A6-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 18, 2002 Delmarva Broiler/Fryer ATLANTA, GA. May 15,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Movement of ready-to-cook whole birds was mostly fair, but continued to be suffi cient in keeping the bulk of offerings in good balance to closely cleared. Live sup plies were mostly moderate; weights were mostly desirable to heavy. Processor schedules were moderate to moderately heavy. Less than trucklot asking prices were 1 cent higher at 52 to 66 cents. Trade sentiment was fully steady to firm. In the parts complex, bone-in breasts, ten ders and wings were generally noted as readily available. Other cuts were fully sufficient with boneless skinless breasts reported in a better closer balance com pared to last several days. ESTIMATED SLAUGHTER OF BROILER/FRYERS IN DELMARVA (000) ESTIMATED ACTUAL AVG. WEIGHT ACTUAL AVG. WEIGHT 05/15 05/13 05/13 05/08 05/06 2,373 2,349 5.29 2,326 5.27 BROILFR/FRYER CURRENT NE GOTIATED PRICES FOR IMMEDI ATE DELIVERY INCLUDES MOSTLY MULTIPLE-DROP SHIPMENTS OF BRANDED AND WING TAGGED TO NEW YORK CITY FROM DELMARVA BRANDED U.S. GRADE A RANGE 48-68 WEIGHTED AVERAGE 54.16 NO. OF BOXES 8,785 8 of 8 plants reporting. Young Turkey Parts And Bulk Meat Des Moines, lowa May 14,2002 Report Supplied By USDA NATIONAL YOUNG TURKEY PARTS AND BULK MEAT, Frozen, un less specified, cents per lb, delivered first receivers, part and full trucklots, as of May 14,2002. Tom drum trade sentiment was mostly steady to fully steady, however, some spot weakness was noted in the East. Inquiry ranged slow to fair. Offerings of tom drums were light at best in the Midwest, mixed in the East. Tom 2-joint wing trade sentiment was fully steady. Demand was light to fair for the limited offerings. Tom full-cut wing trade sentiment was steady to instances fully steady with some spot cautiousness noted. Demand fair with some holding offerings more confidently than others. Tom neck trade sentiment was steady to instances weak. Demand slow for the readily available offerings. Thigh meat trade sentiment ranged from at least steady to instances weak. De mand was slow to instances fair. Offerings were held with varying degrees of confi dence with some sellers willing to enter tain lower buyer bids. Trading centered on a heavy volume of fresh mechanically separated turkey for domestic shipments, balance light. DOMESTIC TRADING; BREASTS, 4-8 lbs: Grade A - avg. 99.00, Fresh avg. 152.00; Plant Grade - 94.00. DRUM Extra Farm Income? We Offer • Qualified Service Personnel • Sound Genetic Program • Building Management/Environmental Monitoring • Facility Planning • Technical Support • Cash Flow Projections • Competitive Contract Payments • Purina Feeding Programs For more information Call 1-800-518-6458 Ext. 292 Purina Mills, Inc. Serving The Needs Of Agriculture iff m m m m. STICKS: TOM - avg. 25.00; HEN - avg. 23.50. WINGS, FULL-CUT: TOM - avg. 24.00; HEN - avg. 23.00. WING, V TYPE: TOM - avg. 28.00; HEN - avg. 43.00. NECKS: TOM - avg. 17.26; HEN - none. BREASTS, B/S, TOM avg. 125.00. THIGH MEAT, Fresh- avg. 58.00. BREAST TRIM MEAT - avg. 87.00. SCAPULA MEAT - avg. 80.32. TEN DERLOINS - none. DESTRAPPED TENDERS - avg. 123.00; Fresh 131.00. WING MEAT WITH SKIN - avg. 58.00. MECHANICALLY SEPARATED - avg. 12.00. fresh 11.32. EXPORT TRADING: DRUM STICKS: TOMS - avg. 25.50. WINGS, FULL-CUT: TOM - avg 22,00. WINGS V-TYPE: - TOMS - avg. 29.75. TAILS none. MECHANICALLY SEPARATED: avg 12.50, THIGH MEAT-avg. 54.08. HAY: 30 LOTS. 48 LOTS TOTAL. ALFALFA: 3 LOTS, 115.00-185.00. MIXED HAY: 18 LOTS, 90.00-290.00 TIMOTHY: 8 LOTS, 67.50-120.00. ROUND BALES: 39.00 BALE. STRAW: 9 LOTS, 90.00-170.00. EAR CORN; 5 LOTS, 85.00-101.00. OATS: 4 LOTS, 2.50-2.90 BU. 57 LOADS. ALFALFA: 90.00-190.00. MIXED HAY: 55.00-160.00. TIMOTHY; 77.50-120.00. CLOVER: 80.00. BROMEGRASS: 72.00-130.00. ORCHARDGRASS: 82.00-116.00. STRAW; 60.00-135.00. EAR CORN: 70.00-105.00. 116 LOTS. ALFALFA: 1.30-3.90 BALE. TIMOTHY: 1.50-3.10 BALE, 16.00-26.00 LARGE ROUND. MIXED HAY: .75-3.20 BALE. GRASS: 1.00-1.90 BALE, 12.00-15.00 LARGE ROUND. STRAW: 1.00-3.20 BALE. MULCH:. 10-.30 BALE. Vintage, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Thursday, May 16,2002 Hay—Straw—Grain ALFALFA; 150.00. MIXED HAY: 75.00-115.00. CORN FODDER: 62.00. Are You Interested In We have swine finishing contracts available Middleburg Hay Middlcburg, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, May 14.2002 Shippensburg Hay Auction Shippensburg, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction May 11 and 14,2002 Hay—Straw—Grain Westminster Hay Westminster, Maryland Report Supplied By Auction Tuesday, May 14,2002 Hay—Straw—Grain Vintage Hay Pa. Grain Report May 14,2002 Report Supplied By PDA COMPARED WITH LAST MON DAY’S MARKET FOR EASTERN AND CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA: Corn steady to .05 higher. Wheat mostly .03 to .10 higher. Barley and Oats steady. Soy beans steady to .10 higher. Ear Com steady to strong. PRICES PAID DELIV ERED TO DEALERS DOCK, All prices per bushel, except Ear Corn per ton. SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA CORN No. 2-y, 2.25-2.45, avg. 2.35; contract for harvest 2.20-2.32. WHEAT No. 2, 2 67-3.05, avg. 2.85; contract for harvest 2.62-2.87. BARLEY No. 3, 1.80-2.15, avg. 1.97; contract for harvest 1.35-1.60. OATS No. 2, 2.00-2.20, avg. 2.13. SOYBEANS 4.40-4.65, avg. 4.53; contract for harvest 4.33-4.41. Gr. Sorg hum, none. Ear Corn 60.00-74.00, avg. 68.00. SOUTH CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CORN No. 2-Y, 2.20-2.36, avg. 2.29; WHEAT No. 2, 2.50-2.70, avg. 2.60; BARLEY No. 3, 1.50-1.80, avg. 1.60; OATS No. 2, 1.75-1.80, avg. 1.78; SOY BEANS No. 1, 4.15-4.41, avg. 4.25. EAR CORN 60.00-75.00, avg. 65.00. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA CORN No. 2, 1.89-2.40, avg. 2.29; WHEAT No. 2, 2.26-2.65, avg. 2.34; BARLEY No. 3, 1.60-1.89, avg. 1.77; OATS No. 2,1.60-1.89,1.77; SOYBEANS No. 1, 4.33; EAR CORN 67-68.00, avg. 67.50. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA EAR CORN No. 2,2.35-2.45, avg. 2.37; WHEAT No. 2, 2.40-2.50, avg. 2.45; BARLEY No. 3, 1.75; OATS No. 2, 1.65-2.25, avg. 1.95; SOYBEANS, No. 1, 4.38-4.40, avg. 4.39; EAR CORN 60-66.00, avg. 64.00. LEHIGH VALLEY CORN No. 2-Y, 2.30-2.43, avg. 2.36; WHEAT No. 2, 2.75-3.05, avg. 2.87; BARLEY, No. 3, 1.80-2.00, avg. 1.90; OATS No. 2, 1.70-1.75, avg. 1.72; SOY BEANS No. 1, 4.30-4.50, avg. 4.42; GRAIN SORGHUM 2.74-2.80, avg. 2.77. EAR CORN 66.00-75.00, avg. 70.00. EASTERN AND CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CORN No. 2-y, 2.25-2.45, avg. 2.34; month ago 2.32, year ago 2.20. WHEAT No. 2, 2.50-3.05, avg. 2.73, month ago 2 76, year ago 2.37. BARLEY, No. 3. 1.70-2.15, avg. 1.80; month ago 1.86, year ago 1.50. OATS No. 2, 1.70-2.20, avg. 1.91; month ago 1.88, year ago 1.46. SOY BEANS No. 1, 4.30-4.65, avg. 4.42; month ago 4.33, year ago 4.07 EAR CORN 60.00-75.00, avg. 66.00, month ago 66.73, year ago 60.49 NORTH CENTRAL OHIO (Prices FOB Truck): CORN 1.93-2.01; WHEAT 2.50-2.61; OATS 1.50; SOY BEAN MEAL: bulk 44% 161.20-162.00; bulk 48% 171.00-171.20. Kutztown Produce Hay Auction Fleetwood, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Saturday, May 11,2002 Hay—Straw—Grain 31 LOTS. ALFALFA HAY: 110.00-190.00. GRASS HAY: 55.00-135.00. MIXED HAY: 100.00-205.00. TIMOTHY HAY: 140.00. WHEAT STRAW: 140.00. HAY: SMALL BALES 1.50-2.35, STRAW SMALL BALES 2.15-3.00. OATS: 2.00 BU. OPEN TUES. AND THURS. 10 A.M. SAT. HAY AND STRAW 9 A.M. Green Dragon Hay Ephrata, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Friday, May 10,2002 Hay—Straw—Grain 56 LOADS TOTAL. MIXED HAY: 20 LOADS, 67.00- ALFALFA: 7 LOTS, 105.00-180.00. TIMOTHY: 8 LOTS, 70.00-187.00. STRAW: 14 LOTS, 80.00-152.00. EAR CORN: 87.00. ORCHARDGRASS: 4 LOTS, 61.00- OAT STUBBLE: 60.00. Eastern Cornbelt Direct Feeder Pig Weekly Springfield, 111. May 10,2002 Report Supplied By USDA FEEDER PIGS: Receipts: 12,239, ne gotiated 1,505; last week 9,435. Trends: SEW 10 lb pigs were .50 lower. Feeder pigs no prices comparison. Trading activi ty was light for moderate offerings. +FOB Eastern Cornbelt - Illinois, Indi ana, Ohio, Michigan. Receipts: 9,789, last week 5,550. EARLY WEANED PIGS, 10 LB BASIS, Estimated 50-54% Lean Value: Lot size 250-750: 4,724 head, 18.00-29.00, wtd., avg. price 25.37; Lot size 750 or more: 1,500 head, wtd. avg. price 22.00. Total Composite: 6,224 head, 18.00-29.00, wtd.avg. price 24.55. FEEDER PIGS 40 LB BASIS, Estimat ed 50-54% Lean Value: Lot size 250-750: 480 head, 32.00. FEEDER PIGS 50 LB BASIS, Estimat ed 50-54% Lean Value: Lot size 250-750: 1,485 head, 32.83-38.50, wtd. avg. price 34.84; lot size 750 or more: 1,600 head, 32.83. Total Composite; 3,085 head, 32.83-38.50, wtd. avg. price 33.80. tFOB prices quoted on per head basis “picked up” at sellers farm; prices do not include freight.
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