Al4-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Kutztown Produce Auction Kutztown, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Oct. 29,31, Nov. 2,2002 APPLES; 2.50-7.50 Vi BU., 5.00-7.50 BU. BROCCOLI: 4.50-6.00 Vi BU., .35 EA. BRUSSEL SPROUTS: 1.00-1.30 STEM. CABBAGE: .40-.55 EA. CAULIFLOWER: .25-1.00 EACH. CIDER: 1.50-2.00 GAL. CUCUMBERS: 4.00 Vi BU. EGGPLANT: 1.25-3.00 Vi BU. EGGS: .35-1.05 DOZ. GARLIC: 1.20-1.25. ONIONS: RED 1.10-3.00 10 LBS.; YELLOW 1.10-2.00 20 LBS., 6.00 50 LBS.; SPANISH 3.25 20 LBS. PEARS: 6.50 Vi BU. PEPPERS: GREEN SM. TO LRGE .50-3.00 Vi BU., 4.00-9.00 BU.; RED 3.50- Vi BU.; HOT 1.00-3.00 Vi BU., .85-1.00 BUNCH. POTATOES: RED AND WHITE 2.50- 50 LBS., .50-.55 10 LBS.; SWEET 3.00-6.00 Vi BU. QUINCE: 5.00-6.50 Vi BU. RADISHES: WINTER 3.00-8.50 Vi BU. RED BEETS: 3.00-7.50 'A BU. SPINACH: 4.50-7.00 V 4 BU. SQUASH: .50-1.50 'A BU., 1.75-5.00 BU. TOMATOES: 3.00-9.00. TURNIPS: 2.00-7.00 /i BU. FLOWERS: MUMS .25-1.10; DRIED FLOWER BOUQUETS 1.00-1.50. ORNAMENTALS: PUMPKINS SM. TO LRGE. .04-2.00,5.00-15.00 BIN. OPEN UNTIL DEC. 19,9 A.M. TUES. AND THURS. CHRISTMAS TREEES, WREATHES, ETC. HAY AND STRAW EVERY SAT., 9 A.M. Finger Lakes Produce Auction Penn Yan, New York Report Supplied by Auction October 30,2002 ACORN SQUASH: .10-.30. APPLES: 2.75-3.75 8 QTS. BUTTERCUPS: .40-.65. BUTTERNUTS: .20-.25. CABBAGE: .10-.30. CAULIFLOWER: .10-.30. PEPPERS: 1.50-4.50 8 QT. TOMATOES: 3.00-12.00 25 LBS. PRODUCE AUCTION FRL, 9:30 A.M. HAY AUCTION TUES.-FRI., 11 A.M. Smile...weVe got you covered! One-stop shopping Jot your Farm Insurance Program •“Horse Farms • Boarding • Care Custody & Control • Riding Instructions • Carriage & Buggy Rides jl 20 minutes rfiilih Irom Lancaster A r Fleetwood, PA Daker Toll Free insurance Services, Im. __ _ ~ _ _ 888*647*2276 pbaker 15@j Growing 10ttb you* November 9, 2002 Leola Produce Leola, Pa Report Supplied by Auction November 5,2002 APPLES: 2.00-6.00 BOX. BROCCOLI: .70-1.25 HEAD, 4.00-6.00 BOX. BRUSSEL SPROUTS: 4.00-6,00 10 CT. CABBAGE: RED .50-.70, GREEN .80-1.00 HEAD; CHINESE .50-.60 HEAD. CAULIFLOWER: .40-1.50 HEAD. LEEKS: 8.00-11.00 9 CT. PEARS; 6.00-8.25 Vi BU. PEPPERS: GREEN SM. TO LRGE. 4.00-6.00 BU. POTATOES: WHITE 6.00-8.00 50 LBS.; SWEET 5.00-7.00 Vi BU. PUMPKINS: NECK 1.00-1.50 EACH. RADISHES: WHITE 6.00-8.00 BAG. RED BEETS; 5.00-7.00 12 CT. BOX. SQUASH: ACORN 2.00-4.00 BOX. TOMATOES: RED SM. TO LRGE. 15.00-40.00 25 LBS.; GRAPE 8.00-10.00 FLAT. TURNIPS: 8.00-10.00 BAG. SALE DAYS TUES. AND THURS., 9 A.M. Shippensburg Produce Auction Shippensburg, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Nov. 5,2002 APPLES: 4.00-6.00 Vi BU. CABBAGE: 5.00-7.00 50 LBS. CAULIFLOWER: .55-750 EACH. PEARS; 4.75 <A BU. POTA TOES: 7.00-9.00, 3.00-7.00 IN- CLASSIFIED 50 LBS. PUMP KINS: NECK .50-.75 EACH. TOMA TOES: 8.00-13.00 25 LBS. TURNIPS: 2.50-6.00 BU. NEXT WEEK’S SALE TUBS. ONLY, 9 A.M. • Shows & Clinics • Dairy Farms Residence • Bams • Farm Machinery • Hay & Grain • Crop Insurance Weaverland Produce Auction New Holland, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction November 5,2002 APPLES: 4.00-11.00 Vi BU. BROCCOLI: .45-.75. CABBAGE: RED .55, GREEN .SO-.75 HEAD. CAULIFLOWER; .SS-.75 HEAD. CIDER: 2.25 GAL., 1.25 Vi GAL. PEPPERS: GREEN LARGE 1.50 Vi BU. POTATOES: RED 6.00, WHITE 7.00, BOTH 50 LBS.; SWEET 3.00-6.00 Vi BU. PUMPKINS; NECK .65-1.60. SQUASH: ACORN 4.00, BUTTER NUT 4.50, SPAGHETTI 4.00, ALL BU. TOMATOES: RED SM. TO LRGE. 13.00-40.50 25 LBS. TURNIPS; 5.50-7.00 25 LBS. FLOWRS: MUMS .IS-.35. SALE DAYS NEXT WEEK TUBS. AND THURS., 9 A.M. SPECIAL CRAFT SALE SAT., NOV. 16,8:30 A.M. Buffalo Valley Produce Mifflinburg, Pa Report Supplied by Auction November 5,2002 APPLES; 4.00 Vi BU. BROCCOLI: .75 HEAD. CABBAGE: GREEN .50 HD. CAULIFLOWER: 1.00 HEAD. CIDER: 1.50 Vi GAL. PEARS: 8.00 BU. It’s Time To Lime! The Stoltzfus Wet Lime Spreader is likely the most powerful spreader of its kind on the market today. You see, we’ve been building them.since 1945, and farmers are still using Stoltzfus Wet Lime Spreaders they’ve had for 20, even 30 years. Our special drag chain is 4 times stronger than stainless steel, and handles frozen and heavy stockpiled lime with ease. Plus for spreading compost, composted sludge, poultry litter and certain fertilizers, the WLS is without equal for sheer volume spreading. We call that performance. You’ll call it terrific. • Two-ton, five-ton, eight-ton models • PTO, 540 rpm or 1,000 rpm • Two-speed conveyor chain • Leaf spring suspension • Dual 24 " spinners • Spreads 40 ’ effectively • One-sided spreading capability • Truck-mounted models available PEPPERS: GREEN AND RED SM. TO LRGE 5.00 Vi BU.; HOT 1.00 Vi BU. POTATOES; 7.50, WHITE 8.00, BOTH 50 LBS.; SWEET 5.00 Vi BU. RED BEETS: 3.00 Vi BU. SQUASH: ACORN AND BUTTER NUT 4.00 BU. TOMATOES: 5.00-18.00 BOX. SALE DAYS IN NOV.: TUESDAYS, 10 A.M. CHRISTMAS TREE AUCTION LARGEST IN THE NATION NOV. 25, NOON; NOV. 26,9 A.M. DAIRY PRODUCTS PRICES HIGH LIGHTS: CHEDDAR CHEESE prices received for US 40 pound Blocks averaged $1.25 per pound for the week ending October 26. The price per pound decreased 2.6 cents from the previous week. The price for US 500 pound Barrels adjusted to 38 1-800-843-8731 STOLTZFUS Morgan Way, P.O. Box 527, Morgantown, PA 19543 Dairy Products Prices Highlights Washington, D. C. November 1,2002 Report Supplied By NASS/USDA We hope you compare a Stoltzfus WLS with other spreaders. It makes us look even better. Price? Sure we may be a little more. But when you end up replacing cheaper units in a few short years, what have you saved? Stoltzfus quality always pays for itself many times over. Just how tough is a Stoltzfus WLS? Plenty tough, Call today. We’ll tell you where to find the dealer nearest you, and send you free literature to inspect. percent moisture averaged $1.13 per pound, down 2.3 cents from the previous week. BUTTER prices received for 25 kilo- gram and 68 pound boxes meeting USDA Grade AA standards averaged $1.03 per pound for the week ending October 26. The U.S. price per pound increased 2.2 cents from the previous week. NONFAT DRY MILK prices received for bag, tote and tanker sales meeting USDA Extra Grade or USPH Grade A standards averaged 91.5 cents per pound for the week ending October 26. The U.S. price per pound decreased 0.4 cents from the previous week. DRY WHEY prices received for bag, tote and tanker sales meeting USDA Extra Grade standards averaged 22.0 cents per pound for the week ending Oc tober 26. The U.S. price per pound in creased 0.7 cents from the previous week.
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