D4-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 20, 2003 CNH Reports Improved Third Quarter 1 ARE FOREST, 111. CNH Global N.V. has reported a third quarter net loss of $36 million, substantially better than the net loss of $66 million for the same period last year. Excluding restructuring charges in both periods, CNH’s third quarter bottom line was a net loss of $l5 million, com pared to a third quarter 2002 loss of $5B million. Net sales of equipment were up 12% in the quarter, driven by strong sales of the company’s agricultural equipment across all major mar kets. For the first nine months of 2003, CNH reported a net loss of $46 million, or $.35 per share, compared to a net loss of $4Ol million lor the same period last vear. Fxcludmg restructuring charges and the cumulative effect of a change m accounting principle in 2002 related to goodwill impairment. CNH’s profit of $1 million m the first nine months of 2003 compaics favorably to a loss of $59 million for the same period in 2002. Net sales of equipment in the Pioneer Introduces 40 New Corn Hybrids Offering The Roundup Ready™ Trait DES MOINES, lowa Pio neer Hi-Bred International, Inc., has announced the introduction of 40 new Pioneer brand corn hybrids containing the Roundup Readygene. Phis technology allows postemergence applica tion ot Roundup "-branded her bicides without crop injury or stress. The hybrids range from 77 to 1 16 comparative relative matu- Accelerated Genetics November 2003 rity. Most are conversions of , tried-and-true yield-leading hy- Dairy SIFC DirCCtOriCS Available brids with which growers are fa miliar. Several also offer in- BARABOO, Wis. Acceler- dates....this directory is sure to plant protection from European ate( j Genetics November 2003 be useful in every dairyman’s corn borer and other insect f) a j r y sire Directories are now breeding program,” says Janet pests. Supplies of some of the available as of Nov. 13. Dairy Keller, vice president of adver newly released products, how- producers can contact their local tising, communication and ever, will be limited, and Accelerated Genetics represent- public relations, growers should contact their a tj ve or call 1-800-451-9275 or The Dairy Sire Directory is a local Pioneer representative for em ail: info@accelgen.com to re- full-color 72-page directory that information on products avail- q Ue st a new, complimentary features the most recent produc es in their areas and suited to p> a iry Sire Directory. tion and type data on Acceler their individual farms. “Accelerated Genetics offers ated Genetics’ entire lineup of “Finding a hybrid with the you the widest variety of choices dairy sires: Ayrshire, Brown genetics and yield potential that whether you are a commercial Swiss, Guernsey, Holstein, fits the agronomic needs of a dairymen selecting for economi- Jersey and Milking Shorthorn, particular farm or field should cal management traits, a pure- Each active AI sire has his com be a grower s first considera- hied breeder sorting for the elite plete production and type proof tion. says Kyle Whitaker, Pio- TPI genetics or a heifer raiser information as well as picture(s) neer corn technology launch searching for calving case candi- of their daughter(s) manager. “Pioneer’s local seed representatives know what situ ations growers in their area face. Ehey can help identify the right hybrid and advise whether the Roundup Ready system is the right choice, based on weed challenges, desired application timing and other considera tions” Pioneer now offers a total of nearly 50 hybrids and more than 60 soybean varieties with the Roundup Ready gene and will continue to expand its product lineup with products to meet grower demand. “Growers obviously recognize value from the Roundup Ready \ ❖ Business News ❖ peiiod were $7,386 billion, com pared to $6,920 billion for the first nine months of 2002. “Our new agricultural prod ucts are driving share gains in our key markets, directly bene fiting the bottom line,” Paolo Monferino, CNH president and chief executive officer said. “Al though the third quarter is typi cally the weakest quarter of the year, we achieved an industrial operating margin of $72 million on a GAAP basis. Looking ahead, our construc tion equipment business has turned the corner and should be at breakeven in the fourth quar ter. Overall, we confirm our forecast to be in the black, on a GAAP basis, before restructur ing charges, in 2003.” Net sales of agricultural equipment increased to $1,684 billion for the quarter, compared to $1,429 billion in the third quarter of 2002. Net of favorable currency, net sales of agricul tural equipment increased by 10 r/ r, reflecting the company’s strong sales in the Americas and i .. .. » cqvo Paul weed-management strategies herbicide program jays Pan can be | Ked t 0 meet spe . Carter, agronomist and global , . ~ ~ agronomy sciences manager at Zl^ic wee . challenges. Pioneer. “However, we all need To assist growers, Pioneer has to realize there is no one-size- developed a full spectrum ol tits-all herbicide program. Ro- management recommendations tating herbicide modes of action, or growers using Roundup using two-pass programs and branded herbicides in crop rota tank-mixing products to t* oo programs involving corn broaden efficacy and deliver re- soybeans with the Roundup sidual control are all sound Ready gene. Western Europe. Third quarter 2003 industry unit sales of agricultural equip ment in North America im proved substantially compared to the third quarter of 2002. In North America, industry sales improved across all tractor seg ments with the greatest gains in the under 40 horsepower seg ment. North American combine sales also increased signifi cantly. In Europe, industry sales of tractors were essentially flat, while industry sales of combines declined significantly. Industry sales of tractors were down slightly in Latin America while combine sales rose significantly. CNH believes that industry sales of agricultural equipment in the fourth quarter of 2003 should be flat to up slightly in North America. In Western Europe industry sales of tractois are expected to decline, while combine sales in Latin America are expected to increase signifi cantly through the balance of the year. PHONE 717 626 1164 or 717-394 3047 FAX 717 733-6058 Mon . Turs Wed Fn BAMto 5 PM Thurs 7AMto 5 PM CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 1994 Yanmar 86-2, 2673 Hours Mini Excavator 12 000 lb Machine Canopy, Z Stick Good Condition Stk# 350011 $14,500 2003 Bobcat New, A3OO Turbo Diesel 73HP, All Wheel Steer, 3,000 lb Lift Capacity, Lift Height 126 5” 2-Speed Travel 12 4 MPH Max, $30,000, w/New Holt 3234 Tree Spade Complete Package $39,900 Caterpillar 988 A, S/N 87A5762 Cat Rubber Tired Loader, EROPS Cab with Air Conditioning, 11’ Spade Nose Bucket 5 Yard Complete History on Machine Excellent Condition Stk# 960106 $24,900 uGugfab- EQUIPMENT (£| SUPPLY CO. 717/428-1517 Fax 717/428-2990 7100 Kreidler Rd. York, PA 17403 Interstate 83 • Exit 10 (Old Exit 3) ' Dozer Says . *3 Merry Christmas ** NEW Snow Equipment is here and ready to go!! ** •JD 544 C EROPS • (1) Almand Dsl 4 light heads tow behind • Wacker Light Tower Dsl • 2004 Towmaster TIOT Tilt, 13 300 GVWR 16 Deck E-2 Lube Axle, Torflex Suspension • 2004 Contrail CIO 16 Deck Ladder Ramps 12 600 GVWR • JD 380 Diesel Side Shift • Used 3 Pt Flail & Rotary Mowers $750 and Up • 8 Hyd Broom Attachment (or Cat IT 18 or 28 • IR 185 Air Compressor SHE • 2000 JO 260 Aux Hyd 2 Speed Weight Kit • 2002 Case 40XT Aux Hyd CROPS • ATV Posi Trac 4810 • Cat 236 • Ford 675 E Cab 4x4 Extend-a hoe Pwr Shift Coming In • Case 580 SK EROPS E-Stick 4x4 •Cat4l6C EROPS Standard Hoe 4x4 Authorized Dealer For: ll&Ac\UAskJl Securall Cargo Tie Down Chains, Load I inman agyuaa| Tie Down Straps Binders, & Tire Chains Trailer Parts Gasboy Fuel Transfer Pumps flc Tanks Plows & Spreaders John Deere 3108 S/N 388611 Enclosed Cab, Street Pads, Good Condition Stk# 320062 $12,500 1997 Terex 3066 C, S/N A 7341090 6130 Hours, 6x6 Articulating Dump Truck, Cummins Engine Air Conditioning, Excellent Condition, Stk# 130161 $59,900 • 1991 Chevy C 3500 9 Utility 6 5 Dsl, Auto AM/FM Cruise, 11 000 GVW $6,500 • 1988 Int Tandem Axle Dump 136" Alum Bed Jake Brake, Cummins Dsl 9 Spd Fuller Trans, Central Hyd , Set Up To Tow Tag-Along Trl $17,500 • Ford 540 A DROPS Canopy 3 Pt PTO RH Side Flail $8,500 • (2) Ford 5610 3Pt PTO (1) W/RH Flail Mower • Case IH 685 3 Ft PTC Twin Sickle Mower • Case IH 685 CROPS Canopy 3Pt PTO Left & Right Hand Sickle Mowers • Case IH 885, CAH 3PI PTO Rear Outlets • Gradall 660 E Cummins Engine Up & Down • (1)43) Gradall G 660 Cs Mobile Excavator Detroits Remotes • Gradall G3WD Needs Work • 2001 JD 35ZTS Mini Excavator DROPS Aux Hyd 20 Bucket Rubber Tracks WllitW PEERLESS i s®* piows & Hitches & Truck Equip. W - Spreaders and Snow Equip. WMmumm Zm*^9mcoucrs We accept • (10) OS) Case IH 585 3 Pt, PTO Canopy 1 w/CAH, Full Hyd Triumph Sickle Mowers Dual Rear Outlets (Pictured at left) Warning Lights
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