Weaverland Produce Auction New Holland, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction October 22,2002 APPLES: 4.50-8.50 Vi BU. BEANS: GREEN 16.00-18.00, YEL LOW 1.00-13.00, LIMA 7.00-12.00, ALL Vi BU. BROCCOLI: .45-.75. CABBAGE: RED .10, GREEN .40-.65 HEAD. CAULIFLOWER: .40-. BS HEAD. CIDER: 2.00 GAL., 1.05 Vi GAL. EGGPLANT: 3.00-4.50 Vi BU. ONIONS: YELLOW 5.00 25 LBS. PEPPERS: GREEN LARGE 4.00, RED LARGE 6.50, HOT 4.50-6.00, ALL Vi BU. POTATOES: WHITE 7.00 50 LBS.; SWEET 5.00-9.00 Vi BU. PUMPKINS: NECK .50-1.50 EACH. RED BEETS: 3.00-5.00 Vi BU. SQUASH: ACORN AND BUTTER NUT 7.00, SPAGHETTI 3.50 BU. CLICK’S NATURAL PRODUCTS featuring “Bio-Zyme w/Miracie II” 810-Zvme Soil lm A Proven Help For Your Soil -»*ls a product formulated to improve soil structure, plant growth and quality crops • Adds living soil micro-organisms whose productive microbial processes provide essential nutri ents for plant life • Microbial activity builds HUMUS (organic matter) • Increases root growth and mass, seed germination and emergence by reducing soil crusting • Provides an optimum soil environment of plant health • Easily applied using various irrigation systems spray, trickle, overhead, drip and surge • May be soil and foliar applied • Extensive field tests prove an increase in production • Environmentally friendly Directions for Use: -»Bio-Zyme Soil Inoculants are to be used as part of your normal soil program, usually one pint to the acre, one to three times per year The best times to apply are in the fall about a month before frost, in the spring after temp is 50 degrees regularly, and can be foliar applied up to boot or bloom stage in the late evening or early morning For household plants, yard and garden use, mix at the rate of 1 tsp per gallon of water for soil drench or spray Note: Soil Inoculant + 20-20-20 is the exact same formula as the Soil Inoculant w/Humus but with NPK added Not recommended for those who wish to remain strictly organic -Hs an organic enzyme bacterial system to control your animal waste and odors • Is an organic water and pond treatment • Used in septic systems. • Breaks down solid waste and promotes composting • Reduces flies and mosquitos, therefore aiding in controlling disease • Promotes a healthier work environment • Mixture Ration and Application Rates sheet available 810-Zvme Cltrlmste Pleeise Central -»*ls a product designed to control diseases on fruit trees, nut trees, citrus trees, shade trees, vegetables, lawns, rose bushes and houseplants Directions for Use: Apply with a spray mixture of approx 1 qt to 5 gal of water, spraying the crop to the point of runoff Also apply to soil underneath the trees The best time to apply in the fall is after dormancy, about a month before frost In the spring after the leaves appear or anytime the trees or plants are under stress due to disease Soil Inoculant + Humus qt $l5 00 gal $46 95 5 gal $223 50 Citnmate Disease Control qt $l2 50 gal $39 50 5 gal $169 00 Important Note: Due to the energy in the products there may be some leaking during shipping, therefore we will turn the lids very tight When the product arrives to you, open the lids to release the air, then store product in a cool place with lids on the loose side, especially during the warm summer months * NEW * K Miracle II Product .A. STRUCTURED WATER ENERGIZERS if V\ -»• Contains tubes with Miracle II Soap and Neutralizer • Cleans and energizers your drinking water or ram water * * • Used in industrial applications such as swimming pools greenhouses hog finishing houses Feed lots dairies & farms • Changes the water ions from positive to negative a Increases the PH factor in your water We had ;ust been hearing good results abgout the Water Energizers on the conference calls and decided to put one on the ram water line because the water had been having such a bad odor this past summer We thought it’s time to get the cistern cleaned out again which is always quite an ordeal and smelly and the opening to the cistern is inside the store at Click's Natural Products Anyway, this past Tuesday PM, Oct Ist, we got a plumber to install a Water Energizer The fol lowing morning the water had no more bad odor< We could hardly believe our noses but there simply was no bad smell left and it felt silky clean Normally when using the shower bath it was n’ta good experience due to the bad smell, but on Wed morning it was quite pleasant and refreshing - what a relief The company told us the Water Energizer is maintenance free and will last a lifetime There are no parts to replace and no power required to run the Water Energizer The water simply flows through the Water Energizer and as it makes contact with the tubes containing Miracle II Soap and Neutralizer, the water changes In a recent test in a commercial greenhouse one side of the greenhouse was set up with its nor mal watering system and the other side was up with a Water Energizer The crops on the side of the greenhouse with the Water Energizer were ready to harvest & ship a full eight days to two weeks sooner than the crops without the Water Energizer It was also reported that lawns became greener and healthier after watering with Energized Water With swimming pools it was reported that the maintenance bill was $2OO a month less I believe this was due to needing less chemicals Prices; Residential Size $9OO (fits 3/4"-1 1/4" water pipes) Commercial/lndustnal Size $l5OO (fits 2” plumbing) Products Available at: Benuel S Glick, 38 S Belmont Rd , Paradise, PA 17562 Simon S Stoltzfus, 193 Harman Lane, Millersburg, PA 17061, 717-362-1390 Click’s Natural Products, 120 Geist Rd , Lancaster, PA 17601, 717-656-7244 UL’s Harness Shop, 3839 Ridge Rd , Gordonville, PA 17529, 717-768-3875 Sunset Health Foods, 6021 Nittany Vly Dr, Mill Hall, PA 17751, 570-726-7235 Christ & Lena Zook, 425 Enola Rd , Newburg, PA 17240, 717-423-6429 Mon 10 30 EST (212)461-4860 Tue 10 00 ES T (646) 519-5860 Thur 10 00 ES T (512)225-3108 For more Information. Contact: Simeon S Sloltzfus, 193 Harman Ln , Millersburg, PA 17061 717*362*1390 SWEET CORN: 4.00-5.75 DOZ. TOMATOES: RED SM. TO LRGE. 30.00-48.00 25 LBS. TURNIPS: 4.00-6.00 25 LBS. FLOWRS: MUMS .50-1.75. ORNAMENTALS: FACE PUMPKINS SM. TO LRGE. 50-3.75; GOURDS 1.00 Vi BU.; GOOSE GOURDS .50-1.00; JBL 3.00-4.00 Vi BU.; BABY PAMS .20-.60. SALE DAYS NEXT WEEK TUES. AND THURS. 9 A.M. SPECIAL CRAFT SALE SAT., NOV. 16,9 A.M. Kutztown Produce Auction Kutztown, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction October 15,17,19,2002 APPLES: 2.50-8.00 Vi BU., 5.50-8.00 BU. BEANS: GREEN 3.50-10.00, YEL LOW 6.50-10.00, LIMA 6.50-8.00, ALL Vi BU. BROCCOLI: 2.50-6.00 Vi BU., .20-.45 EA. Prices Soil Inoculant + Humus + 20-20-20 qt $l6 75 gal $4B 95 5 gal $233 50 Waste and Odor Control qt $l4 50 gal $39 75 5 gal $lB4 50 Testimonial: Simeon Stoltzfus, Mtllersburg, PA Notes: PI N # _ 8746# PI N #_ 5487# PIN #_ 574258# CABBAGE: 4.00-6.50 BOX, .40-1.30 EACH. CANTALOPES: .35 EACH. CAULIFLOWER: .40-1.50 EACH. CIDER: 1.80 GAL. CUCUMBERS: 3.50-4.00 'A BU„ 7.00-9.50 BU. EGGPLANT: 2.50-4.50 Vi BU., 5.00-8.00 BU. EGGS: .25-.80 DOZ. GARLIC: 1.00-2.00 LB., BRAIDED 1.25. ONIONS: YELLOW 1.50 LB., RED 2.00-2.50 20 LBS. PEARS: 6.00 'A BU., 17.00 BU. PEPPERS: GREEN SM. TO LRGE. 1.00-3.50 A BU., 2.00-6.00 BU.; RED 1.50- 'A BU., 8.00-14.00 BU.; HOT 1.50- 'A BU., 4.00 FLAT, .80-1.10 BUNCH. POTATOES; RED 2.00-8.00 50 LBS., .40- 10 LBS., 1.00-4.00 ‘A BU.; SWEET 5.00-6.00 'A BU. PUMPKINS: NECK .15-2.00. RADISHES: WINTER 4.00-7.00 Vi BU. RED BEETS: CUT 2.00-3.50 <A BU. SPINACH: 2.00-8.00 ‘A BU. SQUASH: 1.00-6.50 'A BU., 4.50-7.50 BU., .10-2.10 EACH. H SWEET CORN: 1.40 DOZ. TOMATOES: RED SM. TO LARGE 3.00-19.00 25 LBS. TURNIPS: 2.00-7.50 Vi BU. ZUCCHINI: 11.50 Vz BU. FLOWERS: PERENNIALS .50-1.75; MUMS .15-2.50, PLANT ERS 1.75-10.00, KALE AND CAB BAGE .60-.80, DRIED FLOWERS 1.10-2.50, FRESH BOUQUETS 1.50. NURSERY STOCK: SHRUBS 1.00-15.00; TREES 9.00-17.00. ORNAMENTALS: FACE PUMPKINS SM. TO LRGE. .10-3.00, 7.50-80.00 BIN; PRIZE WINNERS 3.25-10.00, PAINTED 2.25-2.50; GOURDS .50-4.00 Vi BU., .75-4.00 BU.; GOOSE GOURDS .10-1.50; JBL .50-3.00 Vz BU.; BABY PAMS AND OTHER SMALL .04-.40; INDIAN CORN .75-1.75, DECORATED 2.75; CORN SHOCKS .50-1.50; MINI BALES .50-1.00. PRODUCE SALE TUES. AND THURS, AND SAT., 9 A.M. HAY AND STRAW SAT. 9 A.M. Metal Roofing & Siding Since 1948 A.B. Martin Roofing Supply Why Pay More - For Less BUY DIRECT ' WE MANUFACTURE Roofing & siding in the following Aluminum • Galvanized • Galvalume 18+ Color Painted, #1 & #2 Material Low Prices - Fast Delivery, Free Literature Ephrata, PA 1-800-373-3703 Newville, PA 1-800-782-2712 (formerly Zimmerman Roofing) WE INSTALL COMPLETE DUST SYSTEMS • Blowers • Pipe STOLTZFUS WELDING & REPAIR 76 S. Vintage Rd., Paradise, PA 17562 717-442-9148 Eighty-Four Livestock Auction Eighty-Four, Pa. Monday, October 21,2002 Report Supplied By PDA CATTLE 325, CALVES 165, HOGS 15, SHEEP 146, GOATS 50. LAST MON DAY CATTLE 462, CALVES 147, HOGS 96, SHEEP 129, GOATS 55. CAT TLE: No Comparison with last Monday's auction. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Select 1-2 couple 58.50-59.50. Standard 1-2 couple 40.00-49.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Standard 1-2 44.00-46.00. SLAUGHTER COWS: Breakers 85-90 percent lean 37.50-43.00. Boners 80-85 percent lean 34.00-38.00. Lean 85-90 per cent lean 27.00-34.50. SLAUGHTER BULLS: Yield grade 1 1085-1315 lbs 47.00-52.50. Yield grade 2 970-1825 lbs 40.00-45.00. FEEDER STEERS: Medium and Large 1 320-500 lbs 72.00-83.50, few up to 87.00; 510-640 lbs 71.00-77.00. Medium and Large 2 310-730 lbs few 54.00-63.00. FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium and Urge 1 320-500 lbs 65.00-75.00; 505-600 lbs 61.00-62.00. Medium and Urge 2 315-495 lbs 50.00-59.00; 500-765 lbs 45.00-59.00. FEEDER BULLS: Medium and Urge 1 325-500 lbs 74.00-87.00; 520-560 lbs 74.00- Medium and Urge 2 335-500 lbs 50.00-68.00; 520-775 lbs 52.00-61.00. VEALERS: Standard and Good 70-125 lbs 25.00-45.00. Utility 50-75 lbs 11.00- RETURNED TO FARM: Holstein bulls Number 1 90-130 lbs 85.00- Number 2 80-105 lbs 47.50-85.00. Holstein heifers Number 1 95-105 lbs 400.00-510.00. Number 2 70-90 lbs 140.00-220.00. Beef cross bulls and heifers 75-115 lbs 85.00-107.50; 145-275 lbs 88.00-85.00. BARROWS AND GILTS: PERCENT LEAN WEIGHT PRICE 40-45 235-265 lbs 32.50-37.00, couple up to 47.00 SOWS: US 1-3 385-635 lbs 17.50-27.50 Medium One Head 540 lbs 14.50 BOARS: 290-555 lbs 5.00-12.50 SLAUGHTER LAMBS: High Choice and Prime 110-140 lbs 79.00- Choice 55-75 lbs 83.00-97.00, • Cyclones • Bins Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 26, 2002-Al5 CALVES: 129 HEAD, GOOD SLAUGHTER. 100-120 LBS. 35.00-45.00, 75-95 LBS. 30.00-38.00; HOLSTEIN BULLS RETURNING TO FARM 5.00 HIGHER. +NI 90-110 LBS. 90.00-110.00, 110-120 LBS. 95.00-10S.00, 2 140 LBS. AT 70.00-80.00; +N2 90-120 LBS. 70.00- 80-90 LBS. 40.00-52.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS BETTER QUAL ITY OFF. +NI 90-110 LBS. 425.00- +N2 85-100 LBS. 200.00- 60-80 LBS. °O.OO-145.00; BEEF X BULLS AND HEIFERS +N2 75-110 LBS. 80.00-112.00. STOCK CATTLE: STEERS, 2 BLACK 375 AND 475 LBS. 79.00 AND 82.00. HEIFERS; 1 RED 350 LBS. AT 70.00, 600-800 LBS. 54.00-59.00, 800-900 LBS. 48.00-52.00, 1 HOLSTEIN SPRINGER AT 1185.00, 1 REG. HOLSTEIN BULL 1480 LBS. AT 680.00. PIGS AND SHOATS: 28 HEAD. BY THE HEAD 4 HEAD 65 LBS. AT 26.00, CULLS 50-80 LBS. 2.00-10.00; BY THE LB. 7 HEAD 130-140 LBS. 30.00-33.00. CALL THE SOIL EXPERTS Mahlon King, Certified Soil Consultant, 717-354-8594 CROP & SOIL PRODUCTS & SERVICES • Specializing in soil fertility • Nutrient Management • Complete soil testing Planning through BROOKSIDE • Soil amendments LABORATORIES . Foliar ted Traces • Complete soil recommen . s , ms Jnd dations, including balancing prod^ ts 6 deslgncd tor tor major and trace Commercial, organic mlnerals & biological • Computerized soil reports cropping systems • High level ot technical • High quality plant support nutrition fc. HOMESTEAD NUTRITION, INC. JMkL 245 White Oak Road, New Holland, PA 17557 IISiT' 717-354-4398 • 888-336-7878 The Healthy Choice From The Ground Up Rogers Community Auction, Inc. “where buyer and seller get together" KEN, BILL BAER AUCTIONEERS One halt mile west of Rogers, Ohio on St Rt 154 •330-227-3233 Tri State Area’s Largest Open Air Market open every Friday FREE PARKING • NO ADMISSION FEE CONSIGNMENT AUCTIONS Every Friday Furniture & misc 1 p.m. Produce & Eggs 5 p.m Poultry Bam 6 p.m. FIRST TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH FARM EQUIPMENT CONSIGNMENT AUCTION 3 p.m. Miscellaneous auction 4 p.m. Garden tractor auction 5 p.m. Firewood 6 p.m. Farm Machinery EVERY Wednesday 1 p.m. Hay & Gram Auction FAMILY OWNED AND MANAGED SINCE 1955 individual 105.00; 80-100 lbs 80.00-93.00. Good and Choice 35-50 lbs 79.00-82.50; 50-80 lbs 62.00-79.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: Utility 1-3 20.00- Yearlings 40.00-50.00. GOATS: All sold by the head with weights estimated. Kids: Selection 1 20-40 lbs 38.00-49.00; 40-60 lbs 55.00-65.00. Se lection 2 20-40 lbs 26.00-36.00. Selection 3 20-40 lbs 20.00-26.00. Nannies: 50-70 lbs 40.00- 70-100 lbs 55.00-68.00. Billi es: 70-100 lbs 58.00-70.00; 100 lbs up indi vidual 90.00. Four States Livestock Monday Sale Hagerstown, Md. Report Supplied By Auction October 21,2002 SLAUGHTER COWS: 65 HEAD, 2.00- HIGHER. BREAKERS 38.00- HIGH DRESSING 45.00, BONERS 34.00-39.00, LEAN 31.00-34.00, THIN 30.00 DOWN. BULLS: YG+NI 1728 LBS. AT 55.00, YG+N2 1225 AND 1950 LBS. 44.00 AND 45.00. FED STEERS: ALL HOLSTEINS. LOW CHOICE 1500-1650 LBS. 50.00- SELECT 47.00-48.00, STANDARD 1100-1400 LBS. 44.00- FED HEIFERS: HOLSTEINS TO 45.50.
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