Pa. Grain Report May 6,2002 Report Supplied By PDA COMPARED WITH LAST MON DAY’S MARKET FOR EASTERN AND CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA: Corn and Wheat steady to weak. Barley and Soy beans .03 lower. Oats weak, Ear Com fully steady. PRICES PAID DELIV ERED TO DEALERS DOCK, All prices per bushel, except Ear Cora per ton. SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA CORN No. 2-y, 2.25-2.45, avg. 2.30; contract for harvest 2.22-2.28. WHEAT No. 2, 2.60-2.95, avg. 2.77; contract for harvest 2.60-2.83. BARLEY No. 3, 1.70-2.30, avg. 1.97; contract for harvest 1.30-1.60. OATS No. 2, 1.70-2.30, avg. 1.97. SOYBEANS 4.23-4.65, avg. 4.42; contract for harvest 4.24-4.41. Or. Sorg hum, none. Ear Com 59.00-74.00, avg. 67.28. SOUTH CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CORN No. 2-Y, 2.25-2.45, avg. 2.31; WHEAT No. 2, 2.55-2.80, avg. 2.66; BARLEY No. 3, 1.50-1.90, avg. 1.70; OATS No. 2, 1.75-2.00, avg. 1.85; SOY BEANS No. 1, 4.14-4.30, avg. 4.22. EAR CORN 60.00-82.00, avg. 69.57. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA CORN No. 2, 1.92-2.45, avg. 2.30; WHEAT No. 2, 2.41-2.60, avg. 2.50; BARLEY No. 3, 1.75-1.90, avg. 1.82; OATS No. 2,1.60-2.50,1.83; SOYBEANS CCA certification makes a difference Today’s farms demand expert advice and comprehensive services! Crops • Soils • Animal Operations Nutrient & Pest Management X Contact a Certified Crop Advisor Today See www agronomy org for a list of PA CCAs or call PennAg at 717.651 5920 Farming, Financing and Wo Togeth Remember when being efficient was all it took to be a successful farmer? With some help mother nature, being e the key to successful farming. And that, by itself, is a tough job. Today's farmer has to know financing and marketing as well as production. And today, as in the past, The Ephrata National Bank is here to help. We've been financing local farming since 1881 and plan to for years to come. Next time you need some honest advice on financing your farming operation, see your friends at The Ephrata National Bank. To learn more, call Bob Zook at 717-721-5220 t=* LENoSt No. 1, 4.13; EAR CORN 66-68.00, avg. 67.00. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA EAR CORN No. 2,2.26-2.40, avg. 2.35; WHEAT No. 2, 2.40-2.50, avg. 2.45; BARLEY No. 3, 1.75-1.80, avg. 1.77; OATS No. 2, 1.65-2.50, avg. 2.06; SOY BEANS, No. 1, 4.10-4.40, avg. 4.29; EAR CORN 65-66.00, avg. 65.33. CORN No. 2-Y, 2.25-2.40, avg. 2.34; WHEAT No. 2, 2.75-2.92, avg. 2.86; BARLEY, No. 3, 2.00-2.05, avg. 2.03; OATS No. 2, 1.70-1.75, avg. 1.71; SOY BEANS No. 1, 4.25-4.40, avg. 4.35; GRAIN SORGHUM 2.72-2.80, avg. 2.76. EAR CORN 66.00-75.00, avg. 70.00. EASTERN AND CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CORN No. 2-y, 2.18-2.45, avg. 2.32; month ago 2.32, year ago 2.34. WHEAT No. 2, 2.40-2.95, avg. 2.68, month ago 2.76, year ago 2.38. BARLEY, No. 3, 1.50-2.30, avg. 1.86; month ago 1.85, year ago 1.55. OATS No. 2, 1.65-2.50, avg. 1.89; month ago 1.87, year ago 1.45. SOY BEANS No. 1,4.10-4.65, avg. 4.32; month ago 4.34, year ago 4.05. EAR CORN 59.00-75.00, avg. 68.04, month ago 67.71, year ago 60.30. NORTH CENTRAL OHIO (Prices FOB Truck): CORN 1.88-1.89; WHEAT 2.45-2.55; OATS 1.50; SOY BEAN MEAL: bulk 44% 161.50-163.00; bulk 48% 171.50-172.00. We've stood the test of time... Ephrata National Bank You'll feel the difference. LEHIGH VALLEY THE GRAIN OF OUR ECONOMY* hi-mag | Agricultural Lime Spreading hi-cal Cash Discount Savings on Delivery Call Toll Free day and evening I •800 # 724*3277 Serving PA, MD, Delmarva, NJ, NY & (LI) Morrison’s Cove Livestock Hay Martinsburg, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Monday, May 6,2002 Hay—Straw—Grain ALFALFA: 90.00-127.50. GRASS: 90.00-95.00. TIMOTHY; 70.00-87.50. MIXED HAY: 45.00-95.00. STRAW: 75.00. HAY AUCTION MONDAYS, 12:30 P.M. CALL KEN DOWNS, 814-793-3723. Westminster Hay Westminster, Maryland Report Supplied By Auction Tuesday, May 7,2002 Hay—-Straw—Grain 98 LOTS. ALFALFA: 1.90-4.20 BALE. ALFALFA MIX: 1.70-5.10 BALE. TIMOTHY; 2.00-3.70 BALE. TIMOTHY MIX: 1.60-2.20 BALE. GRASS MIX: 2.10-2.80 BALE. GRASS: 12.00-30.00 LARGE ROUND. STRAW: 1.00-3.30 BALE. RYE STRAW: NEW BALE. GROUND CORN FEED: 3.50-4.25 BAG. SHELLED CORN: 1.50-1.75 BAG. Member FDIC Middleburg Hay Middleburg, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, May 7,2002 HAY: 27 LOTS. 42 LOTS TOTAL. ALFALFA: 2 LOTS, 125.00 AND 172.50. MIXED HAY: 18 LOTS, 60.00-240.00. TIMOTHY: 5 LOTS, 87.50-125.00. ORCHARDGRASS: 2 LOTS, 77.50 AND 90.00. STRAW: 3 LOTS, 130.00-142.50. EAR CORN: 6 LOTS, 66.00-95.00. FIREWOOD: 27.00 LOAD. CLOVER SEED: 23.00 BU. OATS: 2.50-2.75 BU. TIMOTHY SEED: 18.00 BU. Livestock Cooperative Auction Market Of North Jersey Hackettstown, NJ. Report Supplied by Auction May 7,2002 Hay—Straw—Grain ALFALFA: 3 LOTS, 3.30-3.70 BALE. MIXED HAY: 9 LOTS, 2.40-3.40 BALE. TIMOTHY: 7 LOTS, 1.10-4.40 BALE. GRASS; 4 LOTS, 2.80-2.90 BALE. EAR CORN: 1 LOT AT 2.20. SHELLED CORN; 3 LOTS, 2.70-3.20. 27 LOTS TOTAL. Virginia Broilers And Fryers Harrisonburg, Va. May 7,2002 Report Supplied By USD A Movement of ready-to-cook whole birds was moderate and clearing the market at a reasonable rate. Demand was moderate with average buyer interest and trading. Live supplies was moderate to heavy for the market being reported with an esti mated slaughter of 1,359.000 compared to 1,282,000 last Tuesday. Weights were light to desirable. Processing schedules were moderate. Actual slaughter for 4/ 29-5/3 was 6,911,025, average weight 4.86. Supply of wings are heavy and above av erage for the market being reported while the demand is moderate to light with av erage to below average interest and trad ing. Negotiated F. 0.8. dock prices, 2 pounds and heavier ice-packed broilers and fryers, trucklot sales of US Grade A or equivalent were steady at .47 -.59 per pound; less than trucklot sales .48 -.67 per pound. Lancaster Farmtng, Saturday,'May 11,2002-AZ Eastern Region Whole Young Turkeys WHOLE YOUNG TURKEYS, FRO ZEN, Consumer Sizes, Commodity Pack or Equivalent, US Grade A, cents per lb, delivered (minimum of 10,000 lb lots) for May 8,2002: CURRENT SHIPMENTS: Eastern Re gion: HENS, 8-16 lb FROZEN: Offers 63-64, Sales 64, 120,000 lb; TOMS, 16-24 lb FROZEN: Offers 58, Sales 0. FRESH TURKEYS, with timers or equivalent, US Grade A delivered first re ceivers, Eastern Region, cents per lb, week of Apr. 29. SALES (Promotions included): HENS: 8-16 lb 66.60; 100,000 lb. TOMS, 16-24 lb 61.60; 50,000 lb. Prices were unchanged on all three sizes today. Supplies are moderate for plant needs. Prices to retailers, in small lots, USDA Grade A and Grade A, 30 dozen cases, white eggs in cartons, deliv ered store door, cents per dozen. Weekly Shell Egg Inventory was 978.7 cases, down 2%. Prices to retailers, in small lots, USDA Grade A and Grade A, 30 dozen cases, white eggs in cartons, delivered store door, cents per dozen. Large 64; Medium 58; Small 49. Trucklot, prices to retailers, sales to volume buyers: Large 46-56 mostly 56; Medium 42-52 mostly 52; Small 37-44 mostly 44. Eastern Cornbelt Direct Feeder Pig Weekly FEEDER PIGS. Receipts: 9,435, nego tiated 1,050; last week 16,822. Trends. SEW 10 lb pigs were 1.00 lower. Feeder pigs were not established. Trading activi ty was slow. tFOB Eastern Cornbelt - Illinois, Indi ana, Ohio, Michigan. Receipts: 5,550, last week 9,095. EARLY WEANED Pigs, 10 lb Basis, Estimated 50-54% lean Value- Lot size under 250; 125 head, 24.68; lot size 250-750: 3,925 head, 22.00-29.93, wtd., avg. price 26.22; Lot size 750 or more 1,500 head, wtd. avg. price 22.00. Total Composite: 5,550 head, 22.00-29 93, wtd.avg. price 25.05 SFOB prices quoted on per head basis “picked up” at sellers farm, prices do not include freight. Des Moines, lowa May 8,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Virginia Eggs Harrisonburg, Va. May 7,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Springfield, 111. May 3,2002 Report Supplied By USDA
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