1 ask This column is for readers who have ques tions but don’t know who to ask for answers. “You Ask—You Answer” is for non-cooking questions. When a reader sends in a question, it will be printed in the paper. Readers who know the answer are asked to respond by mail ing the answer, which will then be printed in the paper. Questions and Answers to this column should be addressed to You Ask—You Answer, Lancaster Farming, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. Attention: Lou Ann Good. Or, you may e-mail questions and answers to LGOOD.EPHQLNPNEWS.COM Please clarify what question you are answer ing when responding. Do not send a seif-addressed, stamped enve lope for a reply. If we receive the answer, we will publish it as soon as possible. Please in clude your phone number because we some times need to contact the person to clarify de tails. We will not publish your phone number unless you request it. However, if your question requires someone to mail items to you, you must include your address or phone number for publishing. QUESTION Lynn Rossi, Lititz Borough, has a young groundhog living beneath a large rock in her front yard. She worries about the safety of her four-pound Yorkie. How can she get the groundhog to leave her property in her residen tial area? QUESTION A reader wants to know of a person interested in butchering large amounts of ducks weekly. Easy to learn how to do it and good income provided, reader promises. Call (845) 658-3243. QUESTION - Cindy Eshleman, R. 3, Box 7957, Jonestown, PA 17038, wants to know what day of the week the Selingsgrove Horse Sale is conducted. Also, she asks, if a sequel was written to “Gone With the Wind” and “Scar lett”? If so, what is the title of the book? Eshle man also wants the May 2003 issue of “Paper Horse.” She is willing to pay postage. Bernina Truckload Sale Swiss Quality! Only while supplies last ends July 51, 2005 v £%4 ]/ , r ?ss- J. r '' ,: M =- _ Model 125 ONLY $ 479.°° Reg. Sug. Retail 5 999.°° ♦ , - 3 esl 1 1 f r~* To i ' '■'Tn O IJ Jk- : i —n.y / i/ I 1 'h. — J ' —' Model 1008 ONLY s 4B9.°° R Si Retail 8 899.°° Purrfect Stitches Deysher Rd. KuUtown, PA 19530 610.683*0266 Best buy we ever had on this model 20 Practical and decorative stitches, hand-look quilting stitch, hearts and more Bernina Famous self-adjusting tension, sew sheer to heavy jeans seam, leather, knit, etc Button holes Famous CB hook system Variable stitch width and length lieedle stop up - down DC motor 9 needle postions Quality metal construction Famous CB hook system Blind hem, overlock stretch stitche; and more Self adjusting tension sews heavy to sheer Button holes 5 needle positions Variable stitch width and length on all stitches Available for electric, treddle or 12v battery Sewing Machine Shop 40 Running Pump Rd Newville, PA 17241 717-423-5414 QUESTION A. M. Hurst, 135 Hurst Rd., Eph rata, PA 17522, is searching for a Wenger Fami ly History book dated 1727-1959, and with a black cover. QUESTION - Sandra Smith, Spring Mills, would like a copy of instructions for making a daisy afghan. The pattern she had and lost was at least 20 years old. She needs to know how to stitch the daises together. QUESTION Mike White, Bernville, writes that the last few years, he has a problem with black birds (grackels) after he plants field corn. When the corn first comes up until it is two to three weeks old, the birds either pull out the small plants or tear them off. This year, he had to replant a three-acre field because of the de struction the birds caused. No one else in the area seems to have a problem, but White has witnessed the birds digging and pulling out the corn. It seems the area is hardest hit on the hills where the morning sun first shines. He has tried scarecrows, which only works in a 20-feet area around the scarecrow. Any help or sugges tions will be appreciated. QUESTION - The Sellers of 2290 Quarry Rd., Jersey Shore, PA 17740, need to know where to find a cover for a two-quart stainless steel saucepan made by Thermo-Sentinel. The lid may be used. The Seilers also need a cover for a one quart 9-inch frypan made by Flavor Seal. QUESTION - Harriet Newlin, 1287 Ridge Rd., Grantville, PA 17028, wants names and ad dresses of Amish families who serve meals in their homes. QUESTION Brendan Barnes, Cochranville, wants to buy used boxes to pack peppers, to matoes, and corn for auction. Call him at (610) 593-6337. QUESTION Ed Owensby, 17495 Meadow Drive, Bridgeville, DE 19933, wants to know where to purchase a drive belt for a Shopcraft/ Tradesman 14-inch bandsaw, model number T 7060, part number BMTJL 14030. It is Va inch thick by BV2 inches. QUESTION Donald Casner, 155 Casner Lane, Lewistown, PA 17044, would like to know where to find a a type of sweet corn cutter that is turned like a crank. He saw it publicized on R7D-TV. QUESTION Arlene Deimler is looking for small, stuffed goats or a pattern for making them. Write to her at 29 Edison Rd., Palmyra, PA 17078, or call (717) 838-9094. QUES TION - A reader with a growing family is in- Sandy Ridge Furniture Stitch & Craft High st. Shops 2957 Lebanon Rd 151 High St, Manheim, PA 17545 Bellefonte, PA 16825 717-664-4250 814-353-0660 (Rt 72 near PA TPK Ex 20) terested in buying good, used 2-quart jars, reg ular or widemouth. Please call (717) 445-4149. ' QUESTION LaKee Christman, Greencastle, wants to know if there are any places that buy and slaughter tame rabbits in the Franklin County area. QUESTION Al Lenkiewicz, Hamburg, is looking for information on a device that attach es to the vehicle exhaust and to a garden hose used to kill ground hogs in their burrows. QUESTION Marie Hixson,- Crystal Spring, wants to know how to grow wild rice. They live on a farm with some wet areas that she be lieves would be suitable for growing rice. Any one know where she can find information? QUESTION A reader would like to know what to use to counteract blight on red beets. The leaves look like little trails. When the skin of the leaf is lifted, little maggots are in be tween. The leaves get brown and die. QUESTION Warren Glidewell, Bloomsburg, wants to know where to find Flemish giant rab bits in a fawn color. QUESTION To the reader who wants to buy a used, size 6 cast iron skillet in good con dition. You must include an address or phone number so the person who has it can contact you. QUESTION Eugene Maute, 327 Asbury Ave., Elkins Park, PA 19027 wants to know who sells thick, clear, flexible plastic sheeting like that used to make seat covers. Maute wants to buy several yards. QUESTION C. Gutshall, Carlisle, is looking for proper cleaning instructions for printed cot ton seed sacks made in the 19405. She also would like a Web site address that offers in formation on older cotton and burlap feed sacks. ANSWER Shirley Grube wanted to know where to send used greeting cards. A reader recommends used greeting cards be sent to Whispering Pines Fruit Farms, Route 1, Box 278, Mount Pleasant Mills, PA 17853. ANSWER Castor oil commonly used as a home remedy for digestive problems is found to solve problems with mole invasion in lawns and gardens. According to Bear Products, a distrib utor of natural castor oil, the following recipe not only gets rid of moles but also armadillos, voles, and gophers. At the same time, it is 100 percent natural and safe for pets. For best results, apply the following mixture with a garden hose and sprayer after a rain or watering; 1 cup castor oil and 1 cup liquid dish soap mixed in a 20-gallon sprayer attached to a water hose. The sprayer provides the proper ra tion and the water evaporates. For more in formation, check out the Website www.baar.com/moles.htm or call (800) 269-2502. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 12, 2003-B7 it Have questions about federal government pro grams, benefits, and services? The Federal Consumer Information Center will answer your questions directly or get you to the person who can. Call toll-free; 1-800-FED-INFO (that’s 1-800-333-4636) Mon-Fri Bam-Bpm ET or visit; www.pasblo.gsa.gov/call U S General Services Administration
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