(Continued from Page Al 2) Type 9.00 -SQUASH: MARKET NJ YELLOW STRAIGHTNECK HIGHER, NJ ZUCCHINI LOWER, OTHERS ABOUT STEADY Vi buctns/crts GA Zuc chini sml-med 14.00 med 12.00 NJ Zuc chini sml-med 10.00 some including fr ap pear 8.00 med 10.00 med-lge 7.00-8.00 Yellow Straightneck sml-med 14.00-15.00 mostly 14.00 few 16.00 med 12.00-14.00 mostly 12.00 OH Yellow Straightneck Ige 12.00 PA Zucchini med-lge If qua! 4.00 Yellow Straightneck sml-med 14.00-15.00 VA Zucchini sml-med 12.00-13.00 buctns NJ Butternut med 10.00 1 1/9 bucrts NJ Acorn med 10.00 Butternut med 10.00 1 1/9 buctns/crts NJ Spaghetti med 10.00 -SWEET POTATOES: MARKET STEADY 40 lb ctns AL Beauregard jbo 8.00 U.S. One Beauregard med 13.00- U.S. Two Beauregard med 8.00 LA U.S. One Beauregard med 15.00 ‘/z buctns NJ Yellow Jersey med 14.00 CURED 40 lb ctns NC U.S. One Jewels med 10.00-12.00 mostly 11.00-12.00 -TO MATOES: MARKET ABOUT STEADY -25 lb ctns NJ yellow med-lge If appear 6.00 Vine Ripes light red-red ige 7.00-8.00 mostly 7.00 Red If cond 4.00-5.00 poorer low as 1.00 med 4.00-6.00 Red fr cond 3.00 poorer low as 1.00 sml 3.00-4.00 Red ff cond 1.00-2.00 NY Vine Ripes red Ige 6.00- med 5.00-6.00 OH 85% U.S. One or Better Mature Greens light red red sx6s few 10.00 PA yellow xlge 15.00- Vine Ripes red Ige 8.00 med 5.00- sml 3.00-4.00 85% U.S. One or Better Mature Greens light red-red sx6s 9.00- 6x6s 8.00-9.00 TN Vine Ripes light red-red xlge 8.00-9.00 85% U.S. One or Better Mature Greens light red-red sx6s 9.00-11.00 6\6s 8.00-9.00 VA 85% U.S. One or Better Mature Greens light red-red sx6s 9.00-11.00 mostly 9.00-10.00 6x6s 8.00-10.00 mostly 9.00 Local Repack 85% U.S. One or Better Mature Greens light red-red Sx6s 14.25 6x6s 14.25 6x7s 13.00 5 kg ctns on the vine NL Vine Ripes Greenhouse light red-red Ige 8.00-10.00 AIR Vine Ripes Greenhouse light red-red Ige 13.00 7 kg fits NL Vine Ripes Green house light red-red Ige 19.00 -TOMA TOES, CHERRY; MARKET ABOUT STEADY fits 12 1-pt bkts NJ red fr cond 5.00 fits 12 1-pt cntrs with lids NJ Grape Type light red-red one label 14.00 fits 12 1-pt bkts NY red 6.00-7.00 PA red 6.00- fits 12 1-pt cntrs with lids PA Grape Type light red-red 8.00 red 6.00- fits 12 1-pt bkts VA red 8.00- fits 12 1-pt cntrs with lids VA Grape Type light red-red 10.00 3 kg ctns on the vine NL AIR Greenhouse light red-red 15.00 -TOMATOES, PLUM TYPE; MARKET NJ & VA LOWER, OTHERS STEADY 25 lb ctns MX red Ige fr cond 7.00-8.00 NJ red Ige 6.00-8.00 med 5.00-6.00 NY red Ige 6.00-7.00 PA red Ige 6.00-7.00 TN red Ige 7.00 VA light red-red Ige 8.00-10.00 -TURNIPS: 25 lb filmbags MI Purple Top Ige 8.00 med 9.00- -VEGETABLES OTHER: 8 lb ctns CA Radicchio 9s 8.00-9.00 mostly 8.00 3 kg lugs IT Radicchio 9s 7.00 Philadelphia Fruit Terminal Market September 4,2002 Report Supplied By USDA CITRUS FRUITS -CLEMENTINES: OFFERINGS NONE -GRAPEFRUIT; MARKET STEADY ctns CA Shprs Ist Grade Red 23s 13.00 27s 13.50 32s 14.00- 36s 13.50-14.00 40s 13.00 -LEMONS: MARKET STEADY ctns CA Shprs Choice 95s 22.50-24.00 115 s 24.00- 140 s 27.00 165 s 27.50-28.00 200 s 26.00 4/5 buctns FL 95s 18.00 115 s 19.00 140 s 19.00 crts SP Class I 70s 14.00 80s 14.00 90s 14.00 100 s 16.00 120 s 16.00 160 s 16.00 -LIMES: MARKET ABOUT STEADY 10 lb ctns MX 42s 8.00 48s 7.00- mostly 7.00 54s 7.00-8.50 most ly 7.00-8.00 63s 7.00-8.00 (including 60s) 40 lb ctns MX 130 s 27.00 150 s 24.00- fair appear low as 20.00 175 s 24.00- mostly 24.00 fair appear low as 20.00 200 s 24.00-26.00 mostly 24.00 fair appear low as 20.00-ORANGES: MARKET STEADY ctns CA Shprs Ist Grade Valencia 56s 13.50-14.00 mostly 14.00 72s 13.00-14.00 mostly 13.50-14.00 88s 13.00-14.00 113 s 13.00-14.00 Shprs Choice Valencia S6s 11.00 72s 12.00 88s 13.00. BERRIES -BLUEBERRIES: MARKET HIGHER fits 12 1-pt cups with lids CD CDOne'med 20.00 MI med fair cond 14.00-16.00 -CRANBERRIES: OFFERINGS NONE -MISC BERRIES: Mortal -v _ —. X" -- V ✓ N / V v V \ . N ✓ N . ' V Salvatore A. BOCCUTI 300 Rosemary Avenue P.O. Box 641* Ambler. PA 19002-0641 Ph.{2ls) 646-1853 • Fx.{2ls) 646-3790 Email: salb@salboccuti.com • www.salboccuti.com Photography Commercial Photographer fits 12 6-oz cups with lids CA Blackber ries 22.00 OR Blackberries 24.00 fits 12 5.6-oz cups with lids GU Blackberries 16.00 -RASPBERRIES: OFFERINGS LIGHT fits 12 6-oz cups with lids CA Red 22.00 one label 30.00 -STRAWBER RIES: MARKET ABOUT STEADY fits 12 1-pt bkts CA med-lge 12.00-15.00 some low as 10.00 one label 18.00 poor cond 2.00-3.00 fits 8 1-lb cntrs with lids CA med-lge one label 18.00 MELONS -CANTALOUPS; MAR KET ABOUT STEADY 'h ctns CA 9s 8.00- mostly 9.00-10.00 few 11.00 fair cond 5.00-6.00 12s 9.00-11.00 mostly 9.00- fair cond 5.00-6.00 15s 8.00- mostly 9.00 fair cond 5.00-6.00 18s 8.00-9.00 -HONEYDEWS: MAR KET ABOUT STEADY Vs ctns CA 4s 4.00- 5s 5.00-7.00 mostly 6.00 one label 8.50 ord cond 2.00-3.00 6s 6.00-8.00 one label 8.50 8s 8.00 -MISC MELONS: NO SALES REPORTED -WATER MELONS: MARKET ABOUT STEADY ctns per ctn DE Red Flesh Seedless Type 4s 20.00 5s 18.00 Sangria 3s 15.00 24 inch bins DE Red Flesh Seedless Type 45s 135.00 30 inch bins DE Sangria 40s 140.00- 45s 140.00-150.00 50s 140.00- bins per melon MD Red Flesh Seedless Type 10-14 lb 1.25 15-18 lb 1.75 18-20 lb 2.00 few 2.25 NON-CITRUS FRUITS -APPLES: MARKET STEADY REGULAR STOR AGE ctns trypk CA U.S. ExFcy Granny Smith 80s 27.00 88s 24.00 100 s 20.00 113 s 18.00 Gala 88s 34.00 U.S. One Granny Smith 72s 23.00 NZ BOAT Braeburns 80s 22.00 CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERE STORAGE ctns trypk WA WAExFcy Red Delicious 64s 18.00 one label 26.00 80s 18.00 one label 26.00 88s 18.50-20.50 one label 24.50 100 s 18.50- 113 s 18.50-20.00 125 s 20.50- NEW CROP ctns trypk PA U.S. ExFcy Ginger Gold 88s 16.00 100 s 16.00 WA WAExFcy Ginger Gold 80s 26.50 88s 22.50. -AV OCADOS: MARKET STEADY ctns 2 lyr CA Hass 48s 37.00-39.00 mostly 38.00-39.00 60s 37.00-38.00 CL BOAT Hass 48s fair cond 26.00 50s 30.00-32.00 60s 30.00-32.00 ctns 1 lyr FL Various Greens- kin Varieties 7s 8.00-8.50 8s 8.00- 9s 8.00-8.50 10s 8.00- 12s 8.00-8.50 -BA- (7l7} 335-2121 (800) 346-8319 110 South Railroad Av*., New Holland, PA 17567 Monday Thru Friday 7:30-5:00; Saturday 7:30-Noon Other times by appointment Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 7, 2002-Al3 NANAS: MARKET STEADY 40 lb ctns IMPORT 11.50-12.00 mostly 11.50 fair qua! 10.50 sml 8.50 petite 13.50 40 lb ctns bagged IMPORT 11.50. -FRUITS OTHER: ctns 1 lyr FL Carambola - Star Fruit 25s 9.00-10.00 30s 9.00-10.00 ctns 1 lyr trypk CA Passion Fruit 36s few 30.00 ctns 12 1-pt bkts CA Figs Black Mission 12.00- 2 kg (4.4 lb) IS Lychee Nuts 10.00 -GRAPES: MARKET ABOUT STEADY 21 lb lugs CA U.S. One Exotic Ige 15.00 Red Globe Ige 16.00-18.00 med lge 15.00 19 lb lugs bgd CA U.S. One Thompson Seedless exlge 15.00-16.00 few higher Ige 12.00-15.00 med-lge 10,00 fr cond 5.00-6.00 med 8.00-10.00 amber low as 6.00 Flame Seedless Ige 13.00- few 16.00 med-lge 12.00- med 10.00-11.00 Ruby Seed less med 10.00-11.00 Red Seedless Ige one label 19.00 Black Seedless Ige 14.00 occ 13.00 Red Globe Ige 13.00-16.00 mostly 13.00-14.00 one label 18.00 Fanta sy Ige 14.00-16.00 18 lb lugs wrpd CA U.S. One Thompson Seedless Ige 19.00 Flame Seedless Ige 18.00 ctns 12 1-qt bkts CD Concord 18.00-20.00 mostly 20.00 -KIWIFRUIT: fits 1 lyr CL BOAT Hayward 39s 6.50 NZ BOAT Hayward 30s 7.00 10 kg cntrs CL BOAT Hayward 39 sz 15.00 NZ BOAT Hayward 36 sz 17.00 -MANGOES: MARKET ABOUT STEADY fits 1 lyr BR Tommy Atkins 7s 7.00- 8s 7.00-8.00 mostly 8.00 9s 7.00- mostly 8.00 10s 7.00-7.50 12s 7.00- MX Keitts 8s 7.50-8.00 -NEC TARINES: MARKET STEADY 25 lb ctns Ise CA California Well Matured Various Yellow Flesh Varieties 48 sz 14.00 56 sz 13.00-14.00 few best high as 17.00 64 sz 13.00 72 sz 12.00 California Utility Red Jim 56 sz 12.00 (CORREC TION FOR YESTERDAY’S REPORT; DELETE VARIOUS YELLOWFLESH VARIEITES 50 SZ 17.00-18.00 AND 56 CASH FOR PUPPIES Pure & mixed breeds handled to 8 weeks old in litter lots only. Must be bug free & healthy Call )o )o early mornings iMSOKja Pickups anywhere in Penna Call Toll Free 1-800-392-4953 or 1-866-589-8900 Call only if you have pups to sell and for no other reason l SZ 16.00-17.00) -PAPAYA; MARKET ABOUT STEADY 40 lb ctns FL Green Cooking Type 17.00 4 kg cntrs BR Gold 9s 10.00 10s 10.00 BZ Solo 8s 9.00 JM Solo 8s 9.00 -PEACHES: MARKET ABOUT STEADY Vi buctns NJ No Grade Marks Various Yellow Flesh Vari eties 2 '/<‘up 15.00-16.00 Blakes 2 '/2‘up 12.00 Jersey Queen 3‘up few 18.00 2 Wup few 18.00 2 '/2‘up few 14.00 2 '/<‘up few 10.00 25 lb ctns Ise CA California Well Matured Various Yellow Flesh Va rieties 56 sz 10.00 California Utility Vari ous White Flesh Varieties 42 sz 7.00-8.00 -PEARS: MARKET STEADY 36 lb ctns CA U.S. One Bartlett 90 sz 18.00 100 sz 16.00 110 sz 14.00 -PERSIMMONS: OF FERINGS NONE -PINEAPPLES: MARKET ABOUT STEADY ctns 1 lyr CR golden npe 6s 15.00-16.00 9s 14.00 EC golden ripe 5s 15.00-16.00 7s 15.00- HI AIR 6s 13.50-14.00 ctns 2 lyr CR 12s 16 00-18.00 14s 16.00-18.00 -PLANTAINS: MARKET STEADY 50 lb ctns CB Yellow 19.50-20.00 EC Green 20.00 -PLUMS: MARKET ABOUT STEADY 28 lb ctns Ise CA California Well Matured Betty Ann 35 sz 18.00 Juanna Red 25 sz 15.00-16.00 Red Giant 25 sz 14.00-15.00 45 sz 13.00 Freedom 45 sz 13.00-14.00 Friar 30 sz 14.00-15.00 Howard Sun 40 sz 16.00 California Utili ty Casselman 40 sz 10.00-12.00 45 sz 10.00- flts/ctns 1 lyr trypk CA Cali fornia Well Matured Interspecific Type Dapple Dandy 24s 6.00-7.00 -POME GRANATES; OFFERINGS LIGHT ctns 2-Iyr CA Granada 36s 25.00 40s 22.00- 44s 18.00 Start Clean Next Spring with Fall Sprays It weither delavs next springs burndown applications \ou could wind up with some real weed-control headaches in \our Roundup Reads sovbean fields Thus where a wtll plinned nmelv tall herbicide applic ition can help Fill applications provide earh burndown ot activelv growing weeds plus residinl weed control to help vou plant into clem fields next spring - just like spring burndowns do But with a fall application vonr helds will drv down lister tor earlier planting uid insects nm be tewer due to less weed vegetation Populations ot sovbtin evst neimtodc nu\ also be reduced Fill ipplu. itions of Puhon WIXt herbicide at 0 8 to In ounce 1 pint of 2 4-J) and I pint ot CiKphonux Plus herhiude per icre control tout'll weeds like purple deadnettk and henbu plus common ehick wced marestail shepherdspurse butterweed held penmeress \ellow rocket wild mustards md earK flushes of lambscjuirters Make sour till applic uion when soil temperatures hut dropped to So cienrets ( uid ire contnumu; to till This will help Ik thon \X I)(» rem un stable in the soil until it actn ites next sprinu One more benefit th it Fuhon U!)(> pros ides is the tlexibilits to pi int c orn if mirket or weuhtr conditions dictitc iclunue ( mops XL herbicide rcxtricts growers to sosbems When next spring irnus \ou tan use one '2-ounu post jppht ition ot (ilsphonm Plus to dean up m\ rem lining weeds in unit Roundup Rt ids sosbeins Or sou i in tank-mix I' outlets of Firxtßitt herbicide ssith reduced rites ot Cilsphonics, Plus it common md gum ngssetd lockltbur sunflower. or selsttleaf are i common sseed problem in sour hdds For more intoiimnon ibout using Ps thou WIK» and Cjlsphonnx Plus herbicides in i till-apphed progrim tout at soui lot it Ig render Dow AgroSciences + Fi iduiurk ot Pou MjvtViuKCs LI i xßoundup Reads is ircgistcicd rndeiiurk of Monsanto t ompim ■Mu i\s re id iikl folku 1 1 lx 1 dilution'
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