DlB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 7, 2003 Reclaimed Building Materials Baummer Sawmill, 599 Fame Ave., Hanover, Pa. has the following for sale. Weather Barn Siding, Red & White Oak Character Grade Flooring, Chestnut Beams, Weathered Chestnut Boards UP To 18" Wide. Resawed Chestnut Lumber. Chestnut Flooring. Red Sand Stone and Cut Corner Stone Barn Foundation Stone Buying Log Bank 'l* \FptVl Barns & Log Homes. Also if?" Buying Tracts ofTimber. t |T 7 ”" Inventory changes daily, If You Need It We’ll Find It. Please call days 717*637*6879 or 717*229*2781 evenings. Top Dollar Paid Wide Attic Flooring, 1; Barn Grainery Boards, Wide Roof Boards, {, Unpainted Barn Siding, Big Barn Beams 7”x9” i ' and bigger in Heart Pine, White Oak, Yellow '' Pine, White Pine. Take Chestnut in any size and ~ boards from, too! Interior salvage of early Brick I and Stone Houses, hand hewn House joists and II ratters Old loghouse & logcnb Barn removal. I Also early mills and factories. 610*857b1002 6.3OAMto9AM j Chester County, PA 8:00 PM to 11 PM ; Pax the most also paxmg motefoi materials i brought to me. Also selling mateiials | A.B. MARTIN ROOFING Roofing - Siding & Supplies Ephrata, PA 1-800-373-3703 Newville, PA 1-800-782-2712 (formerly Zimmerman Roofing) M-F 7 00 AM-5.30 PM \ \ K-* _ Sat 7:00 AM-11:30 AM 1 for VISA New Holland Supply 201-A Commerce Dr. New Holland, PA 17557 Office (717) 354-4794 Fax (717) 355-9418 Distributors of: Metal Siding & Roofing Cannon Ball, Door Track, Trolleys & Hardware (In Stock) Wood & Metal Dutch Doors & Slider Doors (Custom Made) Horse Stall Grills & Hardware (Custom Made) 2xB f&G w/V-Grove SYP or PT (In Stock) IxB T&G w/Center Bead Grove EWP (In Stock) Single or Double Hung Windows, Slider Windows, Awning Windows The Ultimate G-100 Process Heat Formed Warranty Flecommended G-100 Zinc Coating By All Paint - Corrosion Resistant Manufacturers - ** - Strongest Panel Known Tighter Overlaps 'jEverlast I Roofing, Inc. The Best J( Sealof \_r fl Qualify I 01 the Best The Wheeling 2 oz. Seal of Quality coating represents the best of the best in the Wheeling Corrugating line of premium galvanized roofing siding. Every panel that carries the 2 ounce coating assures you are getting the toughest, the most durable, the most corrosion resistant galvanized sheet available in today’s marketplace. MARTIN’S ROOFING CALL FOR DISCOUNT PRICES! 258 Walnut Bottom Rd. Shippensburg, PA 17257 (717) 532-3460 Rt. 81. Exit 29 GRAIN EQUIPMENT Vertical 4 ton mixer; 5-6 ton horizontal mixer. 717-529-1195 24 ton & 6 ton hopper bottom feed bins, $250/ea obo. 717-729-5166 Brock 36ft, 12 ring 30,000 bu. 42ft drying floor. (2) 25hp 3-phase centrifugal fans. 717-733-6590 7ft 12 ton feed bin. Lancaster Co, 717-464-9171. Hoover Construction Grain bin building & tear down. Call for prices. 717-354-3975 New & Used Grain Dry ers, G.T., M.C., Farm Fans & GSI. Call any time toll free, 877/422-0927 BROCK. Grain Bins Hopper Bins lam Systems, Inc. <717)432-9738 1248 SOUTH MOUNTAIN ROAD, DILLSBURG, PA 17019 Sales • Installation • Service r/4 FARM FANS Grain Dryers Pre-Engineered Steel Buildings Marquee \\ lining s \ I‘l l ■ 11 1 ) i s Specializing In Vinyl maintenance free cupolas for homes, si and garages Residential and commercial, Wooden board & batten also available and ; types of custom made cupolas. American Flag Weather Vane Now Available AND WEATHERVANES UrwLAj - Call or write for brochure - Elam King Jr. 4360 Battle Hill Rd. • Brogue, PA 17309 • 717-927-1313 (2) Bin storage for shelled tea r do ™ n - Call for corn, 717-768-8811 quotes. -Also buyer of used grain bins. 717-733-6590. <@) _ yk Lambton Grain bins A , Conveyor Grain dryers/ '|\ Elevators c o h r ° rder! PA 570-584-2282 Mum Post & Frame Buildings A Famous Person once said 'The com , man law of business balance prohibits v paying a little and getting a lot It can't be fr- 1 done If you deal with the lowest bidder, it is well to add something for the nsk you run And if you do that you will have enough to pay for something better " iBBHi We aresomething better... ■INDEPENDENCE =STEEL PRODUCTS NORTH EAST, INC. 1 -800-553-7833 ■ Excellence in Design ■ Personal Service ■ Veteran Design Staff ■ Trained Service Staff ■ Factory Direct ■ www ispne com QUALITY STEEL BUILDINGS Sfy't/eclion o\ot fPtice J.R. Builders specializing in grain bin erections & Stirring machines Grain cleaners Jim & John HPNEYVIIIi Bucket Elevators DAIRY EQUIPMENT Blue Diamond Crowd gate 21 '*so' air powered, $5500 obo. 717-729-5165 ■BBrna Bulk Milk Tanks J Sales & Service Belt Driven Cooling Compressors • Ice Boxes • 12 Volt Systems 1583 Main St., P.O. Box 126 Goodville, PA 17528 717-445-6991 Ik BLISTER j PgTTPPi The HEAVY DUTY Diesel tA Proven Diesel Engine for Long Life Distributor for IYECO aifo BHombarpini CHARGE-MASTER Battery Chargers HOOVER DIESEL SERVICE 255 Mascot Rd., Ronks, PA 17572 (717) 656-3322 (717) 295-1729 362 Blackburn Rd., Quarryville, PA 17566 (717) 786-8839 16 Harmony claws w/08 shells, $125/ea obo. 717-729-5166 1000 gal Mueller bulk tank, model OH 2 Comp. Freeheater, temp record er, $4OOO obo. 717-729-5166 Haskon 340 milk carton 1/2 gal former & filler, used weekly, $9500. 717-838-4610 21 Book set Holstein Frie sian type production yearbook volumes 10 thru 23.717/653-1760 Conde portable milker, 2 claws, 1 bucket, VG cond, $800,540-822-4363 DeLaval IVi" glass pipe line w/4 units for 35 stall bam. 800 gal Girton milk tank w/compressor & washer. Surge 1400 Alamo milk pump. 3 GSI feed tanks, 1 Vi ton, 5 ton & 9 ton, all in exc cond. 301-371-6639. Rissler 150 mixer w/ beam scales, ex cond. Lanco Co. 717-629-0705 1500 gal Girton bulk tank, (2) 3hp compressors. 1-new scroll type, auto washer, 120 gal Therma- Store preheater, in use till 6/1/03, asking $2500 obo. 908-369-4381 700 gal Muellar OH bulk tank, 2‘ outlet, washer & compressor. Ex cond, $3,000.717-354-9370 1000 gal Mueller Model 0 tank, avail July, ex cond, $4500. 814-793-4003
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