(Continued from Page A 10) 56 elected officials from New York and Pennsylvania in Wash ington, D.C. This means 71 per cent of them are committed to re ally helping their dairy farmers. Also, more New York legislators may support the dairy provisions. Dairy farmers must make phone calls to their House Repre sentatives. Information we re ceive is that many of the House members of the joint conference are not interested in doing any thing for dairy farmers. In all probability, we are in good shape with the majority of Senate con ferees. The Order #1 Market Adminis trator has announced the Class I price for April to be $14.42 per CWT ($1.27 per gallon). This means the price for April will be $2.22 per CWT below the $16.94, which will cost the dairy farmers $1 per CWT in lost revenue just on the Class I price. For April, local dairy farmers will lose at least $1 per CWT because of the low value of manufactured dairy products. Many dairy farmers have called us wondering why the sta tistical price is declining and wondering where it is going to go. Remember, the statistical price is a price illustrated by the market administrator to show dairy farmers what their blend price would have been before the so called order reform was imple mented on Jan. 1, 2000. The sta tistical price was $13.81 in Janu ary but dropped to $13.48 in February. The price could drop at least 20 cents more for March’s milk and drop some more for April’s milk. Unfortunately, with cheese and butter prices hovering at $l.lB-SI.2S per pound, dairy farmers cannot expect any up ward movement in their prices. Arden Tewksbury Manager Progressive Agriculture Organization, Meshoppen Adams County Beef Ball April 20 BONNEAUVILLE (Adams Co.) The 26th annual Adams County Beef Producer (ACBP) Beef Ball will be conducted April 20 at the Bonneauville Fire Hall. In conjunction with the beef ball, the ACBP will be hosting their second Junior Steer Preview Show at the South Mountain Fairgrounds. The preview show will be conducted on April 13 at noon. |l^ /^TVkv UIRkOLL tOUWTY VOai* I !*#*** Ib'VWnMW Dill I m VT MaKJUrw.mk Rrwlufly M’SKaB? April 28, 2002 l|j|ip Carroll County Agriculture Center, Westminster, MD (Rain Date - May 5, 2002) Admission: $lO - Under 7; FREE Farm Stock 9:00 A.M. - 6000 • 8000 • 13000 Sanctioned by Heart of Maryland Tractor Pullers' Association Class Pull 1 P.M. O U £f Stock/Pro-Stock breakfast served 9-11 a.itTZ, 2 Wheel Drive Trucks \ , , . „ . / interstate Points Classes < > 4x4 6800 lb Trucks / N 0 PETS * NO KEGS \ 8000 lb Open/Modified /J}° GLASS CONTA,NER ®\ Kids Pedal Pull At Noon For Information and Rules call 410*548*9426 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 13, 2002-All The grand and reserve cham pion steers will take part in the parade of bulls during the beef ball the following weekend. The beef ball will begin with hors d’oeuvres at 4:30 p.m. and dinner will be served at 5 p.m. Tickets for the beef ball will be $l7 in advance and $2O at the door. To buy tickets in advance, please contact Donna Byers (717) 337-3921 or Mary Grimes (717) 334-1022.
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