So there I was, hustling about the calf bam, my brain focused on what I could write here about mothers, while my hands fixed bottles for our bovine babies. Mothers are our lifeblood on the farm. We have mothers in the barn and mothers-in-waiting in the meadow. We have mothers at the ponds one with a fluffy gosling and others in progress. We have our first turkey mother, proudly patrolling little balls of streaky-brownish fluff stealthily sneaking through forests of grass. We have mother robins and mother bluebirds, mother groundhogs, mother squirrels, mother deer. They’re all part of what we do. So, there I was, deep in thought while filling bottles, when a loud wailing erupts, liter g o' W/ RAM'S HORN SOFA AND~ N LOVESEAT I oJ r price Vi $799.9,5 1 iSfiA. n ncpm rr / 5 DRAWER DRESSER \ I In Pecan Oak Finish I Reg. Ret. $179.95 Our Price $89.95 oO CLOSEOUT *39° 4 / 1/ SECTIONAL SLEEPER X Centeir^onsoleJ Reclmers Sofa Factory Liquidation w/Hide-a-Bed Reg. Ret. $2,589.95 CLOSEOUT | Our Cash Price $04,088 . Jl ,289.95 / (5/ 4 DRAWER CHEST" \ Pine Finish Reg. Ret. $149.95 FACTORY SPECIAL $3904 ggo ,o Ck 5 PC. DINING RM. ~ \ PINE SET , pprS Pine Table w/4 Spmdleback Chairs j CLOSEOUT $ 209 95 ; Sofa and loveseat Reg Reg Our Price $989 95 CLOSEOUT $ 589 04 &V--^ ally, at my feet. A glance down and I make eye contact with the frightened, howling face of a chubby, tabby cat. She is one of the rodent-patrol barn cats but friendly enough to mingle with the rest at feeding time. This cat is half-squatted and straining, half-way in and half way out of the door. Her ear splitting howling-meowing cou ples with fear and confusion in her wide, yellow-green eyes. While it is obvious to me this cat is about to give birth, she appar ently doesn’t have a clue. Also obvious is that she has come for help, terrified by whatever is hap pening to her. So I reach down to pick her up for relocation to a more private spot. She thanks me by lunging around and biting my hand. I am “SPRING ON 1N... The Savings Are In Full Bloom” w , In Buttermilk tl Honey Table w/61 g3CnHffiLs Ladderback Chairs. Reg. Bet. $799.95 1 Cash Price $439.951 .CLOSEOUT *269 / 7 PC. DINING ROOM \ I Dbl Pedestal Table Wagon Wheel Chare | I 2 Arm and 4 Side / SECTIONAL SPECIAL \ 'Available in 3 Colors ■ Reg. Ret. $2100.00 1 CLOSEOUT $649.88 I Hurry in for | c igo9M f j GLIDER ROCKER' Available in Blue I Beige, Green T 1 j I Reg. Ret. $159.95 j \A Cash Price $1 ?Q as / I FuSO3iT * l|| 7 PC. DINING ROOM SET not offended. This cat is scared and in pain, and, for all she knows, I might intend her more. Since I’m still wearing a pair of latex gloves from milking, her lash-out doesn’t penetrate. A sec ond attempt at picking her up earns a re-run of the bite attempt. By wrapping the howling cat in a hand towel snagged from the sink, I am able to move her, with out hazarding my health, the few steps to an empty, well-bedded calf pen. Gently laying her down, I stroke her back; and after a few moments, she settles down. I walk away, grab a bottle of milk, slip it into a holder for the wait ing calf, turn around and nearly fall over the tabby cat sitting back outside the pen. Quietly. A peek into the pen reveals a soggy, orange-tinted, tiny newborn, mewing softly. I retrieve the cat (she doesn’t bite me this time), pet her a bit more and set her back inside the pen, stroking and talking to her. Gently, I nudge the wee bit of wet fur close to her warm belly. After a few moments, she settles down and begins to lick her baby clean. Five minutes later, I glance in again to find the cat pushing shortly thereafter a soggy, solid- ORLEAN'S CANOPY BED\ W I- — Available in 3 sizes , rjk° II Single-Reg Ret $44995 ' O XJ l I I Cash Price $269 95 ,Ju Full• Reg Ret $469 95 l flßs NEaBBIL Ceah Price $289 95 King-Reg Ret $51995 1 <SK> Cash Price $339 95 I rf\ All ol the above under wholesale- Your Choice! V ) _ _ - 3 PC. END TABLE SET \ •In Oak , ( 1 ,Reg. Ret. $429.95 1 JjfC 1 Cash Price K Si I $209.95 I | CLOSEOUT C22LJeE'| 7 JUMPER HEAD AND FOOTBOARDN £V I Available In . . -Twin Size- -FullSize- 1 S& I Reg Ret $449 95 Reg Ret $499 95 | I Cash Price $269 95 Cash Price $309 95 1 CLOSEOUT *l 29** CLOSEOUT M49** I QS | L-W -King Size- . J Reg Ret $629 95 I I Cash Price $369 95. I CLOSEOUT MW"' / 6 PCrBEDROOW SET~ \ Q I - In Oak or Cherry mCto. 1 Includes Bed Set Nightstand Highboy I JPft I Lowboy Dresser and Mirror sHY 1 Reg. Ret. I <3|» i®" OSEI black kitten arrives, getting prompt and enthusiastic mother ly attention. When I reach in to stroke our new mother, she nudges back at my hand with her forehead, but makes no attempt to leave this sudden new respon sibility. Uncertain that she is totally settled down, 1 set containers of food and milk inside the pen, so she doesn’t feel a need to take off hunting for dinner. She responds by practically inhaling the offer ing, then returns her attention to cleaning up the kittens. A peek into the pen is the first order of calf feeding next morn ing. It appears our new mother has not budged from the spot, and remains tightly snuggled around her babies as they nurse. She purrs vigorously in response to being petted, but stays glued to the spot. How swiftly and strongly the bond of motherhood forms. In the cat’s trembling body and confused fearful face, I could al most see reflected the indelible memory of my own new mother- Food Safety Workshop May 16 CREAMERY (Montgomery Co.) Montgomery County Cooperative Extension is host ing A Basic Food Safety Workshop for non-profit or ganizations such as churches, fire companies, fraternal or ganizations, and school groups, May 16 at the Mont gomery County4-H Center. • Wedding Invitations • Brochures • Business Cards • Sale Cards • Catalogs • Newsletters '^ajSSp^' • Newspapers Arl Haas One East Main Street P.O. Box 527, Ephrata, PA 17522 717-733-6397 • Fax 717-733-6058 t) R Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 11,2002-B3 hood. Slightly confused, some what frightened, threaded through with a sense of tremen dous pride, is exactly how I re member the first few hours of new motherhood. Friendly, un derstanding hands can help, but only one being a mother can actually, physically, “walk the walk” that brings forth a new life. That experience, somewhat awestruck and at least a little frightening, almost without fail swiftly grows into a bond of fierce pride, defensive protectiveness and tremendous tenacity. Mom comes in all shapes and sizes and, here on the farm, furred, feathered and spotted hide-covered as well. But they all seem to share one trait: an almost instant and abiding streak of Mother Love. So to all you moms out there who can identify with the jumble of emotions shared by at least one new mother cat...we offer our love and our thanks. And we ask God for an extra measure of blessing for mothers everywhere! The cost of the program is $6 and includes materials and refreshments. The “Cooking for Crowds” class will be of fered twice 1-4 p.m. and 6-9 p.m. Call to register by May 13 at (610)489-4315. The Montgomery County 4-H Center is located on Route 113 between Route 29 and Route 73 in Creamery.
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