ARNOLD HOC FARMS BOARS At The Farm (3)Yorkshire & (1) Duroc Immediate Service (3) Landrace & (1) Yorkshire Oct.-Nov. Service (12) Duroc, Landrace, Yorkshire Nov.-Dee. Service Call for print-out and scan figures BRED GILTS Handmated pure & crossbred litters (9) Due Sept (23) Due Oct -Nov Breeding (15) to Farrow in Dec Small Lots of Feeder Pigs. Roaster Pigs. _tiv_ry T : N_w En hn ' . ,r_~ E-rly S_. t. E ra is B w rs LSI ra B ej B rs EJ Crossbred • Landrace Yorkshire Leon L. Arnold 717-273-5880 HH POULTRY |tl AND SUPPLIES Second handed plastic jars w/lids for baby chicks drink water, $1 or' make offer. Gas brooder stoves, call Shenandoah for warm baby chicks, $45-50 ea. Fax only 610-286-6513 Peal Fowl, 1 Peacock male, 2000, hatch & 4, 2002, hatch chicks, 2 months old. Berks Co. 610-488-6816 Brown egg layers, Rhode Island Reds, ready to lay. Lane Co. 717-445-7805 Hungarian & Chucker Partridge, Ringneck Pheasants, Bobwhite Quad & eggs. Lg. quantl tles ova., 215-536-7145. For sale: Chickens, Rhode Island Red, ready to lay. 717/336-4643 Chicken 7 Goat House Combo., plenty for room, storage, etc Bußt In lg. holder/feeder. 20 coups, B'xl2', less than 6m0., 3 windows, 4 outside doors, 2 Inside doors w/divlder wall. Moving, must sell, $1.100.717-768-0344. Baby chicks: fast growing broiler chicks, high pro duction layer chicks, brown and white egg. Call Moyer's Chicks, Quaker town, PA, 215-536-3155. New plastic chicken coops. 717-653-4957 Young mute swans for sale $450 each 7 17-582-4654 HIGH PRESSURE WASHING AND DISINFECTING * • Breeder Houses • Hog Finishing Barns • la||fertfduses • Sow Units • Pullet Houses • IJteiry Bams • Turkey Houses Pens • Broiler Houses Wfe pdßQPTyipes Of Beetles and Insects That- Gaulfe Stkictural Damage to Your Poultry House For More Information Call: BEITZEL’S SPRAYING Witmer, PA 17585 717-392-7227 or Toll Free 1-800-727-7228 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS LICENSED Spraying Since 1961 INSURED HI POULTRY Ikfl AND SUPPLIES Bobwhite Quail Chukar Patridge • Pheasants Mature Birds • Flight Conditioned Kelly’s Game Farm Charles L. Kelly 717-445-8318 • 610-781-4172 Ceil 161 Laurel Road, East Earl, PA 17519 El HYBRID GUINEA KEETS FOR SALE $0.95 each delivered anywhere in Pennsylvania in lots of 1000 or more. These birds will weigh 4 lbs in 12 weehs. Available year round. Morris Hatchery, Inc. 18370 SW 232 Street Goulds, FL 33170 Ph: (305) 247-1070 Fx: (305) 247-0982 Floor-Grown Pullets Egg Layers Brown 10/31 9,000 11/29 8,000 Call for new prices Contact; Moyer's Chicks Quakertown, PA (215) 536-3155 WKKlogequipment IKI AND SUPPLIES (18) Nursery pens, (18) 5x7 floor supports, 9 SS nursery feeders. All solid rods 8> all disassembled 814-793-3008 84 Gestation stalls & 6 boar pens, aD solid rods, all disassembled, $lO/ea. 814-793-3008 White 10/31 325 Ringneck Pheasants, adult males. Call 717-445-5917 Iv msg Big Dutchman, Favorite, Choretime. Weight-T ro nix 2000SFM feed mill & spare parts. 518/677-8810 Iv msg FANCY HEAVY ROOSTERS WANTED Year-Round 717-484-4549 CLIP-N-SAVE < CUP-N-SAVE CUP-N-SAV^ | Cage System | I Removal I y * %* Layer & pullet cage! i removal. t Q. > Used poultry equip, s % for sale. I =? * s d Dennis L Herr " i 717-367-6670 P i or E-mail in £ CLIP-N-SAVE < CLIP-N-SAVE CLIP-N-SAVE PPH FEED ■ M AND SEED 42 Acs good corn, you buy, you use os you wish. 717-687-6698 Lone Co Oats straw, 3x3x6'/2 bales. Also switch grass hay, 3x3x6'/2. Berks Co. 610-488-6816 Wanted; High moisture shelled com out of field. Competitive prices. 610-926-3690 Rye seed, cleaned & bagged. Lane. Co. 717-445-7805 50-75 tons oats & alfalfa, 14% protein, 60% mois ture. $35/ton. Delivery avail. 410/692-2553 llac. Standing corn, for silage. Intercourse area. Ready soon. 717-768-8064. All types of Animal Bed ding. Bulk loads. Will deliv er. Call 215-529-4852 or 267-249-6169. Barsory Barley for feed or seed, cleaned, $4.50/ High Moisture Shelled Corn, $7O/ton. Delivery avo.. 814-839-4271. Farmers! Top quality Western alfalfa dairy hay, 179 RFV, 21.8 pro tein, soft green & leafy. Delivered by semi-load. 715/284-2864 Straw for sale, Barly, Wheat or Oat, 717-436-9142. Seed wheat, cleaned, treated/untreated, un certified. 717-264-5147. Timothy or mixed grass hay, no rain, 3x3x6, 700 lb bales, $BO ©farm or $lOO delivered. Morgan Lewis LLC 607-642-3637 Organic Hay - alfalfa/ timothy. Wheat Straw, Rye cover crop seed and Compost for sale. (PCO & NOFA-NJ certified) Will arrange trucking. Call Jeff at The Rodalelnstl tute M-F 7:30-5, 610-683-1420 or email jef Certified organic & con ventional Rye seed. FOB Ranges, NJ. 717-629-5014 Combine & clean Rye Seed. Lancaster Co. Call after s:3opm 717-786-3435. 3x3x7Vi large square bales Ontario alfalfa & timothy hay well saved, Ist & 2nd cuts. Can deliv er in 24 ton loads. Starting at $lOO/ton delivered. 800-465-5764. Cleaned & bagged Rye seed, $6/ba Approx 400 bu. 410-810-3513 3X3XB Bales Alfalfa priced very reasonable. Delivery available. 610/ 360-1620,610/759-9390 Hay suppliers, Timothy, Alfalfa, Mixed, 700 bale loads delivered. Ellyson'sK- Inc, 330-223-1594 Mixed Hay, 4x4 round bales, approx. 5501b5, $l5/ea. Call 301-689-1157. Madison wheat, cleaned & treated, last year certi fied. $6/bu. 717-445-9857 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Se| Rye seed, combine run, $3.75/bu. Berks Co. 610/488-7427 Organic grown Speltz seed, cleaned & bagged, $5.50/per bu 610-682-6429. Rye seed cleaned & bagged, 1 1/2 bu. bags, $5/bu. Also rye straw $1.75/bale. Delivery possi ble. 610/285-6443 Timothy hay, super cond, young cut, 4x4xB bales. Can del 814-848-9753 750 lb. square bales of hay, excel, quality, $145/ US per ton delivered. Good horse bay. Straw 3x3 bales, clean, no rain $ll5/US per ton deliv ered. 705-728-1610 High Test Dairy Alfalfa & ZJ" Grass Hay. Deliv Avail, ! StrSW POT I 866-388-2770 Toll Free ! _ . ■ ALFALFA HAYLAGE, out I bale of field, $45/ton. Del avail I . _ n . 717-949-2371 i 4x4xB Bales Good quality grass mixed ■.610-255-5211 ! hay, 3x4 bales & small J square bales. Guaranteed no dust or mold. Can del. 570-398-2688 Straw & hay. Delivery available. 610-932-8999 Wheat Straw & alfalfa hay for sale. Stump Acres, York 717-792-3216 sale. 50/50 tlm. & alfa, gross hoy 85% alfalfa, 2nd & 3rd cuffing, low potassi um. We deliver, 519/323-8683 W* 'estern alfalfa: 2002 new crop. High testing dairy alfalfa. Grass hay. 4x4xB & 3x3xB bales. 1-800-874-2814. Large square bales of barley & wheat straw. 717-866-7035. Seed oats, barley & wheat for sale. Stump Acres, York, 717-792-3216 Small grain rye seed, 8C per lb. Lancaster Co. 717-354-6160 For sale: Ear Corn $125. 2001 corn silage $35. 717-949-3435 3x3xB' bales of straw. 610-857-5016 ss of corn for 34 Acn silage. Lancaster Co. 717-354-5741 bagged or bulk 570-672-9890. WANT: damaged or moldy corn and barley, hauling available. 800-433-6236. WANTED: damaged or moldy corn, grain or soy beans. 717-733-4516. Corn Silage out of the field, Manheim area. 717-468-9520. 68 Acres standing corn for silage. Manheim PA. Reasonable offer. 717-665-5482 Rye seed (small) cleaned, bagged. Lehigh Co. 610-767-2409 Rye seed for sale, com bine runned or clean. Ist cut big bales Alfalfa hay, 3x3x6. Northampton Co., PA 6 1 0-588-7986 Hay, 2,000 bales, Ist cut ting aifalfa/timothy, $2/ bale. Straw 900 bales, $2/bale. Rochester, NY, 585-377-1763. timoth' Good lualit' hay, ear corn. Monroe Co, 570-992-4408. Timotlr horse ty. 4x4xB bales. Del avail. 610-489-7831 Organic corn silage for sale. Lancaster Co. 717-665-7462 Trttical Seed, cleaned & bagged. Lancaster Co., 717-872-9296. Rye seed, cleaned, $5.75/ bu, Berks Co., Wheat seed, cleaned, cer tified last year, $6.50/bu. Berks Co. 717/445-6426 Silage for sale, 55 ton more or less. Asking $2B a ton in slilo. David G Blank, 630 Barren Rd, Oxford, PA. Colorado & Kansas Alfalfa Horse & Dairy Hay 200+ RFV 717-529-1114 Sam . Fancy Western Hay Small or Big Loads . Pine Shavings 717/529-1195 Bam Southern Ontario Hoy Call Us for Your Hay Needs Wind Mill Farms Liverpool, PA 717-444-2046 WANTED Mulch Hay Round or Square Bales Call eve. 610*593*7317 • Rye $4.95/bushel plus $3O load out fee • Hairy vetch feed, $.79/lb. Middleburg, PA a 570»837»0724. COTTON SEED SOY HULL PELLETS CITRUS PELLETS CORN /^Triple Farm_^ 5549 Old Philadelphia Pike Gap, PA 17527 717/768-7529 Western Hay 717/442-8022 torn Gluten Feed pellets or meal 19% Protein Farm Delivery $1 10/ton 423-235-6448 Top Quality Indiana Alfalfa & Orchard Grass & Alfalfa & Dry Cow Hay. 3,000 good Alfalfa small square bales, 3rd & 4th cutting 4x4xB Bales Grinstead Hay Farms, Sheridan, Indiana, 888-758-4151 $B9/Bag - New Lower Price! VNS Alfalfa Seed • Fall dormancy - 4 • Disease resistance index - 25 or better • Innoculated • Can be used on certified farms • Will ship UPS HOMESTEAD NUTRITION (717) 354-4398 (888) 336-7878 itember 7, 2002-D23 Idaho Alfalfa Top Quality, High Protein Call Brad or Kaye 208-663-4415 Rye Small seed cleaned, bagged Delivery Available $6/bushel 717-637-7586 i Woodshavings [ Pine & Poplar Bags only Samuel Lapp, Jr, 717-299-1412 Buying Ear Corn Delivered to Manheim Paying Cash at Scales Also buying selling soybeans & shelled com 717-653-9580 : Picked Up in : • York Co., PA : : Hay: $4O/ton. ; | Round bales & | | 3x3xB bales. ; Straw:sso/ton.: : Big bales. | : Corn Silage: $25/ton. ; Will Deliver for ; • extra charge. ; j 717/792-3267 | f CUSTOM IS 1 GRAIN ROASTING 1 on your farm Try our roaster cooling unit for immediate storage • Get more milk • Increase butterfat • Save your moldy corn SCHNUPTS GRAIN ROASTING Lebanon, PA 1-500-452-4004 or David N. Groff i| RD3, Lewisbura, PA n i= 570-565-1420 =JJ
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