c Llamas, donkeys, goats, bunnies, ducks and chickens of all breeds are a few of the animals that roam Hummer haven Farmstead. Any Coal Stove 1060 Division Highway 322 East, Ephrota, PA 17522 ißtoeneattotm.222 (717) 733-4973 800-642-0310 www.bowmanntovi.cQin Mon., Dias., Wad. 10 to 6; Thors., Frl. 10 to 8; Sal. 10 to 4 LEACOCK CENTER 89 Old Leacock Rd., Ronks, PA * 717-768-7174 www.leacockcoleman.com Store Hours Mon., l\ie. r Wed. & Thun - 7am - spm Fri. - 7am - Bpm Sat. Tam -12 pm noon Coleman Camping Products Regency. Gas and Wood Stoves & FJjfojriaces 4-H Benefit Auction Scheduled In Erie County ERIE (Erie Co.) The 23rd an nual public auction to benefit (he Erie County 4-H/Youth Develop ment Program is planned for May 4,. beginning at 9 a.m. in the 4-H/ FFA Youth Arena at the Water ford Fairgrounds, just south of Waterford on Route 19. Doors will open at 8 a.m. for in spection of merchandise. Seating and refreshments will be available. The auction will feature a wide variety of new household and gar den items, plants and shrubs, hand-crafted items, and artwork donated by area businesses and in dividuals. In addition, the event will feature a silent auction of hun dreds of gift certificates donated by area restaurants, garages, and other businesses. All items will be sold to the highest bidder. According to Donna Fortin, Wa terford, volunteer chair of this year’s events, all proceeds from the auction will directly benefit the county’s more than 2,300 4-H Coleman Gas Grills Harman Wood and Coal Stoves j KXLP. Appliances Inc. Jotul Gas and Wood Stoves Aladdin Lamps and Accessories Farmers Profit F (Continued from Page B 2) Many guests pay $3 to pur chase a recipe booklet filled with Tudor’s breakfast recipes to please the most discriminating tastes. Recipes include impressive entrees such as Creamy Peach- Filled French Toast and the sure to-appeal-to-the-kids to whom the farm caters —Green Eggs, No Ham. For the curious, here is her rec ipe. Green Eggs, No Ham 15 eggs 1 cup milk 1 small onion quartered Vi green pepper, seeded, halved KF/i-ounces mushroom soup Vi cup milk 1 cup Swiss cheese Put eggs, 1 cup milk, onion, and green pepper into blender. Process at “chop” until onion and green pepper are finely chop ped. Pour into skillet and cook over medium-high heat to scramble eggs. Remove eggs to quart greased casserole. Mix mushroom soup and Vi cup milk. Spoon over eggs. Top with cheese. Bake in 350 degree oven for 35-40 minutes. members. Funds raised will be used to provide these young people with scholarships enabling them to attend a number of leadership and citizen ship development programs, to help cover the costs of conducting the an nual 4-H Fair, to expand the pro gram’s urban outreach efforts, to pro vide camperships, or to provide a variety of other 4-H programs and opportunities to the county’s young people. The auction, which is open to the public, is a program of Penn State Cooperative Extension in Erie Coun ty- All items will be sold by Auction eer Paul Holtz and his associates who have volunteered their professional services to 4-H again this year. Terms of the auction are strictly cash and carry. Donations of items for the auction will be accepted through May 3. Those wishing to donate items may contact the extension office at (814) 825-0900. y , —-J CLOSED SUNDAYS, NEW YEAR, jf EASTER MONDAY, ASCENSION DAY, WHIT MONDAY, OCT. 11, THANKSGIVING, rißßimi CHRISTMAS A DECEMBER 26TH FISHER’S FURNITURE. INC. NEW AND USED FURNITURE USED COAL & WOOD HEATERS COUNTRY FURNITURE & ANTIQUES BUS. HRS. BOX 57 MON.-THURS. 8-5 1129 GEORGETOWN RD. FRI, 8-8, SAT. 8-12 BART, PA 17503 Rustic accommodations at Hummerhaven Farmstead requires traveling several miles along a remote dirt and gravel road. Exploring 127 acres of woodland, pastures, fields, a stream, and two ponds keep guests of all ages roaming at Hummerhaven Farmstead. Grants For ‘Expanding Breakfast ’ HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) No time for breakfast be fore school? Some schools are trying some thing new Grab ‘n Go Break fast, Breakfast in the Classroom, and Breakfast After Ist Period. These new breakfast options are now available to selected schools in Ohio, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania thanks to the Expanding Breakfast program sponsored by the Pennsylvania Dairy Promotion Program and American Dairy Association and Dairy Council Mid East ADADC Mid East has award ed 22 grants to assist schools in implementing alternative break fast service options. Milk is one of the components required for USDA reimbursement and the most popular breakfast food is cereal served with milk! With each additional breakfast served in school, an additional serving of milk will be epjoyed by a student that’s the dairy check off program working to in crease the overall de mand for dairy prod ucts! HEATMOR OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACES 888-763-8617 800-743-5883 atamless Meet Jamestown. NY Staunton, VA Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 13, 2002-B3 days are busy days busy for kids, parents and teachers. So busy, unfortunately, that many kids don’t have time for break fast before school. The relation ship between breakfast and learn ing is well verified by research kids leam better and perform better in school when they’ve eaten a nutritious breakfast Ex panding Breakfast shows schools that they can help more kids to eat a healthy breakfast, including milk, by offering one of three al ternative breakfast serving op tions. Schools receiving grants to ex pand their breakfast program in clude in Ohio Maholm Elemen tary and Kettering Intermediate, Newark; South High, Cleveland; Kirtland High, Kirtland; Vincent Elementary Clearview High, Lo rain; Champion Middle, Colum bus; Westwood Elementary, Wellington; Conesville Elemen tary, Conesville; Keene Elemen tary, Keene; Kitty Hawk Elemen tary and Monticello Elementary, Huber Heights; Bright Elemen tary, Hillsboro; Hamden Elemen tary and Wilton Elementary, McArthur; Becker Elementary, Cincinnati; in West Virginia Cherry River Elementary and Summersville Junior High, Suityt mersville; Anstead Middle, Fay etteville; Hundred High, Hun dred; Valley High, Pine Grove; and in Pennsylvania Mapletown High, Greensboro. More than ever, school 4 Sizes - 18 Colors - Wood or Coal Grates Forced Drop - Ash Auger Clean Out COMPARISON WITH OTHER OUTDOOR UNITS • Burns up to 1/2 less wood • Emits up to 1/2 less smoke • Corrosion Warranty up to 10 times longer Dealerships Available in some area^ Eastern US Distributor Outback Heating Inc. St
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