1992 CIH 5190 IsTOLTZFUS TRACTOR SERVICE I Tracioi w/Loadci, I “ D u ff I Rebuilding engines, transmissions, MBWHWMWBM excellent Condition, H International • 5 Kabota Tractors for parts • Iff 6661 PTO’s Tune-ups 2000 His I 01 DK/r,I injection system Re P a,r HganESEQEgaH joi.iij.moo I Combines. Hay Equipment « Spreaders I 1715 Beaver Valley Pike, 484*0 l4*U/oo Rebuilt Spreaders. Various Sizes ■ Cinekinn DA ivesa NEW & USED EQUIPMENT fiR I *® 484*614*1832 lIHH "Accepting VISA and Mastercard " W 717/786~0256 L - — J jm ADAMSTOWN EQUIPMENT AK 90-POINT INSPECTION ON YOUR JOHN DEERE TRACTOR Your inspection for as little as $190.00* What's the best way to be sure that your John Deere Tractor is ready for the seasons ahead? Have our trained service technicians give it a com plete inspection. We have all the special tools and training to be sure that your tractor spec meets John Deere standards. And right now you can take advan tage of this special inspection. See us soon. Specially Priced thru Dec. 31,2003 Call to Schedule your Tractor before Prffl^JUl 5 Dec. 31,2003 and receive: FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY Within A 25 Mile Radius For 90 Da^s GOOD DEALS...AND A GOOD DEAL MOKE NEW JOHN DEERE EQUIPMENT IN STOCK TRACTORS JD 7320, Cab, MFWD, IVT JD 6420, MFWD, Cab JD 5320, MFWD HAY & FORAGE JD 926 MoCo JD 936 MoCo JD 946 MoCo See Us and the John Deere Exhibit at the PA FARM SHOW o JOHN DESRE END OF YEAR SAVINGS SALE December 26 thru December 31, 2003 10% Cash Discount On All Parts & Toys In Stock PLANTING JD 1750 6 Row Diy Fert JD 1750 6 Row Liq Fert JD 1750 4 Row (Demo) JD 450 10 ft Drill TILLAGE JD 714 Mulch Tiller Bnllion 21’ Pulverizer Bnllion 23’ Pulverizer Bnllion 25’ Pulverizer ADAMSTOWN EQUIPMENT, Box 456, Bowmansville Road Adamstown, PA 19501 717-484-4391 We Have Used Parts To Fit JD 2-Cyl, and 10 & 20 Series Tractors! Visit us at www.adamstownequipment.com E-mail: Adamstown Eq. @JD Dealer.com MISCELLANROI JD Rotary Cutters Pequea Wagon Gears Westfield 8”x51 ’ Auger Unverferth Gravity Boxes Tonutti Rakes & Tedders Victor 200 Forage Blower Victor 115 Rotary Rake Net Wrap Bale Lok Plus 9840 ft. x 4 ft. wide Sale $l7O Roll Only 10 Rolls Left John Deere Day Expo January 19, 2004 ISED JD 6410, 2WD JD 5-SlO Cab, MFWD w/JD 541 S L Loader $52,000 JD 5010, Gas w/46 Loader JD 2010 SEEDING JD 8350 Drill, 6” \ 24 Krause 5200 13 Ft No-Till Drill JD 1240 Plante COMBINES JD 915 Flex Head JD 215 Flex Head JD 215 Flex Head Side Hill JD 215 Flex Head (Rebuilt) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 20, 2003-C3 Filters 10% All Filters ®9 I Starting Fluid John Dccn Stalling rimrl contains 80 pci cent ethci that s moic than any other brand' Impiovcs stalling and piolongs battery life 10-ci/ spia\ container Reg S 2 39 Sale $1" tcials Limited To Inventory In Watch For Our NEW USED EQUIPMENT ORS $50,900 $6,500 $2,500 $4,500 $6,500 -$6OT$ 500 Coming In Coming In «s6soo $4 500 S 5 000 OFF |i DIAL PRESSURE GAUGE Stock lA$ & FORAGE EOLIPMP N I Case IH 8850 SP Wmdiowcr NH 2450 SP Hayhme JD 1527 MoCo w/Impcllcr JD 260 Disc Mower JD 1460 MoCo JD 3950 Pull Type Harvester JD 5 Ft Hay Head Badger 2060 Forage Blowet NH 320 Baler w/Thrower JD 1219 Bnllion 14tt Pulverizer JD 2500 5 Bottom Kent 24' Field Culm atoi ID 210 Disc 12 It INC. John Deere Tire Chains TY4476 18 4x30 v-' He;; 8 428 2 r > Sale $325 PY4478 TY15274 18 4\38 18 4\42 R(l> 8484 7<) Rrn 8 457 47 Sale Sale $375 $350 >■ Por It.k Inis lommniiil equipmt nt <ats and li4>ht Inuks r > I i om O 00 pounds ► has\ to lead n 2 5244 " " 1 " A $6 95 Reg $8 09 I in .1 limit! (1 limp WJtfOO S 5(1 500 sis 900 52.500 55.500 Coming In Coming In $1,500 $3,500 $2,500 Coming In TILLAGE $1,200 Shm $i,200 31 sot) (’omme In We Ship Daily UPS /■\ {safest live with it 1
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