Virginia Livestock Auction Summary Richmond, Va. May 7,2002 Report Supplied By USDA NORTHERN VIRGINIA LIVE STOCK Fredericksburg, Front Royal, Marshall, Rockingham, Shenandoah, Staunton Union, and Winchester for the week of Apr. 29 thru May 4. All prices per hundred pounds liveweight (CWT.), ex cept where noted. FEEDER CATTLE: 1,444 head. FEEDER STEERS: Med. and Lge. 1: 200-300 lb 105.00; 300-400 lb 90-108.00; 400-500 lb 90-106.00 few 79-88.00; 500-600 lb 82-103.00; 600-700 lb 78-95.00; 700-800 lb 79-80.00; 800-900 lb 62.50- 900-1000 lb 65.50; 1000-1100 lb 68.35. Small 1: 400-500 lb 60-67.50; SOO-600 lb 56.00. Med. and Lge. 2; 200-300 lb 90.00; 300-400 lb 81-88.00; 400-500 lb 81-95.00; 500-600 lb 71.50- 600-700 lb 69-75.50; 700-800 lb 65-70.00; 800-900 lb 60.50-64.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS: Med. and Lge. 2: 300-500 lb 63-80.00; 500-700 lb 61.50- 700-900 46-49.00. HEIFERS: Med. and Lge. 1: 300-400 lb 81-94.00; 400-500 lb 71-84.00; 500-600 lb 73.50-86.00; 600-700 lb 68.75-77.00; 700-800 lb 68.25-75.00. Small 1: 300-400 lb 72-74.00; 400-500 lb 61-65.00; 500-600 lb 51-65.00. Med. and Lge. 2: 200-300 lb 75-83.00; 300-400 lb 71.50-80.00; 400-500 lb 62.50-79.50; 500-600 lb 64-74.50; 600-700 lb 60.75-64.00; 700-800 lb 57-61.00. BULLS: Med. and Lge. 1: 200-300 lb 95-105.00; 300-400 lb 83.50-96.00 few 111.00; 400-500 lb 81.50-96.00; 500-600 lb 76-90.00; 600-700 lb 73-83.00; 700-900 lb 63-65.00. Small 1: 300-400 lb 66.50; Financial Solutions for your manure and nutrient management needs Use Telmark Lease Financing programs • Get additional assets now with low upfront costs. • Preserve operating lines-of-credit. • Manage cash flow easier with customized payment schedules. • Plan your tax deductions better Call your local Telmark representative listed below for lease financing information: Ken Darlington Sue Beshore Andrew McLean Elizabeth Anderson PA,NJ,MD,VA,WV PA.NJ MD.VA.WV Delmarva Delmarva 610-793-0150 717-932-1715 410-827-5052 410-651-4128 Mike Dixon Mike Fullam Brenda Pfleegor Joe Polite Lisa Sonnen Doug Snee Central PA,West MD Central PA Central PA Northwest PA Northeast PA, North NJ Southwest PA,WV 814-684-5707 570-966-9202 570-568-8440 724-981-1324 717-866-9217 724-627-5941 500-600 lb 57.50-65.00. Med. and Lge. 2: 200-300 lb 86-91.00; 300-400 lb 71-86.00; 400-500 lb 78-94.00 few 73-78.00; 500-600 lb 67.50-89.00; 600-700 lb 65.00; 800-900 lb 55-66.00. SLAUGHTER CATTLE: 400 head. Slaughter Steers & Heifers: 11 head. Holstein Steers: Select 2-3, 1215-1451 lb 45-53.00. Slaughter Cows: 349 head. Breaking Utility and Commercial 2-4, 36-46.00; Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3, 35-46.50; Canner and Low Cutter 1-2,27.50-39.25. Slaughter Bulls: 40 head. Yield Grade 1-2, 900-1300 lb 40.50-55.75, 1300-1600 lb 46-62.00,1600 lb and over 49.25-60.25. Cows With Calves at Side: 6 pairs. Med. and Lge. 1 and 2, 4-10 yrs old 1000-1250 lbs 810 per head; 38.50-41.00 per cwt with calves 77-101.00 per pair. Baby Calves Returned to Farms: 55 head. Newborn to 4 weeks 20-152.00 per head; over 100 lbs 112-120.00 per cwt. SHEEP: 273 head. Slaughter Lambs: 133 head. New Crop: Choice and few Prime 1-2 few 3, 89-129 lbs 76.75-82.25; Good and few Choice 1-2, 89 lb 88.50. Wooled: Choice few Prime 1-2 few 3, 120 lbs 72.00. Feeder Lambs: 98 head. Med. and Lge. 1-2: 70-85 lbs 84.00, 60-70 lbs 86.75, 50-60 lbs 88.75; Small 1-2: 79 lbs 88.00; 55-70 lbs 90-91.00. Slaughter Ewes & Rams; 42 head. EWES: Choice 2-4, 20.75-26.00; Utility and Good 1-3, 29.25-33.00; Cull and Low Utility 1-2, 29.25. Rams: All weights 30.00. SLAUGHTER HOGS: 63 head. BAR ROWS AND GILTS: US 1-3, 200-250 lb 25.00; US 2-4, 250-300 lb 20-25.00. SOWS: US 1-3, 300-500 lbs 16.00, 500 lbs and over 20-25.00. BOARS: 300-600 lb 12.00. to help you... • Short term lease to maximize tax savings • Long term lease to provide a consistent deduction LMAFIK rt' ® 800-451-3322 Wytheville Weekly Feeder Cattle Richmond, Va. May 8,2002 Report Supplied by USDA Weekly Auction at Wytheville, May 7 GRADED FEEDER CATTLE; Re ceipts: 70 head. Prices per CWT, Based on In Weights. STEERS: 30 head state graded. Med. and Lge. 1; 200-300 lb 89-96.00; 300-400 lb 85-96.00; 400-500 lb 88-89.00; 500-600 lb 86.00. Med. and Lge. 2; 200-300 lb 96-105.00; 300-400 lb 99-105.00; 400-500 lb 90-94.00; 500-600 lb 89.00; 600-700 lb 74-77.00; 700-800 lb 65-74.00. HEIFERS: 40 head state graded. Med. and Lge. 1: 200-300 lb 80-94.00; 300-400 lb 86-92.00; 400-500 lb 84-86.00; 500-600 lb 79-81.00; 600-700 lb 70-76.00; 700-800 lb 58-65.00. Med. and Lge. 2; 200-300 lb 80-90.00; 300-400 lb 86-92.00; 400-500 lb 84-86.00; 500-600 lb 79-81.00; 600-700 lb 70-76.00. Regular Weekly Auction at Wytheville, May 7 Feeder Cattle: 116 head. HOLSTEIN STEERS: 76 head. Med. and Lge. 2: 200-300 lb 89-100.00; 300-400 lb 84-90.00; 400-500 lb 70-85.00; 500-600 lb 67-80.00; 600-700 lb 55-71.00; 700-800 lb 45-47.50; 800-900 lb 45-47.50; 1000-1100 lb 42.00. BULLS: 40 head. Med. and Lge. 1; 200-300 lb 85-90.00; 300-400 lb 85-93.00; 400-500 lb 75-81.00; 500-600 lb 73-81.00; 600-700 lb 65-77.00; 700-900 lb 66-69.00. Winchester Weekly Feeder Cattle Richmond, Va. May 7,2002 Report Supplied by USDA Weekly Auction at Winchester, May 6 FEEDER CATTLE: 653 head. Prices Based on In Weights. FEEDER STEERS: 175 head. Med.and Lge. 1: 200-300 lb 104.00; 300-400 lb 94-106.50; 400-500 lb 92-105.00; 500-600 lb 82.50-98.00; 600-700 lb 74-83.25; 800-900 lb 70.00. Med. and Lge. 2;. 200-300 lb 83-94.00; 400-SOO lb 86-89.00; 500-600 lb 71-87.50; 700-800 lb 74.50; 900-1000 lb 62.75. HOLSTEIN STEERS: 6 head. Med. and Lge. 2-3,500-600 lb 64-65.00. HEIFERS: 250 head. Med. and Lge. 1; 200-300 lb 92-107.00; 300-400 lb 80-91.00; 400-500 lb 73-84.50; 500-600 lb 75.25-80.25; 600-700 lb 69.50-71.75; 700-800 lb 65.25-70.50. Small 1: 500-600 lb 60-72.00. Med. and Lge. 2: 300-100 lb 65-72.00; 400-500 lb 76.50-82.00; 400-500 lb 70.25-78.00; 500-600 lb 65.00: 700-800 lb 60.00. FEEDER BULLS: 228 head. Med. and Lge. 1: 200-300 lb 92-105.00; 300-400 lb 89.50- 400-500 lb 80-94.00; 500-600 lb 72.25-86.00; 5600-700 lb 69-75.00; 700-900 lb 67.00. Small 1: 300-400 lb 79.00; 400-500 lb 79-81.50; 500-600 lb 77.50. Med. and Lge. 2: 300-400 lb 81.50- 400-500 lb 73-90.00; 500-600 lb 70-81.00; 600-700 lb 67.75-74.00; 700-900 lb 55-57.00. Lynchburg Weekly State Graded Feeder Cattle Richmond, Va. May 7,2002 Report Supplied By USDA STATE GRADED FEEDER CATTLE SALE at Lynchburg, Mon., May 6: 479 head; 245 steers, 230 heifers. Feeder steers and heifers mostly steady. Prices follow with average weights and average prices in parentheses where applicable. Pasture Mat I \ The Golden Standard In Cow Comfort Pack Mat Why Pasture Mat? Reduce Sand • Increase Cow Comfort Pasture Mat is tightly stuffed with . The perfect complement to any sand rubber and sewn every 4" to prevent stall shifting. . Q wners re p or t S and savings Proven most durable top cover. U p to 80% Least abrasive top cover on the market • Yielding surface does not allow sand Fits any stall to compact Proven performance. • Prevents “digging out” of stalls For details and installation with over 9 years experience, call: Petersheim’s Cow Mattresses 117 Christiana Pike (Route 372), Christiana, PA 17509 u 61 0-593-2242 5653195 Ask For Merrill or Sam L ■■■nr*---'' . 2 Larlc'asfer Fan'll (ircf, Saturday, May 11; 2002-A9 REGULAR WEEKLY AUCTION, Lynchburg, May 5: FEEDER CATTLE: 287 head. Feeder bulls steady. Prices based on in weights. HOLSTEIN STEERS: 8 head. Med. and Lge. 2: 300-500 lb 70-77.50; 500-700 lb 57.00. BULLS: 174 head. Med and Lge 1: 300-400 lb 103-104.50; 400-500 lb 92-98.00; 500-600 lb 86-89.00. Small 1: 300-400 lb 77-94.00; 400-500 lb 74-80.00. Med. and Lge. 2: 300-400 lb 97-104.50; 400-500 lb 83-99.00; 500-600 lb 85-87.00; 600-700 lb 74.00. FEEDER STEERS: Med. and Lge. 1: 11 head, 400-500 lb (469 lb) 98.50; 49 head, 500-600 lb (555 lb) 90-97.00 (96.02); 32 head, 600-700 lb (642 lb) 87-87.25 (87.20). Med. and Lge. 2; 30 head, 400-500 lb (457 lb) 95-97.00 (96.93); 39 head 500-600 lb (549 lb) 87-93.50 (93.00). Med. and Lge. 3: 14 head, 400-500 lb (454 lb) 90-95.75 (94.93). Small 1: 14 head, 400-500 lb (462 lb) 95.00; 9 head 500-600 lb (549 lb) 89.00. FEEDER HEIFERS: Med. and Lge. 1: 11 head, 400-500 lb (458 lb) 82-84.00 (83.8); 32 head, 500-600 lb (549 lb) 89.00. Med. and Lge. 2: 7 head, 300-400 lb (366 lb) 86.00; 27 head, 400-500 lb (456 lb) 81-85.00 (84.25); 19 head, 500-600 lb (536 lb) 78-78.25 (78.21); 12 head, 600-700 lb (638 lb) 73.50-74.50 (74.34). Med. and Lge. 3: 16 head, 300-400 lb (362 lb) 77-79.00 (78.36); 23 head 400-500 lb (455 lb) 72-76.00 (75.67); 10 head, 500-600 lb (537 lb) 72.50-76.50 (75.72). Small 1: 18 head, 400-500 lb (456 lb) 72-74.00 (73.88); 11 head 500-600 lb (529 lb 65-74,75.
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