□ MAILBOX MARKETS FOR SALE J T 1 ft 4x5 round bales of grass hay New Holland 519 manure spreader with hydraulic tailgate. Lack awanna Co. 570-282- 2557. Winch for ACHD6 $BOO set tracks ACHD6 $6OO 580 Case Radiator $lOO steer clutches HD 5 or 6 $3OO set. Front idler HDII $lOO. Cecil Co. 410-378- 2785. Bridgeport J-head milling machine; Hahn aerator; Graco bulldog series paint pump; JD 440 heavy duty front grille. Warren Co. 908- 475-3330. Furniture grade oak lum ber 1.50-1.75 bd ft, Birch lumber .50 bd ft; pine .50 bd ft.; ash $1 bd ft; Hicko 8i $1 bd ft. Northamp. o. 610-746-2018. Four pairs forklift forks 33 inches to 53 inches $5O to $lOO trailer axles and tires $175 pair. Berks Co. 610-286-6936. Summit Hill FL ,IL CH . . E. ,S E ra Heat Treated Parts IS* Flail Choppers Disc Mower Sale - Ren* Manufactured By Joel King 108 Rahrars Mill Rd., Ranks. PA 17878 717-887-0186 Bam-Bi 1 Bern HEATMOR OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACES 5 Sizes - 19 Colors - Wood or Coal Grates Forced Draft - Ash Auger Clean Out eN *Wood-Oil & Cora-Burning Options Outback Heating Inc. 888-763-8617 800-743-5883 Stainless Steel Jamestown, NY Staunton,VA v#v#v, jrack Lodger 450 C John Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 29, 2003-823 rhilmr, air tinhf Farmall 200 with FH new Deere with back hoe Tennessee walking mare . . R ci mmpt ai laulT'm Jdaskina isnn Paint, good tires, fully 6,000 hours 95% under 6' T posts, 20 ea. $1.25. blue roan quarter horse 7^626 ilnrthamn r lighted, $2200; Also carriage $14,500. York Co. Grun chain link fence $5 & cutting horse will hold cross. Lane. Co. 717 626 2"l?L?° I Sn7J? nhamp - Co - front mount snow blade 717-227-9581. ea. Shower stall $25. 3pt. till Xmas, also will board ]O2A : 610-759-auqj. . avail, after 6PM. York Co. i QQfi K, lh nta L 2900 32HP culti $75. York Co. 717- heifers. 717-244-9381. Franco Beige coal stove, Complete set of front and 717-993-6845. 4x4 loader cab heat 610 938-9857 ACA: S2SO, Conn, organ dbl- I^9fta h |nti.rnatinrllt tlL eS 90 Honda Accord EX, hours quicktatch bucket 3 point 2 row cultivator 6' Reserve for Christmas ?nr na <9nn 4DR > SSP, black, A/C, 3 P t hiten garage stored, disc B&S 3' sickle &3' $650. Nice markings, machine m cabinet, $5O, eSl’ooc fISS - power, excellent running, $14,500. Hunterdon Co. blade $75 each. Montg. Also, male cockapos cu A^® a 7 oSflond 0 ' Lehigh Co. 610-395-2732. cav bodv fair Y ork Co. 609-915-8596. Co. 215-723-7882. $325! Parents on premis- Sch. Co. 570-889-5204. Miniature horse straw- 717-757-7113. S' rotary mower 3 point First year Timothy hay es. Lane. Co. 717-442- Ido. red apples; also 3 pt. b flrc 9?" uonfnintil h ? New Holland #7 feed $400; old chicken feed 4 X 4 and 4x5 net wrapped 0208. fl rA k K7n^v; r n(Kfi yer V <tcX(? e o!.r ha ’ grinder, metal hopper, troughs. Perry Co. 717-some under cover, rest JD 40 good tin and tires 3 Lyc. Co. 570-435-0636. *265. IH wooden corn 444-3537. inside. Adams Co. 717- ot IH Super C needs Brush cutter, J.D. model ton Co. 856-983-5649. shelter, 1 holer with crank harn and house to be 528-4952. repair JDA runs good tin 513,4 yrs. old, $600; 1885 Free Emu male 6 yrs old. $l2O. Lane. Co. 717-768- tn down Bedford Co. Double reoietered and tires iron wheel undercut surrey rock- Lanc. Co. 610-273-4575. 3554. 814 784-0122 Palomino mare years wagon, Ontario Co. 585- away, mint cond., $2700. Minneapolis Moline 446 Reg. Haflinger gelding, 6 butcher block 24" x 24"”x old 15 hands good trail 394-8447 Bucks Co. 215-258-5726. gas W.E 3 pt. hitch fair yrs. old, draft style Bel- Ifi » deeD n 0 | eas nee ds horse $2200. Berks Co. Clark #4OOO forklift, gaso- Rockhound 6A rake, cond. $1,500. Westmor- gian mare in teens, like to t h refinished $400,717-933-1534. line and cushion tires, $1200; 1989 custom land Co. 724-238-4324. keep together, wMlspht. New Jerse y. Somerset Doberman Pincher pups, $895; PB2 cattle gates, flatbed J.D. Plow, 5 Btm. 3 pt. Mont - Co - 215-541-0464. Qq males AKC, tails docked, auto roller mill, Dunham 11;000 GVW, mount; Oliver 4 btm. niH Inns for sale out of a Hesston haybine 6450 Ist shots, wormed, all 4 r °w Soccoi? 1 "' Lanc ‘ scq°oqo7 6St ' C °' 61 °’ semi-mount, N.l. corn-P/S1 "gas engine good colors, $5OO and up. York Co. 717-336-6947. 469-0927. picker mod. 310, Nut i on 6 fle r 717-i94- shape $l5OO obo. Hunt- Co. 717-456-7757 or 717- 10 HP Simplicity riding Coal, best offer/trade. 9 fnnSnn Co 814-259-3928. 808-3632. mower #3410 gear drive Bucks Co. 215-529-9547. V.-—. : .- , ct..ff o r flir nneV: $350. A-frame with 1-ton s—r — TZ2 7KK 21 cu. ft. upright freezer, 3414 International with oausage suiiier, air oper . . h . t win* B p. b s|e d°ve r 100 yrs cond., $lOO. Lane, loader and 3121 backhoe ated, 50 pound capacity, 10 wide 12 old good cond barn C 0.717-665-1541. has ceased rod bearing stainless meat hopper, man $4OO. Lane. Co. 717 kept. Gram mill good ———r —-ir $l5OO. Chester Co. 610- Foot controlled $750. 445-6345. cond. Call to see. J?B7 Jeep truck p/u 405.5433 Also, other small butcher Claas twin rotary rake 03 asr" ,a Co ' assay’°°- 717 ~ s'SiriSf Fence, chain link, of iJjiJK'ca 2* lst, 2nd, and 3rd cutting. Hay round bales,Timothy J? dd 7 e , r 7 * RR Lanc ‘ 4 9 gauge $1.60 ft. 2nd =■.— .. Fayette Co. 724-887-8718. grass, and Timothy grass Co - — 650' of 7' $1.70 ft. unused Lmcoln |lert™ welders V F 3So'cattle mix. Also, Haylage bales For sale Timothy orchard delivery arranged. I'r Fhv aluminum 4x5 net wrapped, at the grass mix $2.75 AT from Luzerne Co. 570&2-KMegj. truck « JEby alummum Adams & 717 . 359 . Je barn, grain drils3oo. j-r-n roll Co. MD. 410-756- brakes tires no rust 5068. 717-324 228^ Early top of jelly cup- gg s2 $3BOO obo. Leb. Co. 717- One Holstein Jersey LLLJ" board $350; Antique spin- 279-7140. cross bull ready for serv- Se"Pe^^S^ O slo0 r deader. wide 16"pa 9 ddlls AC HD6 ag crawler lanc. Co. 717-872- Emerlon Dlashc P radio approx. 200 ft., $4OO. lent cond. $3BOO. Vandale |§§l . ....... j!! oro . n h >0 717 270-Bedford Co. 814-766- TMR mixer working cond 4 year old standardbred '' u 3807 $6OO. NH 352 grinder gelding. Pacing bred trot rsfa.,M^,spiW «r 5&% G fs years tffd Used orig. cond - and complete Ivermectin horse wormer 2871**' son Great cond $1 350 Perfect restoration proj- and other misc. supplies. Lane. Co. 717-354-2871. Oho Cecil C 0443-30- ect. Call Adams Co. 717- Fall cleaning of barn. 2 28x13 power space 000. cecii co. mj .su» 677 . 865 g Need to make room for rims fits Massey Fergu -300 new pets. Anne Arundel son or Allis Chalmers, Co. MD 443-817-4444. reconditioned and paint- I New tractor RTO ? d &o a ?ia°Rd-i I tor on/trailer *ff/9SKW mgdon Co. 814-643-4327. $2250 cash. 3pt. PTO 4' Backhoe woods 7500 3/blade finish mower with 12" bucket, fits New with four wheels $475 Holland skid steer $3500. cash. Washington Co. Also, 66" toothbar $lOO. 301-842-3242. Hunt Co. 908-735-6085. COMPARISON WITH OTHER OUTDOOR UNITS • Bums up to 1/2 less wood • Emits up to 1/2 less smoke • Corrosion Warranty up to 10 times longer '<* *************.i HILL nUMIt mkhtccmnc. ver Pipe insulated underground piping item for outdoor wood & com leis. Tune Saver Pipe is cut to it. Starting at Just $5.95 a foot! lakertowa, Pa 1*?51 SKC ' Fn: (610)-346-lMMI iHHlxam WANT Parker, L B Smith, Fox shot guns Will buy complete private collections (570) 366-9232 r REIFF WAGONS Since 1988 ’ All wagons have air tires with tubes and ball bearing wheels with grease fittings. y wagon Cart o** 0 ** Available In J.D. Gram. 4 modal* to chooaa from.Wa will ship U.P.S. Maatarcard A Viaa accaptad. t Allow 1-2 waaka lor ahipping. Call for free brocbftra. 195 Indiantown Rd., Ephratt • (717) 738-1327 Oaalaia Walcomo. Hard Water? Yd • No salt No plumber i\ ~ J • Cleans your pipes • Easy to install || • No maintenance ‘ • 5 year warranty • "We guarantee It will work or your money back” Eco-Toch 866 *763-8717 A-C, 9' Haybine works many new parts $350. Michigan cable backhoe $lOOO. Slant 4 cyl. engine from IH scout. Perry Co. 717-582-7222. Antique wheelbarrow over 200 years old(er) $2OOO firm no Sunday calls may deliver $.lO/mi. Halifax Co., VA. 434-476- 4321. Hobart meat slicer, new sharpening stones. $650 obo. Several hand crank meat grinders. I will make yours electric. Cecil Co. 410-398-7680. 1990 Buick Skylark good cond. runs good two door black $795 obo, 167,000 mi. Muse see. Lane. Co. 717-629-0507. Go-Kart yerf dog off track have two for sale 5.5 HP Comet clutch $375 each York Springs. Adams Co. 717-528-4206. JD 3010 industrial loader tractor, new brakes, recent engine overhaul, good rear tires, great lift ing power, $5BOO obo. Somerset Co. 814-634- 0140. Golden Retriever male 1 yr. or 2 yr. old. AKC. 2yr old is a proven sire. Lane. Co. 717-768-3875. * New Ford E4OO trans for diesel 4x4 RU. Leer Crown fiberglass 8 ft. top loaded for 80-97 Ford RU. Garrett Co. MD 301-334- 0551. Class 3 hitch for full size Ford body. $5O, 275 gal lon oil tank $25. Lane. Co. 717-464-5884. 94 Grand Voyager good cond. clean, 112,000 miles, new tires, integrat- ed child safety seats. Camden NJ 856-783- (3627. Oulclooi I in naccs Mahoning Hardy Sales & Service Douglas Fishel Gettsburg- New Oxford 717-624-3639 Mahoning Outdoor Furnaces Standard Models tat— 4 Wood or Coal an ' Multifuel PW I Models Bum Wood, Oil, Coal or Gas Separate combustion chamber Adapt* to am- existing * - . . tn o w , \ hci KVMtcm. IrwtallatJon «nd smokestack (oil & g*s only) & Accessories Available. Clyde K. Alderfer 570*539*8456 R.DJI, Box 246, Mt. Pleasant Mills. PA 17853 7x12 bandsaw horiz./vert. E.C., $400; Husky air compressor 60 gal. E.C., $200; barrel tumbler 65T, $250 E.C. Bucks Co. 215- 453-8110. International 101 com bine good cond. field ready $4OO obo; Fl 4 parts tractor Farmall reg. stuck complete Case 800 gas. Carroll Co. MD 410-857- 5769. Log cabin bird feeder, 12 y xl4" top filled $3O. Peach Bottom Co. 717- 548-3474. Lawn tractor Craftsman 14 hp Kohler 42" deck new cond. used 4 hours $llOO obo. Can deliver. Chester Co. 610-296- 7536. Cub disk $200; JD2 plow on steel $150; JD 8 ft. disk $200; Colored glass from old church b.o. Lane. Co. 717-529-6068. Holiday Rambler 35ft two slides tri-axle $28,500 Polaris snowmobiles 400 Indy, Indy sport hike new $3500 both. Ellis Key stone thresher. Chester Co. 484-678-6335. 1947 JD (B) tractor, 1945 Farmall (BN) tractor, small manure spreader, JD 640 hay rake, metal Frame wood saw. All machinery very good cond. Mont. Co. 610-754- 6156 evenings. John Deere 4020 diesel WF, 2Rem diff. lock sync, shift 20.8x34, runs but needs engine work. $6OOO OMO.York Co. 717- 456-7783. Rebuilt 250 Cummings engine Buda diesel 125KVA 3 phase gen with controls Rome D 8 dozer blade. Schuy. Co. 570- 640-2743. MEC shotgun shell reloader 16 & 12 gauge adapters, Loads or sup §lies and accessories, xcellent condition. A steal at $95. Lane. Co. 717-445-4272. Fir lumber, used. 3x4x12 $4 ea. 100 pcs. 1 or all. Lane. Co. 717-786-2773. Int 660 diesel restored near perfect complete newTA new 18-9-34 tires, looks and runs great, $7OOO bo. Morris Co. NJ 908-879-5760.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers