AlB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 7, 2003 West Virginia Feeder Cattle Charleston, W. Va. June 2,2003 Report Supplied By USDA Regular Sales at Parkersburg, Weston, and Greenbrier Valley from May 30 and 31. Prices perewt. FEEDER STEERS: 99 head. Med./Lge. 1: 200-300 lb 112.50-137.50; 300-400 lb 98-107.50; 400-500 lb 88.00-100.00; 500-600 lb 85.00-96.00; 600-700 lb 71.50-86.50; 700-800 lb 65.00-69.00. Med./Lge. 2: 300-400 lb 86.00-101.00; 400-500 lb 86.00-93.00; 500-600 lb 80.00- 600-700 lb 76.00; 700-800 lb 67.00. Small 1-2: 200-300 lb 89.00-92.00; 300-400 lb 92.50; 400-500 lb 70.00-81.00; 600-700 lb 57.00-69.00. FEEDER HEIFERS: 205 head. Med./ Lge. 1: 200-300 lb 85.00-89.00; 300-400 lb 88.00- 400-500 lb 82.50-94.00; 500-600 lb 78.00-89.00; 600-700 lb 71.00- 700-800 lb 59.00-75.00; 800-900 lb 60.00-67.00; 900-1000 lb 55.00- Med./Lge. 2; 300-400 lb 75.00- 400-500 lb 73.00-88.00; 500-600 lb 65.00-82.00; 600-700 lb 65.00- 700-800 lb 69.00; 800-900 lb 57.00- Small 1-2; 300-400 lb 63.00- 400-500 lb 64.00-86.00; 500-600 lb 60.00-69.00; 600-700 lb 64.00; 700-800 lb 54.00. FEEDER BULLS: 95 head. MedTLge. 1: 300-400 lb 90.00-103.00; 400-500 lb 74.00- 500-600 lb 75.00-86.00; 600-700 lb 64.50-75.00; 700-800 lb 57.00- 800-1000 lb 54.00-58.00. Med./Lge. 2: 200-300 lb 70.00; 300-400 lb 73.00- 400-500 lb 75.00-92.00; 600-700 lb 743.00-75.00; 700-800 lb 64.50-70.00; 800-1000 lb 48.00-52.00. Small 1-2: 200-300 lb 72.50-87.00; 300-400 lb 73.00-79.00; 400-500 lb 64.00-65.00; 500-600 lb 67.00. Roanoke-Holllns Feeder Cattle Sale Richmond, Va. June 3,2003 Report Supplied By USDA WEEKLY AUCTION for June 2 FEEDER CATTLE: 242 head (95 steers, 99 heifers, 48 bulls). Prices based on in weights. FEEDER STEERS: MedTLge. 1: 400-500 lb 100.25-102.00; 500-600 lb 90.00-96.50; 700-800 lb 79.00. Med./Lge. 2: 300-400 lb 101.00-102.00; 400-500 lb 99.50-103.50; 500-600 lb 89.50-97.00; 600-700 78.00-84.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS: Med./Lge. 2: 200-300 lb 85.00; 300-400 lb 79.50-86.00. FEEDER HEIFERS: Med./Lge. 1: 200-300 lb 105.00; 300-400 lb 90.50; 400-500 lb 84.75-87.75; 500-600 lb 84.75-85.60; 600-700 lb 78.00. Med./Lge. 2: 300-400 lb 80.75-84.00; 400-500 lb 79.50-86.50; 500-600 lb 79.00-84.50; 600-700 lb 78.00. FEEDER BULLS: Med./Lge. 1: 300-400 lb 95.00-105.00; 400-500 lb 91.00- 500-600 lb 88.50-90.50; 500-600 lb 88.50-90.50; 600-700 lb 80.00- MARKET LEESPORT, BERKS COUNTY, PA 19533 (610) 926-1307 LIVESTOCK AUCTION EVERY WEDNESDAY • 1:00 P.M. Farmers Market 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM Flea Market 7:00 AM to ?? 1988 GMC C7OOO Cattle Truck w/21ft. Eby Box - FOR SALE Barn Restaurant For Sale/Rent visit our website: I; - * - #■ / Lynchburg Weekly Graded Feeder Cattle Richmond, Va. June 3,2003 Report Supplied By USDA Graded Feeder Cattle Sale at Lynch burg, June 2 FEEDER CATTLE: 644 head (270 steers; 374 heifers). Feeder steers and heifers 1.00-2.00 higher. Aver age weights and average prices in paren theses. FEEDER STEERS: Med./Lge.l: 19 head, 400-500 lb (466) 96.00-106.00 (104.92); 25 head, 500-600 lb (560) 96.00- (97.59); 33 head, 600-700 lb (650) 88.25-88.75 (88.68). Med./Lge. 2: 7 head, 300-400 lb (365) 98.00-104.00 (103.17); 30 head. 400-500 lb (457) 96.50- (101.27); 47 head, 500-600 lb (548) 90.00-95.75 (94.65); 14 head, 600-700 lb (646) 84.00-92.00 (89.66). FEEDER HEIFERS: MedJLge. 1: 23 head, 400-500 lb (462) 86.75-88.50 (87.97); 47 head, 500-600 lb (551) 86.00-89.50 (88.82) 20 head, 600-700 lb (627) 80.00- (81.71). Med./Lge. 2: 18 head, 300-400 lb (363) 89.75-95.75 (94.08); 66 head 400-500 lb (454) 87.75-91.25 (90.49); 60 head 500-600 lb (549) 87.00-88.25 (87.82) 20 head, 600-700 1645) 82.50- (82.65). Med./Lge. 3: 10 head, 300-400 lb (361) 89.00-93.00; 27 head, 400-500 lb (450) 78.00-87.75 (86.30); 18 head, 500-600 lb (551) 85.00-87.00 (86.67). Small 1: 10 head, 300-400 lb (352) 89.00- (89.91); 16 head, 400-500 lb (444) 75.00-85.25 (84.65). LYNCHBURG REGULAR WEEKLY AUCTION, June 2 FEEDER CAT TLE; 593 head (102 steers, 178 heifers, 313 bulls). Feeder bulls 1.00-2.00 higher. Prices per hundredweight, based on in weights. FEEDER BULLS: Med./Lge. 1: 200-300 lb 113.00; 300-400 lb 107.00- 400-500 lb 96.50-103.00; 500-600 lb 86.50-93.50. MedTLge. 2: 200-300 lb 102.00-105.00; 300-400 lb 95.00- 400-500 lb 86.00-103.00; 500-600 lb 86.50-87.50. Small 1: 300-400 lb 85.00-90.00; 400-500 lb 88.50-93.50; 500-600 lb 82.50. Staunton Weekly Feeder Cattle Sale Richmond, Va. June 2,2003 Report Supplied By USDA WEEKLY AUCTION at Staunton, May 30 FEEDER CATTLE: 500 head (300 steers, 160 heifers, 40 bulls). Prices per cwt. based on in weights. FEEDER STEERS: Med./Lge. 1: 200-300 lb 85.00-102.00, 300-400 lb 85.00- 400-500 lb 85.00-98.00, 600-700 lb 85.00-98.00, 600-700 lb 85.00- 700-800 lb 75.00-80.00, 800-900 lb 74.00-77.25, 900-1000 lb 72.00- 1000-1100 lb 68.00-72.35. FEEDER HEIFERS; MedTLge. 1: 200-300 lb 81.00-89.50, 300-400 lb 80.00- 400-500 lb 80.00-91.00, 500-600 lb 81.00-86.00, 600-700 lb 75.00- FEEDER BULLS: Med./Lge. 1: 200-300 lb 91.00-99.00, 300-400 lb 91.00-99.00, 400-500 lb 90.00-100.00, - Ceiling systems designed for your dairy, swine, and poultry facilities, as well - as shops, warehouses, garages, arenas, and more. 500-600 lb 85.00-95.00, 600-700 lb Tired of working in a cold, noisy shop? These ceiling systems are designed to hold any amount of insula tion, and with insulation above, produce sound reduction qualities much greater than steel. 75.00-83.00, 700-900 lb 62.50-65.50. Is the banding in your hog or poultry barn deteriorating? Let us replace them with our heavier poly ester bands which do not stretch or become brittle over time. WEEKLY AUCTION at Tri-State, May 30 FEEDER CATTLE: 292 head (Steers 115; Holstein Steers 5; Heifers 100; Bulls 72). Prices per cwt., based on out weights. FEEDER STEERS; Med./Lge. 1: 200-300 lb 111.00-112.00; 300-400 lb 108.00- lb; 400-SOO lb 102.00- 500-600 lb 87.50-100.00; 600-700 lb 87.50-90.00; 700-800 lb 73.50- 800-900 lb 69.00-73.50. Med./Lge. 2; 200-300 lb 108.00; 300-400 lb 95.00- 500-600 lb 87.50-100.00; 600-700 lb 82.00-90.00; 700-800 lb 73.50- 800-900 lb 69.00-73.50. Med./Lge.2: 300-400 lb 108.00; 400-500 lb 95.00- 500-600 lb 84.50-89.00; 600-700 lb 85.50-86.00; 700-800 lb 70.00- 800-900 lb 65.00-75.00. Small 1: 300-400 lb 90.00-103.00; 400-500 lb 90.00- 500-600 lb 78.50-89.00. FEEDER HOLSTEIN STEERS: 300-400 lb 65.00-69.00; 500-700 lb 67.00; 700-900 lb 58.50. FEEDER HEIFERS: Med./Lge. 1: 200-300 lb 91.00-101.00; 300-400 lb 87.00- 400-500 lb 79.00-85.00; 500-600 lb 79.00-90.00; 600-700 lb 75.00- 700-800 lb 76.00-78.00; 800-900 lb 64.00-68.00. Med./Lge. 2: 200-300 lb 99.00; 300-400 lb 87.00-84.00; 400-500 lb 79.00-85.00; 600-700 lb 73.00- 700-800 lb 61.00-78.00; 800-900 lb 55.00-71.00. Small 1: 200-300 lb 75.00; 300-400 lb 80.00-87.00; 400-500 lb 79.00-88.50; 500-600 lb 66.00-72.00; 700-800 lb 64.00-71.00; 800-900 lb 55.00- FEEDER BULLS: Med./Lge. 1: 200-300 lb 106.00-111.00; 300-400 lb 98-115.00; 400-500 lb 98.00-107.00; 500-600 lb 76.00-80.00; 600-700 lb 66.00- 700-800 lb 64.00-71.00; 800-900 lb 55.00-64.00. Med./Lge. 2: 200-300 lb 86.00-95.00; 300-400 lb 89.00- 400-500 lb 95.00-100.00; 500-600 lb 72.00-84.00; 600-700 lb 76.00- Providing the Ag industry with a very durable, attractive, waterproof, noncorrosive, alternative to conventional ceilings at a fraction of the cost. From 20<}/Sq. Ft. Installed ' ■ * Tk JF A H MID-ATLANTIC A sei vice formerly provided bv MA-LLu TRIPLY CEILINGS '° MYERSTOWN, PA - (888) 238-9954 *■»>i 6<r y «»« i« * nf if 1 i» *4/ 9 J • $ Tri-State Weekly Feeder Cattle Sale Richmond, Va. June 2,2003 Report Supplied By USDA FIBERGLASS FARM GATES ir You Paul B. Zlmmtrman Inc., SOWoodcornerßd Ephrala PA Holtwood Supply, 1010 Susquehannock Dr Holtwood PA AB Martin Roofing, 150 Slate Rd Ephrala PA Zimmerman Farm Sorvlco, Bethel pa D & J Farm storo, Hess Rd Quarryvrlle PA Huber’s Animal Health, Myerstown pa Umbergera ol Fontana, ri 322 Annviiie pa Rovendale Ag, Watsoniown pa Valley Road Hardware, Christiana pa Terre Hill Farm Supply, 1350 Union Grove Rd Terre Hill PA Cedar Grove Farm Store, 1120 Rainer Hwy Shippensburg pa Gideon K. King, Elam Road Kimers pa ;t Dealer N x\ 'Hi. FAX (717) 866-0087 “Your source for quality, durable, & economical ceiling systems” National Direct Feeder Pig Report Week Ending May 30, 2003 USDA Market News, Des Moines, lowa Weekly Summary of prices on a farm to farm per head basis FOB is the price picked up at the seller's farm DELIVERED is the price unloaded at the buyer's farm, including trucking and broker's fees RECEIPTS This Week 89,817, Last Week 79,214 VOLUME BY STATE OR PROVINCE OF ORIGIN Oklahoma 19 2% Manitoba 13 3% Ontario 11 8% Indiana 91% Saskatchewan 74% Missouri 67% Arkansas 5 l c /c Minnesota 47% lowa 4 7% Nebraska 4 3 % North Carolina 3 B °/c Illinois 2 5% Michigan 2 3% Wisconsin 2 2% Ohio 1 6 r f Coloiado 0 7% VOLUME BY STATE OF DESTINATION lowa 53 6% Minnesota 12 4% Indiana 9 5% Nebraska 30% South Dakota 27% Ohio 2 79r Missouri I 7% Wisconsin I 4% California I 0% Oklahoma 0 3% TREND Compared to last week Early weaned pigs and all feeder pngs steady Demand moderate for moderate offerings Receipts include 29% for mulated prices Lot Size Total Head Price Range Wtd Avg Price Range Wtd Avg Per Trade Per Category FOB Seller FOB Delvrd Buyer Delvrd EARLY WEANED PIGS 10 POUNDS BASIS: Estimated 40-54% Lean Value 250 head or less 1,656 2100-30.30 26.90 : 22 00-30.82 27 74 250-750 13,125 23 00-4100 28 32 • 25 00-42 00 29 67 750 or more 23,030 22 50-33 25 27 29 i 23 00-34 00 28 91 Total Composite 37,811 21.00-41.00 27.63 = 22.00-42.00 29.12 FEEDER PIGS 40 POUNDS BASIS: Estimated 40-54% Lean Value 250 head or less 590 37 00-46 00 40 81 : 4100-48.00 44 12 250-750 6,605 34 00-49 00 40 02 : 39 00-50 60 42 90 750 or more 18,868 34 50-43 00 39 95 : 38 00-47 00 43 69 Total Composite 26,063 34.00-49.000 39.99 • 38.00-50.60 43.50 FEEDER PIGS 45 POUNDS BASIS. Estimated 40-54% Lean Value 250-750 775 39 00-43 28 40 66 • 40.50-44 28 4196 750 or more 12,400 38.00-46 92 43 21 40.00-49 02 45 43 Total Composite 13,175 38.00-46.92 43.06 40.00-49.02 45.22 FEEDER PIGS 50 POUNDS BASIS Estimated 40-54% Lean Value 250-750 2,093 4150-50 00 44 75 43 00-52 00 46 83 750 or more 4,350 46 00-49 00 47 28 ' 47 00-50 45 48 54 Total Composite 6,443 41.50-50.00 46.46 ' 43.00-52.00 47.98 FEEDER PIGS 55 POUNDS BASIS: Estimated 40-54% Lean Value 250-750 2,675 4150-45 56 43 13 . 45 50-49 56 46 96 750 or more 3,650 47.50-48 50 48 03 ; 51.00-52.00 4153 Total Composite 6,325 41.50-48.50 45.96 ' 45.50-52.00 49.60 Most lots of 40-60 weight pigs have a sliding value from the negotiated weight basis which is calculated on the actual average weight of the load plus or minus 30-.40 per pound Some early weaned lots have a slide of 50-1 00 per pound. Early weaned pigs are under 19 days old. Estimated lean value is projected to use slaughter weights with normal confinement feeding condi tions. Vaccination and health program values are not included but health sta tus should be disclosed. David S. King Manufacturer of Church Bench folding hinges. 873 S. Railroad St. Myentown, PA 17067 717-866-6556 717-738*7350 717*284-0883 717-445-6885 717-933*4114 717-866*2246 717-867-5161 570-538-9564 610-593-7285 717-445*6885 717-532-7571 Metal Roofing & Siding Since 1948 A.B. Martin Roofing Supply Why Pay More - For Less BUY DIRECT • WE MANUFACTURE Roofing & siding in the following. Aluminum • Galvanized • Galvalume 18+ Color Painted, #1 & #2 Material Low Prices - Fast Delivery, Free Literature Ephrata, PA 1-800-373-3703 Newville, PA 1-800-782-2712 (formerly Zimmerman Roofing) Are you frustrated with the birds in your imple ment shed? Get the problem under con trol with a triply ceiling, as well as greatly improving the lighting. Contemplating a drop ceiling? Demand a triply ceil ing above your drop ceil ing if there is insulation being installed. This will serve as a vapor barrier along with permanently preventing falling insula tion. Illinois 8 6% Michigan 2 3% Kansas 0 7%
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