MAIL X MARKET F R SALE B E 93 Chevy C 3500 dually 6.5 diesel, AT, IT flatbed, re cent paint, runs gd., wHI talk price, $9500 obo. Leb. Co. 717-821-0630. 1992 Dodge Ram Cum mins turbo diesel pickup. AC PW PDL cruise 8' bed 136 K miles. Very good condition. $6500. Dauphin Co. 717-921-8547. Grass hay, Ig. round bails, $2OO per ton, delivery avail. Lyco. Co. 570-398-1068. Onan generator 155 kw 208/240/480 V, brand new radiator, gd. cond., low hrs., $5300. 570-425-2367. Nice white face Angus/ Hereford butt calf, bom Feb., $500; Angus 4 yr. brood cow; Angus/ Hereford steer, $1 lb. Berks Co. 973-316-0396. Ag-Rain T3O travelling Ir rigation sys., 960' of 3" hose. Also 2000' 5" alum, hook 8> latch pipe. Yates Co. 315-595-6674. Bridgeport mills (4) $l4OO-$2300; forklifts, 3000 lb-20,000 lb., $2500-$6500; safety kleen parts wosh- Rockwell Delta 18" plan- fr, 91"x45"x60" tall, er. 7 1/2 hp, 3ph, vgc, *2000; metal lathes. $l5OO. Can deliver. Rock- Chest. Co. 610-932-4019. veil Delta 8" Wnter ■* WlDelta 8" lolnter 3ph, Machine shop tooting, 5, 8 , ,^ ulton Co - mlcs < & dial call -717-294-3646. pers, taps, drill chucks. Kubota eng. VI2OO ta PPlng heads, Aerstner comply exc. cond.; Koehl- tool box, collets R-8 & 5-C. er eng., 21 hp; Onan eng., Berks Co. 610-367-4139. 16hp; Rockhound 6', exc. Milwaukee universal hori cond. Wanted: Onan zon tal milling machine, #P22OG. Fauguler Co, io"x50" table, powerfeed VA 866-323-5353. In 3 directions, collets. JD 65 blower, $500; Bad- vise, tool holders & ar ger blower, $5OO. Both gd. Berks Co. cond. Cumb. Co. 610-367-4139. 717-532-6095. I MAILBOX MARKET AD FORM IJjOh Only ads submitted on this official form will be published in I our mailbox markets. No photo copies accepted! free to SUBSCRIBERS ONLY Attach Your 3EL . . _ i ■_ i PLEASE READ ALL Lancaster Farming Mailing Label requirements before Here filling out form' Requirements: 1) Subscribers allowed “two” free Mailbox Markets per Check One: month ( Ads Wlll appear For Sale L—l Notice I 1 Wanted I■ .j 2)A current Lancaster Farming If You Do Not Wish To Be On The Internet Please Check Here I I Mailing Label must be attached 3)Limit. 20 words 4) Phone number must include ■| 2 3 4 area code -5) County must be included 6) must be received in office by Monday at 8 a m. or 5 6 7 8 Wlll be held until following week's issue 7) No Personal or Business Ads accepted g -| o 11 12 8)No Phone Calls Please' . ** The Lancaster Farming staff has the right to reject any Mailbox Markets that do not ho -i a 15 16 meet these requirements ** Mail To: Lancaster Farming Mailbox Markets 17 18 County Phone No. P.o.BolTeog Ephrata, PA 17522 Go-cart, like new, 6 hp, roll cage, torque con verser, clutch, adjust, seat, $650. Lane. Co. 717-721-6479. (2) 11.2 38" half tread tractor tires $5O; 5 hp air compressor, single phase $lOO. Lane. Co. 717-627-2894. NH 553 diesel skid loader $5900; NH 452 gas skid steer $4900; Grimm hay tedder $775; Ford 801 tractor P.S. like new, dlsharrow, bush hog, all for $4900.717-445-4348. MFB6O combine, late model, 9115 floating grain table, 1163 cornhead avail., shedded, nice cond., updating, price neg. Lane. Co. 717-733-0043. Treated com sllage/up right silo, or will board heifers. Manheim area. Lone. Co. 717-665-3865. Frick threshing machine, cylinder teeth, never used. Lane. Co. 717-661-7649. 1980 GMC, cab/chassis, 148" C/A, 3208, 512 spd., 150,000 on eng,, lots of new parts, must sell B/O. Lane. Co. 717-629-5299. 3 yr. Perchion/Morgan gelding, broke to ride, drive, work, single, dbl. willing. 570-649-6657 6-6:30 pm. (2) Int. truck hoods, 1700 ser., $l5O ea; 5140 CIH 4WD cab, air, $16,500; Paint pony, $750. Lane. Co. 717-354-0595. Locusts trees, ideal for fence post. No Sunday calls. Berks Co. 717-933-8411 or 610-587-1562. Reg. fainting goats, Bar bados lambs, female crowned crane, exotic waterfowl, fancy pigeons. Wanted male RHGA, re ferably white breeder. Lane. Co. 717-733-2425. N.H. 782 harvester w/ corn & hay head, $2500 obo. Union Co. 570-966-5881. 1982 Toyota Pickup, Die sel, 5 Spd, P.B, Long Bed, 139,000 Miles, Second Owner, $1,795. Lancaster Co, 717-367-7271. 1981 truck, single axle, 33,500 GVW, 18 ft. frame, low mileage. Tires, cab, and paint like new. $5,700 Best Offer. Cumberland Co, 717-795-9159. Olde English bulldog pup pies for sale. One male, four females. Berks Co, 610-845-8142. Ferguson 20 with 3 point and PTO and five foot mower, disc, and plow. $2,500 for all. Good shape. Baltimore Co., MD, 410-922-5142. B • John Deere Power Tech Diesel - 20-500 HP. • Detroit Diesel Engines - 50-1600 HP • BECT Air Cooled & Silent Pack - 20-80 HP • Specializing in Power Units & Gen Sets • Complete Rebuilding, Parts & Service, On Site Service. • Rockford & Twin Disc Clutches, PTO's & Gear Reductions. DIESEL ENGINE SERVICE 13 Plojshpl Vallov R;l PA l/522 Phono 71 7*733*3890 Fax / I/»728-3146 Menges Mills steam show. York Co. 4-H cen ter. July 19 & 20. Thresh ing, shingle-making coun try music, country cooking. Free admission. York Co. 717-235-1104. Boer goats, bucks, does, adults & kids, get your faH breeding stock, buck now percentages & full bloods. Lane. Co. 717-371-6238. Sm. herd beef cattle (Herefords) cows, calves, one bull, steers 8. heifers. Wayne Co. 570-224-4479. (3) Weatherguard ladder racks; 350 Chev. fuel In jected eng.; 12V hyd. pump; 16x7 8 lug alum, whls. 215-679-9496. 1985 Jeep CJ7, plow mount, $2800; Cushman 3 wheeled truckster, $1500; JD LX 176 riding tractor, $1350; 6x12 trailer, $ll5O. Bucks Co. 215-257-7678. 1989 Corvette 350, AT, PW, PDL climate control, power seats, black w/ leather seats, glass top, vgc, garaged. Mif. Co. 717-248-9796. Registered Hereford Bulls - Embryo Packages - Cows, Heifers. Stone Ridge Manor, Adams Co., 717-642-9199, 301-665-9300. Delta 6” Jointer, $2OO. 12 Ga. Mosseburg Pump, un fired, $175. .61 Winches ter, $385. IH Cub Plow Disc, $2,700. Harford Co., MD, 410-557-7360. (2) Used Goodyear Radial Dyne Torque Tires, good tread, $175 each. Cub Cadet 46" mower deck, model 46LT. Lancaster Co., 717-367-9340. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 19, 2003-815 Pequea 710 PTO tedder; Golfer 9'-14'-17' tedders; Bale thrower wagons; tractor trailer tanker; red & white beagle pups. Schuyl. Co. 570-345-4882* 1993 Chevy 4x4 one tone pickup 454 auto also Gehl #204 wheel rake, JD 4 row 3pth cultivator. Montg. Co. 215-679-5037. 140 HP JD power unit, new $8500; 115 HP JD power unit, rebuilt, $1800; 7SHP Detroit power unit. Lane. Co. 717-733-3890. 1994 Peerless walking floor, 45x96x12'6", new brakes 8. drums w/ Surlock rolltarp, $21,900. Perry Co. 717-957-4147. 60HP gas power unit, $1200; 75HP Detroit w/ 540 PTO, $3500; 125 HP Detroit power unit, $3500. Lane. Co. 717-733-3890. JD MT tractor, rebuilt motor, new paint, new tires, $2350 obo; 1929 Model A roadster, re stored, $15,995 obo. Montg. Co. 610-933-2469. Rissler 24' conveyer w/ elec, motor, like new; I.H. 56 silage blower, A-1 cond.; Penna. 3-gang mower; N.H. blower. Lane. Co. 717-354-8363. JD 45 loader wide bucket- tilt, fits 2 cyl. JD; Oswalt 320 mixer wagon, $1200; 3 pt. 5 1/2' rotary mower, $125. Lane. Co. 717-684-5352. Peanut halls, bagged or bulk. No Sunday calls. Lane Co. 717-445-7170. NH 276 baler, exc.. $2500 obo; (2) 9xlB bale wag ons, $1850; (1) Bxl6, $975; AC 200 exc, $10,500. Lane. Co. 717-333-4701. 1988 Plymouth Sundance 4 dr., 4 cyl., auto, loaded, has some hall damage, runs gd., 95K ml., $lOOO obo. Berks Co. 610-845-2581. 2 yr. old choco female lab, $75. Lane. Co. 717-768-3790. J.D. 300 lawn garden tractor, like new cond., 48" mower, snow blade, rota tWer, $2200. York Co. 717-244-8515. 18-4x26" tires, 10 ply on rims, 30% tread, $5O; 1 1/4" pipe circulator pump. Lane. Co. 717-656-6863. (2) 6" grain augers, 16', 90', $800; Bunk feeder conveyor taper board, 80', SlOOO. Call after 8 pm. Lane. Co. 717-464-2360. 'B7 Chevy cattle truck with aluminum bed. 16 ft. cattle trailer, dual axles, double deck, new floor. Berks Co. 717-933-9491. Free friendy nine month old male collie dog. Very good with children pure bred but no papers. Leb. Co. 717-933-1087. M-H pony fenders, straight, original paint, very nice condition. $175. York Co. 717-432-5205. A.C. self propelled com bine 10' head, with cab, M.H. 50 tractor. Ml 4x4 round baler. 555 skid load er. Juniata Co. 717-694-3360. 4 ft and 40" fans, 40 bags potash, poly tank for pickup, Harmon coal/ wood stove. 23 bags coal. Leb. Co. 717-228-2476. N.H. 477 7 ft. haybine non- clog stub guards, rebuilt wobble box, hyd. cylinder. Exc. working cond., $2,350. York Co., 717-292-6441. White Lab Male. 6 years old. Great with kids. Not a good watch dog. FREE to good home. York Co, 717-428-3487. N.H. 890 harvester w/2 row head. g.d. $1,900, 080. Hyd. post pounder $650. Gd. new Black Bear structure, 8' by 16' $l,OOO. David S. Fisher, Martic ville Rd., Pequea, PA. Lan caster Co. Wheat straw small bales and oats straw two bred heifers due 12-03. Berks Co., 610-488-6816. versa 8' silage bagger new condition, brand new Dana spicer 21,000 lb. truck axle with leaf spring suspension, Schuyl kill Co., 570-345-4109, eves. 7 mil. 4 ft. bags for hay staffers now available at Fairfield Repair, 717-548-2857 or Benco Poly Film, 717-656-7046. Very old New Idea farm wagon, rubber tires on round spoke wheels, $5OO. 300 gal. Century sprayer, $5OO. Perry Co., 717-834-3148. 1994 Wood-Mlzer Band Sawmill LT4O -HD in good condition. Portable, $13,500 080. Union Co., 570-966-2983. Hay - mixed grass small square bales - steer hay. IH #47 baler w/thrower, good cond. $7OO. Lancas ter Co., 717-367-3614. Hay first cut Timothy and orchard grass, mixed, no rain, by bale or ton. Call leave message. Dauphin Co., 717-571-6841. Diesel 15 H.P. Bolens trac tor, category 1-3 pt. hookup, six speed, 48", Woods mower, very low hours. Excellent condition. $3,600. Berks Co., 610-367-7032. Bed sawmill 4' blade, four headocks, PTO driven, $2,500. Wyoming Co, 570-836-2744. 1985 Monte Carlo SS, One Owner, New Paint, New 650 Crate Motor, New Tires, Excellent Condition. Lycoming Co., 570-995-5056. Shoeing stocks made with cherry wood. Like new, $4OO, firm. Tioga Co, 570-662-2508, after 5 p.m. Hay wagon Farm-Bilt model 86, $1,200. NH 275 baler with thrower, $3,000. All kept Inside. Chester Co, 610-869-2863. 4 cylinder Detroit diesel power unit. Excellent con dition. Can hear run. $l,OOO. 110 HP. Franklin Co, 717-369-2719, After 5 p.m. John Deere backhoe die sel 400 series. Needs motor work. $4,000 080. As Is. York Co., 717-266-3546. Lrg. 40 gal. kettle w/ water jacket, butcher/ can use outdoor furnace, etc., $190; Soybean cups for JD 7000, $25/each. Lancaster Co., 717-445-0990. 4R7000 J.D. cornplanter, $1,500. With fertilizer at tachment, $2,000. Frame mount no-tIH coulters. In secticide boxes. Soybean caps. Monitors. Lancas ter Co., 1717-442-4406. Large round bale orchard grass hay, approx. 1000 lbs. each. $35 each. Cecil Co., 410-275-8133. For sale cauliflower, cab bage, broccoli plants. Samuel H. Martin, 335 White Oak Rd., New Hol land, PA 17557. Glass panes - tinted insu lated double alnss panes, 1” deep, 71" wide, 58” to 64” long, 20 (5> $5 each. Washington Co., 301-582-1938. Registered polled here ford yearling bulls butch er tables chilling tanks Copeland refrigeration unit compressor, $1,500. Warren Co., 908-459-4957. Used paper produce bins, 36”, 30”, 24" BO Radial Soybean Meters, JD Ford 1987 20' reefer truck. Lu zerne Co., 570-864-2275. Beautiful spotted pure Nabian goat kids, $75 each. Registered Nabian doe, $l5O. Registered Lin coln ewe lamb, silver/ black. York Co., 717-227-0513. 1940 Ferguson 12-volt, ex cellent cond., good rub ber. Woods RMS 9 3 pth finish mower. Bark-bus ter, 3 pth. PTO splitter Cecil Co., 410-398-7680.
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