National Feeder Cattle Weekly Review St. Joseph, Mo. July 5,2002 Report Supplied By USDA NATIONAL FEEDER & STOCKER REVIEW - week ending July 5. TOTAL RECEIPTS: TOTAL: 251,200; last week 260,000, last year N/A. Auctions: 63,600; last week 203,500; last year N/A. Direct: 34,800; last week 56,500; last year N/A. Video/Intemet: 152,800; last week none. This week’s reported auction volume in cluded 62% over 600 lbs(without the Southeaast Complex) and 46% heifers. The Fourth of July slowed this week’s feeder cattle movement to a point that made a nationwide trend difficult to es tablish. Many auction markets across the country were closed this week, especially in the Southeast and in areas where re ceipts are light and salebam owners are looking for a good excuse to lock the gates for a while. However, a few of the larger early-week markets were open, like the Oklahoma National Stockyards where over 8500 head of feeder cattle were on offer. Also, some of the country order buyers were beating the bushes for avail able cattle, despite the holiday. Trends were mostly steady to 1.00 higher on these limited receipts, except for the few South eastern markets that reported prices 1.00-3.00 lower as most of the shippers in that area were either fishing or out West visiting customers. Floods in central and south Texas brought livestock trading to a halt as some areas received as much as twenty live inches in less than a week. Oklaho- ma’s moderate rain was more welcome, as was the spotty rain in many areas through the mid-section of the United States. But, drought conditions continue to be severe in the mountain states and across the northern plains. The combelt is also starting to get seriously dry under steamy temperatures and abnormally high winds. This is causing crop estimates to be adjusted lower and lending support to com futures, which scares cattle feed ers that have been depending on cheap Peleriheiiti’i Cow Mattrenei 117 Christiana Pihe, Christiana, PA 17509 610-593-2242 m Serving DE, HD, NJ, PA and Western NV for 8 years. feed to offset a struggling fat cattle mar ket. High Plains feedlots managed a steady market of 64.00 by holding out until Fri day, but northern areas lost 2.00 earlier in the week to close at mostly 99.00 dressed. Last week’s four-day Superior Video Auc tion results suggest that cattle feeders are starting to realize that the slaughter cattle market might not be solely responsible for the huge losses that they have been taking on feedlot closeouts. The bulk of the year ling steers sold in the seventies and even those fancy five-weight mountain calves (that in recent years yielded a few cents on either side of 1.00 per pound) brought mostly in the mid- eighties for fall deliv ery steers. Midwest Daily Livestock Summary Amarillo, Texas July 9,2002 Report Supplied By USDA In the five area direct not enough re portable sales of both live and dressed trade accurate market comparison. LIVE STEERS: 65-80% Choice 61.00-62.00, weighted average 61.63; 35-65% Choice 62.00. DRESSED STEERS; 65-80% Choice 97.00-98.00, weighted average price 97.87; 35-65% Choice 97.00-98.00, weighted average 97.57. LIVE HEIFERS: over 80% Choice 61.65- 62.00, weighted average 61.83. DRESSED HEIFERS: 35-65% Choice 97.00. Terminal Markets: South St. Paul ter minal market compared to yesterday slaughter steers, heifers and Holstein steers traded at steady price levels. STEERS: Choice 2-3, 1155-1495 lbs 62.50-63.20. Select and Choice 2-3, 1195-1440 lbs 61.35-62.50. HOLSTEIN STEERS: Choice, few Prime 2-3, 1295-1705 lbs 56.00-57.75, few 58.00- crossbreds 60.25-62.00. Select and Choice 2-3, 1390-1655 lbs 54.00- HEIFERS: Choice 2-3, 1040-1475 lbs 61.50-62.75. Select and Choice 2-3 1085-1320 lbs 59.00-60.35. Cattle slaughter under federal inspec tion on Tuesday was estimated at 131,000 head compared to 134,000 a week ago and 128,000 a year ago. Week to date through Tuesday 260,000 head compared to 269,000 a week ago and 254,000 head a year ago. CME Futures Closes for Live Cattle: August 63.82, down 35; October 66.40, down 17; December 67.55, up 07. Slaughter cows at So. St. Paul terminal sold steady. Premium White 70-75 per cent lean over 1200 lbs 44.00-46.50. Breakers 70-80 percent lean over 1100 lbs 42.00-44.50. Boners 80-85 percent lean over 1050 lbs 40.00-43.00. Lean 86-90 per cent lean over 1100 lbs 35.50-40.00. Barrows and gilts at the South St. Paul, MN and Sioux Falls terminal markets on Tuesday closed I.SO-2.00 lower. At termi nals, barrows and gilts 47-51 percent lean 220-270 lbs 36.50-39.50. Direct trade prices are based on 185 lbs hog carcass with 0.9-1.1 inch backfat and 6 inch square loin/2.0 inch depth plant delivered. National direct trade closed 0.50 lower at 41.75- with average price 53.82. lowa-Minnesota direct trade was 1.00-1.25 lower at 41.75-57.65 with an av erage price 54.10. The Western Combelt close was 0.75-1.00 lower, prices 41.75- weighted average price 54.29. The Eastern Combelt was steady to firm, at 42.75-56.50, average price 53.30. Hog slaughter under federal inspection on Tuesday was estimated at 344,000 head compared to 368,000 head a week ago and 351,000 head a year ago. Week to date through Tuesday 684,000 head com pared to 739,000 a week ago and 701,000 a year ago. CME Future Closes for Lean Hogs; July 53.92, down 97; August 49.57, down 37; October 42.05, down 75. Slaughter lambs at So. St. Paul sold steady to weak. Shorn: old crop lambs; Choice, few Prime 2-3,120-140 lbs with 1- 2 pelts 75.00-78.00. Wooled: New crop; Choice, end Prime 2-3, 110-130 lbs 78.00-82.00. Sheep and lamb slaughter under feder al inspection on Tuesday was estimated at 11.000 head compared to 11,000 head a week ago and 10,000 head a year. Week to date through Tuesday 22,000 head a week ago compared to 22,000 a week and 20.000 a year ago. Sktythe 3kd 3wtm SkdMiny Matmaii i II this adds up to. Grandrib 3® PLUS is backed by an industry leading: 35 Year Sidewall & 30 Year Roof Paint Warranty 25 Year Sidewall Corrosion Warranty 20 Year Roofing Corrosion Warranty 10 Year Edge Rust Warranty 717-866-6581 701 E. Linden St. Richland, PA 17087 PROMAT LTD. Five-Area Weekly Average Direct Slaughter Cattle St. Joseph, Mo., July 8, 2002 - USDA Market News Service Sales in Texas/Oklahoma; Kansas; Nebraska; Colorado; and lowa/Minnesota Feedlots for Week Ending Sunday, July 7, 2002 Confirmed Sales: 120,516; Week Ago SLAUGHTER STEERS Head Count Over 80% Choice 1,753 65-80% Choice 7,519 35-65% Choice 31,350 1-35% Choice 1,949 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Over 80% Choice 65-80% Choice 35-65% Choice 1-35% Choice DRESSED BASK SLAUGHTER STI Over 80% Choice 1.379 65-80% Choice 8,467 35-65% Choice 11,490 1-35% Choice SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Over 80% Choice 690 65-80% Choice 3,066 35-65% Choice 8,465 1-35% Choice 84 Wei Head Count Avg. Weight Live Steer 42,271 1,282 9 Live Heifer 33,652 1,157 5 Dressed Steel 21,336 839 0 Dressed Heif 12,305 766 8 Week Ago Weighted Averages: Live Steer 49,781 Live Heifer 38.618 Dressed Steer 39.105 Dressed Heifer 22,703 Year Ago Weighted Averages: Live Steer 55,079 Lite Heifer 47,750 Dressed Steer 36,986 Dressed Heifer 30,974 PjiS.l, &fAM Ag. Grandrib 3®PLUS Complete Building Packages, Trusses And Glue-Laminated Timbers Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 13, 2002-Al9 Weight Range 1000-1550 825-1600 882-1648 891-1688 1,427 950-1475 885-1475 568-1561 931-1760 3,342 26,539 344 500-1070 568-1080 605-1024 568-1006 504-1016 557-1011 644- 844 ;hted Averages lated Weii ccumul 169,670; Year Ago- 194,028 Price Avg. Avg. Weight Price 1,329 63 66 1,316 63 04 1,276 63 74 1.226 63 50 Range 63 00-64 00 61 00-64 50 62 00-65 00 62 00-64 00 1,212 1,205 1.145 1,143 62 50-64 00 62 00-64 50 62 00-64 50 63 00-64 00 864 837 838 97 50-102 00 97 50-101 75 98 50-101 00 775 99 01 751 99 06 772 98 98 744 100 00 97 00-101 00 97 00-101.00 98 00-100 00 100 00-100 00 Beef Bre Avg. Price 63 60 63 75 99 18 99 01 63 78 63 88 101 00 100 93 1,265 7 1,143 7 835 2 759 6 70 37 70 38 113 83 113 27 1,241 8 1,1195 794 2 723 9 The Best Metal Warranty 10 Layers of Protection Up to 50% Stronger Thicker 29 Gauge Steel 25% - 50% More Galvanized Coating |1 iFAifeßAt. ll % mmmMximmm active membcs 301-334-3977 1283 Joni Miller Rd. Oakland, MO 21550 63 19 63 29 63 88 63 63 99 53 99 25 99 08
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