North Atlantic Eggs Atlanta, Georgia Report Supplied by USDA October 31,2002 In Philadelphia, prices were unchanged to 2 cents higher on all sizes. In Boston, prices were unchanged to 2 cents higher on the heavier weight eggs and un changed to 3 cents higher on mediums. In New England, prices were unchanged on jumbos but increased by 2 cents on the balance of sizes. The market tone was hilly steady to mostly firm. Demand into all outlets ranged moderate to good. Sup plies were adequate to occasionally close for trade needs. Breaking stock offerings were about adequate to adequate for the moderate to instances good demand. Spent hen offerings were at least adequate to fully adequate for slaughter schedules. PHILADELPHIA: PRICES TO RE TAILERS, SALES TO VOLUME BUY ERS, USDA GRADE A AND GRADE A, WHITE EGGS IN CARTONS, DE LIVERED STORE DOOR, CENTS PER DOZEN. RANGE: EXTRA LARGE .67.5-.86, LARGE .66.5.-84, MEDIUM •52.5-.71 BOSTON: PRICES TO RETAILERS, SALES TO VOLUME BUYERS, USDA GRADE A AND GRADE A, BROWN EGGS IN CARTONS, DELIVERED STORE DOOR, CENTS PER DOZEN. RANGE: EXTRA LARGE 1.08-1.15, LARGE .98-1.06, MEDIUM .66-74 NEW ENGLAND: PRICES PAID TO PRODUCERS. CASES EXCHANGED, GRADE YIELD BASIS, BROWN EGGS LOOSE, AT FARM, CENTS PER DOZEN. RANGE: JUMBO 1.22-1.25, EXTRA LARGE .96-.99, LARGE .87-.90, MEDIUM .SS-.58, SMALL .25-28 * HABDVWtWDS ** 2240 Shermans Valley Road, P.O. BOX 64 ELLIOTTSBURG, PA 17024 (717) 582-4122 Fax: (717) 582-7438 email: Manufacturers of Northern Appalachian Hardwoods “WANTED” Timber orTimberland We pay cash before cutting Manufacturer of Quality Kiln-Dried Lumber Woodland Management Buyer of Standing Timbers FREE Appraisal with NO Obligations, NO Brokerage Fee, NO Hidden Cost “MULCH FOR SALE” Two basic grades to choose from. 3 colors to choose from Red, Black, Brown Need Extra Farm Income? Swine Finishing Contracts Available We Offer • Qualified Service Personnel • Sound Genetic Program • Building Management/Environmental Monitoring • Facility Planning • Technical Support • Monthly Income • Cash Flow Projections • Competitive Contract Payments • Purina Feeding Programs For more information Call 1-800-518-6458 Ext. 292 Purina Mills, LLC. Serving The Need* Of Agriculture Eastern Redon . Whole Young Turkeys De» Moines, lowa October 25,2002 Report Supplied By USDA WHOLE YOUNG TURKEYS, FRO ZEN, Consumer Sizes, Commodity Pack or Equivalent, US Grade A, cents per lb, delivered (minimum of 10,000 lb lots) for Oct. 25: CURRENT SHIPMENTS: Eastern Region: HENS, 8-16 lb FROZEN: Offers 64-71; Sales 65-69, wtd. avg. price 66.33; 120,000 lbs. TOMS, 16-24 lb FROZEN: Offers 54-60; Sales none. FRESH TURKEYS, with timers or equivalent, US Grade A delivered first re ceivers, Eastern Region, cents per lb, week of Oct. 28. HENS (8-16 lb): Sales (Promotions In cluded): 73.73; 79,000 lb; Not Included: 73.73, 79,000 lbs; TOMS (16-24 lb); Sales (Promotions Included): 69.43, 35,000 lbs.; Not Included: 69.43,35,000 lbs. Livestock Cooperative Auction Market Of North Jersey Hackettstown, NJ. Report Supplied by Auction October 29,2002 Hay—Straw—Grain MIXED HAY: 19 LOTS, 1.20-3.40 BALE. TIMOTHY: 3 LOTS, 2.40-2.70 BALE. GRASS: 9 LOTS, 1.80-3.60 BALE. WHEAT STRAW: 3 LOTS, 1.70-2.10 BALE. EAR CORN: 1 LOT AT 1.20. RYE: 2 LOTS, 4.20 AND 4.75. WHEAT: 1 LOT AT 3.90. FIREWOOD; 1 LOT AT 33.00. 39 LOTS TOTAL. Pa. Grain Report October 28,2002 Report Supplied By PDA Compared with last Monday’s market for Eastern and Central Pennsylvania; Com steady to .03 higher. Wheat and Barley steady to .05 higher. Oats steady. Soybeans .05 to .10 higher. EaiCom and New Ear Com mostly steady. Prices paid delivered to dealers dock; all prices per bushel, except Ear Com per ton. SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA CORN No. 2-y, 2.90-3.24, avg. 3.06; contract for harvest 2.63. WHEAT No. 2, 3.98-4.45, avg. 3.22; contract for harvest 3.07-3.34. BARLEY No. 3, 1.85-2.55, avg. 2.25; contract for harvest 1.50. OATS No. 2, 1.90-2.10, avg. 1.96. SOYBEANS 5.81-5.87, avg. 5.71; contract for harvest 5.60. Gr. Sorghum, 2.82. Ear Com 90-94.00, avg. 92.00. New Ear com 74-84.00, avg. 80.66. SOUTH CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CORN No. 2-Y, 2.95-3.20, avg. 3.03; WHEAT No. 2, 3.30-4.20, avg. 3.66; BARLEY No. 3, 1.60-2.00, avg. 1.80; OATS No. 2, 1.40-2.00, avg. 1.76; SOY BEANS No. 1, 5.15-5.87, avg. 5.80. EAR CORN 80-95.00, avg. 86.83. New Ear Com 78-85.00, avg. 80.85. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA CORN No. 2, 2.65-3.25, avg. 2.94; WHEAT No. 2, 3.00-3.40 mostly 3.20-3.25, avg. 3.20; BARLEY No. 3,1.90; OATS No. 2, 1.50-2.00, avg. 1.78; SOY BEANS No. 1, 5.25; EAR CORN 85.00- avg. 85.50. New Ear Com 60.00- avg. 62.00. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA EAR CORN No. 2,3.07-3.35, avg. 3.16; WHEAT No. 2, 2.80-3.20, avg. 3.00; BARLEY No. 3, 1.70-1.90, avg. 1.80; OATS No. 2, 1.75-2.00, avg. 1.82; SOY BEANS, No. 1, 5.20-5.75, avg. 5.47; EAR CORN 85-95.00, avg. 89.00. New Ear Com 80.00. LEHIGH VALLEY CORN No. 2-Y, 3.05-3.25, avg. 3.11; WHEAT No. 2, 4.10-4.33, avg. 4.22; BARLEY, No. 3, 1.70-2.20, ITS FALL , so OUR PRICES! % mmrmmmmi 2,090 PARTS N9COUNTTSD! % * ■ Hershey INC. 255 PLANE TREE DRIVE LANCASTER , PA 17603 kd 800/432-0988 PH jff*7l7/291-1534 FX * Designers of Quality Systems for Poultry and Grain Handling avg. 1.95; OATS No. 2, 1.65-2.00, avg. 1.88; SOYBEANS No. 1, 5.20-5.60, avg. 5.48; Grain Sorghum 3.15-3.25, avg. 3.20; EAR CORN 87-88.00, avg. 87.66: NEW EAR CORN 80-82.00, avg. 87.00. EASTERN AND CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CORN No. 2-y, 2.90-3.35, avg. 3.09; month ago 3.07; year ago 2.21. WHEAT No. 2, 3.20-4.45, avg. 3.91; month ago 3.95; year ago 2.69. BARLEY, No. 3, 1.60-2.20, avg. 1.94; month ago 1.85, year ago 1.52. OATS No. 2, 1.40-2.10, avg. 1.83; month ago 1.83, year ago 1.56. SOY BEANS No. 1,5.15-5.87, avg. 5.56; month ago 5.55; year ago 3.93. EAR CORN 80.00-95.00, avg. 88.26; month ago 86.50; year ago 63.52. New Ear Com 74-85.00, avg. 80.73; month ago 66.75; year ago 55.06. NORTH CENTRAL OHIO (Prices FOB Track): CORN 2.53-2.55; WHEAT 4.03-4.12; OATS 1.70; SOY BEAN MEAL: bulk 44% 166.60-172.00; bulk 48% 177.60-179.00. Daily National Grain Market Summary St Joseph, MO October 30,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Wheat bids were mostly lower as slow export interest and some technical correc tions added pressure. Com bids weakened due to disappointing export sales. How ever, wet harvest weather and continued strength in soybean bids, limited declines in com. South American weather con cerns and harvest delays kept soybean bids moving upward. Wheat 1 to 2 cents lower with St. Louis up to 14 cents lower and Portland 4 to 7 cents higher. Com steady to 3 cents lower. Sorghum 5 to 6 cents lower. Soybeans mostly steady to 4 cents higher. EXPORT SALES: PURCHASER COMMODITY TONNAGE DELIVERY DATE South Korea 11.5 pet Hard Red Winter Wheat 4,000 Feb/Mar 14.0 pet Dark No Spring Wheat 7,500 10.5 pet Soft White Wheat 8,500 CCC Com 6,380 Nov WE DECIDED TO DROP 'Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 2, 2002-A7 HIRED HAND 22,000 BTU LP HEATER ONLY $462 HURRY ONLY 8 REMAIN! ALL BIG DUTCHMAN PARTS 36,000 Gas Brooder WAS $150.22 NOW $140.83 WAS $58.51 NOW $54.85 WAS $1.31 NOW $1.23 WAS $10.24 NOW $9.61 WAS $1.31 NOW $1.23 3/16 7 Xl9 SS Cable (FT) WAS $.28 NOWSJ2S Complete Feed Comer 10 Pk of Shear Pins 2 Piece Hold Down Rail Feeder Chain (FT) ALL VAL PARTS Replacement Regulator 18” Rigid Standpipe w/Cap, Ball, Shutoff THESE MAY NOT BE THE ONLY EXPORT SALES THAT HAVE TRAN SPIRED, BUT THEY ARE THE ONLY SALES THAT COULD BE CONFIRM ED TRUCK BIDS: 10/30/02 10/29/02 10/31/01 Wheat: Kansas City (HRW ORD) 4.82 dn 2 3.02-3.04 Minneapolis (DNS) 4.89 Vi dn 1 Vi 3.55 Portland (SWW) 4.65-4.68 up 7-4 3.78-3.79 St. Louis (SRW) 4.15 dn 14 2.86-2.87 Com, US No 2 Yellow: Kansas City 2.49-2.51 dn 3 1.90-1.91 Minneapolis 2.29 unch 1.73 */2 So. lowa 2.37-2.38 dn 2 1.79 '/2-1.85 Omaha 2.37 dn 2-3 1.78-1.80 Soybeans, US No 1 Yellow: Kansas City 5.62-5.66 up 3-4 4.14-4.15 Minneapo lis 5.37 up 1 4.08 Vi So. lowa 5.47-5.49 dn 1-unch 4.10-4.16 Cent. II Processor 5.57-5.69 unch-dn 2 4.15 '/2-4.28 'h Minneapolis truck - to arrive 20 days FUTURES: Kansas City (Dec) Wheat 4.62 dn I Vi 3.01 Vi Minneapolis (Dec) Wheat 4.66 '/< dn 1 Vi 3.15 Chicago (Dec) Wheat 4.06 Vi dn 9 2.93 Vi Chicago (Dec) Com 2.46 dn 3 2.05 '/< Chicago (Nov) Soybeans 5.57 unch 4.28 Vi EXPORT BIDS; Barge bids out of the Port of New Orleans, or Rail out of the North Texas Gulf. Bids per bushel, except sorghum per cwt. US 1 HRW Wheat, Ord Protein: Rail 5.09-5.12 dn 1 Vi 3.50 ‘/i-3.53 Vi US 2 Soft Red Winter Wheat: Barge 4.51 Vi-4.53 Vi dn 11-10 3.28 Vi-3.29 Vi US 2 Yellow Com Barge 2.78-2.78 Vi dn 1 Vi-2 Vi 2.21 Vi-2.22 Vi US 2 Yellow Sorghum Rail 5.11 up 13-dn 5 4.26-4.33 Barge 5.50-5.55 dn 5-6 4.29 US 2 Yellow Soybeans Barge 5.92-5.93 unch-dn 14.55 '/2-4.57 Vi Dewart Hay Dewart, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Monday, October 28,2002 HAY: 20 LOADS, 72.50-170.00. STRAW: 5 LOADS, 70.00-95.00. WOOD: 8 LOADS, 37.50-52.50. CORN: 4 LOADS, 95.00-110.00. OATS; 1 LOAD, 2.90 BU. WAS $42.34 NOW $39.60 WAS $6.03 .VOW $5.65
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