Lancaster County Livestock Market Auctions New Holland Livestock Auction New Holland, Pa. Report Supplied By USDA Monday, December 9,2002 Monday hogs 750, last week 483, last year 1209. Monday goals 2000. Hogs; barrows and gills 3.00-4.00 higher. Supply included a large percentage or 280-350 lb. barrows and gills, sows .50-1.00 lower, boars .50-.75 lower. Barrows and gilts: 49-54 percent lean 225-270 lbs. 33.75-35.25. five head 35.50-36.75, 45-50 percent lean 220-270 lbs. 32.25-33.00, 270-310 lbs. 29.50-32.50, 40-45 percent lean 270-325 lbs. 27.75-30.50, 330-360 lbs. 25.50-27.00. Sows: 1-3 360-450 lbs. 21.25-24.00, 450-6(81 lbs. 24.00-27.25,600-650 lbs. 27.75-28.25. Boars: 300-650 lbs. 6.50-7.25, few 220-270 lbs. 20.00-24.50, Goals; compared to last week, kids and yearlings firm to 5.00 higher. Nannies and billi es mostly steady. Kids select 1 20-40 lbs. 48.00- 40-70 lbs. 60.00-70.00, selection 2 30-40 lbs. 30.00-50.00, 40-70 lbs. 50.00-60.00. selection 3 20-40 lbs. 18.00-40.00; yearlings se lection 1 50-80 lbs. 56.00-74.00, 80-110 lbs. 69.00- selection 2 50-80 lbs. 46.00-68.00, selection 3 35-60 lbs. 32.00-48.00; does and nannies selection 1 70-100 lbs. 67.00-92.00, se lection 2 60-100 lbs. 40.00-65.00, selection 3 35-60 lbs. 34.00-55.00, wethers 80-100 lbs. 70.00- couple 120-140 lbs. 82.00-102.00, bucks and billies selection 1 70-100 lbs. 67.00- 100-150 lbs. 100.00-125.00, 150-250 lbs. 126.00-177.00, selection 2 60-100 lbs. 48.00- 100-150 lbs. 75.00-92.00, 150-250 lbs. 98.(81-150.00. selection 3 70-100 lbs. 100.00- Vintage Livestock Auction Vintage, Pa. December 9-10,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Cattle C alves Sheep Goats THIS WEEK 1186 938 1 1 LAST WEEK 674 973 5 0 lASI YEAR 1048 CAFT! E Compared to Thursday, slaughter steers sold firm to 1 00 higher 1 he supply over the two da> run was very mixed, although most of the stock was sen well finished Buyers con tinue to sh\ awav from the over-finished steers although, as the number of Grade 4‘s seems to be increasing The direct yards out West moved their steers at mostly 74 00 late last week, also, live cattle futures at the ( MF arc back above 78 00 after ending last week on a lower note Holstein steers sold mostly steads, with a light test of slaugh ter heifers trending steady to firm Slaughter cows sold w'eak to I 00 lower in mixed trading After trending sharply 1ow r er to begin the large run, as over 400 head were on the market Tuesday prices KIRKWOOD HAY AUCTION Hay, Straw and Grain Auction EVERY TUESDAY 10:00 Located Rt 472 5 miles south of Quarryville or 6 miles north of Oxford corner of Rt 472 and Noble Road George Gibney, Auctioneer AU 002534 F No out of state checks gamed some strength back after the skittish start to trend only slightly lower Most of the decrease in bids was noted on the fleshier supply Slaugh ter bulls sold with a lower undertone The supply included 26 percent steers, 4 percent heifers 41 percent cows, 2 percent bulls, with the balance feeders SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prime 2-4 1205-1465 lbs 74 25-78 00 Choice 2-3 1200-1456 lbs 72 00-75 00, mostly 73 75-75 00 on Tuesday, high dressing C harolais-X and I imou sm 76 50-80 00 Select and low Choice 2-3 1200-1495 lbs 67 75-71 25, mostly 71 25-73 00 on Tuesday, several full 69 50-70 10 Select 1-3 1080-1500 lbs 68 75-72 75 HOLSTEIN STEERS Few High Choice and Prime 2-3 1260-1550 lbs 59 25-63 25 Choice 2-3 1450-1555 lbs 56 00-59 50, heavy 1615-1655 lbs 51 00-53 00 Select 1-2 1380-1580 lbs 53 50-55 00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Couple Prime 2-3 1190-1270 lbs 72 75-75 50 Choice 2-3 1165-1425 lbs 69 25-72 25 Select 1-3 1125-1255 lbs 65 50-66 25 SLAUGHTER COWS PERCENT LEAN WEIGHT BULK lOW DRESSING Breakers 75-80 Over 1400 lbs 38 00-44 25 34 25-36 25 Boners 80-85 Over 1200 lbs 35 00-38 00 32 75-35 25 Lean (Hi-Yield) 85-88 Over 1200 lbs 33 75-36 50 31 75-34 00 Lean 88-90 Over 1000 lbs 31 00-34 25 27 50-31 25 Lean (Light-Wt) 85-90 750-1000 lbs 26 75-29 75 24 50-27 00 SLAUGHTER BULLS Yield grade 1 1375-1965 lbs 46 00-51 00. very fancy individual 65 00 Yield grade 2 1140-1680 lbs 40 25-45 75. few up to 48 00 CALVES Compared to last Tuesday, veal calves sold steady to 5 00 lower Holstein bulls suitable for special-fed veal barns sold with a higher undertone as very good de mand continues to carry the market Holstein heifers sold about steady on the light test The supply included 742 in the state graded sale, with around 84 percent of the graded supply re turning to feed VEALERS Standard and Good 75-110 lbs 20 00-32 00 Utility 55-100 lbs 15 00- 25 00, weaker 11 00-15 00 RETURNED TO FARM Graded Number One Holstein Bulls couple packages 122-123 lbs 10000-122 00, 100-115 lbs 135 00-149 00. couple lots 95 lbs 115 00-117 00, package 90 lbs 80 00, few 107 00, package 85 lbs 85 00, package 80 lbs 92 00 Graded Number Two Holstein bulls 95-120 lbs 92 00-129 00, package 94 lbs 87 00, package 94 lbs 107 00, couple packages 90 lbs 55 00-68 00, three packages 83 lbs 50 00 Holstein bulls sold individually 130-150 lbs 60 00-95 00 Graded Number One Holstein Heifers 95-115 lbs 360 00-415 00, package 83 lbs 222 00 Graded Number Two Holstein Heifers package 95-105 lbs 300 00-320 00, 83-84 lbs 130 00, package 71 lbs 120 00 s! W. Some markets not available due to the severe weather! B & R CATTLE CO RD 1, Marietta PA 17547 Office Phone. 717*653*8164 Specializing in Stockers & Feeders JOHN BOWMAN 717*653*5728 RON RANCK 717*656*9849 Top Reasons to Choose Chore-Time H y - jQ: Berks, Cumberland, Dauphin, Juniata, Lancaster, Lebanoi Mifflin, Northumberland, Perry, Schuylkill, Snyder, Union &' Other Contracts available call for information ■ Organic/Natural Egg* ■ Turkeys ■ Hogs ■ Pull 'New or Converted Houses |h Capacity 40* roof (left) laws more storage and ays cloanot than inventions! 30* roof (right) fdroShleld® Weather, ■ard prevents water im tunning down hopper jl Replacement Fluorescent U Tubes, 5,7,9.13 Watts W $2.50 ea, case of 50 $1.98 ea S Complete Units, Call for Prices ® I Ukl Dnlka Northeast Agn Systems Inc «(& il H t ! t' y 0 w °^?r eSS Delmarva Store _ BSESBS3SS P 305 Diversity Ave M L,t,t z PA 17543 Federalsburg MD Ph (717) 569 2702 1-800-735-6361 www.neagrl.comS ACCESS PLUS® permits usy dun out of tho bln from tho ground. HAY, STRAW & CORN - SALE - 2pfl Sale Starts TmMjr Every Friday At 10 AM c ' GREEN DRAGON MARKET & AUCTION 955 N. State St. Ephrata, Pa. (717) 738-1117 1 mile North of Ephrata on N. State St. Out of State Buyers -Cash or Certified Checks Only New Broiler Houses needed in the following counties. Visit our web site VT y - r- - . im - Weather, Info, Links, Specials i 25 to 100 Watt Brass Base, __ . -<>sooo Mrs 35 0 63. Master Distributor Authorized Market At A Glance Lancaster County Livestock Auction Averages (Price Per Hundredweight) Week Ending Friday, December 13,2002 Supplied By Market Staff This Wk Wk Ago Yr Ago Steers, Choice 2-3 73.00 73.35 66.25 Hetfers, Choice 2-3, few Prime 69.50 71.75 65.50 Cows, Breakers, 75-80% lean 40.00 41.00 42.25 Cows, Boners, 80-85% lean 36.50 36.75 39.25 Bulls, YG 1, ltd. 49 50 5100 55.75 Hogs, 49-54% lean, Monday 34.50 30 15 32.35 Lambs, Choice/Prime 80-110 lb. 108.00 115.00 75.00 New Holland Livestock Auction New Holland, Pa. Thursday, December 12, 2002 Report Supplied By USDA Cattle Calves Sheep Goats THURSDAY 1473 674 274 425 LAST WEEK 954 317 263 101 LAST YEAR 1392 CATTLE Compared to Tuesday, slaughter steers sold fully 1 00 lower, vs ith the fancier high Choice and Prime stock as much as 2 00 lower The only grade that was firmer was the early Se lect steers, and even they tapered off after buyers adjusted their sights There never seemed to be any fire under Thursday's run, as buyers were not very willing to compete over the noticeable increase in Yield Grade 4‘s If the steers weren't over-finished, they were sent to town to soon, and therefore sold at Select prices Even though there is less support coming from the futures contracts this winter, with February closing down another 57 points on Thursday at 77.35, there still is no need to rush them to town earlv, as it was apparent buyers are back to looking for the good ones There was the usual reputation lots on hand, although even they failed to meet Tuesday's active trade Holstein steers sold steady to .50 higher, with most of the increase coming in the high Choice and Prime category There was a fairly good Holstem supply on offer, although they had to be pretty nice to bring above 60 00, as buyers were quick to discount on weights and finish There were not enough fed Monday Market We are selling fat cattle and butcher cows Monday, 10 am Private Treaty Lancaster Stockyards 717-394-7915 FALL Heater Specials Call For Prices POULTRY LITT! V<! TREATMENT pS. 50 LB. Bag *l' Tmtmtni Covers 1,000 Sf Case of 1 [32.51 198; heifers on hand Thursday to test the market, al though a lower undertone was noted Slaughter cows sold steady to 1 00 higher on a very good run Buyer attendance was very good for the large run Steady cow carcass cutout values have neither added fuel or water to the fire this week, with the deciding price factor much of the week just boiling down to buyer participation Slaugh ter bulls sold firm to 3 00 higher on a run that included nearly 100 head The supply included 39 percent steers, 5 percent heifers, 37 percent cows, 7 percent bulls, with the balance feeders SLAUGHTER STEERS. High Choice and Prime 2-4 1185-1465 lbs 73 25-76 25, full 70 75-73 25 Choice 2-3 1155-1475 lbs 7100-7400, Yield Grade 4 69 75-71 35, Yield Grade 5 66 10-68 50, few high dressing 74 50-75 75 heavy 1500-1610 lbs 64.00-69 00, couple Holstein X-breds 66 75-67 75 Select and low Choice 2-3 1020-1475 lbs 69 75-72 75, early up to 73 75 Select 1-2 1115-1420 lbs 68 25- 70 75, heavy 1520-1655 lbs 61 00-64 75 Standard 1-2 1170-1455 lbs 65 00- 67 50 HOLSTEIN STEERS High Choice and Prime 2-3 1335-1525 lbs 59 50-63 85, full 55 25, few heavy 1665 lbs 54 00 Choice 2-3 1280-1555 lbs 54 50-59 25. heavy 1600-1660 lbs 54 10-55 50 QUALITY FEEDER CATTLE Financing Available * Fixed Interest Rates • interest Due when Cattle Are Sold * No Monthly Payments SCARFF BROS. INC. Cattle Dealers • Licensed & Bonded 2300 Fallston Road • Fallston MD 21047 Lance N. Scarff Farm (410) 877-0370 Fax (410) 877-7802 (410) 459-4865 ■ Contract Feeding Programs ■ Marketing of Finished Cattle > Dairy Heifers I Incorporated | " G G T 3 Your Source for Quality Cattle Licensed and Bonded Cattle Brokers Inside Pennsylvania: 717-626-3113 FAX: 717-626-1260 Toll-Free Outside of PA: 1-800-485-2233 ip I— - . £ Competitive Prices Paid For • MARKET HOGS • BOARS • SO^S miv * cull GOOD'S LIVESTOCK. INC. Monday: 6:30 -10:30 A.M. Wednesday: 6:30 -10:30 A.M. Friday: 6:30 -10:30 A.M. IfcfliiF Route 897 • 1 Mile North of Fivepointville, Denver, Pa (717) 445-5776 * Fax (717) 445-6963 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Couple High Choice and Prime 2-3 1120-1180 lbs 71 2S-72 75 Few Choice 2-3 1180-1360 lbs 67 00-69 25, icld Grade 5 6150-63 50 Few low Select 1-2 1000-1300 lbs 65 85-67 25 Heiferettes Few Commercial 2-4 1405- 1420 lbs 46 50 SLAUGHTER COWS PERCENT LEAN WEIGHT BULK LOW DRESSING Breakers 75-80 Over 1400 lbs 37 75-42 00 34 50-37 75 Boners 80-85 Over 1200 lbs 36 00-39 75 33 00-36 50 Lean (Hi-Yield) 85-88 Over 1200 lbs 33.25-36 00 31 00-33 50 Lean 88-90 Over 1000 lbs 3100-34 25 27 00-3100 Lean (Light-Wt) 85-90 750-1000 lbs 26 75-30 75 23 00-27 00 SLAUGHTER BULLS. Yield Grade I 1085-2070 lbs 45 00-54 50, high dressing 55 GO -58 50 with a 2355 lb individual 52 25 Yield Grade 2 1030-2195 lbs 4150- 47 50, few low dressing 35 50-38 50 Bullocks Couple Select 1-2 1250-1320 lbs 56 50-59 50 CALVES Compared to Monday, veal calves sold with a higher undertone Holstein bull calves returning to the farm sold sharply higher m very active bidding. Buyers made it clear from the beginning of the graded sale that they needed calves, and that they were willing to pay up to procure them. This philosophy held true for the entirety of the graded sale as several of the pens of Number 2‘s outsold the Number l‘s Holstein heifers also sold sharply higher as pnees are once again above 500.00 for the really fancy ones The supply included 373 head in the Pennsylvania Farm Show 2003 C. Howard Scarff, II Home (717) 445-4355 Fax (717) 445-7237 Mobile (410) 459-4864 (Turn to Page A 39) W. Conly Scarff Home (410) 838-5883 Mobile (410) 790-2650 HERD DISPERSALS
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