Northern Piedmont Area Field Crop Conference Set In Virginia WARRENTON, Va. Fanners, crop advisors and others interested in corn, soybean, and small grains production are invited to attend the Ist Annual Northern Piedmont Area Field Crop Conference Wednesday, Dec. 17, at the Fau quier County Fairgrounds in War renton, Va. The registration table and exhi bits will be open at 8 a.m., with the program running from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. An industry-sponsored lunch will be served. This educa tional conference has been planned and is being conducted by the Vir ginia Cooperative Extension Offices in the Northern Piedmont region of Virginia. The conference includes a diverse selection of subjects relevant to the field crop producer. Topics to be discussed include: managing soil quality and soil compaction, re search updates in soybeans & com silage, field crop weed control, price outlook in com, soybeans & small grains, crop insurance, soil fertility management. ************************** * Fabulous Pre-Christmas J * Antique Auction * i Wednesday, Dec. 10 ***lo:3o a.m. 4 (Blizzard date Dec. 11) 4 at our Gallery on Rte. 414 West, Liberty, (Tioga Co.) PA £ a take Liberty Exit off rte. 15, turn on Rte 414 West, go 1/2 mile. * * (approx. 45 miles south of Coming, NY or 35 miles north of Williamsport PA) ********** 44**4* Beautiful 1929 Model A Ford 2-door sedan touring chr completely restored; rare 6 ft. tall mechanical Barber Pole: nice pore. 42?’ diameter Studebaker double sided advertising sign; Nice Tandem axle flat bed trailer with tilt up ramp; at lease 23 Hit and Miss Engines by Witte, John Deere, McCormick Deering, Sattley, International, Fairbanks Morse, Taylor, Stover, early IH 1934 Model Fl 2 tractor on steel wheels; Concert roller organ; Clocks: include Chauncey Ives Pillar and Scroll; Mahogany bonnet top tall case clock by Moon London, Ogee, Gingerbread, plus others. Toys like Keystone riding truck with original stickers; Humphrey mobile; Ives wind up train; Large lot of lead people, furniture, animals, etc. Collection of 30 guns of all ages and makes like Springfields, Marlin, 1917 Eddy stone, Kraigs, Ithaca, Remington, Winchester Model 94S in 32 and 30-30 cal., 12 ga. 1897 trench gun with bayonet, Model 36 .9mm shotgun, L C Smith Fieldgrade (complete gun list on website); Knives and swords; U.S. Saddle bags; speer bullet board; Civil war tin type of 2 soldiers boxing; 1817 Land Grant to George Rogers, Wood Company 27th Reg. & Infantry signed by Pres. James Monroe; also letter signed by Harry Truman in 1953; Civil and other war col lectibles; Powder horns (1 with Scrimshaw); Dental tools in case; Lane Dingo trap; Repro woodcock bear trap; Oneida tree trap plus others; Framed Silhouette; 1855 leather Fireman’s helmet; 3 early portrait paintings (1 on wood panel); Nice post card albums; Carved wood Eagle plaque by Buddy Leavy, Williamsport, PA; 3 Oriental room size rugs. Art Glass: 11” Tall blue Aurene vase with sticker; 5” gold Aurene vase signed Steuben; 8” blue Aurene vase signed Steuben; 8 1/2” gold Aurene bud vase signed Aurene; Sterling tea set and set of sterling flatware; Miniature brass lantern “Baby”; Blue opalescent carnival mug; Plus more. Curly Maple Furniture: 2 high poster beds; Several sets of chairs; Drop leaf tables; Cannon ball rope bed; Side board with wine drawers and pull out work board; 3 chests of drawers. Other furniture such as beautiful Queen Anne double chair with overall flower and bird inlay; Several mahogany tilt top stands with bird cages; Period mahogany Chippendale chest on chest with original brasses; Federal 2-part mirrors; 2 porch settees - 1 arrow back and 1 boot jack with some original decor; Cherry 6-leg drop leaf table with leaves to the floor; 2 step back cupboards; Softwood plank end wardrobe; Sheraton step back chest with dovetailed gallery and original brasses; Several decorated rockers and chairs; Carved Oriental blanket chest; N.E. blanket chest; Mahogany step back dresser; Dovetailed blanket chest; Large maple dresser with mirror by Herter; 2 spinning wheels; Trundle bed; Oak server signed Stickley Bros.; Small oak bench signed Limbert; Victorian walnut white marble top stand; 3-pc. Victorian parlor set; Finger carved love seat; Pair Victorian arm chairs; 9’ oak slat back benches from local lodge by Gunlocke; Mahogany Gov. Winthrop secretary desk; 3-pc. chestnut marble top bedroom suite; Dovetailed decorated blanket chest; Plus more not listed! see website ROAN.BIZ for pictures Exhibit: Tues. Dec. 9 from 2 - 6 P.M. Sale Order: 10:30 A.M. - Hit & Miss Engines and Tractor, Approx. 11 A.M. - Guns and related, Approx. 12:00 P.M. - Car and trailer; followed by all remaining antique items. TERMS; CASH, honorable check, MC/Visa. Acceptable ID required to obtain bid card! All sold without Reserves! 10% Buyer Premium. ‘ DONALD ROAN, AUCTIONEER A Division of Pirrung Auctioneers, Inc., Wayland, NY RR 1 Box 948 Roaring Branch, PA 17765 (570)324-2813 AU-000776-L Conference speakers are from Virginia Tech, Penn State Universi ty, and private agri-business. This conference will provide re certification credits for Virginia private pesticide licenses in catego ry 90, for Virginia commercial pes ticide licenses in categories la, 10 and 60. Continuing education credits for Certified Crop Advisors will also be available. An industry trade show featuring regional agri-businesses, government agencies and farm equipment displays will be ongoing throughout the conference. This field day is being offered free to all with an interest in field crop production. However, to help ensure adequate meal and handout arrangements, pre-registration is requested. Pre-register by contacting the Fauquier County Extension Office at (540) 341-7950, extension 10, or e-mail FauquierAgExtension@vt.e du by Friday, Dec. 12. THE GRAIN OF OUR ECONOMY* mOurnst CONSIGNMENT ®&/sjcttons AUCTION THURS., DEC. 4,2003 @ 10:00 AM UNIONTOWN, PA (724) 439-1621 Rt. 119 to Gallatin Ave. Exit - Him West on Bute Rd.- 2 miles to sign. 50+ TRACTORS: ID 870 4wd w/ldr & 2550 4wd w/ldr; Ford 8N w/ldr; 841 w/ldr; 3430 4wd w/ldr; 3910; 4000; 4600; 5900 w/ldr; 6600 w/ldr; 7600; 5030 w/ldr; 5610 4wd; 5610 4wd cab/air/ldr nice; MF 65; New Holland 3430 & TN7O 4wd w/ldr; Case 2290 w/cab; AC WD wide front; 7020 w/cab; Agco Allis 6680 w/cab/air/ldr; Case IH 1394 w/cab/air/ldr; Int 686; 706 w/ldr; 786 Fender; 806; 856 & 884; Kubota 82150 4wd hydro; L3OlO 4wd & L 3010 4wd w/ldr; 87300 w/mwr; L 3600 4wd w/ldr/hoe. CONSTRUCTION: Case 580 D Idr/extend a hoe; Thomas 133 skid loader; Bobcat 453 skid steer. Equipment: Several 3pt plows and discs; JD 2600 4bt ARS plow; Glencoe 7 shank disc chisel; Dunham cultimulcher 12’; Brillion packer seeder; IH 10 & JD 8300 grain drill w/grass seed; Degelman & Leon rock pickers (reel type); NH 451 3pt mwr; MF 822 & Vermeer 5031 roll balers; NH 268 & 273 square balers; Befco 10 wheel pull type rake; Woods 7’ pull type mwr; Woods 5’ & T finish mwr; Rhino 3pt ditch/bank mwr; JD ground drive spreader (small): IH 540 PTO manure spreader; NH 514 PTO manure spreader; Shaver 3pt post driver: Wheel & Suitcase weights; Bale wagon; Woods 8’ heavy duty 3pt blade; s’, 6’, 7’, 8’ 3pt Snow blowers; New skid steer forks; Willmar fertilizer buggy; MF 236 front loader; Gravely chipper shreader; Lawn & garden tractors & equip; Polaris 400 4wd ATV; 4’ to 16’ gates & feeders; New 3pt equip. PS: Large auction more equipment arriving daily!! Very clean line of equipment. Call with your consignments now! Inv. subject to change. ATTENTION! Dealers, Farmers & Customers, we thank you for your business!! Check our web site @ Have a Happy Holiday Season from all of us at Quarrick Equipment. Thanks for jrour business in 2003. NOTE! Next Auction January 1,2004. Not responsible for accidents or condition of items sold. TERMS: Cash, good check - ID required. Quarrick Equip. PA-RH-194-L. BID DEADLINE: THURS., DEC. 11,2003 - 3:00 PM INSPECTION STARTING: MON., DEC. 8,2003 - 8:00 am Taylor 15,000 lb. Dsl Pneu. RT Forklift; (5) Yale 5000-3000 lb. LPG Forklifts; 3000 lb. Elec. Stacker; 6’ Forklift Attach. Jib Cranes; 2000 lb. Walkie Lift Trk; (3) 2000-750 lb. Elec. Hyd. Mat’l Lift; Hyd. Pallet Jacks; (6) Hyd. Lift Tables; 150 lb. Vacuum Material Lift; Floor Scrubber; Lg. Qty. 42” & 36” W Pallet Racks; Containment Spill Pallets & Drum Dumpers; (4) S/S Platform Scales; IR 4000 lb. Air Tugger; 170 T Air Moving Sys & Rigging Supplies; Ridgid Threaders & Tools; Air Tools; Contractors Tools & Supplies; (4) Engine Lathes; (3) Milling Machines; (12) Surface Grinders; Band Saws & Metal Working Equip; (5) Pneu. Rivet Machines; (4) Welders; (50) Shop Tables; (30) Shop Fans; S/S Fluid Bed Dryer, Mixer/Granulator; Dust Collectors; Ribbon & V-Blenders, Homogenizer & Sifter; (4) Fitzmills & Kady Mill; Tablet Coater, Filler & (3) Tablet Presses; Glass Lined & S/S Reactors; Tanks & Fermenter; Cappers, Strapping Machines, Labeler & Label Printer; Transformers & Motors; JD 46” Gas Riding Mower w/Snow Blade; (4) Gas Riding Mowers; (3) Salt Spreaders; (6) Electric & (6) Gas Scooters (unused); Autosampler, Gas & Liquid Chromatographs & HPLC Sys; Microtome, Mass Spectrometer & Analyzer; Gamma Counters & Lab Equip; Sterilizers, Glassware & Washers, Freeze Dryers & Bio-Freezers; Centrifuges, Incubators, Refrigs & Ovens; Homogenizer, Mixers & Pumps; Cabinets, Hoods, Casework, Carts; Microscopes, Refractometer & Balances; Tattoo Marker, Office & Computer Equip. LOCATED LANSDALE PA: (8) Transformers & Rotary Screw Air Compressor. LOCATED ELKTON, VA: ’9B Dodge Intrepid; ’Bl Chevy p/u Truck & ’77 Ford Welders Truck; Mixers, Hoists, Parts Washer, Shop & Elec. Equip; Office Technology & Furniture. LOCATED MARCY, NY: ATV Track Machine & Much More! TERMS: Cash Or Certified Funds. SAS Co. Inc. Reserves The Right To Reject Any Or All Bids. For Online Brochure & Bid Packages: SURPLUS ASSET SALES CO., INC. 201 PROGRESS DR., MONTGOMERYVILLE, PA 18936 ' Ham SEALED BID SALE MONTGOMERYVILLE, PA OVER 1000 LOTS (215) 661-9780 >ter Farming, 'Saturday, ‘November29,2oo3 : A 99 Lancaster Farming Check out our Website! PUBLIC AUCTION SALE READING PATTERN WORKS: WOODWORKING & METALWORKING MACHINERY 715 Clinton St., Reading, PA WED., DEC. 3, 2003 AT 10:30 A.M. RIM ISI All AVAII ABI F: .97 Acre, 17.60 S SI. Kudosed Lot. All I tililics - Subj. lo Coni. SANDERS: (2) Master 24”; (2) Wonder 16”; Crescent twin HD 24” & Oliver 15 disc; (2) Master & (1) Wonder osc. spdl. SAWS: Tannewitz GHS 36”; Crescent 36”; HD 36”; Delta 14” & W-T 16” vert, band root 10” & 12” HD tilting arbor. LATHES: Wadkin Gap 20”/32”x85”; Rear spdl. for larger swings; Oliver 26”xl00” w/front spdl. for swings up to 76”; W- T 14”x38” asst, tooling. MISC.: SCMI S-52 20” planer; Porter dbl. spdl. shaper; Rockwell uni planer; Delta 10” unisaw; W/T 10”; Jet 10” & Star 10” table saws; Delta 12” & Dewalt 8” radi al arm saws; (2) Delta & (1) colladay shapers; Hydraulic chair clamping system (4 units); Delta Rockwell 24” planer; Crescent 21” & American 16” JD jointers; W-T 30” radial drill & W-T 17” drill. METALWORKING: Bridgeport 2-head vert, tracer mill w/tru-trace w/1 1/2 hp hds.; Bridgeport vert. Mill Frizt Wemer HF 15 hor. mill w/vert. attmt.; MYSORE MGD2 14x40 lathe; Carolina HD 10 hor. band saw. SUPPORT: 10 hp air comp.; 5 hp Dust collect.; Steel bar stock; Inspection equip.; Tooling; Hdwd.; Tools; Wood clamps & hand screws; C-clamps; Nails; Screws etc.; Roovers metal tapewriter; Brass & alum. Itrs.; Pattern supplies; 1 Ton hoists; 1974 Dodge custom 300 dually stakebody truck. INSPECTION; Morning of sale 8-10:30 A.M. TERMS: 10% B.P. 25% Dep. in cash or cert, funds. Balance due @ conclusion of sale. Business check accepted w/bank letter of guarantee. 2860 MEMPHIS ST.. PHILA, PA (215) 426-5300 • FAX (215) 426-6697 SINCE 1932 • Llcmm « AUOOOS9BL
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