A6-Laficaster Farming,' Saturday! Octobers, 2002 Eastern Region Frozen Eggs ATLANTA, GA. Sept. 27,2001 Report Supplied By USDA Mostly prices were slightly higher on sugar yolk, unchanged to slightly lower on salt yolk, and unchanged on the bal ance of products when compared to previ ous week's trading. The market tone was somewhat unsettled on salt yolks, but generally steady on the remainder of items. Demand was light to moderate. Of ferings, were adequate to fully adequate on whole and usually adequate on other items. Liquid and frozen eggs (ingredients included) processed under federal inspec tion in the Eastern region for the week ending September 21,2002 were 2% lower than the previous week and 5% less than a year ago. WHOLESALE SELLING PRICES (CENTS PER POUND IN 30 LB CON TAINERS): TRUCKLOTS; WHOLE 39-46, mostly 42-44; BLENDS (0 TFEWR; WHITES 22-32, mostly 22-24; SUGARED YOLKS (min. 43% solids) 83-87, mostly 83-86; SALTED YOLKS (min. 43% solids) 78-84, mostly 78-80. LESS THAN TRUCKLOT (min. 25 cont.): WHOLE 51-55; BLENDS 68-85; WHITES 27-42; SUGARED YOLKS (min. 43% solids) 89-93; SALTED YOLKS (min. 43% solids) 85-90. (/) - WHOLE PLUS YOLK PLUS SWEETENER, GENERALLY 28-32% EGG SOLIDS. Northeast Broiler Fryer Parts Part II ATLANTA, GA. October 2,2002 Report Supplied By USDA ICE PACKED BROILER/FRYER PARTS, DELIVERED TO FIRST RE CEIVERS IN POOL TRUCKLOT AND TRUCKLOT QUANTITIES, CENTS PER POUND CURRENT NEGOTIAT ED WTD VOLUME ITEM TRADING AVG /LBS BREAST - B/S 125-130 126.44 374,375 TENDERLOINS 125-130 131.30 134,160 BREAST - WITH RIBS 61-62 68.02 164,520 BREAST - LINE RUN 61 62.10 116,200 LEGS 31-32 36.25 120,920 LEG QUARTERS (BULK) 17-18 17.76 428,484 DRUMSTICKS 28-29 29.12 90,720 THIGHS 20-21 31.21 49,490 B/S THIGHS 62-63 65.24 89,240 WINGS (WHOLE) 53-54 59.05 235,000 BACKS AND NECKS (STRIPPED) 10-12 11.89 46,600 LIVERS (5 POUND TUBS) 30-35 31.22 11,480 GIZZARDS (HEARTS) 55-60 63.79 15,640 3 HAY. STRAW & GRAIN SALE £ 3 Every Thursday at 12 NOON 5 i Vintage Sales E 5 Stables, Inc. 5 5 (Rt. 30, Paradise, PA) F 5 For more information F 5 (717)442-4181 6 5 (717)768-8204 S Rogers Community Auction, Inc. § Ka — — where hu>er and seller get together” KEN, BILL BAER AUCTIONEERS One halt mile west of Rogers, Ohio on St Rt. 154 330-227-3233 Tri State Area’s Largest Open Air Market open every Friday FREE PARKING • NO ADMISSION FEE CONSIGNMENT AUCTIONS Every Friday Furniture & misc 1 p.m. Produce & Eggs 5 p.m. Poultry Bam 6 p.m. FIRST TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH FARM EQUIPMENT CONSIGNMENT AUCTION 3pm Miscellaneous auction 4pm Gai den tractor auction spm Firewood 6 pm. Farm Machinery EVERY Wednesday 1 p.m. Hay & Gram Auction FAMILY OWNED AND MANAGED SINCE 1955 Delmarva Broiler/Fryer ATLANTA, GA. October 3,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Movement of ready-to-cook whole birds was at best fair. Offerings were fully ade quate to ample for prompt shipment and were attracting little buyer interest. Live supplies were moderate; weights were ir regular in a full range of light to heavy, mostly desirable to heavy. Processing schedules were moderately heavy. I .ess than trucklot asking prices were un changed at 47 to 61 cents. Trade senti ment was barely steady. In the parts com plex, all items were more than sufficient for the light and spotty demand. ESTIMATED SLAUGHTER OF BROILER/FRYERS IN DELMARVA (000) ESTIMATED ACTUAL AVG. WEIGHT ACTUAL AVG. WEIGHT 10/03 10/01 10/01 09/26 09/24 2,379 2,398 5.11 2,313 5.07 BROILER/FRYER CURRENT NE GOTIATED PRICES FOR IMMEDI ATE DELIVERY INCLUDES MOSTLY MULTIPLE-DROP SHIPMENTS OF BRANDED AND WING TAGGED TO NEW YORK CITY FROM DELMARVA BRANDED U.S. GRADE A RANGE 44-66 WEIGHTED AVERAGE 49.17 NO. OF BOXES 9,109 8 of 8 plants reporting. North Atlantic Eggs Atlanta, Georgia Report Supplied by USDA October 4,2002 In Philadelphia and Boston, prices were unchanged to two cents lower on the heavier weight eggs and unchanged on mediums. In New England, prices were two cents lower on extra large and large and unchanged on the balance of sizes. The market tone remained weak. De mand ranged light to moderate, slightly better where scattered features were pres ent. Supplies were fully adequate to avail able. Breaking stock offerings were ade quate to fully adequate for the light demand. Light type fowl were more than sufficient. PHILADELPHIA: PRICES TO RE TAILERS, SALES TO VOLUME BUY ERS, USDA GRADE A AND GRADE A, WHITE EGGS IN CARTONS, DE LIVERED STORE DOOR, CENTS PER DOZEN. RANGE: EXTRA LARGE I"TICO/FERBO HOSE REELS" Now, a new generation of automat ic hard hose reels that feature variable travel speed selection with automatic constant compensation to provide uniform irrigation over entire length of pass, and operate at low input pressure to easily, efficiently, economi cally irrigate or spread liquid manure. TICO, a leader in irrigation systems for over 30 years, also offers these other types Also virtually all makes of couplers, fit tings and gaskets, plus pumps, pipe, diesel, gas, and electric motors. ITICO MANUFACTURING, INC. 3143 Mam Street Suite 4 PO Box 505 West Middlesex PAIGIS9 101 l Free; HOO-241-H420 In Area: 724 52114101! Fax: 724-521!4!010 .56-.67.5, LARGE .55-.65.5, MEDIUM .41-.48 BOSTON: PRICES TO RETAILERS, SALES TO VOLUME BUYERS. USDA GRADE A AND GRADE A, BROWN EGGS IN CARTONS, DELIVERED STORE DOOR, CENTS PER DOZEN. RANGE: EXTRA LARGE .96-1.03, LARGE .S6-.93, MEDIUM .54-. SB NEW ENGLAND: PRICES PAID TO PRODUCERS, CASES EXCHANGED, GRADE YIELD BASIS, BROWN EGOS LOOSE, AT FARM, CENTS PER DOZEN. RANGE; JUMBO 1.12-1.15, EXTRA LARGE .7S-.78, LARGE .65-.65, MEDIUM .3S-.38, SMALL .19-.22 Northeast Broiler Fryer Parts Parti ATLANTA, GA. October 3,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Trucklot buying activity was limited as dealers remained very cautious and unag gressive. Offerings of boneless-skinless breasts were fully adequate and bone-in breasts were at least sufficient. Dark meat cuts were fully sufficient. Wings were ample. Movement through retail channels was sluggish and distributive draw was no better than fair. The market tone was weak on wings, barely steady on boneless skinless breasts and tenderloins and no better than steady on the balance. ICE PACKED BROILER/FRYER PARTS, DELIVERED TO FIRST RE CEIVERS IN POOL TRUCKLOT AND TRUCKLOT QUANTITIES, CENTS PER POUND. ITEM CURRENT NE GOTIATED TRADING BREAST - B/S 125 TENDERLOINS 120-125 BREAST - WITH RIBS 61-62 BREAST - LINE RUN 61 LEGS 31-32 LEG QUARTERS (BUL THIGk wing; neck: pouni (HEAR' •WHEEL ROW •GIANT SPRINKLER •HAND MOVE •TRICKLE •LIQUID MANURE AND WASTE WATER DISPOSAL Report Supplied By Auction Sept. 28 and Oct. 1, 2002 Hay—Straw —Grain 67 LOADS. ALFALFA: 95.00-200.00. MIXED HAY: 44.00-102.00. TIMOTHY: 80.00-175.00. BROMEGRASS: 55.00-160.00. ORCHARDGRASS: 56.00-105.00. STRAW: 57.00-97.00. EAR CORN: 95.00-122.00. OATS: 2.40-3.00 BU. BARLEY: 2.00 BU. RYE: 4.50-5.00. WHEAT: 4.70. Livestock Cooperative Auction Market Of North Hackettstown, NJ. Report Supplied by Auction October 1,2002 Hay—Straw—Grain ALFALFA: 6 LOTS, 2.50-3.75 BALE. MIXED HAY: 21 LOTS, .75-2.70 BALE. TIMOTHY: 6 LOTS, 2.10-2.60 BALE. GRASS: 12 LOTS, .50-3.10 BALE. MULCH: 2 LOTS, .35 AND 1.20 BALE. OAT STRAW: 2.00 AND 2.10. WHEAT STRAW: 2.10 AND 2.30. RYE STRAW: 4 LOTS, 2.00-2.10. SHELLED CORN: 3.75. RYE: 3.50 AND 4.00. WHEAT: 3.75. CEDAR POSTS: 60.00. FIREWOOD; 10.00. 61 LOADS TOTAL. We Water the Earth When Mother. Mature Needs a flelpipg Hand ;V( '(’(I 111 llion <>l \ \ ls|( ■ I \\lh 'I I h>l n>^il / CHOOSE AMERICA'S PREMIER TRAVELER FROM TICO/FERBO • 52 Different Models • 5 Drive Systems • 15 Hose Lengths From 30-630 gallons per minute output and with hose lengths from 395 ft. up to 1650 ft. Standard features include Automatic Speed Compensation, galvanized cart and stabilizer legs, turntable, pto vymd-up and optional hydraulic legs and cart lifting. Economic Irrigation; With low input pressure requirements and constant speed irrigation, FERBO Travelers remain the leaders in low cost automatic irrigation. There isn't another traveler available that is simpler to operate or less expensive to maintain. Waste Water Disposal: Our engine driven travel- ers are the simplest and most accurate on the mar keL Our computer con trolled speed regulation M ensures 99% accuracy to V/ meet Federal/State design criteria while our simple yet efficient engme/gearbox drive ensures low maintenance. Plus: We manufacture and market a complete line of. Slurry pumps, pump fittings, irrigation pumps, wheel row, giant sprinklers, hand move, trickle center pivots. Shippensburg Hay Auction Shippensburg, Pa. Jersey high-pressure slurry pumps with a unique “bolt on” chopper system The standard pump features a high efficiency open-vane impeller with an interchangeable wear ring and fixed cutting blade to handle all but the very toughest of straw, hay or other difficult residuals. For these conditions, the chopper unit can be simply bolted to the pump where it is driven by the existing pump shaft, enabling it to handle virtually any waste products requiring chopping. A number of additional features make these the most versatile and reliable units on the market: • Special permanently lubricated mechanical seal for longer life • Over-sized bearings • Lubricated chopper shaft bearings • Chopper shaft shear-pin to reduce risk of damage to the shaft and impeller • A range of four tractor pto pumps and four bare-shaft pumps with flows from 105-1000 gpm • Replaceable wear ring • 540 rpm or 1000 rpm speeds /'t • Finest grade cast iron for high efficiency • Unique water cooled gearbox for The pump is mounted on a heavy-duty wheeled cart with pto shaft, 6” quick-action suction fittings and 4” discharge fittings as standard. Kirkwood Hay Kirkwood, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Tuesday, October 1,2002 37 LOTS. MIXED HAY: IST CUTTING 105.00- 2ND 115.00-165.00. TIMOTHY: 105.00-210.00. ALFALFA: 2ND 103.00-150.00, 3RD 150.00- 4TH 190.00. GRASS: 40.00-205.00. WHEAT STRAW: 90.00-112.00. BARLEY STRAW: 108.00. CORN FODDER: 70.00. EAR CORN: 98.00. OATS: 2.35 BU. RYE SEED: 5.10 BU. SALE DAY TUES. 10 A.M. Weaverland Hay New Holland, Pa Report Supplied By Auction Thursday, October 3,2002 Hay—Straw —Grain 30 LOADS. TIMOTHY HAY: 155.00-185.00. MIXED HAY: 90.00-200.00. STRAW: 87.00-135.00. EAR CORN: 120.00. FIREWOOD: 70.00. FIREWOOD: 70.00. RYE: 4.00-4.50 BU. LONG LANE ROAD, NEW HOL LAND 17557,717-355-0834. Belleville Hay Belleville, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Wednesday, October 2,2002 Hay—Straw—Grain MIXED HAY: 82.50-140.00. STRAW: 50.00-65.00. Rovatti TL slurry pumps are
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