(Continued from Page AIO) Nittany Lion Inn, University Park, thru April 25. On-Foot, On-Rail Program, Berks Ag Center, Leesport, 7:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m., also April 23 and 29. Earth Day 2002. Tuesday, April 23 Update Gypsy Moth and Hem lock Wooly Adelgid, Lebanon Valley Ag Center, 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Horse Owners’ Seminar, Mont gomery County 4-H Center, Creamery, 7:30 p.m.-9 p.m. Wednesday, April 24 Cambria County 4-H “Speak It Up” Communication Night, Bishop Carroll High School, Ebensburg. Winemaker Technical Meeting, Lancaster Farm and Home Center, 3 p.m.-5 p.m., (717) 394-6851. Bradford County Grazing Net work Pasture Walk, Glenn Gorrell Farm, 7:30 p.m. Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers of Lancaster, Leba non and York counties annual dinner, Centerville Comfort GOSPEL EXPRESS BENEFIT AUCTIONS HEIFER IS* AUCTION Thursday, April 25 Approximately 40 head to sell. A Registered Ricecrest Marty due at sale time to Dante, Dam and Gr. dam both have over 30,000 milk. A Vincent View Morvation due in Sept, to Charles. Dam is Astro Jet, Gr. dam is Skybuck. A 3 yr. old Demand daughter due in July with 2nd calf. Lots of yearling to breeding age heifers. Mostly A.I. sired heifers. Also selling Thursday evening 1. Crown Silo is selling their serv ices to shotcrete a silo or barn wall to the highest bidder. 2. Lapp’s Barn Equipment is donating a Zimmerman catch chute with a head lock and sides. All Events At MEL’S STABLES Hill Road, New Holland Take Route 340 to New Holland Road (East of Intercourse)... 0r... Route 23 to South Brimmer Avenue (New Holland). Follow New Holland Road to Hill Road. Watch for signs. PRECISE COHCBBTE WALLS, JNC. *£%* 601 owr *y 17587 831 Holland, PA m 57 - 717-354-4740 x 717-355-2469 UJII puwjfem Omlpi K>«drsf 4c **’* ownw Inn, 4:30 p.m. Carroll County Extension Voucher Training, Room E, Carroll County Extension Of fice, Westminster, Md., 7 p.m.- 9 p,m. Thursday, April 25 Natural Stream Channel Design Summit, Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center, State College, thru April 27. Penn State Ag Council member ship meeting, Penn Stater Hotel, State College, 9 a.m.- 3:30 p.ra., (814) 863-2822. Wine Maker Technical meeting, Lancaster Farm and Home Center, 3 p.m.-5 p.m., (717) 394-6851. Farm Friends Group “Bloom Where You Are Planted,” Hartner’s Restaurant, Cran berry Township, 6:30 p.m., (724)287-4761. Friday, April 26 Maine-New England Beef Expo, Fryeburg, Maine, thru April 28, Culinary Herbs, Kent County Extension Office, Chester town, Md., 10 a.m.-ll a.m., (410)778-1661. Penn State Poultry Science Club 7:30 PM awards banquet, Ramada Inn, State College, 6:30 p.m. “Proud to Be a Successful Family Farm,” Levi Ransom’s farm near Nicholson, 10 a.m. Pa. Holstein Heifer Sale, Pa. Hol stein Farm, Middletown, 11 a.m. FDA public meeting on Antibiot ics and Resistance, Capitol Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C., 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Saturday, April 27 Penn State and Master Gardener Spring Workshop, Donohoe Center, Greensburg, 9 a.m.-l p.m. Market Goat Day Camp, Myers View Farm, South Bedford County. Alfred State College Open House, Alfred, N.Y., 9 a.m.-3 p.m., (607) 587-4215. Farm Safety Day Camp, Perry County Fairgrounds, New port, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., (717) 834-6351. High Tunnel Workshop, Ist of 4, Rockspring, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., (814) 865-5587. Sheep and Wool Day, Springton Manor Farm, near Downing town, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., (610) 942-2450. Sunday, April 28 Reunion of 4-H Members, Penn State Cooperative Extension, Carbon County, 2 p.m., (570) 325-2788. ;ry . aquei, shey Lodge and Convention Center, dinner 7 p.m. The Gospel Express Evangelistic Team travels nearly 40-50,000 miles each year across the country sharing the Gospel in prisons, churches and communities, and 3rd world countries. Proceeds from the benefit auction will enable the team to continue to travel and share the “Good News” wherever God opens the door. Besides Prisons and Church Services, Gospel Express Evangelistic Team is also involved in Community Tent Crusades, Support Chaplaincy Programs, a rather comprehensive Bibly Study Course Correspondence and New Testament Ministry to prisoners throughout the US and Canada, Daily Radio Commentary, and Recording & Tape Ministry. The most recent project is an International Crusade Ministry in the countries of Ghana, Uganda, and Kenya, Africa. This includes village evangelism, med ical aid, and assisting with an orphanage. For More Information, Gall 828-859-7003 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 20, 2002-All PLEASANT GAP (Centre Co.) Recently several people with a common interest in preserving antiques decided to form an organization called Nittany Farm Museum in Pleasant Gap, close to State College. This nonprofit or ganization relies on membership dues along with private donations. One of the main goals is to provide a perma nent place for antiques to be displayed in a museum for the public to view year-round, but also provide land for antique shows. The group signed a one-year lease agree ment with a chance to purchase the 52-acre Smeltzer Farm on 465 East College Ave. in Pleasant Gap. The farm includes a large barn along with several out buildings and a sided log house. The property has public sewer, water, and natural gas at both ends of the property. It is conven iently located within minutes of Interstate 80. April 27-28 will feature the museum’s first event, an antique tractor plow party along with antique displays and horses at the Smeltzer Farm. On Saturday, April 27, the show hours are from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday hours are 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. Saturday night from 6 p.m.-9 p.m. there will be square dancing. There will be plenty of good food, fun, and family entertainment. There will be plenty of parking ($2 per car) and admission is free. We Salute Our faming Industry SUPPER & SING Friday Evening, April 26 5:00 PM - Pig Roast (Full Meal) carryouts available 6:30 PM - Singspiration * Steve Stutzman Family * New Heart & New Creation * Cobentz Family Special Feature - Bethel Singers (a capella) **************************** Saturday, April 27, 2002 Breakfast 7:00 AM Auction 9:00 AM Garage or Barn Pole Building 24’Wx32’L/10’ Ceiling Will include labor for complete construcion Style & size is flexible MUCH MORE gas grill, glider chairs, crafts, Prison & Africa items, stor age sheds, etc. etc. 20th Annual Benefit Auction Quality Quilts and '■Hi Pony-Kid Broke Crafts Solid Oak Furniture 3-0 Pictures (Sold at 2.00 PM) 4
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