On Being a Farm Wife (and other hazard: Joyce Bupp Gentle and dark are the sum mer nights. Well, sort of. Most summer nights are gen tle, except for times like these July heat blasts, when the day time temperatures snuggle up near 100 and the nights cool to slightly below 80. Sticky, sultry, or muggy is much more appro priate; maybe just plain down miserable. Nights when sleeping out on the porch seems like a good alternative to the overheat ed upper levels of an old brick farmhouse. Until mosquitos join the slumber party. The dog’s choice, snoozing on the basement’s cool concrete floor, almost sounds more ap pealing. And, minus the mosqui tos. "COMPUTER DESK ■"'» Your Choice Maple of Oak/Black J | B Reg. Ret. $899.95 | l' JV Cash Price $499.95 ■ CLOSEOUT $229" i Available in Maple tj qms ! i without Hutches closeout 109 l * -» UNDER WHOLESALE 4- ' »' 5 pc. Bedroom Set I Black & Brass w/Nightstand ■ ] asp Reg. Ret. ! I $1229.95 ! i I Cash Price 1 1 $449.95 ! k CLOSEOUT $ 369 04 /’ /' section AL* sLeefer ' n Reclmers, Sofa « Factory Liquidation w /Hide-a-Bed 1 Reg. Ret. $2,589.95 Cash Price SPECIAL , *949”/ o'' * V DRAWER* CHEST* ***'', Pine Finish j Reg. Ret. $149.95 H “ \ Cash Price $69.95 H » | FACTORY I | SPECIAL 1 * $ 39 04 / // 5 pc. Dining Room '> Green Set w/Cherry finish, Butterfly Leaf J Table & 4 Side Chairs, 36x48x60 ■ Reg. Ret. ft -P~~ -—1 $1049.95 ! Cash Price TB , JL-. *“ ! $469.95 ' > * i CLOSEOUT $ 229 95 J ► GLIDER ROCKER | Rm. Ret. $149,05 / f) B C»«h Price J I I ill $129 95 fTkj-Hj 1 special l‘79 04 6' futon"bunk bed’ ’ Twin/OouUe Comes in Black or WhAe lyf-.,, with 8” Futon Mattress - E Re9.Retm9.9s JL~ ] Cash Price *329.95 Lcloseout $ 249“ 5Pc: BEDROOM I 1 im _.■■■_ Medium Oak, Includes |L.,J ml Headboard, Nightstand, Chest, fP* I^rBffiu^~~waKL- Dresser, and Mirror I Reg. Ret. $lBOO.OO Cash Price $909.95 [ CLOSEOUT •399°* -» UNDER WHOLES-!'. «- Nor are summer nights too gentle when blustery thunder storms, spawned by those condi tions, rip across the countryside. But they often do bring needed moisture and at least temporary relief from heat extremes, as Mother Nature rebels against her midsummer mugginess. Still, both the sticky, sultry nights and moisture-laden thun derstorms boost growth on field crops like com, soybeans, and hay. Their heat will also help hurry-up the tomatoes we’re anx ious for and keep that grass that we all love to mow fresh and green. How dark the nights get, though, depends on one’s van tage point. Real darkness is what’s outside the windows of ' End Table Set it-*. ?-$i 3FacK ! If ’1 >' ? Reg. Ret. $239.95 ; k j - Cash Price $149.95 i CLOSEOUT *69 M I a •» UNDER WHOLESALE «- / TWlNffwiN BUNK BED *'', Black or White A-J Reg. Ret. $599.95 ' Cash Price $159.95 I s SPECIAL $ 149 »5 J ' Bedroom Organizer Be ■ , Entertainment Center; Reg. Ret. $299.95 Cssh Price $159.95 I L CLOSEOUT $ 89* 5 1 • sofa'S love’seAt All Velvet, Wood Trim Reg. Ret. $1,889.95 • | Cash Price $869.95 i k CLOSEOUT $ 569 95 j Sectional Special 2 Different Colors j „ CLOSEOUT ?99 59M ) RECLINER SPECIAL /fl —j- Reg. Ret. • $389.95 ! ESgjy) Cash Price ■ $129.95 1 I ffIk_3!)iCLOSEOUT ! Slip ‘89 04 / ’ * SOFA at loveseat'\ Buff or Forest J Reg. Ret. $1549.95 ■ Cash Prlceg»9.W j CLOSEOUT $ 549 M ; ' ’ FUTON CLOSEOUT '' Comes w/8 Futon i Reg. Ret. $639.95 I U Ceen Price $259.95> ' TV STAND 27 OaK and Oak Veneer j ‘SSK' Reg. Ret. $499.95 I ||— 1 [< |—11 Cash Price $249.95 j Factory Special 49** J ' SECTIONAL Reverse Chaise Lounge Can put , on Left or Right side 1 ißeg. Ret. $2600.00 ; - f : Cash Price $1049.95 ; CLOSEOUT *B49®* , /' “ 'rocker re'cliner 2 Styles i O* i Reg. Ret. $799.95 '' ■ Cash Price $399.95 / jpr’"" | t CLOSEOUT $259»5 ; 7 pc. DINING ROOM vj Xk t3fl Double Pedestal Table ! y'J* 1 jryJW 6 Side Chairs | Reg. Ret. $1999.951 Cash Price $849.95 J S CLOSEOUT •599” J 1019 Hempland Road, Lancaster 717-397-6241 Stores in; LANCASTER ‘YORK • CARLISLE • LEBANON STORE HOURS; Mon.-Fri. 9-9 • Sat. 9-6; Sunday 12 to 5 PM • No Refunds • All Salat Pinal For purchases with a chack bring FINANCING • Cash A Carry driver* licansa and phona number* AVAILABLE .Not responsible for typographical errors We reserve the right to substitute gift items the mountain hunting cabin at night, with trees are so tall and thick that even the moon is hard to spot. Darkness is what stretches beyond the house dur ing one of those super-foggy nights in late fall. Nights are never very dark in our immediate surroundings. Un less the power goes off. For safety and security rea sons, vast numbers of us have dotted our properties with the glow of night lights. These shin ing white beacons illuminate large patches of dark, pushing back the mysterious blackness and providing daylight-like visi bility within their reach. Bright, white lights not only lighten the dark summer nights, they also allow us to not only hear the screechings and squal lings of the tomcats squabbling over territory, but also to see them chasing one another outside the dairy barn. The nightlight at the dairy barn shines the way for an after-dark trip to the milk house, so 4 a.m. breakfast is not milk-less cereal. It reassures us that the banging outside the boxstalls is merely from a cow that slipped her neckchain and not one of those wandering black bears that have recently been roaming our area. CLOSEOUT *139” July always provides very spe cial summer lights to dot the darkness. “A lightning bug!” the grand kids shouted one evening recent ly, as heating-up nights brought the first fireflies out to blink in search of companionship. “Grandma, let’s catch it!” “Poor bug is probably terri fied,” chuckled our daughter, as three gleeful sets of hands and feet chased across the grass through deepening dusk to snag the elusive flashing insect. Ap parently sensing the imminent threat from too much affection, the firefly promptly switched di rection and was last seen crawl ing beneath a strawberry plant. Clouds of the phosphorescent beetles hatch out with the onset of hot summer nights. They wink and blink, signalling their pres ence and eager participation in this annual insect proliferation marathon. Thousands of them, Look For The Energy Star UNIVERSITY PARK (Centre Co.) If you look for the Energy Star when you shop for appli ances and equipment for your farm and home, advises an ener gy expert in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences, you can reduce your energy expenses. Energy Star is a federal gov ernment program designed to help people and businesses pro tect the environment by increas ing energy efficiency. According to Dennis Buffington, professor of agricultural and biological en gineering, products that earn the Energy Star label must meet strict criteria including using less energy than standard prod ucts without sacrificing fea tures, style or comfort. “While it is true that many En ergy Star products cost more ini tially than the standard items, the value of the energy saved over the life of the product exceed the extra initial cost of the Energy Star product,” says Buffington. SHIRTS ; OR SWEATSHIRTS .'jt • S ■* Shirts • 100% Cotton Denim Long Sleeve • Embroidery Blue & Black • Lancaster Farming Logo • Button-Down Collar • Left Shirt Pocket • Stone Bleach Blue $2O - Small, Medium, Large $22.50 - X Large $23.50 - 2X Large Plus $4.50 Shipping & Handling Costs Q£Q Phone 717-721-4416 Or Mail Your Order To; Lancaster Farming P.O. box 609LFS 1 East Main St., Ephrata, PA 17522 Or Stop @ Office -1 East Main St., Ephrata, PA Saves Shipping Cost! Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 12, 2003-B3 hovering over the corn rows as dusk slides to night, create a pulsing, sparkling effect that is almost magical. Pity the kids that never spend a gentle summer night chasing lightning bugs. Even two-year old Sarah, still not convinced that earthworms are not life-threaten ing monsters, overcomes her in sectophobia long enough to chase “flashlight bugs.” Firefly chases offer clean wholesome exercise (those bugs are speedy in search of mates), teaching opportunities (lots of beginner science discus sions) and help sharpen observa tion skills (where will that bug flash next?). Lightning bugs, like gentle summer nights, are a fleeting, short-lived commodity. And, after our interminably bitter win ter, fireflies flitting over the fields are a welcome change from snowflakes. How blessed we are to be able to enjoy both in their seasons. “Realistically, homeowners and businesses can increase ener gy efficiency enough to reduce their energy expenditures by 20 to 30 percent,” Buffington said. • Energy Star refrigerators must be at least 10 percent more efficient than the minimum fed eral efficiency standard for refrig erators. • Energy Star televisions must consume no more than 3 watts of electricity when turned off, com pared to a standard television that consumes nearly 6 watts on average when off. • Energy Star furnaces must have an efficiency of at least 90 percent, whereas the minimum federal efficiency standard for furnaces is 75 percent. • Energy Star light bulbs must use no more than one-third the amount of electricity used by a standard incandescent bulb and also must meet criteria for useful life and reliability. Sweatshirts • 90% cotton - dark Blue with embroidery With Lancaster Farming Logo $25 - Medium, Large $27.50 - X Large $28.50 - 2X Large
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