vB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 18, 2002 A! Full Flower Moon, May 26 199 Years Ago Ralph Waldo Emerson, bom on May 25, 1803. began keeping a journal when he was |ust a teenager, later suggesting to Henry David Thoreau, at a Harvard lec ture m 1837. that he do the same Thoreau look him up on the idea He also lived with Emerson and his family foi two yeais before building a cabin in Emeison's woods at Walden Pond Wnteis Henry James and Nathaniel Haw- thome. poet Walt Whitman, nat uralist John Muir, suffragist Margaret fuller, ami states man Abraham Lincoln were other Emerson friends and acquaintances Originally a teacher and Unitarian minis ter, Emerson latei embraced tianscendentahsm and. in his literary woik, piessed for abolition, women's rights, and other freedoms Tinish each Jay anJ he Jone with it. -Ralph Waldo Emerson American essayist and poet (1803-1882) A blank notebook makes a fine gift for students, young writers, and others. Poor-Man’s Pudding For syrup: 1-1/2 cups brown sugar 1-1/2 cups water 3 tablespoons butter, melted li2 teaspoon vanilla extract Fordouoh. 3 tablespoons butter, softened 3/4 cup sugar 1-V2 cups (lour 2 teaspoons baking powder pinch of salt 3/4 cup milk Prehcal oven to 350°f- Make a sviup tioin the first four ingredients. Lebanon Valley Livestock Fredericksburg, Pa. Report Supplied By USDA May 14,2002 CATTLE 89...(PDA)...steers and heif ers mostly steady, cows active, 1.00 to 2.00 higher. STEERS; few Choice 2-3 1250-1485 lbs 68.00- one Select 2 66.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS; High Choice and Prime 2-3 1200-1530 lbs 57.00-60.50, Choice 2-3 1345-1460 lbs 56.25-57.50, Se lect 1-2 50.25-54.75. HEIFERS: Select 1-3 61.75-62.25, one Standard 2 46.25. COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 42.75-44.00, one low dressing 37.25, Bone rs 80-85% lean 38.50-43.00, Lean 85-90% lean 34.00-39.50. Shells 34.00 and down. BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1210-1935 lbs 53.00- one Yield Grade 2 1370 lbs Agricultural Generators Spectrum Detroit Diesel L.P. Gas, Diesel, Natural Gas 5 to 2,000 KW Service - Rental - New & Used Units In Stock Wn^MWMWSVBTtMS < \ -m *■«•*/'■*» > v -'’**?'*■ •* i< # £ 'i '* x y ~ “ Power Generation Systems Specialists Call Leonard Martin bunging them to a boil Set aside Foi the dough, cream butter with sugar Sift flour, baking powder and salt into butler mix ture. add milk Pour syrup into a 13x9-inch pan, then diop dough ovei the syrup Bake toi 30 minutes Makes 6 servings. 50.00. FEEDER CATTLE: HEIFERS: one lot Medium 2 625 lbs 63.00, one lot Small 3 205 lbs 70.00. CALVES 82...VEALERS: Standard and Good 75-115 lbs 52.00-70.00, Utility 55-90 lbs 25.00-41.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls steady to strong..No 1 Hol stein bulls 85-115 lbs 130.00-175.00 most ly 152.00-167.00, few 120-125 lbs 110.00- No 2 80-120 lbs 97.00- few No 2 Holstein heifers 72-105 lbs 155.00-210.00. One beef type bull and heifer 70 lbs 210.00. HOGS 31...50W5: 1-3 345-480 lbs 18.00-19.00, 500-710 lbs 21.00-23.50, few Medium 480-600 lbs 15.00-17.00. FEEDER PIGS 2...N0 MARKET TEST! SHEEP S...SLAUGHTER SHEEP; one lot 20.00. GOATS 0...N0 MARKET TEST! 0330 Fonderwhlte Road, Lebanon, PA 17042 >’//■ OLD FARMER'S WEATHER PROVERBS Mail showers bring milk anJ meal. The more thunJor in May, the less in August anJ September. lossoms in May are not pooJ, some say Great Gardens For a handy chart full of time-honored gar demng hints, send $3 to The Old Farmers Almanac Dept VG PO Box 620, Dublin NH 03444, call 800-895-9265, ext 220, or visit www4llmanac.com/ go/Wvg. 25 to 135 KW Units In Stock! 717-273-4544 Fax 717-273-5186 Carlisle Livestock Carlisle, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction May 14,2002 SLAUGHTER CATTLE: STEERS SE LECT AND LOW CHOICE 1100-1530 LBS. 60.25-67.25; HEIFERS CHOICE 1100-1505 LBS. 66.25-67.00, SELECT AND LOW CHOICE 60.00-65.75; COWS ACTIVE! BREAKERS 43.75-50.00, BONERS 43.00-49.00, LEAN 44.00-47.00, BIG MIDDLE, LOW DRESSING, LIGHTS 34.75-40.00. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS, HOL STEINS AND DAIRY TYPES 600-900 LBS. 51.00-67.00; HEIFERS 475-600 LBS. 78.00-79.00, HOLSTEINS, DAIRY TYPES 600-950 LBS. 50.00-64.00; BULLS, HOSLTEINS 700-850 LBS. 49.50-50.00. CALVES: RETURNING TO THE FARM, ACTIVE! HOLSTEIN BULLS +NI 90-120 LBS. 160.00-184.00, +N2 80-135 LBS. 105.00-150.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS +N2 80-100 LBS. 320.00- SWINE: HOGS US+NI-3 220-280 LBS. 29.75-33.50, 280-320 LBS. 26.00- US+N2-4 180-200 LBS. 25.00; SOWS US+NI-3 350-600 LBS. 22.00- THIN, WEAK, ROUGH 18.00- BOARS 13.00-15.00; FEED ER PIGS BY THE LB. 16-22 LBS. 120.00- 23-40 LBS. 75.00-110.00, 45-60 LBS. 50.00-60.00. GOATS: BY THE HEAD MEDIUM AND LARGE NANNIES 61.00-77.00, FANCY KIDS 55.00-68.00, FLESHY KIDS 42.00-54.00, SMALL AND THIN 10.00- LAMBS: GOOD AND CHOICE 50-65 LBS. 110.00-117.50, 80-130 LBS. 75.00- SHEEP: ALL WEIGHTS 20.00-56.00. SALE EVERY TUES., 5 P.M. FOR RABBITS, POULTRY AND EGGS, 6 P.M. FOR LIVESTOCK, STARTING WITH CALVES; SPECIAL FAT CAT TLE SALE TUBS., MAY 21; SPECIAL FEEDER CATTLE SALE TUBS., MAY 21; STATE GRADED FEEDER PIG SALE FRIDAY, MAY 24, RECEIVING 7 A.M.-10:30 A.M. SALE 12:30 P.M.; RED CARPET TACK AND HORSE SALE FRIDAY, JUNE 21. SALE STARTING AT 7 P.M. WITH TACK. RECEIVING 5 P.M.. SMALL ANIMAL SALE May 14,2002 RABBITS AND BUNNIES: 1.00-9.25. CHICKENS: 1.25-6.50. BANTIES: .50-3.25. PIGEONS: 2.50-4.00. PHEASANTS: 10.00. GUINEA PIGS: 2.50-3.50. TURKEYS: 12.00-17.00. DUCKS: 6.50-15.00. SALE STARTS AT 5 P.M. ALL SOLD BY THE HEAD. SALE STARTS 5 P.M. Belleville Livestock Auction Belleville, Pa. May 15,2002 Report Supplied By USDA CATTLE 293...(PDA)..(Supply in cluded 169 cows and belters in the Dairy sale)...Compared with last week’s sa le.xows 1.00 to 2.00 higher. STEERS: couple Choice 1-3 1235 & 1380 lbs 67.00 & 68.50. HEIFERS; few Choice 1-3 1165-1385 lbs 65.25-66.75. COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 40.00- Boners 80-85% lean 38.00- Lean 85-90% lean 37.25-44.75. Shells 34.50 and down. BULLS: few Yield Grade 1 1585-1960 lbs 57.50-59.25, one Yield Grade 1085 lbs 50.00. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS; Medi um and Large 2 450-490 lbs 70.50-76.50, Medium and Large 3 320-375 lbs 45.00- 410-505 lbs 54.00-62.50, one 735 lbs 58.00; HEIFERS: one Medium 2 635 lbs 53.00; BULLS; Medium and Large 2 400-460 lbs 67.00-71.00, one 645 lbs 58.00, Medium and Large 3 260-360 lbs 52.00- CALVES 39...VEALERS: few Stan dard and Good 75-90 lbs 50.00-62.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls 30.00 higher..No 1 Holstein bulls 85-120 lbs 162.00- No 2 80-125 lbs 85.00- couple No 1 Holstein heifers 90 & 95 lbs 540.00 & 580.00, one No 2 65 lbs 150.00. HOGS 12... BARROWS AND GILTS: few 45-50% lean 230-275 lbs 24.00-28.75, few 40-45% lean 300-340 lbs 18.00-19.00. BOARS: couple 325 & 685 lbs 6.00 & 6.25. FEEDER PIGS 56...1-3 30-45 lbs 18.00-34.00, 50-65 lbs 39.00-49.00 per head. SHEEP 18... Slaughter lambs 3.00 to 5.00 lower. SLAUGHTER LAMBS: cou ple High Choice and Prime 45 & 60 ibs 124.00 & 126.00, Choice 40-50 Ibs 82.00- 60-75 lbs 89.00-109.00, 80-110 lbs 82.00-93.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: few 17.00- GOATS 24...(A11 sold by the head with weights estimated). Kids; Selection 1 20-40 lbs 27.00-32.00, 40-60 lbs 41.00- Selection 2 under 20 lbs 17.00- 20-40 lbs 27.00-43.00, one 40-60 lbs 50.00. Selection 3 under 20 lbs 8.00. 20-40 lbs 15.00-22.00. Yearlings; Se lection 2 one 40 lbs 27.00, one 60 lbs 52.00. Nannies: 50-70 lbs 40.00-52.00. Bil lies: one 50-70 lbs 40.00, one 70-100 lbs 91.00. DAIRY COWS: 700.00-1750.00 per head. Heavy Duty Headlocks Finished with TGIC Polyester Powder Coating... Superior to Epoxy! • Extra Heavy Construction • Yokes lock on individual catches •Yoke stabilizer on large sizes • Designed for easy entry & exit • Removable neck bar Added Value With Our 2 Coat Process! Five step metal preparation, including iron phosphate conversion coating, to enhance adhesion & prevent undercoat corrosion 2. Zinc rich epoxy powder undercoat. TGIC polyester powder top coat, baked at 400° to fuse coats, forming a cross link molecular bond. Paul B. Zimmerman, Inc. 295 Woodcorner Rd. • Lltltz, PA 17543 • 717^738-7365 Call or write for additional information Mon . p^° and the name of your nearest dealer gat 7-11 Belknap Livestock Belknap, Pa. Report Supplied By USDA May 15,2002 CATTLE 122...(PDA). STEERS: few Choice 2-3 1125-1310 lbs 66.50- Select 1-3 60.00-64.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS: few Choice 2-3 1125-1200 lbs 58.25-60.75, Select 1-2 53.50- few Standard 1-2 46.00-52.50. HEIFERS: one Choice 1-3 1190 lbs 63.75, one Standard 1-2 50.00. COWS: few Breakers 75-80% lean 42.25- Boners 80-85% lean 41.25- Lean 85-90% lean 37.25- Shells down to 36.50. BULLS: one Yield Grade 1 1722 lbs 59.00, few Yield Grade 2 1510-1760 lbs 53.25- FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: few Large 2 375-550 lbs 57.00-64.00; HEIF ERS: Medium 1-2 400-625 lbs 71.00- BULLS: couple Medium 2 318 lbs 72.00, few Medium 2 475-675 lbs 52.00- CALVES 99...VEALERS: few Stan dard and Good 75-90 lbs 42.50-72.50, few 140-225 lbs 80.00-114.00. FARM CALVES: No 1 Holstein bulls 80-115 lbs 130.00- No 2 80-115 lbs 80.00- few No 1 Holstein heifers 80-105 lbs 525.00-600.00, few No 2 80-115 lbs 325.00-510.00. Beef cross bulls and heifers 70-125 lbs 90.00- HOGS 35...8ARR0WS AND GILTS: 45-50% lean 240-285 lbs 30.50-32.50, 40-45% lean 225-295 lbs 25.00-30.50. SOWS: 1-3 328 & 350 lbs 23.00 & 28.00, one 792 lbs 19.00. BOARS: couple 440 & 472 lbs 12.25. FEEDER PIGS 41...1-3 70-80 lbs 37.50-52.00. 35-50 lbs 50.00-54.00, one lot 30 lbs 32.00 per head. SHEEP 51...SLALIGHTER LAMBS: Choice 50-70 lbs 78.00-90.00, Good and Choice 40-85 lbs 67.50-76.00. SLAUGH TER SHEEP: 16.00-34.00, Yearlings 44.00-52.00. GOATS 45..(A11 sold by the head with weights estimated). Kids: Selection 1 one 40 lbs 36.00. Selection 2 one 60 lbs 52.50, 20-40 lbs 22.50-36.00, few 20 and down 17.50-22.50. Nannies: couple 70-100 lbs 40.00 & 60.00, couple 50 & 70 lbs 35.00 & 59.00. Billies: few 100-150 lbs 60.00-92.50, one 80 lbs 35.00. 3 Sizes Available To Meet Your Cattle Handling Needs • CA Series: 7 locks per 10’ • HE Series: 6 locks per 10’ • CO Series: 4 or 5 locks per 10' 'm> >
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