A friend once dubbed our heif paper the n . “Teach A Calf To Read” live \Jtt Mj€lfl(£ Oi stock literacy campaign. Stand _ iHKH , ing /oke is that the newspapers bCLTftI rfttC I l; we toss around for the calves to . Ijr flflrsj^VTir lay in notonly soak up lots of (and other hazards) f» ™ oist f e ’ som6 ‘ 11/ lL\j* thing to read tn bed. T ifno D lir i n lhu/k] Then, that faint noiseagain.; JOyCC Dlipp 'jf Voices? Muted vmurmurihgs seemed to be coming froma back comer of the hgifcr pgq., I looked closer. Two five-mpnth-old heif- What was that noise? chewing cuds. A few were curled ers ’ um and Myrtle, lay cfose Vmmo hcifArc th»ir kalHac f„n up, their heads tucked back near together, chewing their cuds. Or Young heifers, their bellies full napping on the fresh S o it appeared, until I listened from breakfast, lounged around layer of newspaper pages tossed real carefully. their pen in the old bank bam, in not long before. “Well, look at this,” said Plum, LEACOCK fiWBf CENTER AHU 89 Old Leacock Rd., Ronks, PA * 717-768-7174 Brick & Stone www.leacockcoleman.com RSRH Cleaner _ _ Concintraltd formula for all More Hours RSKS your masonry clMmng omCs taachts dwp down to «mul Mon., Tue., Wed. & Thur. - 7am - spm •"* " *»*" *<“ “ r lar and craosota Fri. - 7am - Bpm Sat. 7am -12 pm noon Coleman Camping Products Coleman Gas Grills *> stL Regency Gas and Wood Stoves Hannan Wood, Coal & Pellet Stoves & Fireplaces Jotul Gas and Wood Stoves J \ > »UUCk« Aladdin Lamps and Accessories 7 c»e«{«‘cs k ilt!» 9 / SOFA 8t LOVESEAT" \ y WOODHAVEN \ / ORLE AIYS CANOPY BED~ 2 Colors I I POSTER BED I I —=pt=-j Available in 3 sizes . ' JUSSKV rteg. 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Ret. , $599.95 > Our Price | $389.95 '^'"l CLOSEOUT $ 249 95 ' 3019 Hempland Road, Lancaster 717-397-6241 Stores in; LANCASTER • YORK • CARLISLE • LEBANON STORE HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 9-9 • Sat. 9-6; Sunday 12 to 5 PM •No Refunds For purchases with a check, bring FINANCING »All Sales Final drivers license and phone numbers AVAILABLE • • Cash A Carry Not responsible tor typographical errors We reserve the *ght fo substitute gilt items glancing at the fresh paper under her muzzle. “More farmland is to be preserved. Boy, that always makes me happy to read about.” “Yeah, I guess so,” replied Myrtle. “You guess so?” asked Plum, with a surprised look in her big black eyes. “More land to keep for pasture? More for corn and hay? Hey, you like to eat. I know you do. Look at that haybelly on you.” “Well, thanks for the compli ment!” huffed Myrtle, flipping her white ears front with irrita tion. “Then explain to me why I just read that, while you’re going on about preserving farmland, some of the same places are mak ing rules against big farms. How big is a ‘big’ farm, anyway?” “Search me,” puzzled Plum. “I guess one bigger than ours. Lemme’ see that.” Plum stretched her neck over toward Myrtle, studying the printed sheets under Myrtle’s muzzle. “I think you’re right,” Plum admitted. “Wonder why that is, preserving farmland, then mak ing rules about farms not being able to get bigger. Hey, I want my grandcalves in a couple of years to still be around this part of the country and have enough to eat. And last week I read something about how farmers will have to keep getting bigger to be efficient and stay in business. That they have to do that to compete.” “Yeah, I read that too,” agreed Myrtle. “In fact, I wondered-how many more mouths I was going to have to compete with at the trough.” “See, there you go again,” said June. “Worrying about filling that haybelly.” “Cut that out!,” retorted Myr tle, who stopped chewing her cud long enough to swingiler head in June’s direction. “It’s just that I’ll never be able to be one of those top milk producers if I don’t get plenty to eat. And you and I can’t have plenty to eat if there isn’t enough land to grow my food, or if farmers can’t ex pand to pay things like those taxes I keep reading are going See Duncan Sales & Service l'{iiiiiiv Biljlc Repair licncra i ook Repair Pc I'iodical Binding Llk.rary Binding PuMikltlnij Services Preserving the Dignity of the Book Lancaster Farming, isentative for Mahoning Outdoor Furnaces 'o silk DISCOUNT m George Duncan 1-800-332-6293 Millville, PA 1-507-458-6293 Fall Sale Discount Ends Nov 30, 2002 90 Days Free Interest with Approval Financing Sleeps E follow lsoolil>in<lcr\ tmu's Scliuler C all un lor a list »i quails used liimljs fur salt-! Saturday, November 2, 2002-B3 up, or to bring their kids into the farm business.” “I know,” agreed Plum. “Our farmers aren’t spring chickens anymore, you know. And I don’t know what will happen to our herd family.” “Well, I also read the other day that some places are making those houses they’re building all over have bigger ‘lots’,” Myrtle added. “Lots of what?” “I think ‘lots’ are what they build the houses on,” Plum ex plained. “You know, the area around the houses where they grow grass, even if they don’t have cows.” “Oh,” said Myrtle, brightening. “Pasture. Maybe those bigger ‘lots’ around those houses will grow hay for our grandcalves to eat if there’s less farmland in a couple of years. Or maybe they’ll let them graze those ‘lots’.” “I doubt it,” Plum shook her ears. “You know how upset they get when anybody gets outside the fences here and gets on the grass.” “Well, then, maybe we’ll just have to figure out some way to get our own ‘lots’ to make sure we have enough hay to eat in the future,” proposed Myrtle, rising to her feet to go munch at the hayrack. “Fine, go eat again,” grumbled Plum. “And, while you’re feeding your face, I’m going to look through these papers to see if I can find some of those credit card applications^-that - they thrpw away all the ftme* ff we’re going to buy ‘lots’,so we have enough" to eat we’re going to need a bunch, of them.” “Myrtle, do you think a-foiffif.’ print signature will work wflih those applications?” ; : Easier to Cut To make hard squash (acorn or to cut, pierce the skin and microwave on high for 10 minutes, then cut . and re move seeds and finish bak ing as you wish. Call or See Jl /''*■ MflMjfiS&Hii IvmvPßfl W)0 si t‘t ]»\ I tollo«v Knad 1 iiu/ l*.< I7r> i :t J > ii on c N O 7 1 7-(>2 7-;tC)WO C rn ft n
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers