North Atlantic Eggs Atlanta, Georgia Report Supplied by USDA December 12, 2002 Prices paid to producers in New Eng land were 2 cents higher on extra large and large, unchanged on the balance of sires In Boston and Philadelphia, prices were unchanged The market tone re mained cautiously steady on white eggs, but browns were in a fully steady position Demand ranged light to moderate, best where features were present and on brown eggs Supplies were adequate to available for white eggs, however browns were short. In the Philadelphia area, large 18-pack eggs were advertised at 88 cents per dozen. Breaking stock supplies were limited for the light demand. Light type hens were at least sufficient for slaughter needs. PHILADELPHIA PRICES TO RE TAILERS, SALES TO VOLUME BUY ERS. USDA GRADE A AND GRADE A, WHITE EGGS IN CARTONS, DE LIVERED STORE DOOR, CENTS PER DOZEN. RANGE EXTRA LARGE .78-83.5, lARGE 77-.815, MEDIUM S7-.64 5 BOSTON: PRICES TO RETAILERS. SALES TO VOLUME BUYERS, USDA GRADE A AND GRADE A, BROWN EGGS IN CARTONS, DELIVERED STORE DOOR, CENTS PER DOZEN. RANGE: EXTRA LARGE 1.16-1.18, LARGE 1 07-1.09, MEDIUM .7S-.77 NEW ENGLAND PRICES PAID TO PRODUCERS, CASES EXCHANGED. GRADE YIELD BASIS, BROWN EGGS LOOSE, AT FARM, CENTS PER DOZEN. RANGE: JUMBO 1.22-1.25, EXTRA LARGE .99-1.02, LARGE .90-.93, MEDIUM .56-.59. SMALL ,25-,28 AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS “CALL U& TO DESIGN YOUR NEAT BUILDING PROJECT” FARMSTEAD PLANNING BUILDING DESIGN BLUEPRINT DRAFTING VENTILATION DESIGN DAIRY FACILITIES DESIGN Timber Tech Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 145 254 West Franklin Street Womelsdorf, PA 19567 PH: (610) 589-4589 FAX: (610) 589-5384 Eastern Region Miscellaneous Poultry Atlanta, GA. December 6, 2002 Report Supplied By USDA EASTERN REGION MISCELLANE OUS POULTRY FOR CURRENT DE LIVERY for week of Dec 2 DUCKLINGS; Prices negotiated by first receivers, US Grade A, 4-5 pounds, delivered in trucklot and pool trucklot quantities LONG ISLAND—Frozen 140; Fresh 146. MIDWEST—Frozen 122-126, Fresh—l 23-127. ROASTERS Prices negotiated by first receivers, US Grade A and Plant Grade, 5 pounds and up, delivered: ICE PACKED (12 per box) 54-62 mostly 58-62 VACU UM PACKED (6-9 per box) 63-85 mostly 68-73. SQUABS; New York Wholesale Prices, Frozen, Plant Grade, dollars per dozen, 1 to 10 boxes 12 oz. 60.48-69.66; 14 oz. 66.96-76.14; 16 oz. 73.44-83.43. The eastern region includes: CT, DE, EL, GA, MA, MD, ME, NC, NH, NJ, NY, PA. Eastern Region Frozen Eggs ATLANTA, GA. December 6, 2001 Report Supplied By USDA Mostly prices were lower on whole and salt yolk, unchanged on whites, but un changed to slightly higher on sugar yolks when compared to previous week’s trad ing. The market tone improved on whites, but was usually no better than about steady on the remainder of items De Painting • Coating All Types Interior/Exterior Painting & Coating Specializing in • Spray Painting ‘Hand Painting • Water Blasting »Water Proofing • Deck Restoration & Coating • Stone & Brick Restoration •Roof Restoration & Coating Liquid Applied Roof Systems * Seamless -Cure-in-place - Cold Process, No Flame - Renewable - Leak Proof * No Need to Tear Off Old Roof Systems * Coating to Cool Roof - (Save up to 20% on Cooling Cost) * Metal - Flat-Asphalt - EPDM - Modified We have the right Product & Solution to Solve your Roofing Problems Ten year manufacturers Warranties Available Capital Painting 7% 717*768*0979 • Effective Fly Control • Effective Control of Darkling Beetle! • Bonus when Field Spread No Fly Hatch No Odors No Feathers Flying Around • Stable and Easy to Handle Product Featuring ... • 44 HP Diesel Engine • Center Flo Auger Pickup Head • Flow thru Belt System • 4-Wheel Hydrostatic Drive Sys • Skid Steering Zeiset Equipment 2187 North Penryn Rd., Manheim, PA 17545 Phone (717) 665-4056 Fax (717) 665-2240 I mand was moderate on sugar yolks from egg nog users, other items interest was light. Supplies were adequate for current trade requirements. Liquid and frozen eggs (ingredients included) processed under federal inspection in the Eastern region for the week ending November 30, 2002 was 14 r r less than the previous week, and 22% less than a year ago. WHOLFSAI E SEIIING PRICES (CENTS PER POUND IN 30 LB CON TAINERS)- TRUCKLOTS: WHOLE 41-48, mostly 45-47, BLENDS (!) TFFWR, WHITES 21-32, mostly 22-24; SUGARED YOLKS (min. 43% solids) 83-92, mostly 85-91, SALTED YOLKS (mm. 43% solids) 80-86, mostly 80-82. LESS THAN TRUCKLOT (mm. 25 cent.)- WHOLE 53-57; BLENDS 74-85; WHITES 28-42; SUGARED YOLKS (mm. 43% solids) 91-97; SALTED YOLKS (min. 43% solids) 87-94. (/) - WHOLE PLUS YOLK PLUS SWEETENER, GENERALLY 28-32% EGG SOLIDS. Northeast Broiler Fryer Parts Parti ATLANTA, GA. December 12,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Trucklot buying activity was mostly fair as dealers remained cautious and continued with closlely balanced floor stocks. Inclement weather in parts of the Northeast had snarled transportation routes and hampered deliveries in some areas. Offerings of bone-in breasts had in creased in availability Boneless-skinless breasts were at least sufficient. Dark meat cuts were fully adequate Improved inter- Roof Systems/ • Variable Widths Available • Comfortable Operator Control est was noted on wings. Retail and distri butive movement was irregular but usually limited. The market tone was steady to fully steady on wings and about steady on the balance. ICE PACKED BROILER/FRYER PARTS, DELIVERED TO FIRST RE CEIVERS IN POOL TRUCKLOT AND TRUCKLOT QUANTITIES, CENTS PER POUND. ITEM CURRENT NE GOTIATED TRADING BREAST - B/S 120-125 TENDERLOINS 100-105 BREAST - WITH RIBS 60-61 BREAST - LINE RUN 60 LEGS 31-32 LEG QUAR TERS (BULK) 17-18 DRUMSTICKS 21-22 THIGHS 20-21 B/S THIGHS 62-63 WINGS (WHOLE) 42-43 BACKS AND NECKS (STRIPPED) 10-12 lIVERS (5 POUND TUBS) 30-35 GIZZARDS (HEARTS) 60-65 Northeast Broiler Fryer Parts Part II ATLANTA, GA. December 11, 2002 Report Supplied By USDA ICE PACKED BROILER/FRYER PARTS, DELIVERED TO FIRST RE CEIVERS IN POOL TRUCKLOT AND TRUCKLOT QUANTITIES, CENTS PER POUND CURRENT NEGOTIAT ED WTD VOLUME ITEM TRADING AVG /LBS BREAST - B/S 120-125 124.74 553,160 TENDERLOINS 100-105 103.99 105,400 BREAST - WITH RIBS 60-61 67.69 191,120 BREAST - LINE RUN 60 61.12 82,400 LEGS 31-32 29 32 205,120 LEG QUARTERS (BULK) 17-18 18.67 392,305 DRUMSTICKS 21-22 25 27 129,020 THIGHS 20-21 29.53 50,480 B/S THIGHS 62-63 66.82 82,460 WINGS (WHOLE) 41-42 47.10 167,787 BACKS AND NECKS (STRIPPED) 10-12 1182 48,280 LIVERS (5 POUND TUBS) 30-35 30.70 19,160 GIZZARDS (HEARTS) 60-65 64 06 17,920 INCLUDES NFW YORK CITY MET ROPOLITAN AREA, NORTHERN NEW JERSEY, MASSACHUSETTS. CONNECTICUT, RHODE ISI AND, AND PENNSYLVANIA (NORTHEAST OF HARRISBURG) Virginia Broilers And Fryers Harrisonburg, Va. December 10,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Movement of ready-to-cook whole birds was moderate and clearing the market at a reasonable rate Demand was moderate with buyer interest and trading Live sup plies was moderate for the market being reported with an estimated slaughter of 1,353,000 compared to 1,187,00 last Tues day. Weights were desirable Processing schedules were moderate. Negotiated FOB dock prices, 2 pounds and heavier ice-packed broilers and fryers, trucklot sales ot US Grade A or equivalent were steady at 43 -60 per pound, less than trucklot sales 49 -66 per pound Compact Hi-Rise / Windrow Composter Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 14, 2002-A5 Compost National Canner Fowl Market Atlanta, Ga. December 6,2002 Report Supplied By USDA NATIONAL CANNER FOWI MAR KET Majority of prices were generally unchanged on both light and heavy tan ners when compared to a week earlier Demand was fair to good with very limited trading Supplies and offerings were in close balance to tight and well cleared The undertone was at least steady to fully steady Cents per pound, current negotiations with out freight cost. lIGHT CANNER HENS. Line run without necks' 20.5-25, majority 21.5-22.5. HEAVY CANNER HENS: Without necks 30-36, ma)onty 31-33 Cents per pound, current negotiations freight cost included: LIGHT CANNER HENS: Line run without necks 21 5-26.5. majority 23.75-24.5. HEAVY CANNER HENS' Without necks: 32-38, majority 33-34 Delmarva Broiler/Fryer ATLANTA, GA. December 11, 2002 Report Supplied By USDA Movement of ready-to-cook whole birds was slow to fair and typical of normal mid-week activity. Seller offerings were adequate and generally well balanced on the 3.0 pound size, adequate to fully ade quate on the 3.5, and adequate to ample on the 2 5 and 4.0 pound sizes Live sup plies were moderate, weights were mostly desirable to heavy Processor schedules were moderate to moderately heavy I ess than trucklot asking prices were un changed at 51 to 63 cents. Trade senti ment was steady to fully steady. All parts were at least adequate. Bone-m breasts in creased m availability and were slow to clear. ESTIMATED SI AUGHTER OF BROII ER/FRYFRS IN DEI MARV A (000) ESTIMATED ACTUAI AVO WEIGHT ACTUAI AVG WEIGHT 12/11 12/09 12/09 12/04 12/02 2,340 1,969 5.17 2,095 5 20 BROILFR/FRYFR CURRENT NE GOTIATED PRICES FOR IMMEDI ATE DELIVERY INCI UDFS MOSTLY MULTIPI E-DROP SHIPMENTS OF BRANDED AND WING TAGGED TO NEW YORK CITY FROM DELMARVA BRANDED U S GRADE A RANGE 45-64 WEIGHTED AVERAGE 54 00 NO OF BOXES 7,586
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