or cell 609-575-7349 BUYING BARNWOOD Reclaimed beams, tim bers, planks, siding, decking, flooring etc Chestnut, Oak, Pine 860 283-4209 Wire Fence 1/2xl, Ixl, Ix 2, 1-1/2xl-1/2, 2x2, 2x4 galv 55 cents/lb, PVC coated 85 cents/lb Also low priced metal roofing & siding 717 445 6885 1-800 373-3703 WANTED Old barns for salvage in York Co Cash paid (717)229 2185 Walnut lumber, quality dried, different dem up tollf (610)678-9326 WANTED ~ Old barns, houses, log houses Will dismantle & remove The Barn Farm (215)766-0564 Cham Link Fence, new slightly imperfect, heavy 9 gauge galvanized 3' 75ft, Z-V? 85ft, 4' 95ft, 5' $1 20ft, 6' $1 45ft, 1' $1 65ft, 8' $1 85ft Lighter, 11 1/2 gauge also avail Best Time 7 Sam, (570)822-7820 2xB Y-Pme T&G lumber ideal for barn flooring, etc Rough cut Pine & Hemlock (570)726-6511 FLOORING wide plank, chestnut, ash, pine, oak, maple, etc Ready & cus tom made Oak barn flooring, country furni ture custom made (610)529-0471 Mobile home material recovery facility, win dows, doors, axles, tires, appliances, etc 500 lb bales fiberglass insula tion, $5O Leave message for Pequea Salavage (717)464 4461 2 xSYellow PmeT&G lum jer ideal for barn floor ng, etc (570)726 6511 Wanted Old Log Houses Timber Frame Barns Chestnut Lumber We Dismantle & Remove Insured top $ Paid 877/653-5647 BUILDINGS AND SUPPLIES U Distmantle barn approx 65'x75', very good inside barn wood Also w/corn crib Cum berland Co 717 234-1675 days (717)766-6270 eves (50) Good used 36 roof trusses Silver/gray knot tie pine barn siding, ram dom widths, never paint ed Hemlock 3xB & 3xlo floor joist, 14'&16' long Good used kitchen cabi nets, cheap, no counter top or sink Rusty galv tin, 32 pcs, 3xB, $B/ea (610)273 9628 Baxter Whitney 30" 2- sided planer, 20hp top, lOhp bottom, circa early 1900's, $3,500, Grizzly planer G 1033, 20", $BOO, Crescent 8" joiner circa 1920's $250, Ryobi BT3OOO table saw w/many attach, $250, DeWalt Indust, 16", shp, radial arm saw $BOO, Acme 48'' Stroke sander $4OO, Delta 10" Contrac tors saw $250, OR BEST OFFERS (610)926 0512 TOP $ PAID Attic Flooring Gramery Boards, All In Pine Also. 3” Pine Boards 12” or Wider 570-383*6300 AMRIC CONSTRUCTION INC. Commercial Agricultural Residential Call For FREE 70S Nan on Rd , Richard Zimmerman Nan on,PA 17555 717*768*3235 Koser Building Materials FOR YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT NEEDS LOCATED NORTH OF ELIZABETHTOWN OPEN MON -FRI BTO 6 SAT BTO 3 • Kitchen Cabinets • Plywood & Waferboard 5 w.-nr 5 • Asphalt Roofing Shingles S' IVlCliy • T-i-ii siding If Christmas ? • GP Insulation $ C/liriSLllldb • Railroad Ties " a T tl nrmv « • Shutters '] ® na PPX '/ • Replacement Windows jj « V*»ar • Vinyl Siding >| IN6W I CRT 4 717-367-0283 \WNN\SNSWXNVWWWNNNW\SW\WWN SMUCKER CONSTRUCTION AGRICULTURAL - RESIDENTIAL SPECIALIZING IN POLE BUILDINGS DAN SMUCKER $ 135 CHURCHTOWN ROAD 717/768-8606 i \ NARVON, PA 17555 FAX 717/768-3264 \ NWSNWWWWWNWWWWWWSSNNW fi 9 h s • Sprayed in place polyurethane insulation g • R 7 5 per inch B I • Closed cell product = built-in vapor barrier g g. Typical Applications include new construction, coolers $ B~\ and freezers crawl spaces, attics basements, barns, B 1 pole and metal buildings, cold storage g . 50% more efficient than a typical fiberglass installation fil • Our company s focus is quality, integrity and value No Q 2j job is too small or large Please call for free estimates £ n and technical advice 215/598-3026. d URETHANE SOLUTIONS INC. Is your stone building or walls in dire need of repair? Call us for a free estimate Buena Vista Restoration L.L.C. Fully insured. Quality work Specializing in Stone Repointmg Restoration 20, 2003 BARN FLOORING, new kiln dried, T&G, V-pme 2xB's for floors & stalls (717)354-0192 SKING BROS. ? STONE MASONRY New Houses Retaining Walls, etc. Repointing Restoration u 717-442-4630 i 2 Stalls 10x12 center feed entry POP'S BARNS HORSE BARNS & TURN-OUT SHEDS Built on skids so you can move them Built to your specifications Elmer Seller 137 N New Holland Rd Gordonville PA 17529 717-354-0038 111 Sunset Lane Coatesville, PA 19320 610*857*3370 Paradise Valley Sheds, LLC Manufacturing Storage Sheds Pre-fab Kits Available 24 MEADOW LANE GORDONVILLE, PA 17529 $B,OOO CASH Paying Up To $B,OOO For Old Barns Depending On Quantity And Quality Of Old Lumber In Them Oak - Pine - Chestnut Hand Hewn Beams - We Are Buying Old Barn Boards - Must Be Old Lumber - Wide Boards - Oak - Pine - Chestnut & Grainery Boards Call Anytime 203-335-9044 Connecticut Just In Time For The Season s eo«"*» o utt 0 e 610*473*7118 % (717) 687-3710 Merv Ghck Larry L. Groff J & Sons, Inc. General Contractor • Specializing in Commercial building • Remodeling all types of excavating • Custom concrete work • Agricultural frame and pole barn construction Cell Phones Office 717-336-2320 Elvin 572-5996 Fax 717-336-0892 Philip 413-6084 'uality Dog Kennels Poly lumber floor Insulated dog house w/ removable roof Child /animal safe latch Feed & water bowls accessible from outside Reinfoiced vinyl canopy We carry a complete line of Chain Link Fencing Products W Key-link Fencing & Kennels. Inc. (7I ZJ ?55-7130 Quci/ifv Our Kpp Link To Sfn in*/ Vou f (800/ 033“7093 3-STEEL BUILDINGS 36x36, 50x80, 70x150 New! Never Delivered! Roy 800499-2760 Put yout bain back in the work foice with Siding, Roofing, Restoration, Repair | Additions, Stabling, Conversions ri Architectural Service Available SERVING THE ENTIRE DELAWARE VALLEY We are professional carpenters who can do your job right! Metal Roofs oren't Created Equal Our New Centennial Wrought Iron Style Vinyl Fence. Looks Great- Rugged Construction 2 styles available • 3 finial options 150 Orlan Road New Holland, PA
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