Leesport Livestock Auction Leesport, Pa. October 24,2002 Report Supplied By PDA CATTLE 235...(PDA)...(5upp1y in cluded 79 steers & heifers, 126 cows, 9 bulls and 21 feeder cattle)...Compared with last week’s sale...steers steady to firm, cows steady, heifers steady to weak, bulls steady. STEERS: one High Choice and Prime 2-3 1435 lbs 68.00, Choice 1-3 1105-1475 lbs 61.50-67.00, Select 1-2 58.25-63.75, couple Standard 1-2 57.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS: Choice 2-3 1270-1515 lbs 51.50-56.25, Select 1-2 47.50- HEIFERS: Choice 2-4 1100-1245 lbs 61.00- couple Select 1-2 55.50 & 61.25, Standard 1-2 45.00-50.00. COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 37.00- Boners 80-85% lean 33.00- Lean 85-90% lean 28.50- Shells 28.00 and down. BULLS: couple Yield Grade 1 1270 & 1575 lbs 46.25 & 50.00, Yield Grade 2 885-1505 lbs 41.00-45.50. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS; one Me dium 2 285 lbs 64.00, one Large 2 555 lbs 67.00, Large 3 Holsteins 572-677 lbs 35.00-41.00; HEIFERS: couple Medium 2 435 & SIS lbs 50.00, few Medium and Large 2 675-715 lbs 34.00-39.50, few Large 3 623 lbs 37.50; BULLS: couple Me dium 1 752 lbs 42.00, one Large 3 Hol stein 400 lbs 44.00. CALVES 168...VEALERS- Standard and Good 70-105 lbs 32.50-55.00, Utility 60-90 lbs 10.00-30.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls 5.00 to 7.00 higher, Hol stein heifers steady...No 1 Holstein bulls 85-125 lbs 85.00-122.50, one to 125.00, No 2 90-130 lbs 70.00-105.00, few Plan your financing early and ...plan to talk to Telmark. Ken Darlington PA,NJ,MD,VA,WV 610-793-0150 >' Mike Dixon Mike Fuilam Brenda Pfleegor Central PA.West MD Central PA Centra! PA l 814-684-5707 570-966-9202 570-568-8440 724-981-1324 717-866-9217 724-627-5941 110 00-112.50, 80-85 lbs 45.00-65.00; one No 1 Holstein heifer 100 lbs 330.00, No 2 70-110 lbs 130.00-270.00. Beef type bulls and heifers 80-160 lbs 80.00-117.50. HOGS 9... Barrows and Gilts; couple 45-50% lean 285 lbs 32.00, one 40-45% lean 198 lbs 28.50. SOWS: couple 1-3 370 & 465 lbs 14.50 & 17.00, one 525 lbs 20.00. FEEDER PIGS 111...1-3 20 lbs 50.00, 30-60 lbs 42.00-47.50 per cwt. SHEEP 9... SLAUGHTER LAMBS: one Choice 60 lbs 132.50, few 105 lbs 60.00-70.00, couple 120 lbs 63.00 & 65.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 32.00-43.00. GOATS 14...(A1l sold by the head with weights estimated). Kids: Selection 2 one 45 lbs 41.00. Yearlings: Selection 1 couple 40 lbs 36.00 & 48.00, one 50 lbs 49.00. Nannies: couple 40 lbs 32.50 & 36.00, one 50 lbs 54.00, couple 70 lbs 35.00 & 46.00, couple 105 & 120 lbs 55.00, Billies: one 120 lbs 40.00. Mercer Livestock Auction Mercer, Pa. October 22,2002 Report Supplied By PDA CATTLE 252...(SUPPL1ED BY THE AUCTlON)..steers strong, cows active, heifers strong to 1.00 higher, bulls steady. STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-3 1190-1530 lbs 64.00-67.75, Choice 2-3 1150-1590 lbs 60.50-64.00, Select 1-2 53 00-59.00, Standard 1-2 40.00-50 00 HOLSTEIN STEERS: Choice 2-3 1260-1650 lbs 54 00-59.00, Select 1-2 45 00-53 00, Standard 1-2 40.00-45.00. HEIFERS: Choice 2-4 1090-1460 lbs 64.00-67.00, Select 1-2 50.00-61.00, Stan dard 1-2 42.00-48.00. t Preserve credit lines i Low upfront costs # Guaranteed “True Tax” or fixed purchase option lease available $ Professional on-site service from your local Telmark representative Sue Beshore PA.NJ MD VA WV 717-932-1715 V “ www telmark com ® 800-451-3322 Andrew McLean Elizabeth Anderson Delmarva Delmarva 410-827-5052 410-651-4128 Joe Polite Northwest PA Lisa Sonnen Doug Snee Northeast PA North NJ Southwest PA WV COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 37.00- Boners 80-85% lean 28.00- Lean 85-90% lean 25.00- Shells 20.00 and down. BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1470-2145 lbs 47.00, Yield Grade 2 1000-1970 lbs 44.00-44.00. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: 330-540 lbs 75.00-83.00, 700-1090 lbs 40.00-55.00, 450-670 lbs 55.00-69.00; HEIFERS: 400-600 lbs 55.00-75.00, 500-800 lbs 47.00- BULLS: 300-500 lbs 70.00- 550-870 lbs 49.00-60.00. CALVES 78...VEALERS: Standard and Good 20.00-35.00, Utility 60-80 lbs 10.00-20.00. FARM CALVES: No 1 Hol stein bulls 90-105 lbs 90.00-110.00, No 2 80-90 lbs 65.00-97.50. HOGS 55...8ARR0WS AND GILTS: 49-54% lean 230-265 lbs 34.00-41.00, 45-50% lean 240-280 lbs 30.00-40.00. SOWS: 1-3 260-440 lbs 18.00-20.00. BOARS: 5.00-7.00. FEEDER PIGS 0...N0 MARKET TEST! SHEEP 0...N0 MARKET TEST! GOATS 0...N0 MARKET TEST! Middleburg Livestock Auction Middleburg, Pa. Tuesday, October 22, 2002 Report Supplied By PDA CATTI.F 339...(PDA)...(5upp1y in cluded 123 steers and heifers, 118 cows, 17 bulls and 20 feeder cattle).. Compared with last week’s sale . steers 2 00 higher, cows unevenly steady, heifers 1 00 to 2.00 higher, bulls 2.00 lower STEERS: Choice 1-3 1100-1490 lbs 62.00- mostly 63.75-67.25, Select 1-2 59.50-64.50, Standard 1-2 50.00-57.75. HOLSTEIN STEERS: Choice 2-3 1150-1590 lbs 51.00-55.75, Select 1-2 46.00- Standard 1-2 40.00-47.00. HEIFERS; Choice 2-4 1100-1445 lbs 62.25- few Select 1-2 58.00-60 75, few Standard 1-2 47.75-55.25. COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 37.00- mostly 37.00-41.50, few low dressing down to 32.00, Boners 80-85 lean 34.25- low dressing down to 30.50, Lean 85-90% lean 25.00-33.75. Shells 24.50 and down. BULLOCKS: Select 1-3 45.25-53.00. BULLS: few Yield Grade 1 1095-1265 lbs 43.00-46.75, Yield Grade 2 1300-2910 lbs 35.00-42.00. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: one Me dium 1 425 lbs 73.00, one I arge 2 780 lbs 55.50, Medium and Large 3 360-475 lbs 40.00- 515-600 lbs 46.50-50.50, 750-790 lbs 47.00-52.00; HEIFERS: Medi um and 1-arge 1 325-360 lbs 60.00-64 00, one 665 lbs 70.00, few 775-905 lbs 43.00- Medium and Large 2 295-305 lbs 40.00-54.50, few 675-695 lbs 46 00, Medium and Large 3 270-395 lbs 30.00- few 685-960 lbs 35.00-44 50; BULLS: few Large 1 450-595 lbs 65.00- few Medium and Large 2 470 lbs 51.00-59.00, Large 3 790-895 lbs Hol steins 44 00-49 00. CAI.VES 224 . VEAI ERS Standard and Good 70-110 lbs 30.00-40 00, Utility 60-85 lbs 10.00-27.00 FARM CAI VFS Holstein bulls 5.00 to 10.00 lower No 1 Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs 85.00-117 00 mostly 90 00-115 00, 80-85 lbs 67.00-85 00, No 2 80-125 lbs 50.00-85 00, weaker calves down to 40 00, No 1 Hol stein heifers 90-115 lbs 375 00-595.00, No 2 70-95 lbs 185 00-345.00 HOGS 100 Barrows and gilts steady to GREENCASTLE LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. Off Exit 5 of 1-81, GREENCASTLE. PA. 17225 (old exit 3) SALES EVERY MONDAY at 2:00 P.M. FEEDER CATTLE SALE Ist Friday Night of Every Month at 7:15 POULTRY. EGGS, RABBITS ft PRODUCE SALE Every Wednesday at 6:30 P.M. Charles “Jim” Metz Jeffrey S. Craig OFF. MGR. OWNER Res. (301) 739-4470 Res. (717) 532-5224 OFFICE - 717-597-2171 Need h mm Extra Farm Income? Swine Finishing ® Contracts Available We Offer • Qualified Service Personnel • Sound Genetic Program • Building Management/Environmental Monitoring • Facility Planning • Technical Support • Monthly Income / • Cash Flow Projections -d -- • Competitive Contract Payments jj\ • Purina Feeding Programs u L For more information Call 1-800-518-6458 Ext. 292 Purina Mills, LLC. Serving The Needs Of Agriculture Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 26, 2002-A9 1.00 lower, sows steady. BARROWS AND GILTS: 49-54-* lean 220-270 lbs 35.00- 45-50** lean 215-275 lbs 30.00- 40-45% lean 225-305 lbs 28.00- SOWS: 1-3 360-495 lbs 15.50-22 00, 500-745 lbs 15.50-21.00. BOARS: 495-675 lbs 2.00-2.50, 205-290 lbs 11.00-15.00. FEEDER PIGS 58... 1-3 30-50 lbs 5.00-17.00. per head. SHEEP 6... SLAUGHTER LAMBS: few Choice 40-65 lbs 40.00-80.00. SLAUGH TER SHEEP: couple 20.00 & 28.00. GOATS 16...(A11 goats sold by the head with weights estimated). Kids; Selection I 60-80 lbs 66.00-67.00. Selection 2 one 35 lbs 20.00, 60-80 lbs 60.00-68.00. Billies one 65 lbs 59.00, 70-100 lbs 57 00-69.00, 100-140 lbs 72 00-98.00. STFERS: 200-300 LBS 82 00-95.00, 300-500 I BS. 76.00-92.00, 500-700 LBS. 72.00- 00, 700-900 LBS 62.00-73.00, 900-10001 BS 60.00-66.00 HOISTFIN STFFRS 200-400 IBS 50.00- 00, 400-500 IBS 45 00-53 00, 900-1000 lbs. 42 00-4 S 00 HEIFERS- 200-300 IBS 72 00-85 00, 300-500 I BS 65 00-80 50, 500-700 I BS 62.00-73 00, 700-900 IBS 60 00-68 (M), 900-1000 LBS. 52 00-60 00 BUI LS 200-300 LBS 78 00-95 00, 300-500 IBS 70 00-82 00, S(H)--;00 IBS 65 00-73 00, 700-900 IBS 52 00-63 00, 900-1 OIK) I BS. 45 00-52 00 NEXT SAIF FRIDAY, NOV. 1, AT 7 15 PM Greencastle Livestock Special Monthly Cattle Sale Greencastle, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Friday, October 18. 2002 290 HEAD
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