D2B-I_ancaster Farming, Rl SERVICES OFFERED LIQUID MANURE HAULING 6100 gal tank Multi-purpose pump NO TILL SUB SOILING Dale Melzler (570) 524-0205 Lewisburg, PA RH CUSTOM j|9 IVOI?K Custom Combining Small Grain and Corn. 717-445-9864 or 717-629-2710. Custom Bagging w/8' Ag Bag machine. WHI Travel. Call for prices. 717-694-3417 or 717-694-3960. Versa Bft silage bagger, new cond. Beef cows. 570-345-4109 eves Custom bagging, 9x200, $750/per bog. Will travel anywhere. A man avall able w/bagger. 717-485-5250,803-793-8777 SEED CLEANING • On your farm • Soybeans (No RR soybeans) • Small gram Newcomer Seed Cleaning Where you still get a bushel not a unit. (717) 653-4123 Custom Manure Hauling 4500 gal Vacuum Spreader Also Custom Subsoiling J. Elmer Stoltzfus 610/273-2155 610/656-0881 cell ROLLER MILL RENTAL Roller Mills for: • Corn Silage • Shelled Corn • Ear Corn 4 Mills Available Used Corn Silage Mill for Sale Leonard Wise Perry County 717/536-3861 717/536-3933 MARTIN'S FARM SUPPLY 4401 Buchanon Trail West • Greencastle, PA 17225 Phone: 717-597-4283 (GATE) Fax: 717-597r4293 4 Miles West of 1-81 on Route 16 STRETCH WHAP UP-NORTH DISTRIBUTOR Stretch Wrap - 25X100 THRU 60X200 Bunker Covers Silage Bags 7'xlso' 9'x2so' 7'x2oo' 9'x3oo' B'xlOO' 10'xl50' B'xlso' 10'x200' B'x2oo' 10'x250' B'x3oo' 10'x300' 9'xl3s' 12'x200' 9'xlso' 12'x250' 9'x2oo' 12'x300' $lO per bag off on skid lots. LOWER PRICES THAN EVER BEFORE Saturday, September 7, 2002 717-786-0738 Harry Will 8 Son CUSTOM BAGGING 9’, 8’ 8 6’ (717) 949-2366 or Lancaster Silo Holler Mill Glower New or Used Buy or Rent ♦JD 7200 Max-Emerge Planter ♦Krause No-Till Drill ♦ NH TR96 Combine ♦ NH 1412 Discbine ♦ Small Grain ♦ Com ♦ Soybeans Jim Hershev 7 1' 7 -665-7284 JUII nerMiey cell 717-689-0235 Brubaker’s Custom Farming Call Andy: phone 717»789»9584 cen 576*7423 Square baling - 27” x 48”, 4’ -10’ long, rotocut for TMR mixers, liquid preservative applicator. Liquid Manure Hauling - 6300 gal. tank & pump. Trench Pushing and Packing - haylage and corn silage Serving Perry Co and surrounding areas RR #2, Box 15-D Elliottsburg, PA 17024 i &s i S i s i is i 5 i S i S i S i 5&i&S&3 # Custom Ag Bagging |jj MHammermill & 6’ bagger for high moisture M I*l (1 unit) M |*(jHarvester &8’ bagge/ for silage (1 unit) B 3 |*|Hammermill & silo blower for rental S 3 * (1 unit) ft ijl 1000 rpm & tractor available ft Mlractor & 1 man’s help goes with both I*4 Mbaggers. Both Hammermill capacity Ijl JJapprox. 20 ton/hour at 28% moisture. M |*4 Will travel for volume. jj M 610/273-2947 4:15-4:45 pm or leave message M H Ephraim Stoltzfus, Honey Brook M kw:*:*:*K*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*z>2 Merlin 717/626-1155 or f Custom Square Baling and Wrapping Hay - Corn Fodder - 3'x3’ bales 4’ to 8’ in length hi-moisture or dry - Equipped with cutter knives and liquid applicator - Inline wrapper for wrapping square bales - Serving Lancaster, York, Adams County and surrounding areas Have low boy truck will travel for acreage fOR sW - E 4C/ 0 Attention Custom Operators, Hay farmers Having purchased a truckload of 65% PROPIONIC ACID with Benzoic, Acetic, and Citric Acid, from a major supplier, we are passing the savings on to you. Bulk price 490 / lb pick-up Leon Ray Zimmerman Marietta, PA 717-426-2058 Prompt Service pt Wilmer H. Good HOOF TRIMMING 717-445-7881 2248 Laurel Spring Drive Narvon, PA 17555 >2OOl R 9 HELP |£fl WANTED \ W/f h. Forage Chopping and Combining •840 Claas Chopper w/6 Row Ind. Head •2 Trucks w/Forago Boxes •2 20' Combo Boxes For Trench Filling •3 John Deere 9000 Series Combines •New For This Year - 60 Ton/Hr. Self-Contained Hammermill •6' Or 8' Martin Bagger Available •Also Available - Forage Hauling Serving Northeast Lancaster County and Surrounding Areas Will Travel For Acreage Churchtown Custom Cutters LLC Office/Billing Scheduling 717-445-7988 717-355-2421 Help wanted to build storage barns. Sunset Valley Structures Leave message 717-656-4084 Daniel S. Click Transportation provided in some areas. **■>€ \* V Custom Bagging 8' Central Berks & Surrounding Area Kevin or Harlan Hoover 610-987-9154 R 9 HELP Hjfl WANTED Check with AgJobsUSA. More choice lobs; more choice employees. Em ployees pay $5O, employ ers, $250. Free brochure. 800-352-0303 ag(obsusa.com
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