(Continued from Page A 10) cock Ranger Station, Gullitzin State Forest, Cambria County Extension, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., (814)472-7986. Composting Seminar, Linvilla Orchards, West Knowlton Road, Media, 10 a.m. and noon, (610) 696-3500. Also John Perry The Tomato Man, Homeville Road, Cochranville, 11 a.m., (610) 696-3500. pa d Milking $ June Daily Month 4 A (r Specials 10%-ZO% disc on selected items Free shipping or deliveiy under 50 miles with $llO.OO orders Over 50 miles, consult with owner about Free UPS shipping or delivery s>v -^ 35% Disc. On Super Trophy Calc Tubes, Super Magnesium Tubes, Super High Energy Tubes and Super High Calorie Supplement Tubes with Coupon, Reg Price 7.95/tube by 12 tubes Sale Price Including Coupon - 4.95/tube Mr. Sticky % Tara lOOff Case of 6 Rolls Mr. Sticky 801 l Hardware Kit Includes One 1000’ Roll Reg. Price37.so. Sato Prlce3l.m ■ ' ; ; IS%OnAUFIy Spray Bombs By Case of 6 Cans 1850 CM®6 Reg Priee43.so Sdle Price 37.80 Today Mastitis mas Reg. Prtb© 20.95, Sale Price 18.78 or ■ • Bycaie an 2 - tzwabox ‘ TomorroyrDry Prlce2o:2s, SalePrfce 17.95 : ByCaee of 12 - 16.9Sal>ox -•• 20% off of Bprenex Dairy Cattle Wormer Pour On and Ivomec PourOn, including Coupon For Free Gift 15% OffOn.Cydectin Cattle wormer Pour On 20% Disc, on Zimmectrin Horse Warmer Quest Horse warmer 10.50 a tube by case of 12 tubes Less 16.00 coupon s 9.24 a tube Quest Horse warmer 10.45 a tube by case of 40 tubes LessBO.OO coupon = 8.95 a tube 15% Off Hoffmans Horse and Cattle Mineral and Hoffman’s Vita-Lac Mineral, Try ft For Great Improvements on Somatic Cell Counts, Mastitis Problems, Breeding Problems and Overall Fresh Cow Health and Milk Production 2 1/4 x 24" Sputnik Socks - Reg. 67.50, Sale Price 59.50 15% Oft Green Teat Savers Set of 2 20% Off Penicillin 15% Off All Brooms and Shovels L 1 iiVjii i&ii i HutiliUdU &.ijm Income Opportunities from Field and Forest, Camp Oty’Okwa, Hocking Hills, Ohio, thru June 8, (740) 767-2090. Open House at Wolf Hollow Farm off Schoff Road, West Fallowfield Twp., Chester Co., (610)932-2589. Sunday, June 8 Annual Mushroom Industry Conference, Nittany Lion Inn, University Park, thru June 11, (814) 865-7322. Monday, June 9 Poultry Management and Health Seminar, Kreider’s Restau rant, noon. Sale Runs June Ist Thru July Ist le Supplies Last • For UPS Orders or Delivery, Call 717-529-1226 7-10 23% Dtec. on Syrwgized Delice Original . Sobering -Plough 15.98/gal, by case of 6, : ■ ' , U>w£foipon ■».14.38/gal. Tuesday, June 10 Soil Fertility Workshop, 118 ASI Bldg., Penn State, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. New Wine Grower Workshop, Lancaster Farm and Home Center, Lancaster. Farm Business Planning Work shop, Berlin Community Building, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., (814) 445-8911. Natural Rendering, Animal Composting Workshop, Dau phin County Agricultural Services Center, Dauphin, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., (717) 783-6792. Extension Computer Classes, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 7, 2003-A3l Snyder County Courthouse, Middleburg, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Also June 11 and 12, (570) 837-4252. Hands-on Soil Assessment Work shop, Cherry Grove Farm and Cherry Grove Organic Farm, Lawrenceville, N.J., 5 p.m. Rain date June 11, (609) 737-6848. Cull Dairy Cow Quality Assur ance Program, Kidron, Ohio, (330) 263-3831. Sharpen Your Selling Skills, Franklin County CDC, Greenfield, Mass., (207) 368-4433. FFA Activities Week, Findlay Commons, University Park, thru June 12, (814) 863-7873. Wednesday, June 11 Manure Management Workshop, 118 ASI Bldg., Penn State, 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Pasture Walk, Alvin Stoltzfus, Marion Twp., Centre County. Centre, Clinton Holstein Club Picnic, Paul Dotterer and Sons Farm. Mill Hall, 6:30 p.m. High Tunnel Special Crops Twi light meeting, Harvest Valley Farms, 7 p.m., (724) 837-1402. Pa. Farm Bureau Cooperatives Working Together, Ramada Inn, Somerset, 7:30 p.m., (888) 858-7813 Thursday, June 12 Kempton County Fair, Berks County, thru June 14, (610) 756-6444. Susquehanna River Basin Commission meeting, Radisson Hotel, Corning, NY, (717) 238-0423. Sharpen Your Selling Schools, Heart of Maine RC&D, Bang o r , ME, (207)368-4433. Friday, June 13 Timber 2003, Farm Show Complex, Harrisburg, thru June 14, (717) 312-1244. Berks County Conserva tion District Tour of Maidencreek Water shed, (610) 378-1327. Sharpen Your Selling Skills, Heart of Maine RC&D, Portland, ME, (207) 368-4433. Saturday, June 14 Maryland Wine Grow ers’ Field Day, Bur kittsville Vineyard, Burkittsville, Md. Washington County Lamb Classic, Wash ington County Fair grounds, (724) 225-7108. Water and Manure Management for Horse Farms, Sebas tian Riding Associa tion, Skippack Twp., 2:30 p.m.-5 p.m., (610) 489-4506. Somerset County Hol stein Association Club Picnic, Latuch Bros. Dairy, Rock wood, 7 p.m. Composting Seminar, Milky Way Farm, Uwchlan Ave., Chest er Springs, 1 p.m., (610) 696-3500. Small Scale Poultry Workshop, Penn State Cooperative Ex tension Union Coun ty office, 9 a.m.-l p.m. Bradford County 4-H Dairy and Livestock Field Day, Alparon Park, Troy Fair grounds, 9 a.m. [appy Father’s Day! Lancaster Farming Check out our Website www.lancasterfafmlna.com
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