r MARTIN’S FARM SUPPLY 4401 Buchanan Trail West Greencastle, PA 17225 Phone 717-597-4283 (GATE) Fax 717-597-4293 4 Miles West of 1-81 on Route 16 i-fIUTMCT STRETCH WRAP UP-NORTH DISTRIBUTOR Stretch Wrap - 20”x6000’ & 30"x5000’ Bunker Covers - 25’xl00’ thru 60’x200' Silage Bags 7x150' 9x250’ 7x200’ 9x300’ B’xlOO’ . . ■ ■ • ■ . 10x150’ S’SS- DEALERS^; Bx2oo ■ > WANTED 8 x2so’. ,^ ANTE £ r T, 10 x3oo’ Bx3oo’ T7 rT>sTr(7. 12x200’ 9x135’ 12'x250’ 9x150’ 9x200’ 12x300’ $lO per bag off on skid lots . GIVE US A TRY BEFORE YOU BUY supporting equipment to fill silos or trenches Combining - with (3) 9000 series JD combines 15’ flex heads & 6 row corn heads, grain carts & and grain hauling available Mowing - with JD 14' discbine with impeller conditioning Ag bagging - with 6’ or 8’ baggers No till Drilling - with JD 15’ drill 7 1/2” or 15” spacing equipped with grass box Raking - with Class 1550 twin rake 24’ width for rent or hire Hauling Forages - with self unloading boxes on trucks 10-12 ton loads Serving Eastern Lancaster County and surrounding areas, will travel for acreage. John E. Kreider Custom ig Services Liquid Manure Spreading Primary Tillage Flotation Truck or Tractor Spreaders Chisel Plowing & Subsoiling Slate Certified NO-Ttll Ripping 2948 Back Ran Rd. Phone *(717)664-3077 Blenheim, PA 17545 Cell * (717) 587-1696 Groffdale Custom Harvesting Specializing in Custom Forage Chopping, Equipped for Silos and Bunker Silos, Ag Bagging, 8 ft. & 9 ft. Mowing Rye and Hay with Disk Mowers Home 717-661-7001 9 S. Groffdale Rd. Shop 717-656-6295 Leola, PA 17540 R 9 HELP ISfl WANTED Employees needed for carpenter crew w/valid driving license, good pay & benefits, 717-442-4097 leave message. Migwelder &/or shear operator, full time. Com petitive wages, paid va cation & holidays. Trans portation available for single or group. Qualified, dependable personnel need only to apply. Call 610-384-6112. Help Wanted on con struction, mostly pole barns, needs driver's li cense, also enjoys deer hunting. Lancaster Co. 717-627-1427. Resident Farmer. Duties Include milking, feeding & care of beef, sheep, horses, swine. Field work & other duties necessary to operate a farm. Full medical, dental, 'tir' (cai, . ~ retire ment & vacation Included. Salary mid 30's. Contact Thomas Scott, 215/487-4467 Help Wanted Fiberglass Shingle and Cedar Shake Installers Needed FT or FT Paid Vac. & Health Benefits. JS Roofing 812 May Post Office Road Strasburg, PA 17579 717-687-6694 Outside work, paint lines on parking lots etc, must be avail vr round, valid PA driver's lie & refer ences req. $9.50/hr + benefits. 717-656-9535. Farmhand, SO cow herd, no calves. Experienced milker only. Housing avail. Wayne Co, 570-224-6426. Assistant Herdsman for grass-based dairy & beef operation owned by con servation organization in Ipswich, AAA. Milking ex 'rjer' ■> desired. Startir perience Jrec. starting salary low 20's plus excel lent benefits & small house on farm including utilities. EOE. 978-356-5728 Property Mgr/ Maintenance. Knowl edgeable in plumbing, electrical & management. Ex benefits. Salary to complement skills. Kreld er Farms 888-665-4415 Help wanted for Summer and/or Fall Harvest. Non- smoking, Christian at mosphere. 580-343-2411. Herdsperson, Center Co. PA, FT, send resume to 751 Reese Hollow Rd. Port. Matilda, PA 16870. 814-692-8563. Assistant herdsman for Reg Holstein herd (room tor advancement). South east PA. Housing, Health Insurance, competitive wages, regular time off. Junge Farms Inc. 610-298-2334 Check with AgJobsUSA. More choice jobs; more choice employees. Em ployees pay $5O, employ ers, $250. Free brochure. 800-352-0303 agjobsusa.com Full time milker wanted for 300 cows on modern Chester Co, Pa dairy farm. Please call 610-593-6094 Full time help wanted for feeding 8< field work on modern Chester Co, Pa dairy farm. Please call 610-593-6094 Truck drivers wanted in cluding teams. Hauling livestock. CDL Class A es sential, exp preferred. Of fering good wages & ben efits. Ezra H Good, Inc. 503 School Rd, Denver, PA 17517.717-445-4501 F/T help for custom farming operations. AAtJoy. 717-653-5923 P/T help needed for farm. York Co, Pa Dover Twp. 717-292-4441 ■ Help Wanted ■ m On Construction " Crew ■ ■ Must Have Valid ■ ■ Driver’s License ■ ■ Benefits, ■ ■ Pd Holidays & ■ ■ Pd Vacation ■ ■ Residential & ■ Light ■ Commercial ■ ■ Building ■ ■ Wolf Rock ■ “ Builders " a 717/786-1161 a Drivers wanted for hauling livestock. Experience helpful. Includes a good benefits package. Please contact Tom at Honey Locust Farms 717-259-9108 Solid, Stable Opportunities Still Available at John Deere e John Deere Put your experience to work at our dealership. If you have the skills, experience, and initiative, we may have a spot for you. We offer a professional work environment, competitive salaries, paid training, and excellent benefits. Immediate Openings Lawn & Grounds Care Equipment Sales Person and Lawn & Grounds Care Equipment Set-Up and Delivery Person Cali Lehigh Ag Equipment 610-398-2553 Ask for Gary aster Farming, Saturday, June 7, 2003-D33 Lam Carpenter Needed for residential framing crew. Valid PA driver’s license a plus. Call Sam at (717)786-2634 r<Mie CON^TIONu* 130 Furnace Road, Quarry ville t Wanted Small Logging Crew -£ t Must have own workers comp, t t or be willing to get it. Must be * « willing to travel. Steady work. » Wanted: Looking for horse logging operation to harvest several hundred acres prime timber Call (717) 534-5417 - days (717) 533-7020 - evenings Full-Time And/Or Port-Time Help Wonted In All Areos experience preferred but will train right person. Peters Arcs. Meet Mkt. Inc. 65 Penn St. Lenhartsville, PR 19534 _ (610) 562-2231
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