■ LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT i-tar.i.TA ,iaa i -m I Peterson I lowa I i\mM 50588 ■ I y» ( I 11 . ManuijcuiM Large Shelter f L... 1 vm and calf hms *•» > # since 196* . **"? . ... w Approximately 12 wide, 7 high or 14 wide 8 INDIVIDUAL FARROWING AND high, preassembled 7’ sections giving a choice ot CALF HUT BY PORT-A-HUT 14’, 21’, 28’ length Set up in 2 to 3 hours Built All steel completely assembled, for livestock Completely portable 20 gauge ventilated. 7 1/2’ long, optional front wall protectors added on the inside doors, guard rails, pig rollers and pens Can be used tor almost anything. Skids and all hardware for assembly included LEMMON FARM 855 Alexander Spring Road, Carlisle, PA 17013 717-249-8434 877-642-8312 Code 8434 High Meadows Farny Delhi, NY 607-746-7845 J.E.S. FENCING CENTER PHONE 814-239-5972 ♦ Woven Wire Fencing and Products (BeKaert and other Mfg) ♦ Treated Board Fence & Treated Posts in Various Sizes ♦ High Tensile ♦ Split Rail ♦ Aluminum & Ornamental Steel Fence <• Horse Fences ♦ Cedar & Redwood Fencing & Accessories <• Electric and Barbed Wire Various Styles of Custom Gates, Openers, Chargers & Fencing Accessories far accessories such as feeders, waterers, and so forth, nail, fax or call your request for brochures and prices. 9 preparation A Fence Installations of all types provided b\ FAX 814-239-0007 EMAIL :lnae( Website JESFENCIN6 COM We also ol Please Er Professional sih wsag Juniata Excavating & Services »*Free Estimates ••Free Site Inspections ••Fully Insured Your One Stop fencing Center tor Residential, Business, Industrial, Agricultural A Animal Fencing ❖ Control & Containment (Deer, Buffalo, Sheep & Exotics) ♦ Vinyl Fence (Roil, Privacy & Picket) & Accessones (Arbors, Trellis, etc) •> Cham Link & Accessories U • Split Rail • Poly Coated Centaur 0 U» Post & Board • Electric Safe Fence I J • Hi-Tensile • Wood & Tube Gates i \ Supplies • Woven Horse Wire (J ~ • F.V.C. & Vinyl • Locust & Pressure , , \J Coated Treated Post (J U* Installation Available t | ESCH’S FENCING H I J Since 1987 - 185 Octorara Trail, I | yg Rt. 10, Gap, PA 610-857-1676 (J We < '* re About The Safety 1 | HHBB Of Your Animate CATTLE Reg. Holstein Bred Heifer, due -Sept. Sire Linjet, Bred Al, Dam records over 32,000# milk, 610/589-2310. 40 Holstein Heifers 16-20 wks old, vet checked for freemorts, all shots given. 814-847-2402 8 Steers & 7 Heifers, Charlols cross, avg wt approx 700 bs, 75C lb. Hunt Co 814-627-5149 4 Jersey cows, due w/ 2nd & 3rd calf, to freshen soon, out of good herd. Will deliver, 717/328-2235. Al Holstein Heifers, due > freshen soon, good ;e, out of good herd. Will iver. 717/328-2235. Holstein cows due w/ ' & 3rd calf, freshen soon, good size, out of good herd. Will deliver, 717/328-2235. 14 mo old Reg Holstein bull. Sire Come Star Out side, Dam EX, 32,000 m, 4%, GRDam 4.7 Test. Chester Co. 717-529-2950 Reg Limousin bull (black) & 2 Limousin cows w/ large bull calves (red) that would make good service bulls next spring. 717-369-9954. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 19, 2003-D23 Mlnoture Hereford, Reg Cows, heifers, bull, pack ages avail w/flnanclng <S> 610-972-2864 Complete herd of young 68 Holstein dairy cows, milking well. 814/629-9197 Herd of 54 dairy cows & 4 heifers due Sept. 717-536-3416 aft 7 (2) reg Jersey service age bulls, exc pedigrees, can deliver. 570-324-2482. Beef Cows, Herferds, Simmentals, Bred w/ Limousin Bull, some w/ calves at side. Near Eliza bethtown 717/821-1077. Registered Texas Long horns: bulls, heifers, cows. Reasonable prices. 717-637-3090 Cattle Truck: 92 Ford F350-DL w/12' Eby alum cattle body, 1 owner, 55K, garage kept, $10,900. 908-782-4297. Jersey bull, year old, ready for breeding. 717-354-8305 Reg Corriente roping cat tle, cows, bulls & calves all ages, 717-993-0963 Highland cattle, quality breeding stock, reasona bly priced. We're moving out of country. 908-996-1270 Wanted-25-30 dairy cat tle, able to be owner fi nanced on milk assign ment, mixed breeds ok. 814-386-1662 200 cow avg 63 IbM, SCC 260, no BST, milked twice a day, 130 Ist calf heifers. 814-696-4851. 50 Holstein cows, very young herd, avg 60 IbM, SCC 200,000, priced right. 814-932-5065. 4 Black Angus heifers, also 1 steer 8. 1 bull. Call 410-817-6987 after spm. Herd of 50 Holsteins, 8 crosses, year-a-round herd, pick at least 50. Tioga Co., PA. 570-537-2339 15 Feeders Angus Cross .90 pr/lb, 500-600 lb avg. 570-620-1727 Irish Dexter Cattle, calves & heifers, 410/639-7217. Texas Longhorns, nice selection of bred cows & Ist calf heifers. No rop ers. 717/642-8716 house, 717/642-0079 farm Reg Holstein Bulls, any age. Dams records up to 30,000 milk, 1,200 fat. STUMP ACRES York Co. 717/792-3216. Yearling open Reg Dext er heifers. 570-437-2204 Angus Bulls 8< Cows also, Jersey Bulls, ready for service. Stump Acres, York Co, 717-792-3216. FOR SALE OR LEASE: Registered Holstein Bulls by popular sires; dams records to over 30,000 M. Many to choose from Berks Co. Stumpland Farms 610-488-1965. Quality dairy cattle for sale, springing 8< fresh. 315-769-1024 Custom Heifer raising, 40 years experience. By the pound, not by the day. Death loss guaranteed. Trucking provided. Large number preferred. 570-398-2688. Out of State and Mexican buyers, looking for open & bred holsteln heifers 8. cows, NO TESTS RE QUIRED. 410-585-0145. ARE YOU BUYING OR SELLING a herd, springing or open heifers and cows, contact Marc Gutman 443-677-3269. Reg. Holstein bulls. All sizes and ages, from Pre mier cow families of the Holstein breed. Arlen H. Keener 717-285-7426. WANTED 3 mon old healthy reg Jersey heifer calves. Bob, 717-361 -6379. 25 reg. Holstelns, over stocked herd of 100 cows wants to sell 25. DHIA over 24,000. Sires are Wade, Copper, Lots of Aaron, etc. A top herd. 717-284-3562,717-468-1561 50 cow Holstein herd, 20,000 DHIA, 35 Ist & 2nd calf, sires: Lief, Bellwood, Integrity, Wade. Herd is not pushed. 717-284-3562, 717-468-1561 Piedmontece Bull & Cow. BouHngo Bull, looks like belted Galway, all full blood. Bison Cows, Heifer & Bui. 410-486-5970 after 5 PM Reg Bulls for Sale, dams VG, over 30,000 M, $825/ ea. 717-821-2585. Purebred black Angus cows, heifers, bulls. Dif ferent ages. Ex EF>D's, Travellers 6807 family. 301-829-0891 Reg. Ayrshir Heifers, due to freshen Aug-Oct, NO Sunday Calls 610-488-1062. Black Angus: (25) 15 mo. old heifers, ready to breed, vaccinated & re prod. examed, $7OO/ea. (10) 2 yr olds w/calves, vacc. & ready to rebreed, $9OO/ea. Gaylan Summit Angus, 814/735-2234 any time, 814/735-4554 eves. Logan Spring Farm. Rais ing Reg Angus cattle for 52 years. Bushwacker 331 cows w/calves, year ling bulls & yearling heif ers. Also, yearlings out of Performance Plus & Sitz son of 8180. Reasonable prices. 814-742-8118 Holstein Bulls sired by Indro Derry Eland & Dante, Dams w/sons in Al, Dams tested Neg. for Johnes, Weavertand Hol steins, 717-933-9853. Reg. Black Angus Cattle, 2 Yearling 616 Bulls, 2 Precision Cow Calf Prs, 1 616 Heifer, Montour County. 570-437-3204. Full blood reg Piedmon tese breeding age bull, drop dead beautiful out of easy calving Maplecrest Mario. 330-924-5200. Reg Angus bull, calving ease, gentle disposition, 717-292-3053. 9 Heifers w/calf by side, bred back; 1 Reg. Angus Bull 2 y.a; 3 cows w/calf by side, bred back; 2 Open Heifers; 2 Reg. Bred Hereford Heifers due Sept. 443-375-2842 Buffalo-Quality breeding stock. Butcher bulls. Grain finished meat, 717-789-4602 Holstein cows & heifers- Will sell as they freshen, June to Nov, $l,BOO. 717-354-0038
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