Try These ‘Udderly’ Fantastic Contest Entry Recipes (Continued from Page B 6) with reserved crumbs. Store in freezer. Remove about 10 min utes before serving. This has been a favorite des sert with our family which now includes 15 grandchildren. I do not have an lIxIS-inch pan so / use a 9x13-inch casserole and an Ilx7-inch casserole. It may take a bit more ice cream for two dishes. HOT SAUSAGE DIP 1 package sausage 5 scallions 8 ounces sour cream /i cup mayonnaise Vi cup parmesan cheese 4 ounces pimentos Cook and drain sausage. Add chopped scallions. Stir in mayon naise, sour cream, cheese, and pi mentos. Pour in shallow serving dish. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes. Garnish with chopped greens from scallion ends. Serve with crackers. Great as an appe tizer or to serve as a meal with a salad. My husband and I own a dairy farm in Bucks County. / tend to the calves while my husband, Ray, does the milk ing. / am also a nurse and / work fulltime in an 08-gyn office. The recipe I submitted is one of our favorites. It is quick and easy and enjoyed by all. / won a prize for this at our local dairy where we ship our milk. Debra Detweiler Perkasie PAT’S VEGETABLE SPREAD 8 ounce package cream cheese 'A package vegetable soup mix '/: package ranch dressing (dry) '/: cup mayonnaise or plain yo gurt Chill mixture while you do the following. Mince very fine any combination of broccoli, carrots, onion, cauliflower, cucumber, mushrooms, red and green pep pers, or black olives. Drain ex cess liquid with doubled paper towels before adding to cream cheese base. Put as much in as base will hold. Chill overnight and serve with dark crusty bread, crackers, or fill celery. Makes great sandwiches. / use this recipe to make fancy tea sandwiches. Put sandwich together (minus crust), put a small dab of cream cheese mixture in middle of sandwich, and place a small piece of vegetable on top. Very attractive and good. I make bread crumbs with the crust in my food processor and freeze for later use. Dorothy Carvell New Holland DAIRY PEAR SALAD 1 quart canned pears, liquid drained and reserved 1 20-ounce can pineapple, liq uid drained and reserved 1 cup jello, lime, orange, or peach I 8-ounce package cream cheese, softened 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 cups whipping cream Measure reserved juices and add water (if necessary) to equal 2 cups. Heat juice to boil. Stir in desired flavor of jello until dis solved. Add 2 cups ice water and cool until syrupy. Puree pears and pineapple, add cream cheese, and lemon juice. Puree until mixture is fluffy. Whip cream and fold into pear mixture. Fold into cooled jello. Pour into an oiled mold or serving dish. Chill overnight. Makes 6-8 servings. / have been a farmer’s wife for almost seven years. My husband. Marlin, and I own a herd of 90+ dairy cows. We raise our replacement heifers also. Our children, Sarah (3 years), Keith (2 years), and Aaron (I year) love to go out to the bam with us to milk. They also love to eat this salad. They request it quite often. / have tried several dif ferent flavors of jello and they all were good. This gets eaten up quickly at our house. We are a very blessed family. God has been good to us and daily supplies our needs. Let’s give Him the honor due to His Name. Thanks for a good pub lication. Lois Garber Lancaster EVERYONE’S FAVORITE CINNAMON ROLLS 'A cup milk 'A stick butter 2 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons brown sugar Vi teaspoon salt 1 package yeast 'A cup warm water 2 eggs, beaten 2 tablespoons sour cream 4 to 5 cups of flour Filling: Vi stick butter 4'/2 tablespoons brown sugar /i cup chopped pecans or wal nuts Vi teaspoon cinnamon Heat milk until steaming; add butter, sugars, and salt. Cool. While that is cooling sprinkle yeast into Vi cup warm water and let set for 5 minutes. Stir eggs, sour cream, and milk into a large bowl and add yeast mixture. Stir 2 cups of flour into bowl and mix well. Keep adding flour 1 cup at a time and mix well until dough is not sticky anymore. Let rise until double in size; about 1 hour. Punch down and roll out on floured board. Spread dough with filling and roll up like a jel lyroll and cut into slices 1-inch thick. Let rise until double in size. Bake in a greased pan at 400 de grees for 25 minutes until golden brown. Eat and Enjoy. These don’t get time to cool before they are eaten. When / worked at public work, I would make these and take along to work. Everyone enjoyed them so. My husband works away from home and also works on the farm. He says these rolls al ways taste good with a good cup of coffee. My grandmother would make cinnamon rolls for the weddings in our family. They didn’t last long. They are so good. Cindy Scott’s grandson, Aden, enjoys drinking his milk from a calf bottle, a new one, Cindy assures us. I enjoy all the recipes in the Lancaster Farming and I try many of them. But the old fam ily recipes are always the best because they bring back alot of fond memories. ICE CREAM PUDDING 1 pound oreo cookies, crushed 1 (8-ouhce) cool whip 2 quarts vanilla ice cream, soft ened 1 heaping cup instant vanilla pudding Layer cookie crumbs in 9x 13-inch pan (reserve some for topping). Mix cool whip, vanilla ice cream, and pudding together until well blended. Pour over crumbs. Sprinkle with rest of crumbs. Refrigerate until ready to serve. Susan Nolt Bethel This recipe is very quick and easy to make and is one of our favorites. We do not live on a dairy farm but / enjoy cooking and always look forward to trying new recipes. My husband and I live on a small vegetable farmette. We raise different kinds of vegetables and also have a large flower greenhouse. We have two boys ages three and one. Minerva Reiff Ephrata CHERRY CHEESE PIE % cup flour 3 tablespoons sugar 'A teaspoon salt 'A cup butter, softened 1 can (21-ounce) cherry pie fill ing 1 package (8-ounce) cream cheese, softened 'A cup sugar legg 1 teaspoon vanilla In a bowl, combine the flour, sugar, and salt. Add butter; stir until combined. Press onto the bottom and up the sides of a 9-inch pie plate. Bake at 350 de grees for 10-12 minutes or until lightly browned. Pour pie filling into crust. In a mixing bowl, beat' cream cheese, sugar, egg, and vanilla until smooth. Carefully spread around outside edges of pie, leaving a 3-inch circle of cherries exposed in the center. Bake for 30-35 min utes or until edges begin to brown. Cool on wire rack. Refrig erate for several hours before serving. Makes 8 servings. This is a quick, yummy reci pe, and is very simple to make. We enjoy it with a bowl of ice cream. My husband, David, and I, along with our 6-month-old son, Jordan Lee, rent a dairy farm in Mount Joy. We milk 50 cows. / always look forward for the recipes printed in June’s issues of Lancaster Farming. Marilyn Weaver Mount Joy MOM’S POTLUCK POTATOES 4 large potatoes % pound shredded sharp cheese 'A large onion, grated Va teaspoon salt '/«teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons butter I '/: cup milk Cook potatoes in salted water for IS minutes. Drain. Let cool. Shred potatoes to make about 4 cups. Mix potatoes, cheese, onion, salt, and pepper. Put in greased 10x6x1'/wnch dish. Dot with butter. Pour milk over and bake at 300 degrees for 2 hours or until top is brown. Darlene Heisey Mount Pleasant Mills The children of Richard and Jeanette Rutt, Mount Joy, enjoy helping on the farm. This is a great dish to make for church suppers. Pm kept very Busy with my girls, a 20-mb.nth-old and a 3-year-Wld. / have a large gar* / den and a candle making busi-/ ness I do from my home. / live on a farm with my husband close to Newburg. Kristal Cohick Newburg BUTTERSCOTCH PUDDING 3 tablespoons butter 1 Vi cup brown sugar 3 eggs, beaten 4'/2 tablespoons flour Vs teaspoon salt 4Vi cups milk 11/:I 1 /: teaspoon vanilla In a 2-quart kettle, melt butter and brown very lightly. Add sugar and salt. Mix and slowly add 3 cups milk. Heat to almost boiling point (180 degrees). Mix remaining mUk with flour to make a smooth paste. Using a wire whisk, add to the hot mix ture, stirring constantly until it thickens. Remove from heat. Beat the eggs and add I‘A cup of hot pudding to the eggs. Mix then add them to the rest of the pud ding. Return to heat and cook for 2 minutes. Remove from heat and add vanilla. Cool. This pudding recipe has-been Mom’s favorite to make for Sunday dinner and now has been passed on to us to enjoy. My husband, David, and I, and our 16-month-old daugh ter, Roseanna live on a small farm in northern lowa. We grow a wide variety of produce and hope to help establish a new produce auction that has been built last summer. We have enjoyed the B-section for many years and look forward to more new recipes. Vera Oberholtzer Eima, lowa WIENER CHOWDER 4 medium potatoes, cubed 1 pint com 1 small onion, chopped 1 tablespoon butter 4 hotdogs, thinly sliced 1 package (8-ounce) cream cheese 1 quart milk salt and peppertfrtkstc In 3«quart saucepan combine cubed potatoes and frozen corn with some water. Cook until soft (about 15 minutes). Fry onion in butter, add hotdogs. Fry until lightly browned. Add cream cheese; stir until melted. Place all ingredients in crockpot on high for 1 hour or low for 2 hours. A very good soup to come home to for a quick Sunday dinner. We have a great bless ing from God to be able to grow up in the country on a dairy farm and then raise our children on a dairy farm as well. We’re all enjoying the beau tiful springtime after the cold, snowy winter. Living in an area where we can see all four sea sons is another God-given blessing. Anna Musser Manheim EASY BAKED CORN 1 can creamed com 1 can whole kernel coin, drain ed 8-ounce sour cream 6-ounce com muffin mix legg 5 tablespoons melted butter Mix all together and bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Use a 8- or 9-inch pan. Years ago / was a substitute in the cafeteria at a local school. Once a month all staff would bring in a dish and ev eryone would have lunch to gether. This recipe was brought in by one of the teachers and has been a favorite of ours ever since. When my two daughters left home they both had this recipe with them. My husband and I operate a dairy farm in Huntingdon County. Jean Cunningham Huntingdon (Turn to Page B 14)
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