a 4-H HAPPENINGS Cumberland County 4-H Dairy Chib Banquet The Cumberland County 4-H Dairy Club’s 46th annual ban quet took place March 11 at the New Hope Church Annex in Newburg. Aaron Corman was the master of ceremonies. Sarah Wickard led the Pledge of Allegiance and Brian Nailor led the 4-H Pledge, after which Greg Hammond gave the invocation. The turkey dinner was served family style. Kathy Walton and Sharon Gi selman presented member pins and certificates to 4-H’ers. Rec ognition was given to Mark and Greg Hammond and Janel and Jennifer Zinn for their blue forms; and several members were recognized for participating in the dairy cattle judging and dairy bowl quiz team. Other awards presented follow: Scott Hodgson, representing Cumberland Valley Coop, gave 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! WE ARE SO CONFIDENT THAT YOU'LL LOVE US, WE ARE OFFERING THIS RISK-FREE TRIAL) Yes, that's our great 30-day money back guarantee! If, for any reason, within 30 days you're not happy with our Internet service we'll refund 100% of your money... no questions asked, no explanation needed. We will issue a full refund on your entire purchase price) Call us today and you'll see why thousands of people have joined Chili Tech, America's Hometown Internet Company! Gieat "chili" tech support, every time! the first-year member award to Kerri Wickard. Jerry Ogline, Ag- Choice Farm Credit, gave the outstanding 4-H dairy member award to Scott Walton. Amy Kaucher received the Merle Mill er Memorial Award, and Sonya Rinker, the Dairy Achievement award. Duane Duncan recognized the leaders and gave a slide presenta tion of the show season. Backtrackers 4-H Horse Club Equine Garage Sale On Saturday, April 13, the annual tack swap or “equine ga rage sale” will be conducted at the Northampton County 4-H Center, Nazareth. The tack swap will run from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. The public is invited to at tend. The Northampton County 4-H Center is located on Bush kill Center Road, 2.2 miles AMERICA'S HOMETOWN INTERNET COMPANY! gives you... Unlimited Internet m for only per month* with a 12 month south of Rte. 512 at the Bangor Lumber light or four miles north of Nazareth on Bushkill Center Road. There will be new and used items for sale for ail horse inter ests and disciplines. Also there will be horse crafts, Breyer model horses, clothing and other horse related items. All sellers must preregister for a sale table or space; there are no consignments. No live animals are permitted. Food, courtesy of Backtrackers 4-H Horse and Pony Club, will be available dining the sale hours. This is a rain/shine event; being held inside non-heated buildings and outside. Anyone wishing information concerning the tack swap is asked to call Janice Martin at (610) 837-7294. One Hundred Years Of 4-H On Saturday, April 13, the Schuylkill County 4-H program will celebrate its 100th birthday, complete with cake, balloons, and even a strolling cow! This year’s 4-H Day at the Schuylkill Mall, Frackville, will begin at 10 a.m. in the mall’s Center Court and will feature a 4-H centennial poster contest, a free Make Your Own Hobby Horse table, and a Horseless Horse Show open to the public. 4-H’ers will gather to com pete in a public speaking con test, showcasing the commu nications skills that 4-H members have been learning for decades. And members of 14 different 4-H clubs will be on hand, competing for the best educational display as they offer giveaways and in formation about their activi ties. The Schuylkill County 4-H Teen Council will offer IT'S SO EASY! You can sign-up online, 24 hours a day! Plus, get FREE "chili" tech support l i chilitech POWERED p™ AMERICA'S HOMETOWN INTERNET COMPANY!* face painting and balloons. The 4-H Can House a playhouse sized structure lines with shelves designed to hold canned goods will be set up in the mall, ready to receive food from shoppers. For the first time, 4-H Day at the Mall is being conducted in conjunction with the Pottsville YMCA’s Healthy Kids Day. Rep resentatives of the YMCA will be on hand throughout the day to perform free fitness testing for all comers. 4-H Day at the Schuylkill Mall is made possible through the American Promise Partnership, a national campaign for youth service that has brought Sears at the Schuylkill Mall and the Schuylkill County 4-H program together. Sears sponsors 4-H Day at the Mail, providing prizes for the contests and even offering sales associates as contest judges. A tentative schedule of events for 4-H Day at the Schuylkill Mall includes: • 10 a.m. 4-H club exhibits open to the public • 11 a.m. Andy the Ambu lance demonstration • Noon 4-H Public Speak ing and Demonstration Contest begins • 1 p.m. 4-H Centennial cake-cutting ceremony • 1:30 p.m. Horse Bowl Demonstration • 2 p.m. Show • 3 p.m. Wilderness Explor ers 4-H Club skits and CPR dem onstration Outstanding First Year 4-H Dairy Club Member Quinn Cashell was recognized at the annual 4-H Dairy Awards Banquet and Reorganization Meeting as the outstanding first year 4-H dairy club member in Join today at www.chilitech.com or call toll-free 866-392-4454 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Apnl 13, 2002-811 Horseless Horse LOOK WHAT YOU CAN DO WITH CHILITECH' Quinn Cashed Franklin County for the 2001 project year. Quinn i$ the 9-year-old daughter of Paul and Nadine CasheU, Chartibersburg, and is a member of the Hamil ton-St. Thomas Dairy Club. The outstanding first year member is selected upon record book score as well as participa tion in the total 4-H dairy pro gram. The award was sponsored by Farmer’s Union Cooperative, Greencastle. The annual meet ing took place March 2 at the New Franklin Ruritan Commu nity Center.
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