Lancaster Farmin' Saturday Slurrystore® or earthen pit? Russell Jones has spent a lifetime interested in all aspects of dairy farming (President of the PA Holstein Association 1979-80), so when he and his tenant, Vince Neville, considered a nutrient management system for the farm in Bradford Co., Slurrystore was what they chose. They looked extensively at earthen pits, but the inability to agitate, as well as exces sive rainwater collection and general aesthetics, were not suitable. Positive containment, general appearance, ease of agitation, and the ability to uti lize small amounts of nutrients when needed all contributed to their decision to go Slurrystore. Special thanks to the Bradford Co. NRCS office for their assistance and cooperation on this project Belleville,PA 800-310-9333 i results you may achieve with your Harvestore® System depend primarily upon your management skills and may vary from successful results achieved by others. Any application in a particular farming operation requires advice of qualified experts and is subject to limitations of good management, weather or other conditions the individual location Harvestore is a registered trademark of Engineered Storage Products Co. November 2. 2002 DECISION... O 39 tfc S&1&’ Everett, PA 814-652-2934 Frank Samuel, Jr , Mgr. Russell Jones and Vince Neville PENN JERSEY PRODUCTS t INC. YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT AUTHORIZED HARVESTORE" SYSTEMS DEALER P.O. BOX 7 • NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557«717-354-4051 • EMAIL: pennjers@ptd SERVICE DEPOTS: Berlin, PA 800-434-3308 Joe Simpson, Mgr. Newville, PA 717-776-3397 Maynard McCullough, Mgr. Columbus, NJ 609-298-7136 Charles Van Mater, Mgr. In Maryland 800-354-4052
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers