B 10-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 29, 2003 £±d s a Korne *: I Cathy Stewart said tea parties offer the perfect background to teach table manners to children. Dinner And Storytime With Mrs. Clam And Yummie INTERCOURSE (Lancaster children throughout the year, will Co.) Kitchen Kettle Village is a delight those attending with his great place for kids at Christ- own special antics, mastime. This season the Kettle The menu features two dinner Cafe, located on the Village options, each priced at $6, plus Grounds, is hosting a “Dinner J**ere win be a Grab NGo „ . c, z-iafe food section available for adults. and Storytime with Mrs Claus Reservati which rcquired) and Yummic on the Fruteys be- ca n madc by calling at fore Christmas, Dec. 5, 12, and (717) 768-2706 19 beginning at 6 p.m. During Kitchen Kettle Village, home each one-hour event Mrs. Claus t 0 39 craftSj food artisan will tell a holiday story, and will shops, is located on Rt. 340 in the personally give each child attend- Village of Intercourse, 10 miles ing a special gift. And Yummie, east of Lancaster. During the hol the Village mascot who greets idays the Village is open 9 a.m.-S Christmas Magic At Rocky Ridge County Park YORK (York Co.) Christ- p.m.; Saturday and Sunday 5 This holiday festival has host mas Magic A Festival of Lights p.m. until 9 p.m. Adult admission ed more than 411,000 visitors takes place at Rocky Ridge is $5, children ages 4-12 are $3, since its opening in 1984. There County Park, York, from now children three and under are free are 250,000 dazzling lights through Dec. 31. Christmas and senior citizens are $4. A ?P re “ d over a Magic will be closed Dec. 24 and group rate of $4 per adult is JJ^ ibl Th * trail Meanders 25. Ifre hours are Momlay available for groups having 12 or gS* a SureSc MdS through Friday 6 p.m. until 9 more adults. has b£n transformed into a mag ical Christmas wonderland. As you stroll along enjoying the holiday music, you will find theme areas including Disney characters, dinosours, farm ani mals, snowpeople, a light volcano and stream, lake with skaters and much, much more. Along the trail arc five enclosed buildings with cozy fires burning. They house adorable animated holiday scenes, an elaborate toy train dis play by the Susquehanna Valley Garden Railroad Society, hot food and crafts. The York Coun ty Heritage Trust will provide a sleigh scene. Bring a canned good to donate to the York County Parks Rang er Division food drive. Inclement There are 260,000 dazzling lights spread over a one- weather may close the trail night half mile walking trail that meanders through a mature |y. For trail updates or for more oak forest that has been transformed into a magical information call our 24-hour Christmas wonderland. voice mail at (717) 840-7440. V Ik pan., Monday-Thursday, Fridays 9 a.m.-9 p.in., and Saturday (Holly Days) 9 a.m.-5;30 pan. A full roster of live concerts, food and craft demonstrations, and special kids activities are also scheduled each weekend, Nov. 28-Dec. 20 that are open free to the public, and there is plenty of free parking on the Village Grounds. For more information, contact Kitchen Kettle Village, Rt. 340, Intercourse, PA 17534. Tele phone (800) 732-3538. Or log on to www.kitchenkettle.com. Have A Children’s Tea Party LOU ANN GOOD and “Thank you” when Food And Family asking for food and passing Features Editor dishes. LEBANON (Lebanon Co.) •At the table, pass dishes to Tea parties are not only for girls. your right. Boys love tea parties, too, accord- • Sit up straight and don’t tip ing to Cathy Stewart, who has the chair, two children of her own and Another idea is to have a Mad teaches other children. Hatter tea party. Choose the Recently, Cathy set up several “maddest hat.” Ask the guests to little tables at the Lebanon Coun- vote for whom has the maddest ty holiday program to demon- hat, the most creative, most beau strate how delightful and unique tiful, and silliest of the tea party, tea parties can be for children. xhc one who wins can be the The teddy bear picnic tea party honorary Mad Hatter, is for guests to bring their favorite „ teddy bears. Tea Party Games It’s a dace to eat “bcarv” good After y° u tea > guests will by using SS enjoy playing games. Here are ter to cut bear shapes out of white s°mei eas. bread. Fill some sandwiches with Cateipißar’s Musical peanut butter and honey, and _ . Toadstools Ster sandwiches with shces of . This game is a variation of mu cheese and meat Use mustard to slc f c ” a rs ' decorate faces on cheese sand- Have a footstool or step stool wfches for each guest. If you don’t have Tea parties are great places to e " ou 8 h cut mushroom learn tea manners? such as the of paper and place on following* floor. Start with one stool short, • Don’t start serving until ev- P£y music for about 30 sec eryone is seated. onds - Have each child quickly sit •At a formal tea, the hostess on a toadstool. Remove one toad pours the tea for everyone. a^er each game. The last At an informal gathering, child on a stool wins the game, set out a couple of teapots „ Garden Scavenger Hunt and allow guests to help Before the party, write a list of themselves. things you could find outdoors • When finished stirring your such as rocks, leaves, a weed, tea, place your teaspoon on flower, aitd so forth. If children the saucer. cannot read, use stickers or draw • Put your napkin on your lap. pictures for each item. Blot or pat your lips when Divide children into groups, needed. Include the list, pencil, and a bag. • Don’t drink if your mouth / After the children find the has food in it /items, have them use than to • Remember to say “Please” make a craft.
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