Pa. Weekly 14 Livestock Auctions Friday, July 11,2003 Report Supplied By PDA 11 LIVESTOCK AUCTIONS CATTLE 4214... Compared with 2919 head last week and 4838 head a year ago. Compared with last Friday’s summary: slaughter steers sold mostly .25 to .50 lower, heifers were .50 to .75 lower, slaughter cows Breakers and Boners were .75 to 1.00 lower, Lean cows remained steady, bulls, steady. STEERS: High Prime 2-4 78.00- Choice 1-3 74.50-80.00, Se lect and Low Choice 2-3 73.75-77.75, Se lect 1-3 70.00-75.25, Standard 1-2 55.00- HOLSTEIN STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-3 70.00-75.50, Choice 2-3 65.75- Select 1-2 57.00-66.00, Stan dard 1-2 47.75-59.00. HEIFERS: Choice few Prime 2-4 73.25- few to 81.25, Select 1-3 69.00- Standard 1-249.75-58.00. COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 45.25- Boners 80-85% lean 41.25- Lean 85-90% 38.00-44.50. Shells 34.75 and down. BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1000-2500 lbs 55.00- Yield Grade 2 900-2400 lbs 49.75- FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS; Medi um and Large 1 500-700 lbs 75.00-84.00; HEIFERS: Medium and Large 1 300-500 lbs 81.00-88.00, 500-700 lbs 73.00-81.00, Medium and Large 2 300-500 lbs 65.00- BULLS: Medi um and Large 1 300-500 lbs 80.00- 500-700 lbs 59.00- Medium and Large 2 500-700 lbs 51.00- CALVES 3808... Compared with 2910 head last week and 4483 head a year ago. Vealers sold mostly steady. VEAL ERS; Standard and Good 70-120 lbs 30.00-40.00, Utili ty 50-100 lbs 10.00-30.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein bull calves sold 10.00 to 15.00 lower, Holstein heifers sold mostly steady...No 1 Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs 75.00- No 2 80-120 Ihs 60.00-135.00; No 1 Hol stein heifers 80-120 lbs 290.00- No 2 70-115 lbs 80.00-300.00. Beef type bulls and heif ers 80-140 lbs 80.00-155.00. HOGS 642... Compared with 1123 head last week and 1410 head a year ago. Barrows and gilts sold 1.00 to 2.00 lower, sows 1.00 to 3.00 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: 49-54% lean 220-275 lbs 44.25-46.00, 45-50% lean 220-280 lbs 38.00- 40-45% lean 240-300 lbs 28.50-41.00. SOWS: 1-3 300-500 lbs 30.00- 500-700 lbs 35.00- BOARS: 10.00-11.25. FEEDER PIGS 167... Compared with 226 head last week and 168 head a year ago. US 1-3 25-60 lbs 20.00- per head. SHEEP 1444... Compared with 1435 bead last week and 1214 head a year ago. Slaughter lambs and ewes sold mostly steady to firm. who oil - ietr by Ttrr We can deliver King Oil products to your door! Ask about our King Super Solvent to clean out your old engine and give it new life! Oil in stock for diesel and gas engines, trac tors, skid loaders, hydraulics, and much more. Gap Repair Shop 717-442-4781 also available at Joel L. King 717-687-0186 Little Britain Engine 717-548-4005 SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice 30-40 lbs 112.00- few prime to 148.00- 40-50 lbs 110.00-128.00, 50-70 lbs 106.00-132.00, 70-80 lbs 106.00- SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 26.00-42.00. ONE GRADED FEEDER PIG SALE 303... Compared with 315 head last week and 473 head a year ago... Entire supply sold for slaughter with prices 25.00 to 50.00 higher. US 1-2 20-35 lbs 165.00-185.00, 35-60 lbs 75.00-85.00, 70-90 lbs 75.00-80.00 per cwt. GrantsviUe Livestock GrantsviUe, Maryland Report Supplied by Auction Saturday, July 14,2003 STOCK STEERS AND BULLS: 200-500 lbs. 45.00-88.00. STOCK HEIFERS: 35.00-83.00. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Good to Choice, none available, Medium to Good 52.00- HOLSTEIN STEERS: Good 50.00- Light 46.00-52.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Good to Choice, none available, Medium to Good 50.00-66.00. BULLS: Heavy 43.00-56.75, Light 40.00-47.00. COWS: Utility Holsteins 45.00-52.00, Canners 38.50-44.50, Culls 37.00 and down. 808 CALVES: 40.00 and down. HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES RE TURN TO FARM: 90-120 lbs. Up to 105.00. *Z TUNNEL , J VENTILATION + orative Cooling Pad in 96 Cow Tie-Stall Barn Quarryvi Eva “TUNNEL VENTILATION” » aerotech 1 " The Ventilation System Experts FIBERGLASS HOUSING. Call Cedar Crest to design your complete ventilation system. Let us show you a recent installation: HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALVES RE TURN TO FARM: Up to 165.00. BEEF CROSS CALVES RETURN TO FARM: Up to 125.00. HOGS: Top Quality up to 42.00, Heavy up to 39.00, Light 25.00-36.00; FEEDER PIGS, BY HEAD: Up to 40.00. SOWS: 24.00-39.00. MALE HOGS: 4.75-21.00. LAMBS: 70-85 lbs. up to 104.00,85-125 lbs. up to 102.00, 30-60 lbs. up to 93.00, Culls up to 60.00. SHEEP: Up to 35.00, FAT UP TO 20.00. GOATS; Large 55.00-115.00, Medium 25.00-70.00, Small 10.00-44.00, all by the head, kid 3.00-50.00. Feeder sale every second Sat. per month. Dewart Livestock Dewart, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Monday, July 14,2003 STEERS: 50.00-72.25. HEIFERS: TOO FEW TO QUOTE. GOOD COWS: 35.00-45.00. CANNERS AND CUTTERS: 25.00-35.00. BULLS: NONE. VEAL: 90-190 LBS. 80.00-430.00; 70-90 LBS. 50.00-80.00. HOGS: 39.00-41.50. SOWS: 35.00-37.50. FEEDER PIGS: 1 AT 33.00. Economical High Performance Fan a Galvanized Steel Housing CHECK OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY! Fans In Stock Foi Immediate Delivery CEDAR CREST EQUIPMENT Parts Stores: East Earl —717-354-0584 AERO COOL™ EVAPORATIVE COOLING Staunton Weekly Feeder Cattle Sale Richmond, Va. July 14,2003 Report Supplied By USDA WEEKLY AUCTION at Staunton, July 11 FEEDER CATTLE: 495 head (300 steers, 135 heifers, 60 bulls). Prices per cwt. based on in weights. FEEDER STEERS: MedTLge. 1: 300-400 lb 90.00-107.00; 400-500 lb 90.00- 500-600 lb 88.00-101.00; 600-700 lb 85.00-98.00; 700-800 lb 80.00- load lot 800-900 lb 80.00; lot 1000-1100 lb 77.75. Med./Lge. 2: 400-500 LIVESTOCK FUTURES MARKET Chicago Mercantile Exchange Wednesday, July 16,2003 Live Hogs Frozen Choice Steers Choice Feeders Lean Value Pork Bellies Today WkAgo Today WkAgo Today Wk Ago Today WkAgo JlO3 73.700 72.550 - - 63.800 96.100 96 950 Auo3 72.000 71.075 88.925 87.025 62 700 65.125 90.750 93.750 SO3 73.350 71.700 88.900 87.425 - - - 003 76.650 72.025 88 875 87.375 56.200 58.375 - NO3 88.675 87.350 DO3 75.400 73.925 - - - 54.150 55.625 - JO4 86 200 84.975 - FO4 76 025 75 000 57 525 58 050 80.100 82 500 Mr 04 84 550 84.000 - 80.050 83 000 Apo4 76 050 74.975 84.600 84 100 59.700 59 750 My 04 84 600 - - 61.800 62 350 84 000 84 600 Jno4 70 125 69 375 - 63.200 63 875 - JlO4 - 61 900 62 350 SCHAEFER Air Circulation Fans 24” & 36” Ideal For Freestall Barn Ventilation ----- WILL SHIP Ventilation Equipment em 33! Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 19, 2003-All lb 91.00-98.00; 500-600 lb 79.00-86.00; 600-700 lb 75.00-85.00; 700-800 lb 72.00- Small 1: 400-500 lb 75.00- 500-600 lb 75.00-84.00; 600-700 lb 70.00-77.00. FEEDER HEIFERS: MediLge. 1: 200-300 lb 80.00-89.00; 300-400 lb 82.00- 400-500 lb 82.00-90.00; 500-600 lb 79.00-83.75; 600-700 lb 75.00- FEEDER BULLS: Med./Lge. 1: 300-400 lb 90.00-102.00; 400-500 lb 85.00- 500-600 lb 80.00-86.00; 600-700 lb 75.00-81.00; 700-800 lb 71.00- ULTIMATE COW COMFORT e,
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