DlO-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 9, 2002 BUY, SELL, TRADE OR RENT THROUGH THE CLASSIFIED ADS IN Lancaster Farming PHONE 717-626-1164 OR 717-394-3047 FAX 717-733-6058 Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. 8 AM ID'S PM Thurs. 7 AM to 5 PM SILOS AND UNLOADERS POURED CONCRETE SILOS The silo of CHOICE TO PROTECT YOUR VALUABLE FEEDS! Call us Now to order your next Used Harvestore 8 For Haylage, Corniage, or Hi-Moisture Corn. Alt structures include New Rebuild Kits, and NEW or Completely Rebuilt Unloaders - All Guaranteed. ★New Lancaster Oiler For Goliath inventory In Stock! 1-20x70 1-20x60 1-62x23 Slurry 1-101x28 Slurry New Stainless Steel Roofs Check with us - You’ll be glad you did! “Used HarvestoreS * is our Business Since 1975” Storage, Inc ircreek, Ohio 0-852-4088 Business 27 Years! 1-20x80-30” wide Uni, 1-20x90-30" Alliance 1-25' Alliance 1-31x90 Sollenberger Silos Corp. CONCRETE STRUCTURES SINCE 1908 - And Still Growing CORPORATE OFFICES: 2294 Molly Pitcher H’way Chambersburg, PA 17201 1(800) 909-6909 www.sollenbergersiios.com Visa & Mastercard Welcome s s J-STAR, VANDALE, SILO MATIC, LAIDIG, LITTLE DAVID, FLYING DUTCHMAN, VAL METAL, MANURE STORAGE - FEED BUNK - BUNKER SILOS ★ STAR SILOS EASTERN DIVISION; Ask about our Service ana Silo Repair Work AT MYERSTOWN: 1(800) 431 -7709 r 1 v _ Keystone > 477 Ent Farmemiiie Rd. / \ CONCIimf New Holland, PA 17557 " {717)888-2361 Bunker Silos Precast T-Wall Concrete Bunker Silos or Commodity Buildings built to suit your needs. Bunkers available in 8 Ft. or 12 Ft. High New Concrete Stave Silos and Silo Service Checkered Tops Available In Choice of Colors S&S Silo Home Of The Checkered Top Silo Available For Immediate Delivery and Erection 3114 Compass Rd. Honeybrook, PA 19344 610-273-3993 »s MAY-CO PLASTIC SILO LINERS To have mold free haylage, corn silage and hi-moisture grains. Install a May-Co Liner in silos with or without unloaders. Easy to install Special system for grass silage if requested. MAY-CO SUPPLY CO., INC. 551 Cobblestone Lane, Lancaster PA 17601 Shop - (717) 399-8232 P^^fSluanlum MAGNUM n Call Lapp’s Barn Equip. For ALL Your Silo Unloader Needs LAPP’S BARN EQUIPMENT, INC. 5935 Old Philadelphia Pike, (PA Rt. 340) Gap. PA 17527 PHONE: 717-442-8134 A WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL Trucks Call or Write MANUFACTURING and ERECTING CONCRETE STAVE. SILOS FOR OVER 30 YEARS (1) 16X60 (1) 18X50 (1) 18X60 (1)20X70 Thinking New Silo For 2003? Order Before Price Increase FOR SILOS CALL 717-656-8G36 2442 Creek Hill Rd., Lancaster, PA 17601 VAN DALE' Look for our used equipment ad next week.
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