84-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 29, 2003 On Nov. 11, the PA Extension Association of Family and Consumer Science (PEAFCS), a professional association of Penn State Cooperative Extension educators, selected, Jorja Barton, director of agency relations for the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank, as the honorary award winner given to individuals who give exemplarily support to Penn State Cooperative Extension family living programming in a county or region. Jorja resides with her husband, Roger in Hummelstown and is an active member in several com munity organizations. Her role at the Central Pennsylva nia Food Bank (CPFB) has enabled her to work closely with Penn State Cooperative Extension in the Capital Re gion in developing and initiating new programs to feed the hungry, to work collaboratively to engage others in reducing and eliminating hunger, and promote healthy eating choices through educational programming for adults and youth. Cook’s Tips • Pumpkin is a good source of betacarotene, a nutrient that may help reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer, and offers possible protection against heart disease. • TOPPINGS: Use nonfat ice cream, or frozen yogurt and fat-free whipped topping for a lighter version. The best way to soften ice cream is to let it sit out at room temperature for about 15 minutes or in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Note that low-fat ice creams and frozen yogurts melt faster than full-fat varieties. Avoid repeatedly softening and re freezing ice cream as it gets icy. • If you don’t have pumpkin pie spice, for each teaspoon of pumpkin pie space, you can substitute a combination of: 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves SHIRTS OR SWEATSHIRTS Shirts • 100% Cotton Denim Long Sleeve • Embroidery Blue & Black • Lancaster Farming Logo • Button-Down Collar • Left Shirt Pocket • Stone Bleach Blue $2O - Small, Medium, Large $22.50 - X Large && Plus $4.50 Shipping & Handling Costs Phone 717-721-4416 Or Mail Your Order To: Lancaster Farming RO. box 609LFS 1 East Main St., Ephrata, PA 17522 Or Stop @ Office -1 East Main St., Ephrata, PA Saves Shipping Cost! PUMPKIN DESSERTS / Sweatshirts • 90% cotton - dark Blue with embroidery With Lancaster Farming Logo $25 - Medium, Large $27.50 - X Large 3 Strickler Receives Prestigious Award LEESPORT (Berks Co.) Fay B. Strickler, Berks County family and consumer sciences educator for Penn State Cooperative Ex tension, was recently recognized as the recipient of the Distin guished Service Award by Alpha Omicron Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP), the national or ganization for extension profes sionals. Strickler, a 30 year veteran of cooperative extension, was recog nized for her programming in diet, nutrition and health, and food safety education. Specific examples of successful accom plishments for programming in food safety certification for indi viduals who work in the food service industry, nutrition educa tion programs for the public, leadership education and out reach to diverse audiences were cited during the presentation of the award. Strickler was also recognized for excellence in programming through cooperation and collabo ration with a variety of local and state organizations and agencies. In addition to developing and presenting educational programs, Stickler makes extensive use of media to distribute foods and nu trition information to the public. The STREAM MAP OF PENNSYLVANIA was completed in 1965 after a thirty-year effort by Howard Higbee, a former Penn State Professor. • The map is known as the LOST STREAM MAP to some anglers. Professor Higbee succeeded in creating a map of the highest detail possible, a map that shows every stream and lake He painstakingly plotted by hand the location of 45,000 miles of streams onto a 3 by 5 toot map The map sold extremely well -until it was lost several years later Incredibly, the printer entrusted with the original drawing and printing plates declared bankruptcy, then carelessly hauled Higbee’s 30 years of work to a landfill The few remaining dog-eared copies became a prized fisherman’s possession. Professor Higbee was offered $4OO for one of his last maps And state agencies were forced to keep their copies under lock and key Experts told Professor Higbee that reprints were impossible, because the maps were printed in non-photographic blue. Then, in 1991, at the age of 91, Howard Higbee's dream came true Computers made it possible to reprint the map Howard said, “I never thought I’d live to see this day" Fay B. Strickler, who writes the Consuming Thoughts newspaper col umn, is a recipient of a na tional consumer science educator’s Distinguished Service Award. She writes a regular column for Lancaster Farming “Consuming Thoughts’’ and is often featured in articles in The Reading Eagle/ Times; and appears on Berks Community Television and on local Berks County talk radio on Stream Maps Pennsylvania, New York, New England, lew Jersey, Ohio & Maryland/Delaware tery angler and boater needs these maps that 1(1% of all the angler* ralch 90% of [tie fi-h. Regardle« of which group \ou fall into .there’- a -on «ai lo up \our odds -irapli In neu fi-bmg water- W with )hi- map iou can find bidden -(ream- and lakes Penn-diama. Ohio, V* England. Manland & Delaware and V» Wk are loaded mlh great fishing holes. mam of them merlooked. Thousands of mile- of -Iream-, n\er- and lakes are now ea-i-ln-loeate on one map The 3-fool-b\-3-fool Penn-d\ania map -how-1),000 mile- of >lream> plus lakes 1 be 3-foot-ln-3-foot Ohio map -how- 29,000 mile- of -Iream- plus lake- The 31/2-fonl-tn-J 1/2-fool New fork map -bow- 63,000 rade> of -Iream- pin- lake- The 3-fool-ln-t-fool Vw England map -bow- 36.000 mile- of -Iream- jiiu- lake- The 2 l/2-fool-b\-3-foot Vw Jer-e\ map draw- 8,300 mile- of -Iream- plu- lake- The i l/2-(ool-bi-2-fool Manland/Delaware map -bon- 12,000 mde- of -tream- plu- lake- Professor Higbee’s maps are the first and only highly detailed maps of their kind. RAVE REVIEWS ‘lt is amazingly detailed and names some creeks in the Mohawk Valley that can’t even be found on topographic maps ” —John Pitarres, OBSERVER-DISPATCH, Utica “If you're looking for the most definitive maps ever created depicting every single creek, river, stream, pond and lake then ‘Professor Higbee’s Stream Maps' are without question the finest" —Howard Brant, THE NEWARK STAR-LEDGER “It is in showing where to find out-of-the-way trout streams that makes the map such a treasure to the fisherman." —Joe Gordon, TRIBUNE-DEMOCRAT, Johnstown a regular basis. 1 Throughout her career, Stride ler has been involved in the Na tional Association of Extension Family and Consumer Sciences (NAEFCS) and Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP) and the state affiliates of the two organizations. She has served in key leadership positions at national and state levels for both of these professional associ ations. Elected as' second vice president for professional devel opment in 1997, she provided leadership for all educational ses sions held in conjunction with two national annual meetings of NEAFCS. In 1999 she was elect ed to the leadership board of ESP, ultimately serving as na tional president of the fraternity in 2001-2002. In May 2003, Strickler had the distinction of being selected as one of five field based educators to serve on the extension committee on organiza tion and policy national leader ship advisory council. The Distinguished Service Award, the highest, most presti gious award given by Epsilon Sigma Phi was presented to Strickler in recognition of excel lence in cooperative extension programming and for outstand ing service and contribution to the profession. 6R£AT 6IFTI FREE GUIDEBOOK WITH ALL MAPS Pinpoint the best fishing in PA, OH and NY with this valuable guide Easily locate streams and lakes shown on the Stream Map both alphabetically an'd geographically Your map and guidebook will take you to the select fishing waters i 1 ORDER YOUR COLOR STREAM MAPS I Available rolled or folded ALSO AVAILABLE in heavy gauge LIFETIME | GUARANTEED glass-like dear-lamination write-on wipe-off surface j with brass eyelets for easy hanging i SHIPPED IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS j State Stream Map ROLLED [PA 3FTby 5 FT $25 95 [NY 35FTby 4 5 FT $2595 INE 3FTby 4 FT $25 95 INJ 25FTby 3 FT $25 95 !OH 3FTby 3 FT $25 95 I MD/DE 2 FT by 3 5 FT $25 95 i Check or money order enclosed $ j Each map includes the FREE Guidebook j Each rolled and laminated map shipped in a sturdy storage tube ' Name ' ■ Address ! MAIL TO LANCASTER FARMING j Dept. Map J i 1 East Main St., P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 i [ Payable J Check Enclosed LI VISA J Mastercard LI Discover ■ J Card# J Exp. Date ■Signature PRIORITY MAIL INCLUDED; FOLDED LAMINATED j s39 95 | s39 95 [ 53995 I s39 95 1 s39 95 1 s39 95 | s2s 95 s2s 95 s2s 95 s2s 95 51995 $1995 State Zt( Jf j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers