Livestock Cooperative Auction Market Of North Jersey Hackettstown, IN J. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, April 16,2002 CALVES .32-6.50. COWS M'/i-M'A. EASY COWS IVA-.IVA. FEEDERS 300-600 LBS. .20-.91. HEIFERS .34-.60. BULLS .45-.67>/ 2 . STEERS .33K-.68. HOGS .16-.36. ROASTING PIGS EACH 26.00-38.00 EA. BOARS .06-.36. SOWS .02. SHEEP .19-.45. LAMBS EA. 43.00-76.00. LAMBS PER LB. .45-1.40. GOATS EA. 32.50-132.50. KIDS EA. 19.00-72.50. HIDES EA 26.00-30.00 EA. 431 HEAD. West Virginia Feeder Cattle Charleston, W. Va. April 15,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Regular Sales from Parkersburg, Mar- Unton, Greenbrier VaUey, and Ripley, W.Va. from April 11,12, and 13. Lancaster Lebanon York Gettysburg Chambersburg Carlisle Newport Millersburg 717-397-4954 717-273-8139 717-792-9705 717-334-6791 717-264-5815 717-243-5858 717-567-3147 717-692-7088 STEERS: 212 head. Med. and Lge. 1: 200-300 lb 88-100.00, 300-400 lb 84-91.00, 400-500 lb 83.50-99.00, 500-600 lb 77-90.00, 600-700 lb 75-86.00, 700-800 lb 65-74.50, 800-900 lb 56-64.00,900-1000 lb 50.50. Med. and Lge. 2; 300-400 lb 79- 400-500 lb 80-90.00, SOO-600 lb 76-87.50, 600-700 lb 70-79.00, 700-800 lb 54-69.00. Small 1 and 2: 200-300 lb 80- 300-400 lb 76.00, 400-500 lb 75-85.00, 500-600 lb 71-84.50, 600-700 lb 63.00. HEIFERS: 261 head. Med. and Lge. 1: 200-300 lb 76.00, 300-400 lb 77-90.00, 400-500 lb 71-86.00, 500-600 lb 70-77.00, 600-700 lb 62-72.25, 700-800 lb 58-67.00, 800-900 lb 64.00; 900-1000 lb 50.50. Med. and Lge. 2: 200-300 lb 74.00, 300-400 lb 70-80.00, 400-500 lb 65-78.50, 500-600 lb 55-65.00, 600-700 lb 50-64.50, 700-800 lb 58-67.00. Small 1 and 2: 300-400 lb 63-71.50, 400-500 lb 58.50-65.00, 600-700 lb 55-65.00. BULLS: 129 head. Med. and Lge. 1: 200-300 lb 90-99.00, 300-400 lb 89-100.00, 400-SOO lb 73-88.00, 500-600 lb 70-86.00, 600-700 lb 64-73.00, 700-800 lb 51-60.00. Med. and Lge. 2; 200-300 lb 85-93.00; 300-400 lb 75-85.00, 400-500 lb 70-77.50, 500-600 lb 65-73.00, 600-700 lb 55-63.00. Small 1 and 2: 300-400 lb 75.00, 400-500 lb 60-66.00,500-600 lb 57-60.50. Belleville Livestock Auction Belleville, Pa. April 17,2002 Report Supplied By USDA CATTLE 386...{PDA)..(Supply in cluded 263 cows and heifers in the Dairy sale)..Compared with last week’s sa le.xows steady. STEERS: one Standard 1-2 43.75. HOLSTEIN STEERS: one Standard 1-2 49.75. COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 40.25-46.25, few low dressing down to 38.00, Boners 80-85% lean 37.75-43.25, Lean 85-90% lean 35.00-40.50. Shells 34.75 and down. BULLS: one Yield Grade 1 1030 lbs 56.00, few Yield Grade 2 1140-1555 lbs 47.00-50.75. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: Medi um and Large 1 260-390 lbs 78.00-88.00, Medium and Large 3 215-300 lbs 76.00- 400-475 lbs 64.00-69.50, 625-710 lbs 57.00-64.00; HEIFERS: Medi um and Large 1 240-360 lbs 82.00-100.00, Medium and Large 2 240-335 lbs 71.00- Medium and Large 3 500-665 lbs 55.00-66.00; BULLS; one Medium 2 460 lbs 66.50, few Medium and Large 3 Premium Green Diesel; \^jgggf£ the off-road performance leader 0 1 es£ *• Agway Premium Green Diesel TM is the best off-road diesel fuel in the industry. It is seasonally blended for maximum performance and reliability. Your vehicles will start quicker, run stronger, burn cleaner, and last longer. Premium Gold Diesel: IwWMI the low sulfur, on-road choice Agway Premium Gold Diesel TM offers superior performance for all your on-road vehicles. It gives you quick, powerful starts, maximum fuel efficiency, and increased engine protection. Protect your diesel fuel prices with our 6th Annual Planting to Harvest Program Call us now for details regarding our Planting to Harvest Price Protection Program. It will help you control your Premium Green Diesel costs from April I through November 30,2002. Limited time offer. Offer expires May 10, 2002. Offer valid only in areas serviced by Agway Energy Products 1-888-AGWAY24 (1-888-249-2924) ■■AGWAY ENERGY PRODUCTS @ www. ag way e n e rgy. com Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 20, 2002-Al5 330-400 lbs 64.00-67.00. CALVES 62...VEALERS: few Stan dard and Good 85-95 lbs 40.00-55.00, Utility 60-105 lbs 15.00-32.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls 10.00 higher..No 1 Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs 155.00-185.00, 80-85 lbs 147.00-152.00, No 2 85-125 lbs 100.00-150.00; No 2 Holstein heifers 80-100 lbs 180.00-300.00. Few beef type bulls and heifers 95-110 lbs 115.00-167.00. HOGS 12... BARROWS AND GILTS; 45-50% lean 250-285 lbs 21.00-26.00. SOWS: few 1-3 325-445 lbs 10.00-15.00, couple SOS lbs 16.00. BOARS: one 465 lbs 5.00. FEEDER PIGS 35...1-3 35-60 lbs 25.00-52.50. per head. SHEEP 19... Slaughter lambs 10.00 higher. SLAUGHTER LAMBS: one Choice 35 lbs 127.50, 45-70 lbs 106.00- SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 20.00- few Yearlings 46.00-50.00. GOATS 35...(A11 sold by the head). One Medium Billy 49.00, Large Nannies 52.50-85.00, Medium 40.00-51.00, Large Kids 27.00-50.00, Small 12.00-15.00. DAIRY COWS: 800.00-1725.00. per head. Belknap Livestock Belknap, Pa. Report Supplied By USDA April 17,2002 CATTLE 123...(PDA). STEERS: Choice 2-3 1070-1260 lbs 65.00- couple Select 1-2 60.00 & 61.00, few Standard 1-2 53.00-59.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS: few Choice 2-3 1034-1292 lbs 54.50-58.50, few Select 1-2 52.00- HEIFERS: couple Select 1-3 61.00 & 64.50. COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 40.00- Boners 80-85% lean 40.50-44.50, Lean 85-90% lean 35.00- Shells down to 35.00. BULLS: few Yield Grade 2 1170-1952 lbs 42.00-52.00. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: few Me dium 2 400-660 lbs 50.00-66.00, Large 2-3 425-700 lbs 41.50-46.00; HEIFERS: Medi um 1-2 400-675 lbs 50.00-67.00; BULLS: Medium 2-3 330-550 lbs 56.00-61.00. CALVES 124...VEALERS: Standard and Good 80-110 lbs 50.00-60.00, Utility 50-75 lbs 32.50-52.50. FARM CALVES; No 1 Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs 150.00- 80-85 lbs 125.00-150.00, No 2 80-115 lbs 67.50-142.50; No 1 Hol stein heifers 85-125 lbs 575.00-650.00, No 2 75-100 lbs 225.00-500.00. Beef type bulls and heifers 70-112 lbs 105.00- HOGS 25...8ARR0WS AND GILTS: 45-50% lean 260-270 lbs 27.50-28.50, 40-45% lean 220-230 lbs 24.50-25.00, few 275-340 lbs 28.00- SOWS: one 1-3 704 lbs 27.00. BOARS: one 514 lbs 12.00. FEEDER PIGS 68...1-3 50-70 lbs 36.00-40.00, few 70-80 lbs 44.00-46.00. per head. SHEEP 64...5LA LIGHTER LAMBS: Choice 150-160 lbs 177.00, 40-60 lbs 89.00-100.00, few Good and Choice 45 lbs 84.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: few 20.00-34.00. GOATS 26..(AU sold by the head), ouple Large Billies 116.00 & 117.00, few Medium 40.00- few Large Nan nies 59.00-82.00, few Medium 38.00- Medium Kids 22.50-35.00, Small 5.00-35.00. YODER’S Windmill mb* Service Specializing in new & used windmill sales & service CALL FOR PRICING 717/532-4591 Send written inquiries to -2006 Bedford Road Shippensburg, PA 17257 10% OFF Through April 30,2002 Any Coal Stove In Stock >0 Division Highway 322 East, Ephrata, PA 17522 1 Block East of Rt. 222 (717) 733-4973 800-642-0310 Mon., Tuts., Wod. 10 to 6; Thun.,
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