*"™™™*™lndustrial sewing mach. 5 36" Paint mare, B&W, MAILBOX thread overlook, Singer "des gd. w/kids poss. in MARKETS 211 W walking foot, Adler foal to B&W 32 stud, FOR SALE 167 walking foot, Consew 1550 obo.Dauph. Co zio-zao. Lane. Co. 717- 717-362-1976 "" 940-0129, □ I I fi Automatic roller mill, i 9B O GMC Brigadier. Sin- PR? h r^?/ 0^t C « tIV Mi o rii; 9 le axle dum P tru ck with Annn Phfofki&Pwith ton double axle tilt £?■? Tln^ U rlV trai| er. Electric brakes, Lane. Co. 8,500 obo. Northampton 717-336-6947. Co. 610-863-8740 after 4 Kubota 87100 4x4 tractor p.m. 3P&H belly mower. Far- fc. R ,,_ h u._ , . c-j -mall Cub tractor 5' Finish *9i?o s r^iP 9 aft«.? t 4 h nm' mower, both excellent cvP fiifPqi? condition. Possible trade, dies. Co. 610-932-5567. call 7-10p.m. Ocean Co. Wheelhorse disc, compl., 732-269-0840. $75. Call after 4 pm. Chest. Co. 610-932-5567. In Business To Give You Power i >; NH 520 manure spreader, single axle, endgate, splashguard, ex. cond., $4900. Bradford Co. 570- 297-2552. Von Schrader dry foam carpet cleaner, $1600; Windsor 24" vacuum cleaner, $4OO. Carbon Co. 610-377-6279. 1993 RD Mack, 350 hp, Jake, BLL, 44,000 rears dbl. frame, air ride cab, will take 16-18' box. Lane. Co. 717-548-3294. Pick-up truck cap for 8 ft, bed, $2OO. Carbon Co. 610-377-6279. Timothy hay, no rain; 1987 Ford CF7OOO w/20' reefer, gd. cond.; 94 Mor §an box, b.o. Luz. Co. 70-864-2275. Simplicity 14 hp Sunstar hydrostatic trans., hydraulic lift, 500 hr., 42" deck, snowplow, whl. weights & chains, ex. cond., $2200 obo. Snyd. Co. 570-837-5214. Kubota D 950 diesel engines, 3 cvl„ (2) compl. units, $4OO for both. Phila. 215-482-0754. rake "New Idea" horse or tractor pull side, delivery on steel circa 1930, gd. cond, $l5O. Morris Co. 973-442-7042. Backhi 911, heavy duty, 2 buck ets, digs 11', v.g.c., fits 843, 853, 863, 873, quick tach. Bucks Co. 215-396- 1969 Ford 5000 Select O- Speed trans., runs gd., very restoreable, asking $6900. Lane. Co. 717-626- 1736. Massey Harris tractor col lection, restored for show, lots of Massey Harris toys, 3 Mountville corn shellers. Lane. Co. 717-653-4086. Ford 9N, gd. cond., turf tires, tractor only, $1200; JD 316 hyd., runs gd., 48" deck, $llOO. Del. Co. 610- 566-2698. Weathered barn boards, about 400 sq. ft. @ $1.25/ft. obo; also sm. 3 pt. bucket for back of trac tor, gd. cond. Berks Co. 215-679-2068. Complete Surge milking sys., 2" stainless, 45 stalls, 4 units, 12 Alga laval water bowls, like new; Sunset 545 gal. tank. Bedford Co. 814- 733-2375. Reg. Texas Longhorn bull for sale or lease, 4 yr. old, nice horn & color; also Longhorn calfs, reason able. Chest. Co. 610-255- 3430. 1000 g?l. liquid manure "slurry buggy" w/vacu um pump, gd. cond., $1200; milk house table, $25; 2 horse trailer, $25. Lane. Co. 717-445-7101. Pexto mechanical shear 16 ga. 6'-hyd. motor, gd. cond., $ll5O. Sunnyburn Welding. York Co. 717- 862-3878. White Horse hyd. reset plow, 2- btm. plow, gd. cond., $l7OO. Lane. Co. 717-529-5646. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 29, 2003-815 MF 2135 LCG tractor, gas, 3 wheel electric scooter Wild turkeys, 1 four year 6 spd., PS, 3 pth, L-PTO, 6' $650. 1946 CJ-2A Jeep old gobbler, also 4 five side mounted, all hyd. $1,000; JD 14HP tractor month old gobblers, sicklebar mower, deliv- mower & snow blade Franklin Co. 717-349- ered, $4OOO. Northamp- $1250; electric garage 2480 ton Co. 610-759-1307. heater; Lane. Co. 717-442- 16' single paddle alum. 4279 elevator w/elec. motor,'AC A II combine rebuilt bulldozer blade hydraulic gd. for feed or grain, ex. 3RN, 3RN partshead, Ful- lift 2nd owner, very clean, cond., $l5O. Bato. Co., ton corn sheller, Wright $5,600. Lane Co. 717- MD. 410-374-9750. saw sales and service 626-0090. Woods 121 10' mower, signs, large pipe wrench ex. cond., $3500 obo; 6' ®®-, Q Mlfflm Co 717-899- box scraper w/teeth, '929. _ $3OO obo, like new. Hobecat 16 sailboat \/ an wert Anthrathern VA Evenings. Mercer Co. good cond. needs new 800 complete. Needs 609-430-1578. sail with trailer which has new domestic hot water Beagle pens, off ground, | Q f!5 w niP S 'rS° o Rin coil purchased 1982 $4OO. wine, metal roof, ply- g®?- Del - Co - 610-316- Two B&G circulators. wood box; Fox pens, Berks Co. 610-323-4448. 30x36x24; Ford F 150; Thermo-Control wood Rare American buff and 1990 4x4XLT supercab. stove. Like buff saddle back geese 03 Berks Co. 610-385-3973. 27"x24"x28". Auto draft hatch $l5 ea; Wanted: 1994 1500 Chevy p/u, 6.5 Exhibition ravens. Mon diesel, all the toys, 8' Perry Ca 717 ' tour Co. 570-275-0829. b j C *' 4 spd., auto, 0.D., _— 40 gal. hot water heat gd. rubber, gd. cond., chains 11.2 38 to propane never used $lOO must see $4895. Leb. Co. 12.4 36/38 used once, like antique canning jars Put -717-469-2138. new m bag, $125. Lane. nam H "| lgh tning'' make 1947 JD M w/snowplow, Lo. 717-do/-d412. offer. Hunterdon Co. N.J. 2-way land plow, runs Two 8 mo. old silver and 908-479-1505. gd., needs clutch, $2lOO. black ewe lamgs, very Scott 2 ,2 air pack w/tank Berks Co. 610-682-4662. friendly $75 ea. York Co. $350 ea. counter range JD 3pt hitch off 47A, 717-227-0513. a nd wall oven almond $450; 10 1/2' x 8 1/2' flat 1976 Chevy custom 1/2 color $45. N'pton Co. bed JD #45 loader; JD ton pickup truck, 2WD, 610-759-0161. #l4t bailer; JD #34 needs work, $350 obo. 34 1 Ford tractor 4 new spreader. York Co. 717- York Co. 717-324-0537. tires new paint good 432-0434. Farmall M tractor, nice cond. $3500. Mont. Co. (10) Al sired grade Hoi- metal, needs a little work. 301-724-7390. stein heifers due Jan- Berks Co. 610-926-2806. 1953 Ferguson 40 high Mar., bred to Durham & JD 12' disk locust trees, wheel, good condition Emerson, well grown. Chevy 4 spd transmis- $2OOO 4 new aluminum Lane. Co. 717-665-3576. sion, 40' Zimmerman ele- wheels off 2003 Silvera -4x4 round poly-wrapped vator with motor, Lincoln do $lOO ea Salem Co., sudan-sorghum balage, yyelder, 2 free cats. Berks NJ 856-451-0411 trucking avail. Perrv Co. Co. 610-488-1324 717-536-3444 1991 Chevy Caprice X -2 Modine 192,000 police 350 auto A.C. Post BTU/HR heaters $4OO ea; rear 140,000 miles rivers York PA 717-741-3485, good $575. Mercer Co. 741-2596. 609-259-2379. Bear magnum hunter Military truck 4WD 1954 compoundbow draw 30" Dodge rebuilt, 6 cynlider weight 60 pds. 4 Razer w/ waterproof 24 volt arrows nice $75 obo. ignition, new NDT tires, Juniata Co 717-527-4882. always starts garaged JD 4 bottom trailer plow Lehigh $350 obo; JD PTO corn 966-4915. binder; JD 40 crawler Ford 48" Brush Hog great loader with ripper parts, shape $475; Remington Orange Co. NY 845-469- 30-06 mountain rifle 2548. Leupold scope barrel Quality bluebird houses floated e *?_, ,^7 9 obo. white pine $l4 ea; 3 or Perry Co. 717-582-8793. more $l2 ea; Table saw Gram Auger trans fence. Lane. Co. 717-656- ,portable B"x67' Chester 0212. to. 610-593-5345. Kubota 87100 17 horse power 740 hrs. 4x4 stick 2 grass fed Jersey cows. 142 Hess Rd. Quarryville, PA 17566.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers